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Chapter 489 No one else has anything to do

With such a big thing happening in the Hanlin Academy, Qin Dewei had to personally take charge of the Hanlin Academy, so he couldn't get away.

The issue of Xu Xiaodi's marriage can only be postponed for a while, and the issue of Hanlin bachelor's degree should be solved first.

So Qin Dewei ran to Xu's house again and explained the situation.

Xu Miaojing was very calm about this and responded: "It's okay, I've already gotten used to it.

Brother-in-law, you have been putting off a matter about a maid for two years, let alone a more important marriage."

Qin Dewei reprimanded him sternly: "You really don't know what it means to be for your own good!

If you were the biological brother of an adopted daughter of a Hanlin scholar, the dowry would be 30 to 50 percent more!"

Xu Miaojing chose to lie down: "Yes, yes, brother-in-law is right, you are always right."

When I came to the Hanlin Academy to work again, Wen Ren and Bachelor Wen, who were in charge of the work, announced a "good news": the Holy Father had changed the content of the Sutra Banquet course on July 12 to literature!

Everyone in the court is full of intellectuals, so of course the emperor would not blatantly say, "Everyone is welcome to come and take pictures."

Only through such a change, the Hanlin scholars can understand the meaning. This literature class must be about appreciating everyone's auspicious articles.

Little knowledge about the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty: Hanyuan Ci officials have special characteristics. Their promotion is a matter of a word from the emperor. There is no need for discussion and recommendation from outside the court, nor does it need to go through the official department.

The explanation in the language of five hundred years later is that how the emperor arranges his team of secretaries does not need to be selected through the Organization Department.

So during the period before July 12th, all the officials began to gear up around Bailu Xiangrui.

Everyone has dreams. Although theory says that the new Hanlin bachelor should come from two senior bachelors, Zhang Chao and Cai Ang, the possibility of an exceptional promotion by the emperor cannot be ruled out.

Looking at Zhang Fujing back then, and then looking at Xia Yan, the emperor never hesitated to promote the ministers he liked.

Even if you don't get a Hanlin bachelor's degree, it would be great to be promoted to one or two levels.

Probably Qin Dewei was the only one who didn't have this idea of ​​showing off to literature. The protagonist this time was a teacher. By sending the teacher to get a bachelor's degree in the Hanlin Academy, he completed a big step in the future layout of power.

Although he also went to work at the Hanlin Academy every day, his main focus was on spying and buying news.

What he is afraid of is that people will not follow the track he has drawn, but will find other ways that will lead to things beyond his control.

In fact, Qin Dewei thought too much. Who among the Hanlin officials didn't know that Emperor Jiajing was a literary young man?

If the article is well written and it really works, why bother thinking of other unreliable methods?

Then the time came on July 12th, and everyone who participated in the sutra feast got up early and entered the palace in the early morning to the Wenhua Hall.

It is still a routine and programmed etiquette. The emperor ascends his throne in the royal palace, all the officials of the Imperial Academy and Lin Lin kowtow, and then stand flat.

The reading officer who usually acts as a human flesh player does not need to read today, but reads articles instead.

As everyone knows, today is a literary appreciation meeting to praise the saints.

And there were no outsiders today, just the emperor and the Hanyuan literary attendants having fun behind closed doors, so everyone was very relaxed.

Reading out the magnificent chapters in parallel with four figures and six figures in parallel, it was a great spiritual enjoyment to listen to the ears of Emperor Jiajing.

It is no secret that Emperor Jiajing believed in Taoism, liked auspiciousness, and sang praises of virtue.

Even if I know it is false prosperity, I can't help but feel the ecstasy.

At this time, the scholar Cai Ang passed the manuscript of "Rui Lu Fu" he wrote to the reading officer.

Emperor Jiajing became even more excited. This man was a master of chanting saints.

Everyone also concentrated their attention and listened to the reading officer read: "The great and wonderful beast that won the bid will be used to imitate the emperor in the prosperous times."

