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Chapter 494: Bright and Open (Part 1)

Hearing Mrs. Li's question, Qin Dewei forced out a smile and said: "It's too windy here, and talking will bring in too much cold air, which is not good for your health.

So please stop talking now and wait until father comes back to the city."

Mrs. Li calmed down, glanced at Xu Miaoxuan next to her, and stood on the other side.

Li Jing sighed softly. He was not optimistic about his sister's relationship, but there was nothing he could do. No matter what he did, it was not a good choice.

Qin Dewei has a deeper understanding of the theory of relativity. When a man spends an hour with a beautiful woman, it seems like only a minute has passed;

But if you spend one minute between two beauties, it feels like an hour has passed.

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, I finally saw a stage carriage approaching, and then Stepfather Zeng raised the curtain and came down.

Qin Dewei and Xu Miaoxuan hurriedly came forward to greet him and bowed to him.

Zeng's father helped the two of them up, looked at Xu Miaoxuan, and then at Mrs. Li, with a look of gloating about her misfortune.

Then he told Qin Dewei: "The Li brothers and sisters came to Beijing this time for the purpose of seizing the throne.

They are all from the border areas of Liaodong and have no other relatives or friends in the capital to seek refuge with them, so you clean up the west cross courtyard of your home and settle down their brothers and sisters."

"Ah," Qin Dewei couldn't help but look confused.

The current house in Wugong Hutong is the one bought by the Feng family when they came to Beijing to rescue people. The layout has a main courtyard and two cross-yards, east and west.

Now the main courtyard is left to his parents, and Qin Dewei lives alone in the east cross courtyard with two entrances. It will be here when he gets married in the future.

Xikuoyuan was lent to two fellow residents, Xu Gu and Chen Feng, when they were rushing to take exams, but now that they have moved out, it is indeed empty.

Zeng’s father frowned in dissatisfaction. What could be the problem? When did his son become stingy?

Then the Li brothers and sisters also helped you a lot in the beginning, don't they understand the principle of repaying a favor?

Qin Dewei felt extremely miserable. He didn't look at the almanac when he went out today. Who can tell him what day it is that he is riding a horse today?

He glanced at Sister Xuan secretly, and then replied hesitantly to his father: "That Xikuaoyuan has been used by her for another purpose. It has been promised to others, and some improvements are being made."

Zeng's father asked in confusion: "Renovation for what? Even if it is lent to others, there is no need to renovate it, right?"

Filial piety comes first these days, and when my father asks questions, I have to answer them.

So Qin Dewei hesitated even more: "I'll lend it to others to practice here and pray for their families, so I need to make some modifications."

Xu Miaoxuan's eyes widened. Others present could not understand the meaning. Could it be that she also couldn't understand it?

Zeng's father felt confused, "Is it possible that our family has become so wealthy that we have started to support our family?"

Xu Miaoxuan couldn't help but explain: "Master Zeng didn't know something. This cultivator is a little fairy girl."

"What?" This voice came from Miss Li behind Qin Dewei.

Zeng's father's eyes widened as well. This careless and cheap son had a lot of tricks to play, didn't he?

Qin Dewei smiled awkwardly but politely and said: "There are secrets and secrets. This is related to the country, the country, and the country. Let me explain it slowly later."

This is not a place for lecturing. Zeng's father snorted coldly and asked: "What about the arrangements for the Li brothers and sisters? You must not lose etiquette."

Qin Dewei was also thinking about this problem. It would be easier if she was an ordinary old friend. The key is that she is not ordinary.

Xu Miaoxuan took the initiative and said, "Master Zeng, don't worry about this, I will arrange it."

Then he said: "The eldest brother of the Li family will live in Qin Lang's yard, and the sister of the Li family will come to live with me. It is convenient for each of us without losing our closeness. Isn't that great?"

Zeng’s father nodded appreciatively, “Very good! That’s it.”

Qin Dewei did not dare to see Xu Miaoxuan, nor did he dare to see Mrs. Li. He lowered his head and said with a grimace: "I just listen to my father."

Everyone set off back to the city together. Xu Miaoxuan took the initiative to greet Miss Li and said, "Sister Li, it's windy outside, let's ride in the car together!"

When they arrived at Xicheng, they were divided into three groups. Zeng's stepfather went to the Metropolitan Procuratorate to return the imperial envoy to the customs. Qin Dewei took Li Jing home, and Xu Miaoxuan took Mrs. Li back to her residence.

After returning home, Qin Dewei led Li Jing to the Dongkua Courtyard where he lived, and ordered the servants to quickly clean up a wing and settle Li Jing in.

Then he asked the cook to heat up wine and food, invited Li Jing to eat and drink to warm up, and talked about things in Liaodong.

Seeing that it was getting late, Qin Dewei thought that his father-in-law and his mother were about to meet again after a long separation, so he came to the main courtyard to ask for an audience.

This time, Zeng's father-in-law had finished his duty as a censor. Like Qin Dewei when he returned to Beijing last time, he had to undergo an inspection first.

But the investigation of Zeng's stepfather was not as magical as Qin Dewei's last time, and it was finally pushed to the bachelor's degree.

This kind of inspection of imperial envoys and censors has a complete and mature system, and it is mainly the responsibility of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

This was also the reason why Qin Dewei came to see Zeng's stepfather at night. He had to remind him: "But the person in charge of the affairs of the Metropolitan Procuratorate now is Huo Tao, the censor of Zuodu."

How can I describe the position of Zuodu Censor? It cannot control the specific work of the Censor. Each Censor is independent and can directly submit reports without going through the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

However, the Zuodu Censor can manage the assessment and inspection of the Censor, although he often has to argue with the officials.

Zeng's stepfather was fearless and even had the heart to make witty remarks: "So what you mean is that I am going to be implicated by you again?"

Qin Dewei couldn't help but said: "Master Zeng, please be serious, this is your future!"

"Xueshi Zhang, who has been neglected by the imperial court for ten years, can be promoted to the fourth rank of Ci Minister by you. As a father, what do I have to worry about?"

Qin Dewei was too lazy to cover up any more and directly analyzed: "I don't expect that the Metropolitan Procuratorate will deliberately accuse you of mistakes and try every means to accuse you.

After all, your contribution to quelling the rebellion in Liaodong is so remarkable that no one can cover it up, but the Metropolitan Procuratorate will probably find some excuse to downplay your achievements.

Under normal circumstances, the patrol censor should have been promoted to one rank, and coupled with the great achievements in quelling the chaos, father, you should have been promoted to two ranks this time.

If the Metropolitan Procuratorate deliberately manipulates you during the inspection and only promotes you to one or one-and-a-half ranks, it will be a loss, so you must be careful."

Zeng Hou's father added: "There is also the Ministry of Personnel. It is ultimately the Ministry of Personnel that will arrange the final promotion."

Xia Yan is now the head of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and he can be regarded as his own, so Zeng's stepfather is not very worried.

Qin Dewei said: "The staff department is the next step. We must first ensure that there are no problems with the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Otherwise, the officials may not be willing to fight with the Metropolitan Procuratorate at all costs for you."

Zeng's stepfather asked curiously: "Then just tell me, what do you want to do?"

Qin Dewei said confidently: "Of course I have a solution, but it's hard to say now. Wait until you go to the Metropolitan Procuratorate for questioning and see what they say."

Zeng Hou's father laughed and patted Qin Dewei on the shoulder: "A man is upright and upright, and builds his career based on his merits. There is no need to deliberately act like a fly or a dog!"

Qin Dewei patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, father, this time it will be fair and aboveboard!"

This chapter has been completed!
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