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Chapter 528: Tragedy of Fate

Qin Fu, the imperial eunuch and governor of Dongchang, stood outside the Meridian Gate, enjoying the autumn sunshine.

The weather today is indeed nice and comfortable. Autumn is indeed the best season in Beijing.

Whenever there is a court meeting, Eunuch Qin will stand here on duty.

At this time, the small court meeting was being held in the Wenhua Hall, and the eunuchs and eunuchs who took turns attending the meeting were in attendance. Although Eunuch Qin was powerful as a factory official, he did not go to the hall.

Of course, Eunuch Qin stood outside the Meridian Gate and was not just taking a walk. He was also responsible for his duties.

First, when the monarchs and ministers gather for court meetings, the governor of Dongchang sits at the Meridian Gate to facilitate monitoring of internal and external defenses and ensure complete strategies;

Second, it is convenient to receive edicts at any time. After all, the emperor often issues edicts during court meetings, many of which need to be handled by the Dongchang. For example, going out to arrest people, interrogate people, imprison people, etc.

Moreover, the emperor sometimes summoned the eunuchs of Dongchang to consult some intelligence information, or to report to ministers to support each other.

The above points are the meaning that although the Qin eunuchs do not go to court, they must stay outside the Meridian Gate.

Of course, the Qin eunuch could not be a mere leader. There would also be some royal guards present, waiting for the emperor's edict and the Qin eunuch's assignment at any time.

For the imperial guards, this is also an opportunity to gain experience and accumulate merit. If something is done to make the emperor happy, wouldn’t it be prosperous?

It is said that Lu Bing, the commander of the Jinyiwei who was born in Qiandi, is on duty outside the Meridian Gate today.

The old Jinyi guards looked down upon Lu Bing, who had only entered the industry four years ago and was promoted very quickly. Lu Bing was too lazy to please the old man.

So don't force everyone to get together and let everyone play their own way.

Therefore, the imperial guards who were on duty outside the Meridian Gate together with Lu Bing were all young people from the Young Strong faction, such as Xu Miaojing, another commander of Qian affairs.

For some reason, Xu Xiaodi always felt that as a commander, he was not as tough as Lu Bing, who held the same official position.

Moreover, Xu Xiaodi had an intuition that there were indescribable similarities between Lu Bing and his brother-in-law, but he couldn't express them in words.

If Xiaodi Xu was reincarnated five hundred years later and was familiar with games and Internet articles, he would know that this word is called "Golden Finger".

Eunuch Qin felt that it was almost time for the court meeting. It seemed that nothing happened today, so he was about to have a heart-to-heart talk with the two young people.

Suddenly, someone walked out of the left door of the Meridian Gate and reported to the eunuch of Qin: "Important! I am praising Zuo and compiling Qin Dewei's twenty imperial staffs!"

Eunuch Qin: ""

What's going on? Isn't the little bastard very clever? Why did he defy the dragon scale?

The man urged again: "The guilty minister is behind you, prepare for execution immediately!"

Eunuch Qin came to his senses and asked: "You only need to use the imperial staff, but you don't need to ask the guilty minister?"

The man replied again: "The Holy One has not issued a decree to ask questions!"

So Eunuch Qin felt a little relieved and only used the imperial staff without interrogation, which showed that the matter was not serious.

And there were only twenty blows, which was really not too much. The emperor was probably just upset and angry at the moment, so it was over after the blows, and there would be no further trouble.

If you have to hold on to something and interrogate it, that's the real trouble.

Not long after, Eunuch Qin saw several officers and soldiers on duty, escorting last year's No. 1 Scholar out of the doorway.

There is no need to explain anything more, everything has a formal process.

Qin Dewei quickly glanced at the staff on duty outside the Meridian Gate. Haha, there are so many acquaintances!

Xu Xiaodi won't say it anymore. Isn't the father-in-law standing in the middle the eunuch Qin who has repeatedly shown good intentions to him recently?

