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Chapter four hundred and twentieth

After meeting Wang Tingxiang, Qin Dewei really settled down to study at home and took the initiative to isolate himself from the outside world.

The year before last, in order to save Feng En, he participated deeply in the court game. As a result, he accidentally became the famous "Four Irons" in the capital.

But at the same time, it also severely offended a number of big bosses, which is what is called gains and losses. It has only been more than a year and a half, and those big bosses must still be holding grudges in their hearts.

It’s not unprecedented!

Think about the talented man Tang Bohu thirty or forty years ago, who was a dignified man in Nanzhili and claimed to win three yuan. He was such a high-profile and high-spirited figure.

As a result, Tang Bohu was deceived inexplicably during the examination, and suffered a huge setback, ruining his career and reputation.

The seal of "The Most Romantic Talent in the South of the Yangtze River" full of grief and resentment is still in Qin Dewei's hands. The lessons learned from the past are so profound, how could Qin Dewei not be careful?

So Wang Tingxiang is right, you should be cautious and low-key at this time, and it is best to try to be transparent before the interview.

Xu Miaoxuan was very pleased with this. It was the first time she saw Qin Dewei take the initiative to study in seclusion without supervision, and she imagined that Qin Dewei planned to use the title on the gold list to propose marriage.

But after more than ten days in a row, Chen Feng, who was staying at the Qin family, observed that Qin Dewei did not do anything unusual, and gradually felt relieved.

Probably what Qin Dewei said about "killing the people on the list" was really just a joke, not to lead him to do bad things.

In addition, it was Chen Feng's first time to visit the capital, and she still felt fresh. She wanted to visit one or two scenic spots, so the trip would not be in vain.

That day, Chen Feng took Xu Gu and came to Qin Dewei together, inviting him, "It's sunny today, how about we go out for a sightseeing before the extremely cold weather arrives?"

Qin Dewei smiled bitterly and refused and said: "I want to study behind closed doors at home and won't go out easily before the exam."

Chen Feng and Xu Gu were very surprised. Everyone came from Nanjing and knew everything about it. Studying hard behind closed doors has never been your Qin Dewei style? Can you endure this boring loneliness?

Chen Feng tried again and said: "We also want to go to Jiaofangsi Hutong to observe the show in the evening to see how the northern rouge is different from the southern beauties, as well as the level of their skills. I would like to ask Brother Qin to lead the way."

Qin Dewei refused with anger, sighed helplessly, and explained: "It's not that I don't want to travel with you, but I really don't dare!

Someone warned me, saying that the first assistant, Mr. Zhang Ge, the second assistant, Mr. Fang Ge, the commander of the Ministry of War, and the Inspector Huo Zhongcheng all still hate me!

So I am told to be careful, not to show my face easily, not to be caught by others, so as not to be framed by traitors. If I make a mistake, I will try something big!"

Wucao! Chen Feng felt frightened again. You, Qin Banqiao, have provoked so many big bosses, why do you dare to come to the capital? Are you talking nonsense again?

Qin Dewei finally said: "If you want to go, you should go by yourself. If you join me in activities and I get involved, then I will be guilty of a big sin!"

Chen Feng and Xu Gu looked at each other. They wanted to ask politely, is it still too late to move out of your house and draw a clear line?

However, the two of them just thought about it and stayed behind to advance and retreat with Qin Dewei.

Otherwise, when I return to Nanjing, I will be stabbed in the spine. This is the power of the Township Party.

The time has gradually entered the twelfth lunar month again. After the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, most of the government offices in the capital have successively closed their offices and are preparing to celebrate the new year.

Beijing officials rarely have long leisure time all year round, and at the same time thousands of people gather in the capital, so various banquets and social gatherings have entered a peak period.

But all this excitement has nothing to do with Qin Dewei, he just wants to work hard to be a little transparent.

As for the Chinese New Year, for those who are preparing to take the exam, there is no way to think about celebrating the New Year. After all, the exam is about to start.

For New Year's greetings, Qin Dewei asked his entourage to go to each house and throw out a circle of name cards, and that was it. I still didn't go out.

Celebrities have their own unique style! They disdain common etiquette and follow the trend!

