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Chapter five hundred and fourteen what Hanlin should do

Every time the results of the court recommendation come out, some people are happy and some are sad.

Because his father was in Beijing, the one-eyed Yan Jiansheng took leave from the Imperial Academy to serve his father at home.

At noon that day, Yan Jiansheng stood guard outside the right gate of Chang'an. After the results of the court test came out, he galloped home all the way.

He entered the study again and shouted to his father Yan Song: "There is good news and bad news!"

Yan Song said calmly: "What's all the fuss about? How good can it be, and how bad can it be?"

Yan Shifan reported: "The good news is that my father has been successfully elected as the Minister of Rites. It seems that the matter has been completed."

Yan Song was unfazed by this and asked again: "Then what is the bad news you are talking about?"

For some reason, Yan Shifan said angrily: "The bad news is that Wang Yiqi was elected as the Secretary of the Ministry of Household Affairs! This Wang Yiqi is from Jiangning and is said to be the younger brother of Qin Dewei's master!"

Yan Song was also stunned for a moment, how does this work? His son shouldn't be so stupid that he even got the wrong information, right?

Then he scolded Yan Shifan and said, "Stop talking nonsense. Why is this bad news?"

This is of course bad news for Yan Shifan!

Originally, if his father became the Minister of Rites, and his son became a dandy because of his father's status, he might have the opportunity to seek revenge from Qin Dewei, and Academician Xia might also side with him.

But now that Mr. Qin has an additional protective umbrella that is somewhat stronger than his father's position, it is very difficult for him.

Yan Song lectured: "I know what you are thinking, but you must also consider the overall situation and let go of your obsessions!"

Yan Shifan defended: "Father, you don't understand. I don't think Qin Dewei is targeting me. He is also hostile to my father!"

He is now a sixth-grade Ci minister, and I can’t imagine what he will be like in ten or twenty years!”

Yan Song feels that his son is really unreasonable sometimes, so why should he always compete with Qin Dewei?

He directly ordered: "I don't want to hear what you think! You must be patient now!"

Yan Shifan was still a little rebellious: "Father, you are not in the capital, so I have to endure it. Father, you have returned to the capital to be a minister, and I have to endure it. Then your return to the capital has been in vain, right?"

But seeing his father's expression about to get angry, Yan Shifan changed the subject and said, "The results of the court's recommendation will be reported, will the emperor deny it?"

Yan Song said with certainty: "No! First, as a king, there is no need to do anything extra when there is no reason.

Secondly, Qin Dewei had previously asked the emperor to act arbitrarily, but the emperor did not listen, so he will not go back on his word."

Yan Shifan seemed to have grasped something crucial, and said quickly: "Doesn't that mean that Qin Dewei set a trap for the emperor first, and the emperor can no longer repent after trapping him?"

Yan Song couldn't help but slapped the case and said: "This matter can also be explained by the fact that Qin Dewei is a respectful person. He first asked the emperor for instructions and learned that the emperor did not want to be arbitrary, and then he dared to jump up and down!

So I’ll say it again, don’t make these random ideas! You’d better go back to the Imperial College and study in peace!”

Indeed, as Yan Song inferred, when the results of the court recommendation were placed in front of Emperor Jiajing, although Emperor Jiajing read it several times, he really had no intention of overturning it.

Whether Huo Tao, an old comrade for more than ten years, should be the Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, it actually did not matter to the Emperor Jiajing, and it would not affect the authority of the Emperor Jiajing.

Could it be that Xu Zan, being the Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, dared not to listen to the emperor? Xu Zan was very senior, with twenty years more seniority than Xia Yan, and he was from the north, so he could be used.

But what Emperor Jiajing saw through the list of court nominations was that Huo Tao had not even been nominated by the Minister of Civil Service.

What does this mean? The former hero Huo Tao has become increasingly incompetent, or has gradually become obsolete, and his usefulness is probably getting smaller and smaller.

After considering it, Emperor Jiajing gave an "approval" on the result of the court recommendation.

