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Chapter five hundred and thirty first unworthy disciple

Although Qin Dewei is a very calculating person, unexpected situations and chain reactions will also occur.

For example, today's beating was an unexpected accident, and because of the beating, women who were close to him came to visit one after another and bumped into each other.

Qin Dewei has strengths and weaknesses. His strength lies in one-on-one private broadcasts, but he is not good at one-on-one shows.

As a person, you must learn to use your strengths and avoid weaknesses, so Qin Dewei decisively closed his eyes. This is the best choice at the moment!

As long as you can't see it, there's no problem! Although it's shameful to escape, it's useful!

Since a seriously injured person fell asleep in the bedroom, a sensible person would not enter the bedroom to make noise and disturb the injured person's rest!

A person who pretends to be asleep cannot be woken up, let alone allowed to receive visitors. As a wife, Xu Miaoxuan still couldn't bring herself to beat someone, so she eventually went out to do the job for her.

After Xu Miaoxuan sent everyone away outside, she returned to the bedroom, called out a few times, and found that her husband was really asleep.

Xu Miaoxuan took a quilt to cover her husband, and suddenly felt something else. Perhaps Qin Dewei, who was sleeping peacefully at home, was the best Qin Dewei.

After waking up the next day, Qin Dewei could only lie down. It was extremely inconvenient to eat, so he asked Xu Miaoxuan to feed him one bite at a time.

After eating and drinking, Qin Dewei asked cautiously: "Is everything okay after I fell asleep yesterday?"

While clearing the tableware on the Kang table, Xu Miaoxuan said: "They all want to come to accompany you to recover from your injuries, so I decided to divide the days. From now on, Wang Lianqing will come on odd days, and the Li family girls will come on even days."

It is best to stagger it. Qin Dewei praised: "A good wife is wise!"

There was also Tao Xiangu, but Qin Dewei didn't dare to ask, fearing that his injuries would worsen.

Xu Miaoxuan took the initiative and said, "Also, Tao Laodao heard that you were tortured and asked someone to send you medicine, so I kept it."

"Oh, just keep it then." Qin Dewei was very emotionally intelligent and did not mention the question of "who is delivering the medicine?"

The time for dual cultivation has not yet come, but counting the days, it will soon come.

"What book do you want to read today?" Xu Miaoxuan asked again. With Qin Dewei's appearance, he probably can only read to pass the time.

Qin Dewei raised his head and said: "Don't rush to read, take me to Master Zhan's house next door as a guest!"

Xu Miaoxuan: ""

In terms of not being a human being, my husband's talent is almost as strong as writing poetry.

Without Qin Dewei, the court seemed to have entered a stable and peaceful state again, and the years were quiet.

The biggest thing that happened to the imperial court in the past few days was probably the unification of the names of foreign officers of the Ministry of War. The title of general system was changed back to governor. For example, after the trilateral general system, it became the trilateral governor.

A new bank opened on Qipan Street in Beijing. It seemed ordinary and unremarkable and did not attract much attention.

However, the bank's first shopkeeper, second shopkeeper, accountant, and several senior clerks are all from Jinling, and are fellow townsmen of Wang Shangshu of the Ministry of Revenue.

Time has slowly entered winter, and the fifteenth year of Jiajing has almost passed.

If there are no other major events, this end of the year will probably be as dull as in previous years. Winter is the time of year when government affairs are at their least busy.

Zhang Chao, a young scholar and Hanlin scholar, was not very comfortable during this period because he had a disciple named Qin Dewei.

This guy is really crazy. Although he always says he is low-key, his actions are always honest.

In the first half of the year, he manipulated the imperial court to promote an unpopular figure as the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, and by the way, he created a new type of artillery;

In the middle of the year, he returned to Nanjing and abolished the Minister of Rites of Nanjing. In the second half of the year, he abolished Wuding Marquis Guo Xun.

Look at the things this guy has done, how does he look like he is in the sixth grade? For those who don’t know, I thought he was a powerful cabinet minister who loves firearms crafts.

