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Chapter 5 Who is more trustworthy?

It was almost noon, and Gu Qiongzhi walked out of the county office with a depressed expression. The streets outside were very lively, but these bustles had nothing to do with her.

Her husband, Yang Yuanwai, had passed away a few months ago, but he left behind a lot of property, which was then coveted by her husband's family.

Those people came to the house every day to cause trouble, robbed valuables from the house, and forced oneself to hand over the property, causing trouble for oneself.

Forced into desperation, Gu Qiongzhi went to the county government to file a complaint, but the complaint was dismissed. The complaint stated that the matter would be left to the elders of the village and the Yang clan to handle the matter.

This is simply a joke. Those who covet her property are the Yang family, and if they want to leave this matter to the Yang family, what will happen? As for the so-called elders in the village, they are outsiders themselves, how can they defeat the Yang family?


Thinking of this, Gu Qiongzhi gritted her teeth after failing to file a complaint. If the government didn't care, what else could she do? Should she just let her be bullied by her husband's family and seize her property?

No, she will never allow this to happen, at any cost!

At this time, the little widow looked up and saw a group of lawyers under the awning opposite, and seemed to have found a new hope. Could it be that she should also find a lawyer to help her appeal?

They must be more familiar with the situation in the yamen than someone like themselves who is ignorant, right? The young widow with her husband's inheritance is not short of money. She can afford to hire not only one person, but also a group of people.

Some passers-by pointed at Gu Qiongzhi and said, "Is this the beautiful widow Mrs. Gu who competes with her husband's family for property?"

The person traveling with him nodded and said, "Yes, that's exactly the person."

When all the lawyers in the awning heard the words "fight for property", they immediately stared at Mrs. Gu like wolves seeing fat.

Since there is a dispute over property and it appears in the county government, it must be a lawsuit. Wouldn't lawyers like them be useful?

What's more, it would be nice to be close to the beautiful little widow. Maybe we can get married and have both wealth and wealth. People always have fantasies in life, what if they can come true?

She's here, she's here! The lawyers were immediately excited. This must be a good deal, but they don't know who it will end up with!

Qin Dewei, a time-travelling boy, followed Madam Gu from the county government office to the outside street.

He didn't want to be a wretched stalker, but he was short of money now, very short of money, and he had to try any possibility of making money. When he saw the little widow walking towards the group of lawyers again, he knew it


Just when Gu Qiongzhi was about to talk to other lawyers, Qin Dewei suddenly rushed forward and stopped between the little widow and other lawyers.

"Madam, do you need to write a petition to file a lawsuit?" Qin Dewei tried his best to look professional, put his hands in his sleeves, and asked politely.

It's just that he is twelve years old, and he is wearing a coarse short-sleeved shirt, so this posture is a bit unorthodox. Fortunately, the time traveler still has a special temperament, and his appearance is relatively handsome, which can slightly make up for his shortcomings in obeying the Tao.

The lawyers were watching as the fat piece of meat was about to fall into their mouths, but at the critical moment someone suddenly showed up to cut off the beard, and they immediately became a little irritable. When they saw it again, it was a young boy who was making trouble, so they couldn't hold it in anymore.

, they yelled curses one after another.

"You don't even have all your hair, but you still want to fight a lawsuit?"

"You are really a child with a dirty mouth, and you are talking nonsense. Go home and find your mother to feed you for a few more years!"

Qin Dewei was unmoved, it was just the incompetent rage of a group of passing NPCs. Who of those scholars who really have the ability to get along well would stand on the street as a lawsuit? So he turned a deaf ear and just looked at the little widow calmly.

Gu Qiongzhi was stunned for a moment, looked at the young boy in front of him, and then turned to look at the lawyers. What is going on?

Seeing that the other party did not respond, Qin Dewei showed a professional smile and said clearly: "I heard that Madam intends to litigate, and I am willing to serve. If the lawsuit is not allowed, there will be no paperwork money, and if the lawsuit is not won, no agency money will be required."

At this time, a lawyer in his thirties stood out from the crowd, pointed at Qin Dewei, and said to Gu Qiongzhi: "This little lady, think about it for a moment, do you think you can trust such a young child?"

Then he pointed at the lawyers and said: "Writing pleadings and litigating lawsuits is not a child's play. Not only do you need to be familiar with the law, but you also need to be familiar with the ways of the world, and you also need to understand the yamen.

Among us, the shortest one has been a lawyer here for six years, and this kid with a yellow mouth appears for the first time today! Little lady, if you compare, who is more trustworthy?"

Based on this analysis, I personally would not think Qin Dewei is trustworthy. Of course, I need to find a more reliable lawyer to litigate. What can a twelve-year-old kid do?

After Gu Qiongzhi figured it out, he moved his steps, intending to avoid the young boy blocking his way.

But Qin Dewei seemed completely unconscious and asked in surprise: "Madam, are you confused? Aren't I more trustworthy? Are these lawyers more reliable than me?"

