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Chapter 470: Knowing how to advance and retreat

At the foot of Yiwulu Mountain, Luyangyi is only a few dozen miles away from Guangning City.

If you go to Guangning City from the south, this is the last big post station. Most pedestrians will rest here to rest before setting off to Guangning City tomorrow morning.

Today, a distinguished guest came to Luyang Post. Ren Luo, the newly appointed governor of Liaodong, finally arrived here. He was only the last stop before his destination, Guangning City.

That night, the governor convened a meeting with his staff. After all, in this extraordinary period, he would be "in office" tomorrow, so he had to brainstorm to find out and fill in the gaps.

After all, the situation in Liaodong is now the focus of the imperial court, and Governor Ren does not dare to be careless.

An aide named Kong added: "When I arrive in Guangning City tomorrow, there is only one most important thing, which is how to deal with Qin Xueshi."

Ren Luo pretended to be confused and asked: "It's just official business, what else is there to say?"

Master Kong then replied: "When I passed through Tongzhou the day before yesterday, I met a friend from Nanjing and asked about it.

It is said that Academician Qin was fond of fame in his life, but he was a disdain in the county. He acted autocratically and took power, and was known as the Little Overlord of Jiangdong.

Now that he has been appointed as a temporary imperial envoy by the imperial court, he will be on the same side as Dong Weng, so it will be difficult to deal with him.

Moreover, his father was once stationed in Liaoyang, so he must not be willing to let Dong Weng get the limelight."

Ren Luo chuckled and said nonchalantly: "It's just official business, why do you have to be like this?"

Master Kong then suggested: "I'm just reminding Dong Weng that he knows three things about tomorrow.

First, retrieve the Guanfang flag as soon as possible, it should belong to Dazhong Cheng.

Secondly, matters must be explained clearly as soon as possible. Thirdly, the Dazhongcheng must be in a superior position and must not be humble."

There was nothing else to say, and after dawn the next day, Governor Ren and his party continued to set off.

When he first entered Liaodong as governor, he transferred 500 soldiers from Ningyuan Guards to serve as personal soldiers, so the number of people in the team was quite large.

Along the way, there were advance officers calling the front station to notify Guangning City that the new governor was arriving today.

While Governor Ren was wandering around in the carriage, Master Kong suggested again: "It's less than twenty miles away from Guangning City. Dong Weng had better make his appearance on horseback."

Governor Ren got out of the carriage again, got on his horse, and continued to move forward.

I don’t know how long I walked, but the leading knight came back on Pegasus and reported, “Master Qin is waiting in front to greet you!”

Wucao! This really surprised Governor Ren. As Qin Dewei, he actually went out of the city to greet him?

On the one hand, Qin Dewei is also an imperial envoy; on the other hand, Qin Dewei is a very noble Hanlin official. According to the rules of the officialdom, he does not have to avoid the road even if he encounters the prime minister and assistant ministers on the road.

Therefore, according to etiquette, Qin Dewei does not have to go out to greet him.

Governor Ren couldn't help but glance at Mr. Kong, didn't you say that Qin Dewei was very arrogant? Could it be that everyone was talking about him?

From a distance, I saw a dark crowd of people waiting in line on both sides of the road.

When Governor Ren approached, he got off his horse and saw a young official coming up to him quickly. He cupped his hands in salute and said, "Qin Dewei has met Dazhong Cheng!"

Then the people lined up on both sides saluted together and said: "See the military gate!"

Governor Ren exchanged a few words with Qin Dewei. He remembered the key points that Mr. Kong had given him and pretended to be casual. He asked casually: "We don't have a security flag in our hands, and we can't even talk about taking office. I don't know."

Qin Dewei waved his hand crisply and saw a follower walking up to him quickly and taking off his package.

Qin Dewei pointed at the package and said: "The governor's guard and the king's flag are all in here. Now they will be handed over to Dazhong Cheng in front of everyone!"

Governor Ren quickly asked his entourage to take the package, then opened it and checked it. After confirming that it was correct, he felt relieved.

He didn't expect that he would be able to return to Guanfang and the flag board so happily and smoothly, and couldn't help but glance at Master Kong again.

Didn't you say that Qin Dewei is very difficult to deal with? Could it be that three people become tigers again and everyone is formidable?

Thinking of Master's advice again, matters should be explained clearly as soon as possible and one should not enter the city in a daze. Governor Ren asked casually:

"What's going on with the mutiny in the imperial camp in Guangning now?"

Qin Dewei replied: "It's generally settled, and it's no longer a disaster."

Governor Ren was very happy to hear this. No one would take over the mess after taking office.

Then he asked carefully: "Where are those rebels? How were they dealt with? How many were executed?"

Qin Dewei looked around, pointed at the officers and soldiers who lined up to greet the governor, and said, "It's all here!"

Wucao! Governor Ren was shocked, he wouldn’t have brought something so scary!

What do you mean by bringing insurgents to greet you? Do you, Qin Dewei, still want to show off your power?

Qin Dewei was also very distressed. These rebels refused to let him out of sight, so what could he do?