And isn’t the person next to Xu Xiaodi the best nanny in the world, Lu Bing?

Although there was a small misunderstanding three years ago, he saved Lu Bing, so he had a little bit of love, so he couldn't beat himself to death, right?

At least there were no enemies. Qin Dewei breathed a sigh of relief and estimated that he would be able to pass the test easily.

He knows very well that Jinyiwei's beating of the court staff is a professional skill that can make you live or die.

Sometimes it looks heavy, but it's actually light; sometimes it looks heavy, but it's really heavy.

Of course, no matter what, the appearance must be serious, otherwise you will not be able to explain it to the emperor, so you must make some noise.

If the beating seems light, then the unlucky person will be the one doing the execution.

While Qin Dewei was still thinking about the little knowledge about the Imperial Staff, he was directly pushed down on the bluestone slab to the east outside the Meridian Gate.

In the Ming Dynasty, the scene of beating the court staff usually involved eunuchs in prison and guards in golden robes taking action.

Even if a decent person like Qin Dewei is beaten with a royal stick, he is not qualified to be beaten by ordinary primary school students. He must be executed by a guard in uniform.

Eunuch Qin watched all this happening with mixed feelings in his heart.

Fortunately, he was imprisoned himself, otherwise the situation would have been difficult to predict if someone had evil intentions.

Lu Bing, the commander of the Jinyi Guards, stood in front of the Qin eunuch and asked for instructions.

Eunuch Qin raised his chin and gave the command skillfully: "Hit hard."

Fight hard, but take it easy; fight hard, and fight to death. The guards in uniform and the time-travelers all know these hints.

Lu Bing frowned, hesitated to speak, hesitated for a moment, and then walked to Qin Dewei with the torture stick.

The words "fight hard" made Qin Dewei completely relieved.

With great satisfaction, he began to think about what publicity strategy he would use after receiving the imperial rod, and how to use the imperial rod to gain a wave of reputation.

He accidentally turned his head and looked back, and from the corner of his eye he saw the executioner already standing beside him, holding the cane high.

Suddenly remembering something, Qin Dewei panicked and shouted quickly: "Stop it first! Listen to me!"

Lu Bing hesitated again, giving Qin Dewei the opportunity to shout out the next sentence.

Then Qin Dewei shouted: "Can you change the execution to a guard officer over forty years old? This one is too young!"

Gu/span> Lu Bing's face trembled a few times, feeling a little embarrassed and ashamed, so he put down the cane.

Wucao! Eunuch Qin realized the problem. He just ignored it because he was so concerned!

Datingzhang is indeed a professional skill, but it also requires long-term practice!

Lu Bing has only been in Jinyiwei for a few years and has never used a court staff. How can he have any skills at all?

The difference between "fighting hard" and "fighting with heart" is probably something Lu Bing only knew in his mind.

It would be okay if he was beaten to death, but Lu Bing probably didn't know how to use the skill of "fighting hard", which is both light and heavy!

No wonder Lu Bing looked embarrassed just now and hesitated to speak!

Eunuch Qin quickly looked around and found that most of the royal guards on duty today were "little brothers" attracted by Lu Bing, and they were all younger than Lu Bing!

There are no veterans who seem to have a lot of experience and may have skills in their hands!

Eunuch Qin almost acted impulsively and sent someone to the Jinyi Guards urgently and called some veterans of the imperial staff to come over!

But Eunuch Qin, who had been trained in palace battles for many years, used his reason to restrain his thoughts!

can not do this!

There are so many eyes and ears watching and listening here. If you deliberately look for an experienced person, you are trying to cover up the truth!

By then everyone will know that they don’t care about the emperor’s face and deliberately handle Qin Dewei lightly!

Not to mention that the Emperor Wenhua Palace is still waiting for a response! Just saying that he wasted time is his own fault!

