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Chapter 450 The third official judge

Miss Li bit her lip and said hesitantly: "If I let you go, you must not hold grudges against that nephew of the Nu family again."

Qin Dewei said quickly: "That's for sure! Even if the two parties are cleared, why would I still hate him?"

No matter what, let's get out of this damn place first.

"Just wait!" Mrs. Li said and went out.

While waiting eagerly, after a while, Mrs. Li came in with a ball of coarse clothes.

He handed it to Qin Dewei and said, "Sir, the clothes you are wearing are too eye-catching. Please change into this one first."

Qin Dewei took off his court clothes three times, and put on a long coarse cloth coat. He had already taken off his crown, and at this time he fastened the cloth shawl on top and lowered the front eaves.

Not long after, Mrs. Li came in again and said to Qin Dewei: "Let's go!"

Qin Dewei followed Mrs. Li out of the house. It was already dark outside, but there was no one guarding the courtyard.

Qin Dewei was very surprised, "Why is there no one?"

Miss Li covered her mouth and smiled and said: "There was originally a person on duty at night, and the slave family gave him two coins. He happened to go to the toilet at this time, and forgot to lock the door."

Qin Dewei: ""

When he thought he was escaping from prison, Mrs. Li secretly attacked him, knocked out the guards, and made a thrilling escape.

In a real-life prison break, you pay the guard with two coins to pretend he's not there, and then you walk out of the compound in a big way.

They are indeed rioters, organized but without discipline!

Mrs. Li added: "Thanks to Yu Manzi for not paying attention to you, they all look at Governor Lu, so you will be dispensable."

Qin Dewei was not familiar with the camp, so he could only follow Mrs. Li silently. It could be seen that Mrs. Li stayed close to the wall as much as possible and took the road less traveled by.

After a while, I saw the entrance to the camp, which was guarded by some soldiers.

Miss Li suddenly said: "Master, you must remember the name of the slave family."

Qin Dewei wanted to ask, "What's your name?" But he held back because he was afraid that if he asked, he would not be able to leave the camp.

But in Mrs. Li's mind, Qin Dewei knows all the information about her family and must also know her name.

But how did she understand that Qin Dewei was just reciting historical materials from his previous life, and those historical materials often did not record women's names.

When she approached the door, Mrs. Li suddenly pulled Qin Dewei to her side, the two of them pressed closely together, and at the same time, they blocked Qin Dewei's face in a subtle way.

In addition, it was dark and it was difficult to see clearly, so the soldiers didn't pay much attention and just thought it was Miss Li going out with her lover.

There are many family members living in the camp, so there are many such things and it is not worth making a fuss about.

Moreover, the soldiers at the gate mainly focused on the outside, for fear that someone would attack the camp and leave them unprepared inside.

They walked out ambiguously, side by side, and after passing the corner of the street outside, Mrs. Li let go of Qin Dewei, and they both breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Dewei then thought of a new question, where should he go after he comes out?

Is it dangerous to act alone in a city where there are "rioters" this late at night?

At this moment, a group of figures suddenly appeared and surrounded Qin Dewei.

The frightened Qin Dewei was startled. Fortunately, he raised his eyes and saw clearly through the moonlight that they turned out to be his followers.

Ma Er said happily: "We had no other choice but to look for opportunities here, but we didn't expect that the master actually escaped!"

Standing among the entourage, Qin Dewei felt safe again.

He hesitated for a moment and said to Miss Li: "How about you come with me first? If you let me go, I'm afraid I won't be able to get a good deal if I go back."

Mrs. Li waved her hand and said, "It's okay. The slave family just told them that the slave family likes you, so they let you go."

They won't really do anything to the slave family other than making jokes, sir, but don't worry. Anyway, they have detained the governor, and they may not want to keep the master."

When Miss Li took a few steps back, she suddenly turned back and said, "I think you are not skilled in riding. After the matter calms down, you can come to me and learn how to ride a horse when you have time!"

Qin Dewei suddenly felt a little guilty and felt that he might be a bit of a scumbag.

Under the ambiguous gazes of a group of people, Mrs. Li, whose name was unknown, returned to the camp.

Only Zhao Si asked in surprise: "Is this wave of rebel soldiers so loose? They actually allowed me to escape easily."

Qin Dewei sighed: "Such a loose attitude can well explain the mentality of these rebel soldiers. They are either fearless or do not even take rebellion seriously, so it is a stubborn disease that is difficult to cure.

