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Chapter 49 Battle of the Gods (2)

What Qin Dewei said about rescuing his mother did not simply mean rescuing his mother from the small dark room, but thinking about "rescuing" his mother from the Xu family.

Now that there is civil strife in the Xu family, and my mother has lost the trust of her master, isn't this a God-given opportunity?

Anyway, I borrowed 200 taels from Wang Lianqing and had a spare 100 taels that I didn't spend. If the Xu family didn't want to keep their mother, it would be more than enough to redeem her mother.

As for the "War of the Gods", the main battle was for the official position of Baihu, which had nothing to do with Qin Dewei. As long as he was careful not to get involved, it should not be affected.

For some reason, when Qin Dewei thought of this, the shadow of Xu Laosan was wandering in his mind... It was still the image of him sitting on the steps of the clan school waiting for him as the sun set.

A handwritten letter from a seventh-grade civil servant. This title is still somewhat prestigious for a family of commanding colleagues.

At least when the messenger said he wanted to deliver it in person, the owner of the house would not refuse. So after the notification was completed, Qin Dewei could go in.

Menzi watched the young man's back gradually go away, and sighed to himself, under the influence of the great wheel of heaven, how could it be that you just don't want it if you don't want it?

Qin Dewei passed through the second door and was led to the reception hall. Before he entered, he could see through the three-bay door that several people were already sitting or standing inside.

It’s not surprising that Commander Xu is sitting in the master’s seat in the middle, and it’s also not surprising that he has a sad face.

Then there was a row of seats on the left side of Commander Xu. The first seat was empty, and the second seat was for Mrs. Xu.

The third seat down from Mrs. Xu is Xu Shian, and behind Mrs. Xu is the impressive green tea maid Liu Yue standing waiting.

On the other row of seats to the right of Commander Xu, the first seat was occupied by a very good-looking scribe, wearing a blue official robe and three long beards. His every move seemed to be organized, and Qin Dewei did not recognize him.

But what made Qin Dewei's pupils shrink sharply was that the patch on the chest of this person's official robe was not a bird or an animal, but a Xie Zhi! This showed that the owner of the official robe was a censor!

As for the prestige and status of the censor, they have just been introduced in the previous article, so there is no need to say more.

The second person was a charming young woman in her early thirties, whom Qin Dewei still didn't recognize.

But the charming young woman has Xu Shian and Brother Xu standing under her head, so Qin Dewei can probably guess that this charming young woman is probably Aunt Liu, the second concubine of the Xu family.

If we go back further, the censor sitting in the top position of Aunt Liu should be the natal family of their Liu family? Even if they are not their natal family, they are still here to help Aunt Liu.

Only then did Qin Dewei realize that it was no wonder that the disciples of the Xu family had always said it was a battle of gods. He was secretly laughing at his lack of knowledge. It turned out that the clown was myself.

The servant guarding outside the hall found an opportunity for the masters inside to pause to talk and drink tea, and signaled to Qin Dewei that he could go in.

But Qin Dewei didn't leave in a hurry, and quickly asked the servant outside in a low voice: "Who is the censor inside? I'm afraid I might have bumped into the nobleman without knowing anything."

The servant also replied in a low voice: "This is Aunt Liu's brother, Mr. Liu, the censor of Xicheng."

Qin Dewei's tiger body shook violently, conductor Xu was in such deep water! The brother of a mere concubine turned out to be the censor! And he was also the censor responsible for patrolling the West City!

Nanjing City, like Beijing City, has a very complex management system. In addition to the county government system, there is also a five-city system, which is divided into five military divisions and five city patrol censors.

The full name of Xicheng Yushi is the Inspecting Xicheng Procuratorate, and the area responsible for monitoring is, as the name suggests, the western area of ​​Nanjing City. The Sanshan Gate where Commander Xu is responsible for overseeing is one of the Xicheng Gates...

Qin Dewei's tiger body is once again shocked. No wonder Aunt Liu has the confidence to fight for a hundred households for her son. It turns out that she has such a powerful elder brother to support her!

The current trend in this dynasty is that the civil servants are noble but the military officials are cheap. The advantage of a powerful civil servant over a mid-level military attaché is huge!

The eldest brother who has the official power to directly supervise his husband is much more powerful than the eldest brother who only knows how to throw money!

Of course, our culture in the Ming Dynasty is much better than it was five hundred years ago. If you show your talent, you still have a chance to become the top brother on the list, and maybe you can get a reward of two hundred taels in return.

It’s no wonder that the wife of the Xu family’s wife is so decisive in killing and can do nothing to a mere concubine!