The beautiful peach forest, the unique Chi County, the towering Yaoshan Mountain, the walking and dragging practice

Use benevolence and righteousness as the furnace, use rituals and music as the model, drums cast all kinds of things, pottery and nine kuangs, perfect harmony restrains Yun, and the power transforms and absorbs.

Therefore, if the sky does not hide its auspiciousness, it will reveal its spiritual glory; if there is no hidden treasure on the earth, it will reveal its chastity talisman. If this deer is present, it must be one of Tao Zhi's objects."

Everyone sighed softly. As expected of Cai Hejiang, he knew he had something as soon as he made a move.

This "Rui Lu Fu" is clearly superior to others and is enough to be included in the horse-drawing model.

If this were a stage, everyone would have cheered in unison.

Emperor Jiajing would not show his emotions easily, so his expression did not change much after listening, and he just asked the minister to continue.

But Cai Ang was not disappointed, because Emperor Jiajing was very fair in literature, and his article should be number one today.

He did not believe that anyone could write a better message to the saint than himself.

At this time, another sensitive figure, Zhang Chao, Bachelor Zhang, came out. Instead of giving the manuscript to the reading official, he reported to the emperor:

"After hearing about the auspicious event, I thought about it day and night, and I have some thoughts on it. I have written a report on some matters, and I sincerely ask for your Majesty's sanctity."

Everyone in the hall was surprised. Isn’t today a poetry appreciation meeting? It was your disciple Zhang, who suggested it!

As a result, you, Bachelor Zhang, did not write a flattering poem to participate in the competition, but you wrote a notebook to announce the incident. What does that mean?

After much deliberation, there is only one possibility.

It was Xueshie Zhang who planned to go against the current of criticism and admonition in such a happy and peaceful occasion!

Emperor Jiajing also thought of this possibility, his face quickly darkened, and he stared at Zhang Chao coldly.

He reached out fiercely to take the memorial from the eunuch, opened it and read it directly.

Foreboding that there might be nine days of wrath, the ministers held their breath and waited quietly for the emperor's outburst.

Emperor Jiajing was an impatient man. After reading Zhang Chao's memorial at a glance, his expression softened.

After thinking for a while, he said to Zhang Chao: "You are really serious!"

This was the first time Emperor Jiajing spoke to his ministers today, and everyone was surprised.

I don’t know what Zhang Chao wrote in his memorial!

Cai Ang's face changed drastically. His brilliant "Rui Lu Fu" just now could not make the emperor speak!

Emperor Jiajing gave Zhang Chao's memorial to the eunuch who was attending the ceremony, and issued an order: "The palace will do as it is ordered!"

The curiosity made everyone feel like a nest of ants had crawled into their hearts, making them extremely itchy.

Emperor Jiajing asked Zhang Chao again: "How did you come up with this?"

Zhang Chaoxu replied: "I have been reading Taoist classics for several days, and found out that the white deer is an auspicious beast in Taoism. It is said to be immune to all evil spirits and can ward off disasters and ward off evil spirits!

I also thought that the Taoist auspicious beast that warded off evil must have been inspired by the appearance of the auspicious beast, so it came out at the right time!

I have thought about it over and over, and the most worrying thing today is that the emperor's heir is in trouble, and the auspicious beast should be here!"

Hearing that the auspicious beast was actually associated with the lack of a prince, the rest of the people could only be shocked and sighed.

This is really creative, but also really bold, how dare you use this as an argument!

Emperor Jiajing had been on the throne for fourteen and five years. In the twelfth year of Jiajing's reign, he gave birth to a baby, and he died within a few days.

So far, the emperor has nothing to do and currently has no heirs. This is probably the most sensitive thing deep down in Emperor Jiajing's heart.

The ministers were all murmuring privately, whether Emperor Jiajing was okay or not.

He then heard Zhang Chao continue to play: "The emperor's heart is towards the great road, and I boldly predict that the pagan Buddha will definitely block the emperor's luck, thus causing difficulties for the emperor's heirs!"

