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Chapter 43 Immortals? Monsters?

Today, Qin Dewei did not help, so Xu Shian did not get through.

While impressing Qin Bandu with his resentful eyes, he learned the power of Mr. Zeng's ruler.

After dinner in the afternoon, Qin Dewei sent Xu Shian back to the gate of Xu Mansion, then turned around and left under the even more resentful eyes of Mr. An, heading to his uncle's house in the south of the city.

Nanshi Building Street is also south of Xu Mansion. In Xu Shi'an's eyes, all roads going south end at Nanshi Building Street.

"Third Master! The master has told you to go to the study to meet him when you come back!" the disciple reported.

Xu Shian couldn't help but be stunned and asked hesitantly: "Does our house still have a study room?"

The corner of Menzi's mouth twitched a few times before reminding him: "The courtyard to the west of the hall..."

Oh, Xu Shi'an remembered that there was such a deserted and inaccessible house with a sign of Jingxin Hall.

Maybe it was because no one was there that his father met him there, Xu Shian suddenly thought wittily.

Qin Dewei couldn't care less about what Xu Shi'an thought at this time. He walked in a hurry and finally arrived at his uncle's house when the sky started to get dark.

It's dark now, so people you know nearby shouldn't be able to see you clearly. You're safe!

Qin's officer had returned home from his duty at the Yamen. He was sitting in the room, frowning and sighing, when he suddenly saw his nephew appearing in front of him, and he was shocked.

He immediately scolded sternly: "Who asked you to come back!"

There was no time to talk too much useless nonsense. Qin Dewei did not respond to his uncle's question and asked directly: "Uncle, can I see Feng County Cheng?"

Qin's officer asked in confusion: "What do you want to see Feng County Cheng for?"

Qin Dewei replied decisively: "There is no need to say anything else. Anyway, to deal with the evil man Dong Baotou, we can only rely on Feng County Cheng!"

Qin's officer felt that it was really bizarre: "It's very difficult for Feng County's Prime Minister to uproot a squatter like Dong Baotou! As long as we can't kill him, you and I will suffer the backlash sooner or later, so you..."

Qin Dewei interrupted Qin Chai: "Uncle, you don't have to worry about what I do. Please believe me. I just need to see Feng County Cheng!"

Officer Qin thought that his eldest nephew's recent behavior was indeed a bit weird. Maybe he really had some skills?

"Actually, Mr. Feng also asked you and seemed to want to meet you." Qin Qianqian broke the news and said, "But I pushed him away. Now that you said so, I will take you to see Mr. Feng."

According to the architectural layout of the county government office, the back government office is an official residence for the officials to live in while they are in office. The official residence is connected to the front government office, making it convenient for the officials to come and go inside without having to go around the streets outside.

At the same time, there is a separate alley in the official residence, leading to the street behind the county government office, for the convenience of private travel. This alley is guarded by police officers day and night, making it inaccessible to ordinary people.

The Qin officer took his nephew to the entrance of the alley and asked the guard officer to send a message to the county magistrate's house. It didn't take long for him to receive a response, and he let the Qin family's uncle and nephew in.

When they arrived at the county magistrate's house, Qin's servant felt inferior and allowed Qin Dewei to go in alone.

Feng Xian Cheng was sitting in the hall drinking tea with a sad face. It seemed that he had not been going well recently.

After seeing Qin Dewei, Feng Xiancheng said: "The children came here overnight and want to teach others how to do things?"


Qin Dewei was speechless. Is this what he said when meeting guests? He is a child and he is being taught how to do things. He chatted to death all of a sudden.

In fact, the word "kiddie" is not a joke, but a formal title.

At this time, ordinary scholars usually refer to each other as friends, especially strangers, and they can only use the word "friend" to raise their heads.

For example, when you meet someone you don't know, you can say hello by raising your head and say "this friend". If you know the last name is Li, you can say "how is this friend Li" by raising your head.

Qin Dewei regarded himself as a primary school student, and his literature was recognized by Feng Xiancheng, so he was treated as a scholar. Because of his young age, he called him a kid, which was fine in terms of etiquette.

Moreover, this is Feng Xiancheng saying that he does not put on airs and treats guests as a scholar. As for whether there is any ridicule in it, God knows, free to testify.

However, Qin Dewei's remarks were shocking and chatty to death. Who was Qin Dewei afraid of?

He first stepped forward and saluted, and then asked respectfully: "The second master must have solid backers in the court, right?"

Poof! Tea spurted out of Feng County Cheng's mouth and splashed all over the floor.

What kind of ghost is this when someone comes over late at night and says something like this?

I had only had a few heart-to-heart conversations with this young boy in court and accepted a poem from him. Is it really okay to ask about such an intimate topic?

There were several questions floating around in Feng Xiancheng's mind at that moment. How did he know? What was his intention when he asked? Was he trying to curry favor?

In the end, Feng Xiancheng responded in a dignified manner: "I am an official, but I want to live up to the emperor's favor and live up to the common people! I don't want to have a mountain to rely on without a mountain to back me!"

Qin Dewei didn't care how Feng Xiancheng tried to clear things up, he just made his own analysis and said:

"I heard in the yamen that your Excellency previously served as a pedestrian in Nanjing, and then transferred from the pedestrian secretary to the county magistrate in Jingxian County. If there is no strong support from the court, how can you complete this transfer?"

Feng Xiancheng was suddenly a little frightened. You, a twelve-year-old kid, even understand this?

I saw that Qin Dewei was well versed in government affairs. Although he was surprised, it was not incomprehensible. He thought he was from a well-educated family and had talent. After all, his uncle was a public servant.

However, Qin Dewei's few words just now fully demonstrated his familiarity and understanding of the officialdom, which is even more surprising.

What kind of yamen is the Xingrensi, especially the Xingrensi in Nanjing? It is a place where Jinshi who do not have suitable official positions are placed. The main task is to act as various imperial envoys, which is purely ceremonial.

Once there are suitable seventh-grade vacancies elsewhere, these people can jump out of the pedestrian department to fill them. However, these seventh-grade official vacancies also have good and bad qualities.

Feng En jumped directly from a rubbish yamen like Xingrensi to the relatively superior Jingxian County Magistrate. It must be someone in the court. Qin Dewei didn't believe this was a coincidence.

Otherwise, according to the unspoken rule that people from the south are from the north, and people from the north are from the south, and combined with Feng Xiancheng's background as a third-rate Jinshi who was probably not in the second class, how could the Jingxian Xiancheng in Nanjing get his turn?

According to normal official arrangements, the most likely place to go is Shaanxi and Gansu. If you serve as magistrate for several terms and go to Henan and Shandong, it will be regarded as a high honor for your ancestors!

Qin Dewei smiled, and under the candlelight in the room, his face seemed to be cast by a strange shadow: "Since the second master has strong support in the court, I don't need to ask who it is.

I just want to ask the second master, do you know where the way to continue ascension is? If you can't find this way, then the strong support from the DPRK and China will be wasted."

Feng Xiancheng's eyes widened and he forgot to drink the tea he brought to his mouth. You, a low-level young man, not only teach me how to do things, but also want to teach me how to be an official?

Even if you are a child prodigy, can you still be such a god? Is this a god? Or a monster?

This chapter has been completed!
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