The main thing is to be careful. What if the Wannian ship is bitten by Huo Tao's dog when passing by Huo Tao's house?

It was only after the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first lunar month that the New Year atmosphere gradually began to fade and officials began to go to work. At this time, there were only about twenty days left before the much-anticipated examination.

For most scholars, if they want to leave a name in history or realize their ambitions, they must first pass the Jinshi examination. There are only two to three hundred places in the entire Ming Dynasty every three years.

So far, it's been mostly calm.

Some people who secretly follow Qin Dewei are also very surprised that he is like a turtle!

Where is the spirit of the sixteen-year-old boy? Where is the spirit of Jingkui of Nanzhili? Where is the heroism of the four iron warriors?

However, important matters in the court are matters for the big shots to worry about, while the little guys still have to run around for their own lives.

For example, Xu Miaojing, who turned sixteen and officially took the position of Jinyiwei Commander and Comrade, went to Jinyiweinan Town Fusi to register, and then everything was fine.

No, there was actually something wrong. During the sacrificial ceremony, Xu Miaojing was pulled to be a human head. She had to stand outside in the cold wind for a whole day, feeling ecstasy.

When it got dark, Xu Xiaodi, dressed in official uniform, trotted into the house shivering.

However, my sister Xu Miaoxuan took a piece of civilian clothes and urged: "Qin Dewei is looking for you! You quickly change your clothes, then have a bowl of hot soup, and then go over!"

Xu Xiaodi was speechless. I really didn’t want to go out this late at night. I’ll talk about anything tomorrow!

But Xu Miaoxuan said: "Qin Dewei also said that you must go quietly after dark and don't let others see you!"

Xu Miaojing could only mutter and went out again with great dissatisfaction. However, he still held on to a little hope. Maybe Qin Dewei fulfilled his promise to send the maid off?

Taking advantage of the silence of the sky, Xu Miaojing quietly entered Qin Dewei's room.

"Here! You copy it once and then submit it to the letter! Remember to burn the original manuscript." Qin Dewei handed Xu a document.

It was not a gift for a maid. Xu Miaojing was greatly disappointed. She took the document, glanced at it a few times, and was shocked again!

"You actually asked me to cause trouble? What does this trial have to do with me?"

It turns out that the content written in this document is that a list of five people has been circulated in the capital examination recently, and it is rumored that the chief examiner of the undergraduate examination will definitely name these five candidates.

In addition, I also heard that there were people who formed a group and each of them split up to figure out one of the five people. They also made an agreement that no matter who succeeds in the future, they will all watch and help each other.

The examination is so sensitive and important. Xu Miaojing never expected that her brother-in-law would let her cause trouble on the issue of the examination.

Qin Dewei encouraged him and said: "What are you afraid of? The Jin Yiwei are the emperor's personal soldiers, and they also have the responsibility of secret agents!

After all, you are a fellow commander of the Royal Guards. You have detected some rumors and reported them. It is not overstepping your authority, but you are still doing your duty!

And this is a free contribution to you, so that you can gain face with the emperor, who can say that you are not!"

Xu Miaojing said doubtfully: "Are these rumors really true?"

Qin Dewei added: "Whether it is true or not, as long as you submit the letter, it will definitely be true! But you can show it to the factory owner first to avoid making the factory owner unhappy."

If such a crucial and sensitive rumor was directly exposed by Xiaodi Xu, but Dongchang was completely unaware of it, it would probably make Dongchang be seen as derelict in his duties. As a result, Dongchang would be offended for nothing, which is not worth it.

Xu Xiaodi only felt that it was so exciting. As expected, his brother-in-law didn't do anything, but when he did, he was very generous.

Qin Dewei saluted and said: "Please give me everything! Not to mention the ability examination, even the results of the palace examination will depend on you! You are a young and beautiful maid, you are very lucky!"

Xu Miaojing didn't understand even more. What does this have to do with the imperial examination?

Those Hanlin Ci officials only care about their ability to take exams, and the final ranking in the Imperial Examination is a game between the big guys in the imperial court and the Ministry, and it has nothing to do with the Hanlin Ci officials.

This chapter has been completed!
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