Then he asked the eunuch to go to the cabinet to deliver an oral message: Huo Tao, the imperial censor of the left capital, and Shaobao, the prince, were assigned to the post after the minister of the Ministry of official affairs.

When the eunuch came back, he brought three more memorials and presented them, saying that the cabinet was asking your majesty to see the imperial decree.

Emperor Jiajing flipped through it curiously, and found that the three memorials almost talked about the same thing.

The first one was reported by the Yu Heng Division of the Ministry of Industry: With the permission of the Admiral Wang Tingxiang of the Jingying Camp, Zuo Zanshan also edited Qin Dewei and Yu Heng Division Officials, which took nearly two months to manufacture a new type of artillery in Wang Gong's factory, imitating the style of the Fo Lang machine.

, with the great blessing of the Emperor, it has been successfully tested in the Yumajian pasture.

Three types of large, medium and small models have been trial-produced, which are 200 kilograms, 70 kilograms and 20 kilograms respectively. The range is hundreds of steps and the rate of fire is much higher than that of the old guns. Once you are proficient, you can fire one shot in about ten breaths.

In the second volume, Wang Tingxiang, the governor of the Beijing camp, wrote: The new artillery is extremely suitable for the needs of the Ming Dynasty's army. The court is requested to allocate more money to test the new artillery. After the new artillery is finalized, the court is asked to manufacture it in large quantities and give priority to the border troops for use.

The third volume was written by Zuo Zanshan and edited by Qin Dewei: With the permission of the imperial court, Xu Chen will further develop a new type of heavy artillery weighing more than a thousand kilograms, and allocate costs, materials, and space to craftsmen as appropriate.

Emperor Jiajing was speechless for a long time after reading it. No wonder the cabinet specially sent it to him to read. This was too weird.

Since the history of the imperial examination, has there ever been such a top scholar?

He had heard the legend that Qin Zhuangyuan was engaged in firearms earlier. The Dongchang spy was not a decoration, but everyone in the court told it as a joke.

After all, at the age of seventeen or eighteen, it is normal to be willful and reckless. Do we still expect a young man of seventeen or eighteen to mature and serve the country?

Big Vaseline Celebrities often have personality quirks. Qin Zhuangyuan's pursuit of firearms is almost classified as such a celebrity quirk.

But the whole court never expected that Qin Zhuangyuan, who was not doing his job properly, actually built artillery.

Confucius, carrying a sword, was capable of both literary and martial arts.

The cabinet does not know whether this is considered meritorious. Hanlin has made great achievements in compiling history, compiling books and teaching, so it is enough to draw up rewards according to the usual practice.

But there is really no precedent for Hanlin to build artillery, so I asked His Majesty to judge it.

From the perspective of Qin Zhuangyuan's original intention, the development of new artillery was out of love for the Ming Dynasty, and he never thought about any rewards.

However, Qin Dewei was completely relieved when he learned that the results of the trial had been approved and everything was officially settled.

My momentum as a sixth-grade Ci minister has not passed yet, and my uncle has become the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, so I must keep a lower profile!

So Qin Dewei sneaked to the Hanlin Academy again, broke into the bachelor's room, and said to bachelor Wen: "I, Qin Dewei, ask for leave!"

Academician Wen raised his eyelids and said coldly: "No!"

Qin Dewei was very surprised and said dissatisfied: "Senior, are you still being unreasonable? How can you not let people ask for leave? It was done in the past two months, why is it not allowed this time?"

Academician Wen said with emotion: "Today, an imperial edict came from the palace, ordering the Hanlin Academy to revise and record the "Emperor's Precepts" written by our ancestors!"

Qin Dewei still didn't understand that it was a good thing for Hanlin to compile books. If he was promoted after completing his studies, it would definitely not be his turn. What does it have to do with asking for leave?

Academician Wen continued: "The emperor appointed you, Qin Dewei, as the editor, and gave you three years to complete it!"

Fog grass? Qin Dewei was shocked, what kind of wind is the emperor doing?

What we applied for in the previous petition was to continue the research and development of heavy artillery. Why did the edict come down to compile books? There is a lot of difference between the two jobs!