I also heard that there are many Buddha bones, teeth, statues and other objects in the palace, all of which were left behind by previous generations! These are the auspicious beasts that appear in the world to ward off evil and warn!

Therefore, I request the emperor to destroy the Buddha’s objects and cut off the connection between the Buddha’s ritual objects and the palace for the sake of royal luck and the early birth of an emperor’s heir!”

After everyone listened to the beginning, they already felt that it was nonsense enough, but they did not expect that the more they listened, the more nonsense they would get.

I have to say, this imagination is simply beyond the sky. How big a hole does one have to open in the brain to come up with such a joke?

Only Qin Dewei, who was hiding in the crowd, smiled and said nothing. So what if it sounded nonsense?

Compared with the golden finger that predicts the future, even the most flattering articles are just trivial.

In the original history, Emperor Jiajing would start destroying Buddhist objects in the palace on a large scale next year. At present, there is just a reason or theoretical basis.

When the prince is born next year, Emperor Jiajing will definitely reward him.

Teacher Zhang will be able to reap another wave of dividends next year and be promoted immediately based on today's nonsense of "asking for the emperor to destroy Buddhist objects for the sake of the emperor's heir."

Sure enough, at this moment Emperor Jiajing praised him repeatedly and started chatting with Teacher Zhang. They happily exchanged their thoughts on Taoism and expressed his disdain for Buddhism.

Academician Zhang took the opportunity to make an even more ridiculous suggestion: "In order to suppress the heresy in the palace and show the emperor's power, we can demolish a Buddhist temple in the palace as appropriate."

Emperor Jiajing thought about it again, nodded and said: "Great kindness!" He also gave a few instructions to the eunuchs and eunuchs who were accompanying him.

It’s hard for everyone to understand, what’s the mystery behind this?

Still only Qin Dewei smiled and said nothing. According to later generations, when Emperor Jiajing built the Cining Palace for his mother, there was a temple dedicated to the Buddha next to the construction site that occupied a special space.

Everyone else was listening, already stunned by this absurd world.

If you, Bachelor Zhang, had already had this kind of skill, with your twenty-five years of experience, you would have been at least a third-grade minister! How could you hang out in the middle class of Hanyuan with a group of people with more than ten years of experience?

Wait, isn’t today a poetry and prose appreciation conference? How come it became a tea party where the emperor and Zhang Xueshi chatted?

Wucao! Everyone has remembered that it was Qin Dewei who tricked everyone into writing empty flattery articles!

For this reason, everyone also imagined the plot of Qin Zhuangyuan ghostwriting and fighting with Cai Xueshi for 300 rounds!

Then Academician Zhang secretly started anew, and among a group of empty flatterers, he seemed fresh and refined, particularly "hard-working" and "practical"!

This horse-riding man is making false claims in the east and attacking in the west! He is hiding from the sky! He is building a plank road openly but secretly infiltrating Chencang!

Master and apprentice teamed up to deceive everyone!

After talking to Xueshie Zhang for a while, Emperor Jiajing suddenly felt that it was not good and not politically balanced to ignore everyone else.

Then he asked Academician Zhang to temporarily retreat and continue to listen to the auspicious messages presented by everyone.

Most others have given up their illusions, but with Emperor Jiajing's attitude today, Hanlin bachelor Zhang Chao must have given up.

Only the other popular candidate, Cai Ang, is still unconvinced. Today this is called a crime other than war!

The "Rui Lu Fu" he wrote is obviously the best one in the whole series!

Even if Zhang Chao wins in the end, he is still a coward!

Zhang Chao simply didn't dare to fight him head-on, or compete with his flattering skills!

What kind of hero is he who only relies on conspiracy and opportunism? If he has the ability to be upright, let’s see who has a higher level of flattery!

But Cai Ang, who is filled with resentment, would not dare to go out and confront Zhang Chao now.

Because Emperor Jiajing was a suspicious and jealous person, and he had just expressed his appreciation for Zhang Chao.

If someone stood up to criticize Zhang Chao at this time, Emperor Jiajing would easily think that this was referring to Sang scolding Huai and being dissatisfied with himself as the emperor.