Eunuch Qin's heart ached, and he shouted at Lu Bing like a strong man breaking his wrist: "Why are you so stunned! Do it!"

He was afraid that if he continued to think blindly, he would not only waste time, but if he couldn't restrain himself and make a huge mistake, it would be all over!

Hearing Eunuch Qin's "scold", Lu Bing sighed silently.

Don't blame Qin Zhuangyuan, it's not that we don't want to be merciful, it's because we really don't know how to "realize" skills!

He reluctantly raised the cane again, gritted his teeth, and struck hard.

The beating of the court staff during execution is not only to punish the offender, but also to show it to others!

When it comes to the majesty and face of the emperor, you must not act too lightly, or even make noises to show your authority!

Lu Bing's skills are not good and he can't "lift a light thing as a heavy thing". He hits it hard. If it looks heavy, it is really heavy!

"Hiss!" Qin Dewei, who was lying on the bluestone floor, couldn't help but scream.

Eunuch Qin wanted to turn away again, but he resisted. As a prison eunuch, how could he not stare with his eyes wide open?

Lu Bing hit him ten times and handed the cane to Xu Miaojing, "It's your turn!"

According to the rules, in order to prevent the executioner from letting the offender go lightly, the executioner must be replaced every ten times.

Lu Bing also had good intentions for Xu Xiaodi, and it was also a qualification to carry out the execution, so he handed the torture stick to Xu Miaojing.

Xu Miaojing held the torture stick and looked at her screaming brother-in-law, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably.

Eunuch Qin shouted with a ferocious expression: "Continue!"

Xu Miaojing closed her eyes and smashed the cane down with the same force!

Brother-in-law, forgive me! It is the honor of your civil servants to be beaten by the imperial cane. Rather than being attacked by others, it is better for me to give you the honor with my own hands!

The screams gradually became smaller. I don't know whether it was because I had adapted to the pain, or because I had lost the strength to scream.

Eunuch Qin's mind became ethereal and he entered the mysterious realm of philosophy. Who is to blame for today's tragedy?

Is the emperor wrong? No.

The emperor obviously just wanted to punish Qin Dewei a little, but he didn't really want to beat him severely. What could be wrong?

Was he wrong as the prisoner? No.

As a trusted eunuch of the emperor, he could not show intentional favoritism to the guilty minister and must order the execution without any hesitation.

Were Lu Bing and Xu Miaojing who carried out the execution wrong? No.

In order to maintain the emperor's majesty, they must beat him hard, otherwise they will be impeached for dereliction of duty.

It's not their young people's fault that they don't have enough skills to be able to do light things but heavy things.

Since no one is at fault and no one wants to blame Qin Dewei, why do tragedies still happen?

The imperial staff was over, and someone was sent to report back to the emperor.

Twenty sticks are not too many, and no matter how heavy they are, they can't kill anyone. Qin Dewei, the criminal, is still lying on the bluestone floor, groaning.

Eunuch Qin sighed softly. Although this son had suffered a lot, his status among civil servants would be even more extraordinary in the future.

After all, this time, this man was criticizing Wu Xun on behalf of the civil servants, and received a beating from the court, so he would definitely not lose his reputation.

At this time, someone else came out of the left door of the Meridian Gate. Guo Xun, the Marquis of Wuding, staggered and walked out alone.

A royal guard, who was somewhat related to Guo Xun, asked, "How is the Marquis?"

Guo Xun replied: "I resigned from my position as commander-in-chief and supervising the manufacture of firearms, but the emperor's grace is so great that he still retained the 20,000 acres of land granted to me so that I can retire!"

Eunuch Qin frowned. Guo Xun was relieved of all his errands. Only the land was left? Including the 10,000 acres he originally planned to transfer to Qin Dewei?

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "Qin Hanlin has fainted!"

Eunuch Qin had a splitting headache, but he didn't dare to say anything. This was really a tragic fate.

This chapter has been completed!
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