The so-called "Emperor's Precepts" is commonly known as "Emperor's Quotations".

Just like the Emperor's Records, each emperor had one, which compiled the emperor's remarks on political affairs into categories.

Qin Dewei silently calculated that there were eight people in total, from Emperor Taizu Gao to Emperor Wu Zongyi, which added up to dozens of volumes, totaling four to five million words.

Now all handwriting is done with artificial brushes. In the next three years, this will be what Hanlin will do?

But the emperor only said he was allowed to do this, but he didn't say he wasn't allowed to do anything else?

Bachelor Wen didn't know what he was feeling. It was too difficult to lead this new generation, so he said: "You should do something that Hanlin should do!"

A top scholar in the Hanlin Academy does not cherish his time in the Hanlin Academy. He hardly sees anyone in the Hanlin Academy and takes leave every day to run around outside.

One moment he is building artillery, and the next moment he is tossing up and down in series, what kind of word minister is this?

Do you know that someone from Qin Shiba and Qin Riwan is calling you Qin Dapao again?

Qin Dewei withdrew from Bachelor Wen's place, went to the next door room to find Zhang Chao, and asked:

"I just learned that I, my student, have been ordered to revise the "Emperor's Precepts". Teacher, do you have any advice?"

Academician Zhang snorted coldly, "I can't teach you!"

Qin Dewei saluted respectfully: "Okay, since the teacher has nothing to teach, I will leave first."

"Come back!" Zhang Xueshi shouted: "You have never done such an errand as compiling a book, and it involves ancestors and clans, so you must be careful! It's time to take it seriously and do something down-to-earth that an imperial scholar should do!"

Qin Dewei said carelessly: "Teacher, don't worry, I will definitely satisfy the emperor! Even if I don't know how to compile books, I understand the emperor!"

Anyway, I will keep a low profile for now and wait until the time comes before handing over the assignment. Anyway, the emperor gave me three years!"

The word "low-key" sounds particularly harsh to Teacher Zhang's ears.

Not being able to take leave doesn't mean you can't miss work or leave early.

Qin Dewei gave an order to Kong Mu of the Hanlin Academy to find an old version of "Emperor's Precepts" and move a set to the Number One Scholar Hall, and then he left.

We have made an appointment tonight to go to Uncle Wang’s house for a drink to celebrate Uncle Wang’s promotion to the core level of the court.

The Minister of Hubu, ranked second among the six, is in charge of the country's money, food and expenditure!

So Qin Dewei started thinking about opening a branch of Yuanfeng in Beijing.

If business can be connected between Beijing and Nanjing, the financial industry will take a historic step.

Even though the situation in Beijing is far more complicated than that in Nanjing, we must be cautious and all conditions must be ready and mature.

Qin Dewei and Wang Yiqi were really not outsiders. They went straight into the study and saluted Uncle Wang: "Congratulations, Master Situ!"

Uncle Wang quickly helped him up and said with emotion: "The affairs of money and food have always been complicated, and the government affairs of the Ministry of Household Affairs are complicated. I suddenly feel that there is a huge burden on my shoulders."

Qin Dewei said casually: "When I have some free time, I will go to the Ministry of Household Affairs to sit down and help you sort out your thoughts."

Uncle Wang was speechless. He felt that it was a mistake to take the initiative to bring up work.

Qin Dewei lamented: "It's because of you, uncle, that I went too far and was about to be thrown into the cold palace.

Today, the emperor suddenly appointed me to revise the "Emperor's Precepts" of all dynasties, and gave me three years."

Wang Yiqi: ""

Isn't this what Hanlin should do? According to the custom, you will be promoted after compiling a book. It is a good job that you have to fight for, so why is it in the cold palace?

Probably I still have too little communication with Senior Nephew Qin, and I need to adapt to his speaking style.

"You don't understand. The emperor was afraid that I would be promoted too quickly, so he deliberately gave me three years of imprisonment!" Qin Dewei said, "But it doesn't matter. I have nothing to do. It just depends on whether I want to use it or not."

This chapter has been completed!
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