Although his reason allowed Cai Ang to hold back, the depression in his heart could not be resolved.

I wrote the best article in the whole competition, but it turned out to be in vain. It was really frustrating to lose.

At this moment, Academician Cai caught a glimpse of Qin Dewei in the corner.

He suddenly felt that the Qin man's unusual quietness was completely inconsistent with the character's reputation. He seemed unprepared?

Thinking of this, Academician Cai went out in anger and told Emperor Jiajing:

"I would like to ask Qin Dewei, the number one scholar in modern science, who is always famous for his literary reputation. Why didn't he say a few words? Is it meant to be disrespectful?"

At this time, Qin Dewei was hiding in the crowd, imagining the future when the power layout was completed and he dominated the court.

I was surprised to hear Xueshie Cai mentioning me out of the blue. Xueshie Cai, are you mistaken? Your opponent is Teacher Zhang, not Qin Dewei!

Huo Tao was like this last time. Are these ministers sick? They can't find their own opponents and they always do something to Qin Dewei?

Qin Dewei is not ready to stand out today at all, the protagonist today can only be Teacher Zhang!

But after Academician Cai finished playing to the Emperor, he stared at Qin Dewei through the crowd.

People always have to pay attention to one idea. Today, I can't beat the teacher Zhang Chao. How can I beat the student Qin Dewei?

He didn't believe it. How could Qin Dewei, who was unprepared, come up with a better article?

Objectively speaking, what Cai Xueshi said is correct. You, Qin Dewei, are a "Jiajing man." It is really unjustifiable not to express your stance at this time.

Therefore, Qin Zhuangyuan hurriedly came out and reported to Emperor Jiajing: "I have been absorbed in the classics and meanings for many years and have not been exposed to Taoism.

Therefore, I have been in the Apparition Palace recently, and I am not very good at what I have learned so far, so I dare not easily write about it."

Emperor Jiajing asked casually: "Although you are not good at it, can you gain anything from auspicious things?"

Qin Dewei sighed secretly, he didn't want to rely on these things to flatter him at all, and he was not someone who liked flattering without any bottom line.

From time to time, no matter who he treats, he may say something to please him if he has to, but he has never really knelt down.

Moreover, weren’t all those prime ministers in history ridiculed by later generations?

But at this time the emperor directly asked Xiangrui, what else could he do? Remonstrate like a loyal man? Then he really couldn't do it!

Feeling helpless, Qin Dewei could only reply: "I don't know how to do anything else. I just used auspicious signs to do the questions and practiced writing to write a ritual couplet."

Emperor Jiajing was a professional when it came to these Taoist texts. Hearing this, he asked with great interest: "Read it and listen!"

An expressionless face and a calm heart are the last dignity of Qin Zhuangyuan, and he said in a calm tone:

"The black turtle in Luoshui first presented auspiciousness, the yin number is nine, the yang number is nine, the number nine nine is eighty-one, the number is connected to the Tao, and the Tao is in line with the Yuanshi Tianzun, Yicheng feels it!

The two red phoenixes of Qishan are auspicious. The male calls six times, the female calls six times, and the sound is heard in the sky. He is born as the Emperor Jiajing and has a long life!"

The more Emperor Jiajing listened, the brighter his eyes became. In a very rare gesture, he slapped the table and shouted: "Wonderful!"

Everyone in the hall stared at Qin Dewei dumbfounded and fell into shock for a long time. What kind of person could write such a flattering couplet that shocked the past and the present?

This No. 1 pick is simply too domineering. He is worthy of being the Jiajing man who came into being at the right time. Once he takes action, no one else will have anything to do with him.

Today's dozens of articles put together are not as profound as his couplet skills.

Academician Cai's defeat today was not unfair. Even if he could defeat Academician Zhang, he would still lose to Qin Zhuangyuan. The difference in skill was really too big.

Qin Zhuangyuan was crying in his heart, he was no longer clean. When future generations talk about Qingci ministers, he will be among them.

This chapter has been completed!
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