With such a protégé and disciple around, Bachelor Zhang was forced to keep a low profile and be cautious all day long, as if he were facing an abyss.

Academician Zhang hardly dared to express his opinions on any political affairs, and did not dare to participate in any political activities outside the formal rules. He lived like a corpse eating a vegetarian meal.

The reason is very simple. The students have already jumped like this. If the teacher jumps again, the vibration will only cause the house to collapse together!

Therefore, Teacher Zhang feels very aggrieved. Why should he suppress his political ideals for the sake of students who don’t know how to restrain themselves?

I wanted to reprimand my disciples with the dignity of being a teacher, but for every sentence I said, a certain unscrupulous disciple would reply ten times, which made me feel even more aggrieved.

Since I was forced to do nothing politically, I could only turn to poetry. This is normal. Besides, poetry is also the work of the Hanlin Academy.

As a result, the poems and articles submitted by Teacher Zhang were not outstanding, and the response after a year was mediocre.

It was mainly a few people with the best poetry skills in the Hanlin Academy (except for someone who had been absent for most of the year), who had vaguely formed a small group headed by Cai Ang.

They learned from each other, cut off each other's strengths and offset their weaknesses, and worked together to almost monopolize the Hanlin Academy's outstanding articles, and were repeatedly praised by the emperor.

And because he competed with Cai Ang for the Hanlin bachelor's degree last year, Teacher Zhang was at odds with Cai Ang and was excluded from this small circle.

Therefore, Teacher Zhang Chao Zhang's life has been very unhappy this year. This is also the reason why he sees Qin Dewei as unfavorable.

What's especially abominable is that this disciple didn't even take the initiative to write for me, and didn't even help me think of any ideas!

Completely ignoring the teacher's situation and not caring about what happened to the teacher is not a son of a human being!

Seeing that the year is coming to an end, winter is another season of summary.

When people from the middle level of Hanyuan and above gathered in the lobby to talk about knowledge, they naturally also talked about everyone's achievements this year.

Zhang Chao, as a young minister and a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy, was ranked among the top in Hanyuan, but he was speechless on this topic.

If you dare not participate in political affairs and your articles cannot be outstanding, what else can you say?

"Ashamed, ashamed, empty-handed, accomplished nothing." Bachelor Zhang could only say humbly.

Cai Ang, the lecturer and bachelor, "joked": "Senior Zhang did some things, such as assisting the palace in identifying and cleaning up Buddhist relics, and went to the outskirts of the city tirelessly to supervise the burning of tens of thousands of kilograms of Buddha bones."

Everyone may not have any malicious intentions, but they couldn't help but laugh a few times.

This is really the only thing that reminds people of what Zhang Xueshi has done this year. Who made him say in the book last year, "Please prohibit the destruction of Buddhist objects in the palace."

Cai Ang then "joked" and said: "Senior Zhang, as a Hanlin, we should do something that Hanlin should do!"

The phrase "Do something that a Hanlin should do" is a famous meme circulated in the Hanlin Academy this year.

After the number one scholar Qin Dewei neglected his duties and built a new type of artillery, Wen Renhe, a scholar in the Imperial Academy, had no choice but to say this to Qin number one scholar, which was widely circulated for a time.

Today Cai Ang used it to "joke" Qin Zhuangyuan's teacher again, which sounded particularly interesting.

Everyone burst into laughter again, and the atmosphere inside and outside the lobby was filled with joy.

Bachelor Zhang's face turned red with laughter from his colleagues, and he was helpless.

Suddenly, a eunuch hurried to the front of the hall and shouted to everyone: "Great joy! The emperor's second son is born! The court will celebrate tomorrow!"

This is really great news that thunders on the ground, and the whole world celebrates it. The emperor who came into power at the end of the year actually gave birth to another son!

Since the death of the emperor's eldest son in the twelfth year of Jiajing, another prince was born, and the Ming Dynasty once again had a heir!

