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Chapter 534 Another year

Along the way, people kept congratulating Qin Dewei, and his title was upgraded from Qin Hanlin to Qin Scholar.

It turns out that there are people with lower status who call him Scholar Qin, but those are exaggerated honorifics, and there are not many of them.

But from now on, those who can be serious can be called bachelors, and it is okay for bachelors to be called so.

After walking out of Chengtianmen, Academician Zhang and Academician Qin parted ways.

One walked left, exited the left gate of Chang'an, and went to work at the Hanlin Academy. The other walked right, exited the right gate of Chang'an, and went home to recuperate.

Regarding this injury, Academician Qin plans to wait until next year to talk about it.

Academician Zhang walked a few steps and suddenly felt that he had missed something. He turned around and shouted: "Wait a minute! Go to the Hanlin Academy. I have something else to ask you!"

Academician Qin had no choice but to follow Academician Zhang into the Hanlin Academy, and then went to the Zhuangyuan Hall where there were no outsiders to talk alone.

Zhang Chao asked in a low voice: "You just said that if there is no peace in the court after these two years, what exactly does that mean?"

Qin Dewei replied casually: "There is no other meaning. There are always more unrest in the court than there is peace, so we say take precautions."

At that time, Zhang Chao participated in the Great Ceremony Meeting and blocked the Zuo Shun Gate. After that, he was on the bench for ten years. He was very sensitive to issues related to the biological father of Emperor Jiajing.

"I was on the road just now and suddenly realized that you had ulterior motives!" Zhang Chao said seriously.

Qin Dewei responded dissatisfied: "How can any teacher say that to a student? What does it mean to have ulterior motives?"

Zhang Chao ignored Qin Dewei's interruption: "Did you deliberately propose a new posthumous title like offering the emperor to test the emperor's attitude?

Now some courtiers may have understood that in the emperor's heart, the grand ceremony is not over yet! Otherwise, the emperor would not have lost his composure over these three words: "Xian Emperor".

Since the great ceremony in the Emperor's heart has not been completed yet, there will be turmoil and disputes sooner or later, which is why you say that the court will not be peaceful in the next two years."

Qin Dewei nodded happily and praised: "I am very relieved to see that the teacher has made great progress. I can give the teacher more responsibilities in the future."

Teacher Zhang resisted the urge to hit. He wanted to know clearly what Qin Dewei meant by "heavy burden" and whether there would be opportunities in the future.

Now he is a candidate for the main position of the Third Rank Pavilion!

In Teacher Zhang's expectant eyes, Qin Dewei arranged and said: "Now there is an important task, teacher, please push it!

When the second son of the emperor is born, there should be a general amnesty. Teacher, you can talk about this in the bookstore and find a way to pardon Feng En."

Academician Qin sensed that Academician Zhang's mood had some fluctuations, so for safety reasons, he stood up and left.

When I got home, I happened to meet Zeng’s stepfather at the gate.

Since the autumn trial was over, the two yamen of the Criminal Department and Dali Temple have been much freer, so Zeng's stepfather can go home early every day.

Walking into the front yard, Qin Dewei couldn't help but sigh: "Master Zeng, you are blocking my way again."

Zeng Mian was confused, what kind of strange saying is this?

Qin Dewei stated a fact: "Just now in the Wenhua Palace, the emperor issued a decree to promote me to the rank of fifth-rank bachelor.

Just talking about level, you are only half a step away from becoming a fifth-level official, Mr. Zeng. If you don’t work hard, you will block my progress, let alone me as a Ci minister."

Zeng's father was dumbfounded. What kind of freak was this cheap son?

Returning to the inner courtyard in a daze, Zeng Mian said to Zhou, "We can't stay in this capital."

In the last month or two of the fifteenth year of Jiajing, Qin Dewei still secluded himself from the court, and all matters at hand were carried out in an orderly manner.

Zhan Shaoqing next door has moved out. The original house is still quite new, and Qin Dewei is too lazy to renovate it.

First, we hired people to clean it thoroughly, then opened up the passages on both sides, and started various moves one after another.

Qin Dewei took Xu Miaoxuan to move to the new home, and Wang Lianqing took the five young ladies to move to the old home.

And there will be two gates in the future. The new gate here is the east gate of Qin Mansion, and the original gate is the west gate of Zeng Mansion.

The Royal Horse Supervisor began to clear out the land that had been occupied in recent years. This batch amounted to 200,000 acres.

Among them, 15,000 acres of land along the Yongding River were embezzled by the Qin eunuchs and leased to Xu Miaojing, a fellow commander of Jinyiwei, for development.

Xu Xiaodi is gearing up and is actively recruiting bankers to prepare for a big start next year.

Qin Dewei listened to the situation briefing several times and then gave up.

Because even if he needs to use land in the future, he won't need so much land for the time being, so he might as well let Xu Xiaodi take care of it first.

Unconsciously, the fifteenth year of Jiajing passed and the sixteenth year of Jiajing arrived.

In Qin Dewei's impression, the 16th year of Jiajing in history was a very special year.

This special meaning does not mean that there were any major events worth writing about in the 16th year of Jiajing.

On the contrary, the sixteenth year of Jiajing was lackluster and there were no major events worth mentioning.

If we were to hold a historical selection event and select the most peaceful year of the Jiajing Dynasty, Qin Dewei estimated that the 16th year of Jiajing would definitely be elected.

Anyone who knows history knows that in the early period of the Jiajing Dynasty, the political situation was constantly tossing, with seven or eight chief ministers changing. In the later period, there were Tartars from the north and Japanese pirates from the south, competing to invade. In the later period, a general financial crisis broke out.

Against this background, the peace of the Sixteenth Year of Jiajing is so rare and precious. This is the most special thing about the Sixteenth Year of Jiajing.

Thinking of this, Qin Dewei couldn't help but secretly sigh, it would be great if the current situation could always be as peaceful and peaceful as the 16th year of Jiajing in history.

But it is a pity that people's selfishness and desires will not make the court peaceful forever.

Although there are no big things, there are also small things that Qin Dewei is more concerned about.

For example, the 16th year of Jiajing was also the year of the rural examination. Qin Dewei was wondering, as he was now a bachelor's student and his status was considered qualified, should he find a way to return to Nanzhili to preside over the rural examination?

It will be difficult to get family leave in the future, so returning to Nanzhili to preside over the provincial examination is an opportunity.

In addition, there was a very special situation in the 16th year of Jiajing. Most of the princes of Emperor Jiajing were born in the 16th year of Jiajing.

This year, Emperor Jiajing gave birth to five more princes, but most of them died in infancy. Emperor Jiajing never gave birth to any more princes.

Prince Yu, the third son of the emperor who later succeeded the throne, was also born in the first month of the 16th year of Jiajing's reign, which added a bit of joy to the court celebrating the New Year.

There was also a happy event in Qin Xueshi's family. The concubine Wang Lianqing was also pregnant... which also made the Qin family's New Year even more festive.

Although Xu Miaoxuan appeared very happy, she was even more anxious deep down.

There was movement in the outer rooms one by one, which put a lot of pressure on the main room.

Qin Dewei had nothing to do about it, he had already worked very hard.

When we find an opportunity, let the expert Xiaoxiangu prescribe some more medicine to Xu Miaoxuan to see if it has any effect. Maybe it can resolve the grievances between the two parties.

This chapter has been completed!
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