Of course, it is also due to Governor Lu that he fell into the hands of the rebels twice, which is simply the height of stupidity."

The followers found Qin Dewei again, and they felt much more relaxed, and they laughed together:

"This governor was captured by the rebels twice in a row in just a few days. It is simply unheard of. It is really a shame for an official of the imperial court. Even if the imperial court does not remove him from his post, he will have no shame in the officialdom."

Ma Er asked again: "We have settled down at Guangningyi, shall we go back to rest?"

Qin Dewei shook his head and said: "There is still time, don't be in a hurry to rest, go find Mr. Feng first!"

Ma Er said a little bit unbearably: "Sir, please spare Mr. Feng. He is already in such a miserable condition, and you still want to catch him to show off. What should you do if you piss him off and take action?"

Qin Dewei slapped Ma Eryi and shouted: "In your mind, sir, am I such a vain person?

Mr. Feng has experience in being a secretary and has mastery of documents and delivery of official documents. I need to lend him a hand if I have something to do!"

The group of people carried lanterns and headed to the Guangning Health Office.

Qin Dewei summed it up again on the road. Originally, his attitude towards this mutiny was that it didn't matter who he loved, but now he has changed.

Maybe you really have the opportunity to show your governance philosophy and talents as prime minister to the court, as your first voice after entering officialdom, so that everyone can know your talents in running the country and benefiting the world!

As a top scholar, a Hanlin scholar, and a prime minister, you should have this kind of awareness!

At this time, the Guangning Guard Office was brightly lit and heavily guarded.

In the meeting hall, Wang Chun, the eunuch of the Liaodong garrison, Liu Huai, the chief military officer of the Liaodong garrison, Yuan Lin, the commander of the Guangning garrison, and Feng En, the general manager of the Guangning garrison, were all sitting here.

In fact, speaking of it, Feng’s status is very inconsistent.

The Guangning Guard has a commanding envoy, below it there are commanding colleagues, and below that there are commanding officers, and then there are the internal town and fusi divisions, the experience division and the thousand household offices.

In a military yamen, a person with a seventh-level experience and a miscellaneous rank is not regarded as a serious official. How can he be qualified to sit with the big guys under normal circumstances?

But Feng En is an elite Jinshi after all, let alone everyone knows that he is a Xiaguan. No matter how demoted he is, he cannot be treated like an ordinary miscellaneous official.

Therefore, he is more of a scholar or a half-civilian representative, sitting here chatting and laughing with the big guys, otherwise there would be no one in Guangning who could be called a civil servant.

In addition, speaking of civil servants, since the governor of Liaodong evolved into the governor of an administrative region and the Shandong Chief Executive Branch was abolished in Liaoyang, there may only be two official civil servants in Liaodong.

One is the governor, and the other is the patrol censor. This is the status of the patrol censor in Liaodong.

Not to mention that under the Ming Dynasty system, the patrol censor himself had great supervisory powers. In fact, he patrolled the local area as an imperial envoy. He could not just be treated as an ordinary seventh-level officer, but could be compared to the imperial inspection team of later generations.

Even Miss Li, who only listened to the story, knew that the imperial envoy to the eight prefectures would behead first and then report

Other civil officials such as governors and governors can only be called miscellaneous officials and cannot be called serious civil officials.

Of course, at this moment, there is a third official scholar passing by on the border of Liaodong, a certain scholar from the Sixth Grade Hanlin Academy.

In the meeting hall, Eunuch Wang admired the paintings on the wall, General Liu observed the tea in the cup, and Commander Yuan, who had a low status, kept talking.

Feng Qingcheng sat at the bottom, feeling worried.

He did not dare to reveal Qin Dewei's "noble" identity, for fear that the rebels would find out and cause more trouble.

So I can only ask someone to inquire and take care of me privately through my relationship with Confucian students, but there has been no response yet.

I don’t know whether Qin Dewei still pretended to be cool in the hands of the rebels, whether he suffered a lot, or whether he was beaten more than a dozen times.

While he was thinking about it, Leng Buding heard the clerk report: "The young man who was looking for Mr. Feng during the day appeared outside the gate again and wants to see you."

What? Feng Qingcheng was shocked. Why did this man run out without waiting for others to rescue him?

He couldn't help but look at Commander Yuan, who was confident and able to draw up strategies, and felt deep sympathy.

Can you please pull him down? Qin Dewei has already escaped, will you still have a chance to perform?

This chapter has been completed!
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