On this day, all major government offices in the capital were filled with a jubilant atmosphere, and countless congratulatory forms were being drafted urgently.

The excited Emperor Jiajing issued decrees one after another, awarding those who deserved awards, including Shao Yuanjie, the national master, for his meritorious service in praying, and Tao Zhongwen, the eminent scholar, for his meritorious service in exterminating evil spirits.

In particular, Shao Yuanjie, the national preceptor, was actually given the title of Minister of Rites.

Regarding the issue of Taoist priest titles, the courtiers were too lazy to complain. The emperor could grant him whatever title he wanted, as long as it did not affect the operation of government affairs.

Anyway, Shao Guoshi's Minister of Rites is just a false title, not a minister who can really manage affairs or be a high-ranking minister.

The real official minister of the Ministry of Rites is Yan Song. The phenomenon repeated by several ministers and ministers in the Ming Dynasty is a basic practice and there is no need to make a fuss about it.

In the lobby of the Hanlin Academy, everyone did not disperse and were still discussing.

Wen Xueshi told Cai Ang: "Hejiang, you are the best at writing congratulatory messages. You must be careful this time. You must not let Hanyuan's articles be worse than those of other yamen!"

Cai Ang happily raised his hands and said, "How dare you disobey me!"

As a great writer of congratulations, this kind of time of great joy and auspiciousness is when he shows his face the most!

If you can impress the emperor, it is not impossible to be promoted instantly with just one article!

All the Hanlin officials had finished discussing and were about to disperse when suddenly another eunuch walked into the Hanlin Academy and shouted: "Accept the order!"

Everyone originally thought that this was an edict from the emperor asking the Hanlin officials to write corresponding poems.

As a result, the core content of the imperial edict was just one sentence: "Zhang Chao, a young scholar and a bachelor of the Imperial Academy, was promoted to the right minister of the Ministry of Rites and a bachelor of the Imperial Academy because of his meritorious service in planning the proposal!"

The entire Hanlin Academy immediately became a sensation!

After reaching this level, you are basically at the top of the list of Hanyuan Ci ministers! The next step is either to be a minister or to join the cabinet!

In other words, Bachelor Zhang Chao, who was teased just now for "doing nothing", has now become the top person in the Imperial Academy.

The contrast between the before and after is really quite big.

Many people with bad memories were completely confused when they heard about this appointment!

I couldn't figure it out for a moment, what did Xueshie Zhang do? Why did he help the emperor give birth to a son?

Only Cai Ang, who was deeply impressed, was the first to remember that when he was competing for the position of Hanlin bachelor last year, Zhang Chao "please prohibit the destruction of Buddhist objects in the palace" because "for the sake of giving birth to an heir"!

At that time, everyone felt that this dedication was nonsense! However, the emperor who believed in Taoism and did not like Buddhism appreciated it!

Even just now, everyone was joking about Zhang Chao's destruction of the Buddha's bones in the palace!

But who would have thought that the emperor would actually give birth to a son now! Zhang Chao's luck seemed to be favored by God!

But Cai Ang felt inexplicably sad and angry. Why couldn't his article, which he recognized as a good one, not be favored by God?

Do talented people like Qu Yuan, Jia Yi, Su Dongpo, and Du Fu deserve a rough fate since ancient times?

But why is there a champion named Qin who is not at all frustrated?

In fact, most Hanlin officials are envious, and apart from Cai Ang, there are not many who are unconvinced.

After all, Zhang Chao was very senior, almost one of the top three in the Imperial Academy, but he had been on the bench for ten years, and then his progress was delayed.

Now that it has risen to this position, it can only be considered as a return to the normal position where it should be.

Teacher Zhang Chao Zhang stood in front of the hall, still in a daze. This ups and downs in life were really caught off guard.

He knows his own family affairs, and his memorial "forbidding the destruction of Buddhist objects in the palace" was written by an unscrupulous disciple named Qin.

