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Chapter four hundred and sixty-six happy ridicule

Qin Dewei, who strives to play the role of "a prodigal son who turns back and is a charming bad man", can't understand why he was given the "good guy card" by Mrs. Li? Is his acting skills not deep enough?

This was an unexpected change. He was a little worried and worried that something would go wrong with his plan, so he quickly asked: "Then what do you think of me?"

Miss Li replied: "Although you are deceitful, hypocritical, and have impure motives, you are still a good official."

Compared with those military attachés who squeezed military households, occupied farmland, and grabbed profits, Qin Dewei, who kept talking about a century-old plan, indulged in playing big chess in Liaodong, and tried his best to provide suggestions to the court to reduce the burden on military households, certainly seemed like a good person.

To put it more intuitively, if a person who is regarded as the number one scholar in the world by the people of the world shows no superiority to a group of rebel soldiers and puts down his dignity to get along with each other, can he not be a good official?

Although people's opinions may sound illusory, sometimes they do exist objectively.

Qin Dewei asked again: "What are you going to do?"

Mrs. Li gritted her teeth and replied: "Do as you just said! I will persuade my uncle! Just say that you want to get married to me!"

This is the highest state of doing things, for the justice and faith in the heart...

Qin Dewei knew that there was no need to hint and guide anymore, so he gave a deadline:

"It's usually difficult to make a decision on such a big matter! If your uncle and eldest brother need time to think about it, I'll wait for three days!

In three days, whether you succeed or not, I will start to publicly use the governor's guard flag to do things!"

When Mrs. Li returned to her residence, she went to see her uncle Mr. Tang.

At this time, Mr. Tangba was also waiting. After all, the three people detained by the rebels, the imperial envoy, the governor, and the commander, were all under his surveillance.

The niece went to Qin Envoy, and of course he had to wait for feedback.

However, after hearing his niece talk about "marriage with Qin Zhuangyuan", although Mr. Tangba was surprised, he did not express his opinion on the spot.

Mrs. Li couldn't help but urge: "What do you think, uncle?"

Mr. Tangba replied perfunctorily: "How can we make a hasty decision on such a big matter? Didn't envoy Qin also say that we should give it three days to think about it?"

In fact, Mr. Tangba already scorned it in his heart.

If you just read books, you will only see two families marrying each other, and then agreeing to advance and retreat together. It seems that marriage is a plug-and-play method.

But the marriage itself is also based on a certain foundation. There must be common interests first, and at least there must be a foundation of friendship before there is a marriage.

Instead of getting married first and then looking for common interests or building friendships.

If there is no suitable foundation, and the proposal of marriage is made with empty words, and even asks the other party to "abandon the darkness and turn to the light", it can only be putting the cart before the horse and talking nonsense.

After his niece returned to her room to rest, Mr. Tangba went out overnight again, went straight to the General Military Mansion, and reported the situation to the Chief Military Officer Liu Huai.

There are two main points in the report. The first is that the imperial court has authorized Qin Dewei, and Liu Zongbing's desire to ask for power has failed.

The second is that since Qin Dewei has taken action to win over General Tang Biao, it means that Qin Dewei has realized that the enemy is in the General Military Mansion.

These two points are very critical trends and must be reported as soon as possible.

General Liu shook his head and commented: "This imperial envoy is extremely childish! The imperial court actually handed over the imperial edict to this person. How stupid!"

He was indeed very disappointed and unconvinced!

Unexpectedly, the imperial court would rather hand over the power to a teenage boy than give him a commander-in-chief who is familiar with the border town!

Why, just because Qin Dewei is a civil servant? So what if he is the number one scholar? Isn't he so naive in doing things?

Mr. Tangba also smiled and said: "This little imperial envoy thinks that he can win over me, Mr. Tang, by just talking about a marriage. It is really fantastic!

He is not a wealthy local man, and I, Lao Tang, don’t know him! I heard that the number one scholar is only seventeen years old. I’m afraid he is a young man who has nothing to do but is a paper talker who is stupid at studying!”

Mr. Liu thought of his impressive temperament and agreed with Mr. Tang:

"After all, he is a young man, and he is a top scholar in studies. I am afraid that all his thoughts are on studying, and he is indeed lacking in the sophistication of people.

You see, this guy doesn't even know how to keep secrets. If he really wants to do something, he should arrange it secretly.

As a result, he casually revealed all his thoughts and ideas to your niece."

Mr. Tangba chuckled a few times: "This is not surprising. My niece is a pretty girl, and Imperial Envoy Qin is a young man with a strong spirit.

It’s not strange for young people to be obsessed with lust, otherwise why would they think of marriage in such a whimsical way?”

After happily laughing at the childish imperial envoy together, Mr. Tangba asked again: "Now that the imperial court has delegated power to others, how will the master's plans be worked out?"

General Liu sighed: "Since the imperial court authorized Qin Dewei, we can only borrow it from him."

Guangning Wei is one of the top cities in Liaodong Province, and its status is equivalent to one of the two provincial capitals. It not only has two unique border cities in the north, but also gathers a large number of industrial and agricultural industries.

However, most of these interests are in the hands of local officials and belong to the local health office administrative system. However, the foreign general soldiers belong to the town garrison system and it is difficult to directly intervene in local administration.

Therefore, the elderly Liu Zongbing wanted to take advantage of the mutiny in Guangning to seize administrative power.

In order to gain access to the interests of these places, live a prosperous old age after retirement, and leave some wealth to future generations.

He also said that Mr. Tang is now just a bitter military commander who usually only has a fixed salary.

But if he could change his career to Guangning Guard and become a local official in the border city, as promised by his old superior Liu Zongbing, he would immediately become wealthy.

But it is a pity that after the governor of Liaodong, the commander of the Guangning Guards, and the imperial envoys of Xuanfu all "went in", the imperial court still refused to authorize General Liu!

At most, Liu Zongbing could only send troops to the border markets to fight against the autumn wind in order to prevent chaos, and make a fortune, but he had no power to replace local officials and truly control the border markets.

If there is no other way, then we can force the little imperial envoy to help.

General Liu then gave instructions: "Isn't he waiting for your reply? Let's wait for him for a few days and wait until he hits the wall everywhere and can't do anything. Then we will show some kindness and force him to act according to our instructions."

Mr. Tangba patted him and said, "Good advice, sir! This is how you should deal with these young intellectuals who are ignorant of practical matters."

Then he reminded: "But Qin Dewei gets along well with Yu Manzi and others. It is very likely that the rebel leaders will be won over, and it is not impossible that they can be quelled."

Liu Zongbing said disapprovingly: "If you want to continue the chaos, there are many ways! It's not easy to quell the chaos, but isn't it easy to start the chaos?"

This is indeed the truth, it has always been that success is difficult and bad is easy.

He was also afraid that Mr. Tang might not be able to stabilize himself and would be drawn over, so he warned him, "You also have to be patient. Mutinies often happen over and over again for months. This time it's only been a few days? You must keep calm."

This chapter has been completed!
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