To put it bluntly and ruthlessly, if the Xicheng Yushi was really ruthless at all costs, he would be able to send the commander-in-chief of Sanshanmen to prison!

Even if the Xu family asks their relative Wei Guogong to come forward again, the final outcome will be difficult to predict.

After all, this was the Ming Dynasty when the civil service system was about to mature and reach its peak. Wei Guogong was just a distinguished noble and had no control over the civil service, and the emperor would not let him.

As for why the sister of a Qingliu censor became a concubine to a military attache... It is probably the story of how she worked as a farmhouse minister in the early days and ascended to the emperor's hall in the evening. This is the luck and glory brought by the imperial examination system.

The protagonists of countless story novels start with a poor family, but in the end they rise in class. This Liu Yushi is probably in a similar situation.

And coincidentally, after he became rich, he actually became his brother-in-law's immediate censor, truly becoming the protagonist of a contemporary novel.

At this time, looking at the sad face of his master, Commander Xu, Qin Dewei understood even more. Who knows what it feels like to have a relative who suddenly outbursts and overwhelms him.

Especially since you, as the city gatekeeper, went to Nanshi Building Street to receive one-stop entertainment from merchants, and ended up having fun together with father and son, making the whole family aware of the nature of this? Can the Supervising Censor take care of it?

Looking at Xu Shi'an and Xu Laosan who were punished to stand, Qin Dewei could only sympathize with him. He couldn't bear it, he couldn't bear it. He couldn't stand the kindness of a sixth-grade hundred household, so he had better study hard.

The difference in combat power is too big. Even if Liu Yushi on the other side gives him one hand and two legs, you and your mother together will not be able to defeat him no matter how many times it is.

As for his biological father, Commander Xu? Isn’t the second brother Xu Shining opposite him his biological son? What else can Commander Xu do besides declare neutrality?

The situation was like this. After Qin Dewei figured it out, he planned to enter the front hall.

I can't take care of other people's affairs, I can't help Third Master An, so I can find a way to rescue my mother, even if I complete the task. With things like this, I guess the Xu family has no intention of keeping my mother.

Just as he was about to take steps, there was suddenly a loud noise coming from the direction of the Xu Mansion gate, mixed with the sound of horses neighing.

Qin Dewei subconsciously turned his head to look, and immediately saw a majestic man in military attaché robes, in his thirties but not forty years old, flashing out from in front of the screen wall at the gate, and then striding over.

Qin Dewei subconsciously moved out of the way, and saw that the military attache was watching no one else, and walked straight into the front hall without being informed.

Then the big military attaché hugged Xu Laosan, who was standing outside, and shouted as if no one else was watching: "Good nephew, I see you are here!"

Then the big military attache looked at the other side again and said with a sneer: "Although we don't bully others, we can't let others bully us."

Qin Dewei was stunned, who is this god? Looking at the chest patch, you are only a mid-level military officer, how dare you shout so loudly at the censor?

The servant next to him was afraid that Qin Dewei was ignorant, so he took the initiative to popularize the information: "This is Mr. Tian, ​​my wife's biological brother. He is now the commander of the Nanjing Jinyi Guards. He is promoted by the Nanjing garrison eunuch and serves in the inner garrison hall!"

Qin Dewei's tiger body shocked us again. He is also a ruthless character! Mrs. Xu has such a powerful brother!

No wonder Aunt Liu couldn't win the official position and become independent even though she had a censor brother!

At present, I, the distinguished military attaché of the Ming Dynasty, am no longer good politically. The only people who can compete with civil servants are eunuchs and factory guards!

The imperial censor is known as the eyes and ears of the court, but the factory guards are also known as the eyes and ears of the emperor. Everyone can report and write secret reports, so who is afraid of whom?

Recalling what Uncle Menzi said, it was really a battle of the gods... It was ridiculous that I was young and ignorant, and dared to belittle Uncle Menzi's lack of knowledge. The clown was really me.

Feeling the powerful pressure of the giant wheel of heaven, Qin Dewei, a humble companion of Xu Mansion and clerk of Jiangning County Cheng Sanba, could not help but move his legs towards the door.

He had no other intention, he just wanted to go to the gate and admit his mistake to the gate master.

The servant in the front hall grabbed Qin Dewei and asked in surprise: "Why are you walking out?"

"I don't want to go in." Qin Dewei silently put away Feng County Cheng's autographed letter again.

"I've already informed you, how dare you leave without saying goodbye?" The servant was furious: "Do you want my master to think that I looked down on others and ran away from you in anger?"

This chapter has been completed!
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