I thought it was quite nonsense at the time, but I didn't expect that I would get two promotions in one year. Last year, I was promoted to Shao Zhanshi and Hanlin Bachelor, and now I was promoted to Right Minister of the Ministry of Rites and Hanlin Bachelor.

This appointment is not just as simple as promotion from the fourth grade to the third grade, but also an appointment that can affect the future pattern of the court!

In the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty, the third rank was the threshold for high-ranking officials. And the third-rank Ci minister still had the title of right minister of the Ministry of Rites, which meant that he was close to entering the cabinet!

If you are very lucky, a minister of the Ministry of Rites and a bachelor of Hanlin can directly join the cabinet. Of course, you usually have to become a minister first.

So starting from today, Zhang Chao is added to the list of cabinet candidates, which can already affect the future structure of the court.

Therefore, all the Hanlin officials came forward one after another to congratulate Academician Zhang on reaching the peak of his cultivation in the Hanlin Academy and waiting for his future ascension!

If you want wealth and honor, don’t forget each other!

Wen Renhe, the right minister of the Ministry of Personnel and a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy, stepped forward, cupped his hands and said, "Congratulations to Zhang Tingxi! You have a good disciple!"

Several people joined in and said, "The most enviable thing about Senior Zhang is indeed having a good disciple!"

Zhang Chao: ""

Is this congratulating himself, or praising Qin Dewei? It seems as if he would not be promoted without Qin Dewei.

Because of his involvement in the Zuo Shunmen incident, Zhang Chao sat on the bench for ten years and became a forgotten little transparent person.

It wasn't until the 13th year of Jiajing's reign that Qin Deweicai's transshipment was piloted in Nanzhili Township and it was out of control!

Thanks to Qin Dewei's efforts, Zhang Chaocai became the examiner of the examination, and upon completion of the examination, he was promoted to the fifth rank in terms of merit and deeds.

Relying on Qin Dewei's advice, he took the lead in the battle for Hanlin bachelor's degree, won the favor of the emperor, and was promoted to the fourth rank!

Relying on the remnants of Qin Dewei's previous operation, he got a third-grade product again today!

From the spring of the 14th year of Jiajing to the winter of the 15th year of Jiajing, one person was promoted from the fifth rank to the third rank, and he was still a Ci Minister!

So when it comes to Qin Dewei, people are not deliberately mocking Bachelor Zhang, but they are sincerely envious of him.

It probably means, "I also want to have a disciple like this."

Although he is arrogant, irritating and deserves to be beaten, no one is perfect and he does have merits!

For some reason, Teacher Zhang suddenly felt that being the right minister of the Ministry of Rites and a bachelor of the Imperial Academy was not good at all.

The people on the left and right are just tools.

Not long after Zhang Xueshi returned home, he heard the servant say that Qin Dewei was here.

This is normal. When a teacher is promoted, it is appropriate for students to come and congratulate him.

But Qin Dewei also brought someone with him, whom Zhang Chao knew, Guanglu Temple Shaoqing Zhan Rong.

This makes Teacher Zhang very strange. I don’t know what the situation is. Doesn’t Qin Dewei want to buy Zhan Rong’s house?

At this time, Qin Dewei's back injuries were not completely healed, so he could not sit down and could only stand and talk.

Qin Dewei pointed at Teacher Zhang and said to Zhan Shaoqing while frothing at the mouth: "Mr. Zhan, did you see that this is my teacher!

I promised the teacher last year that I would be a minister for three years and a minister for five years! Today I want you to see with your own eyes that this first step goal has been achieved one year ahead of schedule!

So if you have two more years of qualifications, it’s not impossible for me to help you find a governor position!

Let me tell you, what is there to miss about an official position like Guanglu Temple Shaoqing? How can a governor be so powerful?"

Zhan Shaoqing's expression changed a few times, and he said decisively: "Okay! I'll sell you the house for half the price, and I'll move out quickly before the Chinese New Year!"

Teacher Zhang:""

How many lifetimes of misdeeds did this horse-rider commit before he accepted this evil disciple?

This chapter has been completed!
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