All the lawyers sneered repeatedly. This young man is simply a scoundrel. He still dares to mess around here without knowing his own abilities? Speaking of words, are lawyers like them still afraid?

Gu Qiongzhi only felt that the young boy's words were incomprehensible, and she even felt a little angry. How dare you say that she was confused? Thinking of this, Gu Qiongzhi gave the young boy a hard look, really asking for a beating!

"Hehehehe." Qin Dewei laughed magically a few times, which was very uncomfortable in everyone's ears, as if he was being treated as a fool's joke.

"Madam, please don't forget your identity. You are a young widow, and these lawyers are all in their prime. The melon fields are under the plum trees, the melon fields are under the plum trees." Qin Dewei trailed off in a long tone, "kindly" reminding the young widow.

What? Gu Qiongzhi was stunned for a moment. Although he was more troubled now, he was not really stupid. He was immediately understood. He was a newly widowed, and these lawyers were all young and strong men!

If you want to entrust them to write pleadings and file lawsuits on your behalf, you will have to have close contact and contact with them. In such a situation where suspicion is not avoided, gossip may spread!

No, there will definitely be unsightly rumors! Now her husband’s family is keeping a close eye on me, making trouble even if nothing happens. Seeing that she has close relationships with other men, they will definitely use this to ruin her innocent reputation!

Qin Dewei stood proudly in front of the little widow, raised his finger and pointed at himself: "Now, madam, do you understand? Who is more worthy of your trust?"

Gu Qiongzhi looked at the young boy again. His age was originally the opponent's biggest disadvantage, but now it may become an advantage.

When interacting with such a young boy who is not yet fully developed, the probability of gossip is very low. At least compared to a young man, he is not as suspicious.

All the lawyers also understood, and they were all stunned. What else could they say? They have been here for at least six years. Today is an eye-opener. How can a horse-riding person still grab business like this?

This dirty kid has clearly pointed out the key points. If they try to force the business again, wouldn't it be equivalent to openly showing that they really have evil intentions?

It turns out that this young boy was really being teased by a few veteran lawyers as a fool from the very beginning! Thinking of this, all the lawyers rolled up their sleeves in unison and surrounded Qin Dewei, obviously with bad intentions.

"What are you going to do?" Qin Dewei was a little panicked. It was difficult for him to fight with just two fists. There were not as many heroes as there were enemies.

"You don't have to do business, but I have to teach you a lesson!" the leading lawyer said fiercely, "Every profession has its own rules. If you want to beg for food here, you must first learn to respect your seniors. Do you really think I'm waiting for you?"

Don’t you know how to use fists and kicks?”

Without saying a word, Qin Dewei turned towards the county government gate and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Uncle, save me!" After all, he was a young boy, so there was no shame in shouting.

"Who is your uncle?" someone asked.

Qin Dewei quickly replied: "It's the Qin officer who is always on duty at the county government gate!"

Damn it! All the lawyers retracted their fists angrily and were asking for a living outside the gate of the county government office. They had to give the gatekeeper some face. Although this guy was extremely hateful, it was hard to beat him.

It's just that today's young people don't know how to respect their predecessors.

Gu Qiongzhi watched the whole process, sighed and asked the young boy: "You just said that you don't need money if you don't achieve success?"

Qin Dewei raised a finger: "The price has changed now. A deposit of one tael is required. Pay the money first and then provide services."

I didn't cherish the opportunity I was given just now. Now it's a seller's market with an exclusive monopoly. How long will it take if I don't take advantage of the opportunity and raise the price? Qin Dewei thought happily.

Gu Qiongzhi suddenly sneered, stopped talking, turned around and left.

Is the asking price too high? Qin Dewei jumped to his feet and shouted: "Five cents! Just five cents as a deposit!"

Gu Qiongzhi didn't even look back and continued walking forward.

Qin Dewei quickly caught up and said while chasing him: "Two coins, two coins of silver are always okay, right?"

Gu Qiongzhi stopped and smiled brightly through her face towel: "Brother, have you ever done business? Are you new to the streets to make a living?"

Qin Dewei, a senior question writer and doctor of the history of the judicial system of the Ming and Qing dynasties, subconsciously asked: "How do you know?"

Mrs. Gu avoided answering and directly put forward her own plan: "You write the complaint first, and if it can be passed at the county government office, then we can discuss the deposit for the lawsuit. Otherwise, there is no need to discuss anything, and the lawsuit will not be filed at worst."

"This... is okay." People who are poor but have short ambitions and are anxious to make money have no choice. They really can't refuse Party A's father's request. Anyway, the pleading usually only has a few words, so it doesn't take much effort.

It's just that this little widow seems weak, but it's not easy to manipulate, Qin Dewei secretly sighed.

In fact, if you think about it more, you can understand it. If she is really a weak and submissive woman, how can she dare to go to court with her husband's family? In the old feudal society, not everyone could go to the yamen to file a lawsuit.

Courage, let alone women.

This chapter has been completed!
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