Governor Ren calmed down, looked around a few times, and discovered the problem again.

The officials who came to greet him, except Qin Dewei, were just experienced junior miscellaneous officials. Where were the others?

The dignified governor has arrived. Is there such a lack of respect?

Governor Ren snorted coldly and asked, "Where is Commander-in-Chief Liu Huai?"

Qin Dewei scratched his head and explained: "General Liu did not mean to neglect Dazhong Cheng, but he was detained by the rebels and could not get out!"

Governor Ren: ""

Is Guangning City poisonous? Can’t you be considered a high-ranking official if you don’t get caught once?

Master Kong next to him asked doubtfully: "Master Qin, didn't you say that the mutiny has been generally put down and is no longer a disaster?"

Qin Dewei explained again: "The previous mutiny in the Beiyu Camp was generally put down, but this time it was the rebels from the General Military Base Camp who detained General Liu!"

Master Kong asked again in confusion: "Why do the rebel soldiers in Biao camp want to arrest the general?"

Qin Dewei could only continue to explain: "This matter is a long story. In short, there is a Qian General named Shi Ping. Because he failed to protect the former governor Lu, he was worried about being prosecuted by military law, so he arrested General Liu.


Governor Ren and Master Kong were even more confused: "What kind of credit does capturing General Liu count?"

Qin Dewei had a lot to explain: "According to reports, after the mutiny occurred, it was General Liu who instigated the officers and soldiers to deliberately neglect their duties, repeatedly causing ministers and officials to fall into rebellion."

Master Kong still didn't quite understand: "There is a mutiny in Guangning, so General Liu didn't take any precautions? He was caught so easily?"

Qin Dewei said patiently: "In addition to Mr. Shi Qian, there was also Mr. Yan Ba ​​who was instructed to deliberately neglect his duties.

Originally, General Liu and General Shi Qian wanted to join forces and put all the blame on General Yan Bang, who had the smallest official position, and his subordinates, and let General Yan Bang and his subordinates lead the military law.

But General Yan was very brave and led more than a hundred of his subordinates to kill him out of the barracks and found me to report General Liu.

Then Mr. Shi Qian had no other choice but to catch General Liu who was caught off guard with his backhand, so as to take credit and make up for his sins."

As a high-ranking official with the responsibility of regulating the army, Governor Ren hated this kind of casual behavior of subordinates and superiors.

He immediately yelled angrily: "This Mr. Shi Qian is so bold! If Mr. Liu is guilty, just report him and expose him. How can An Neng arrest Shangguan at will? Who gives him the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard?"

Qin Dewei was a little embarrassed, "I issued an order before. If the officers and soldiers who violated military law can catch the real culprit, they can atone for their crimes. So"

Governor Ren was speechless. It turns out that the root cause of this new mutiny lies with you!

Also, in order to urgently quell the rebellion, the imperial court asked you Qin Dewei to serve as the imperial envoy. What exactly did you quell? The more the rioters are quelled, the more the number of rebels will increase.

Calculating the time carefully, since you, Qin Dewei, became the imperial envoy, not only did you ride into the camp alone, but the commander of Guangning Guards and the general of Liaodong Town were also captured, and you, the former governor Lu Jing, were not rescued!

Could it be that your Qin Dewei method of quelling the rebellion was to sacrifice all the officials in the city to the rebels?

Qin Dewei had no idea. He was just trying to contain Liu Zongbing, who had ulterior motives, so he set up a strategy to prevent Liu Zongbing from acting rashly.

But I didn't expect that the trick finally got away, and the chain reaction triggered a mutiny in the General Soldier Base Camp, and even captured General Liu.

Master Kong discovered a new problem, "If the Biao camp rebels detained General Liu just to absolve him of guilt, Mr. Qin, you accepted it at the time. Why did you let the mutiny be delayed until now?"

Qin Dewei laughed, "I am just a sixth-grade Hanlin scholar. I was lucky enough to be appointed as an imperial envoy by the imperial court. How can I dare to deal with the chief military officer of a town at will?"

We can only wait for the arrival of Governor Dazhong Cheng before he is qualified to handle this matter. I cannot overstep his authority!"

Governor Ren nodded. It seemed that Qin Dewei also knew how to measure and who was older and who was younger.

You can take the initiative to lower your posture, and you are not as young and energetic as Master said.

Governor Ren and Qin Dewei rode together and entered Guangning City together.

After sending Governor Ren to Guangning Guards Office, which was temporarily requisitioned as a military office, Qin Dewei said goodbye:

"Actually, the mutiny has basically been informed, and there are only some finishing touches left. Now that the customs and defense flags have been handed over, all related matters will be entrusted to Dazhong Cheng!"

Then he pointed to the miscellaneous official named Feng next to him and said: "This is the experience of the Guangning Wei Experience Department. If Dazhong Cheng has anything unclear here, you can consult him."

Governor Ren called out to Qin Dewei: "Wait a minute! I hope you can give me some advice on how to do it specifically. This hospital is willing to hear the details."

Qin Dewei had no choice but to stay, thought for a while and said: "The first is the emotional issue of the rebels. I have calmed them down. Just keep calm, Dazhong Cheng. Don't let them set fire to loot or occupy the city.

The second is that the officials detained by the rebels had some problems with breaking laws and disciplines and should not be ignored.

We only need to wait for Dazhong Cheng to investigate and issue a punishment to the court, so that the rebels can completely feel at ease and reduce the worries of settling accounts in the future.

The third is the compensation conditions for recruiting rebellious soldiers. I have already decided on the policy and reported it to the court. Dazhong Cheng will just follow it.

That's all for the most part. I hope the Prime Minister will succeed and make great achievements as soon as possible!"

After listening to what Qin Dewei said, Governor Ren felt confident and felt that Qin Dewei had handed over everything clearly.

As long as I keep going and finish it, my credit will be in vain.

After watching Qin Dewei leave, Governor Ren said to Feng: "Today I know that people's words should not be taken lightly!

Scholars from the Qin Dynasty know the basic principles of progress and retreat. If you advance, your achievements will lead to retreat, and you will travel leisurely. This is very much like the gentlemen of the ancients!"

Feng Qingcheng gritted his teeth and hurriedly excused himself to leave temporarily. He was really afraid that he wouldn't be able to hold on any longer.

The next day, Governor Ren borrowed the room from the Guangning Health Office to start the deployment work.

The first priority is to send someone to communicate with the General Military Base Camp. Although it is important, Governor Ren does not think this is too difficult.

It is nothing more than to identify General Liu's guilt and avoid the military law that the rebels feared.

Although this was a mess caused by the former imperial envoy Qin Dewei, Governor Ren, as the "successor", has the obligation to inherit it after the handover is completed. This is also the unspoken rule of officialdom.

Not long after, the envoy came back from the General Military Base Camp and reported to Governor Ren: "Not only did they avoid the problem of military law, they also asked for rewards!"

"What reward?" Governor Ren asked doubtfully.

The envoy replied again: "The rebels in Biao camp demand the same treatment as those in Beiyu camp!"

Governor Ren still knew about this "treatment" of recruitment.

First, those who are willing to stay and continue to serve as camp soldiers will be given resettlement allowance. Second, those who are unwilling to serve as camp soldiers can be released to their place of origin, but they will have to pay a commission fee in the future.

Master Kong suddenly rushed into the courtroom and shouted to Governor Ren: "I've been careless, I've been paralyzed by Qin Dewei!"

Then, without even asking, he took the initiative to report: "I just checked the Guangning Guard Treasury and found that there are only more than 200 taels of silver left!"

According to the territorial principle, all financial expenses of Guangning City are paid from the Guangning Guard Treasury.

So the question arises, with only 200 taels of silver left in the treasury, what can we use to pay the rebels resettlement expenses?

Damn it! Governor Ren took the case, no wonder Qin Dewei happily handed over power!

It's no wonder that Qin Dewei didn't take any credit when faced with the rebellious soldiers in Biao camp. He had been waiting to hand over the big hole to himself!

He, the ex-imperial envoy, was done with the big pie, and when it came to the implementation stage of real money and money, he threw it all to himself, the victim who came to the door?

Master Kong quickly offered advice: "There are only three ways to raise money. The first is to urgently mobilize money from other surrounding health centers."

"No!" Governor Ren denied without thinking.

There have been several mutinies in Liaodong, and money has been taken from various guards. What if there are another mutiny?

If this situation really happens again, his appointment as Luo may be the shortest governor in the history of the Ming Dynasty!

"The second option is to ask the imperial court for money, and ask the imperial court to urgently deliver Beijing silver."

"We'll discuss it later!" Governor Ren knew that he shouldn't be too hasty when asking for money from the court. He looked very incompetent when he hurriedly asked for money as soon as he took office.

Moreover, the imperial court has been spending a lot of money in the past two years, and it is very stingy with expenditures, and it is also very difficult to get money.

"The third method is to transfer silver from Liaoyang, Liaodong Capital Treasurer."

Governor Ren was speechless. Qin Dewei's father, the imperial envoy from the East Road, was sitting in Liaoyang. Could he ask Qin Dewei's father to go?

If Qin Dewei's father escorted the money over, how much credit would be appropriate for Guangning City?

Damn! Qin Dewei must be thinking like this!

Governor Ren gritted his teeth and said: "Such a heavy responsibility cannot be shouldered by just one person in this hospital! Prepare your horses on both sides! Go find Mr. Qin!"

Then he turned to ask Feng Jingcheng, the assistant in the hall, "Where does Qin Dewei live now?"

Feng Qingcheng answered truthfully: "It has always been in the Beiyuying camp, and there are rebel soldiers guarding it day and night."

Governor Ren: ""

What if this horse rider cannot get out even if he goes in?

The experienced Master Kong is also a little confused. What is the relationship between Qin Dewei and the rebels?

Is it true that "riding into the camp alone" is not a glorification but a real one? Or does it mean that Qin Dewei leads the bandits with self-respect?

This chapter has been completed!
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