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Chapter 539 Bottom Line

After the Wenhua Hall ended today, everyone had a feeling of being burnt inside and tender outside.

Everyone originally thought that they could watch Qin Dewei's fun today, but they didn't expect that the fun would be so great.

They all read the same books, so how could Qin Dewei see the way of heaven from the books?

Yan Song, the Minister of Rites, was very worried and hurriedly left the palace and returned home.

He only learned yesterday that his son Yan Shifan had impeached Qin Dewei.

But time was in a hurry, and he had to go to the temple to participate in the sutra feast today. Before he could deal with this matter, Qin Dewei had already passed the test, and he also laid a murderous intention.

Yan Song called Yan Shifan, who was taking a nap, to the study and asked, "Why are you impeaching Qin Dewei?"

Yan Shifan replied very defiantly: "In the whole court, I was the first person to impeach Qin Dewei! I want this reputation!"

Yan Song scolded and said, "Are you crazy because of your loss of heart?"

Yan Shifan said harshly: "Son, I have told you a long time ago that Qin Dewei has always been hostile to his father and will definitely become a serious problem for my father and son in the future!

Although this person is successful in his career and success, he is very cautious and has many enemies!

As long as we raise the banner of anti-Qin Dewei, there will naturally be people willing to get close to us and build momentum!

Others only see Qin Dewei's arrogance, but I see opportunities!"

Yan Song felt more and more that his son was crazy, "Qin Dewei is much stronger than you, aren't you afraid of retaliation?"

Yan Shifan laughed wildly: "Hahahaha! The worse you are retaliated against today, the greater your reputation will be in the future!

Besides, my father is the Minister of Rites, how dare Qin Dewei kill me? As long as I don’t die, there will always be a time to turn around!”

Yan Song felt that his son's brain circuit was also quite abnormal, and shouted: "I, the Minister of Rites, may not be able to suppress Qin Dewei!"

Yan Shifan leaned on the chair and said sadly: "Then father will go find Mr. Xia Ge and ask Mr. Xia Ge to come forward."

Yan Song suddenly hesitated for a moment because he was very unsure about which side Xia Yan would turn to.

In the past, Xia Yan would definitely be on his side, even if he was unreasonable.

But now that Qin Dewei has become more and more powerful, he has a close relative and friend as the Minister of Household Affairs, and he has become the youngest bachelor, and his weight is far more important than before.

Moreover, the cause of this incident was Yan Shifan's fault. Will Xia Yan still favor his own side and suppress Qin Dewei?

Yan Shifan said casually: "Father, why do you have so much hesitation? Go find Mr. Xia Ge and ask tentatively, and you'll know?"

If Mr. Xia Ge still favors us, then everyone will naturally be happy... If Mr. Xia Ge starts to favor Qin Dewei, that means "

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Yan Song asked: "What does that mean?"

Yan Shifan stared at his father with one eye and said, "That means that my father should be ready to get rid of Xia Yan and start a new mountain!"

Yan Song slapped the table and shouted: "Be careful what you say!"

Yan Shifan turned a deaf ear to his father's scolding and said bluntly: "Is it possible that my father is a minister of the Ministry of Etiquette and is willing to be regarded as Xia Yan's puppet?

When it comes to seniority in the imperial examination, the father is the senior, right?

If my father's status in Xia Yan's mind begins to be inferior to that of Qin Dewei, then what's the point of my father joining Xia Yan?"

Yan Song asked directly: "You unfilial son, do you just want to force me to alienate Xia Guizhou?

So you kill first and report later, deliberately impeaching Qin Dewei, and you also have such an ulterior motive?"

Yan Shifan replied: "It doesn't matter whether the impeachment can be successful or not. It doesn't matter whether there will be retaliation. What matters is the impeachment itself and the identity of the son of the Minister of Rites!"

Yan Song was noncommittal, "You put it lightly. As the saying goes, you need to be strong to make iron. I am still far behind!"

How can it be so easy to be the banner of anti-Qin Dewei? A Minister of Rites who has only been in office for less than a year may not be enough.

Yan Shifan chuckled a few times and said, "The opportunity has appeared. I don't believe my father can't see it!"

Qin Dewei vaguely referred to Emperor Jiajing's biological father as "Emperor Xian", which seemed to have opened Pandora's Box for the Yans and his son.

Can the posthumous title of Emperor Jiajing's biological father be officially changed from the unusual-sounding "Emperor Xingxian" to the title of Emperor Xian, which is the same as that of his ancestors?

Going forward, since Emperor Xian has a posthumous title based on the same template, should he add a temple name like Ruizong like his ancestors?

Now that there is a temple name, should the throne of Emperor Ruizong be moved into the Ancestral Temple? Become a member of the extended family of the ancestors of the Ancestral Temple?

Yan Jiansheng said confidently: "Qin Dewei only said that he would present himself to the emperor, but nothing else. This is enough to show that Qin Dewei does not want to go further. Our opportunity is here!

And father, as the Minister of Rites, you can legitimately participate in ritual issues. This is your opportunity to continue to rise to the top."

Yan Song remained silent and fell into deep thought.

Then why doesn't Qin Dewei go further? Is he stupid?

Of course not, Qin Dewei steps on the line so accurately, of course he understands the pros and cons!

When compiling the book, he was given the honorific title Xian Emperor, which had no influence on "history". In later records, he was still called "Xing Xian Emperor".

After all, Emperor Jiajing and his father had never been emperor the day before his death, and were not included in the list of ancestors and clans.

But if the posthumous title is changed, the temple name is added, and the person is forcibly sent to the Ancestral Temple, the nature will be different!

The great affairs of the country lie in sacrifice and military affairs, and the Ancestral Temple represents this sacrifice!

If you really do that, you will have once again touched the bottom line in terms of etiquette!

Therefore, Qin Dewei refused to move forward. He also cherished feathers and did not want to be regarded as a "sycophant" without a bottom line.

Nor do we want to be like the "Yi Li Sect" who, although they have won the favor of the emperor, will be isolated by the entire court and everyone will cry out for beatings.

But Yan Song felt that this bottom line seemed not that important, and it was a rare opportunity for him to reach the top.

In fact, there is another difference. Yan Song can use this topic in exchange for joining the cabinet.

But Qin Dewei can only upgrade to one level at most, and the income difference is too big, so it is not cost-effective for Qin Dewei.

Yan Shifan strongly encouraged him and said: "Father, why should you hesitate? If you still want to join the cabinet and reach the top, this is your chance.

It doesn’t matter if you receive a few words of criticism. The former chief minister Zhang Fujing was scolded for more than ten years, but it was nothing serious and he ended up well."

Yan Song sighed: "Although your idea is feasible, the current time is not right.

I have only been the Minister of Rites for less than a year, and the Emperor is not familiar with me yet, so I cannot be promoted. So what effect can I gain by flattering the Emperor at this time?

When the emperor becomes more familiar with me, or the opportunity arises to join the cabinet, he will bring up the topic of entering the Ancestral Temple to gain further opportunities. "

It doesn't matter if someone beats him to flatter the emperor, because Yan Song is the Minister of Rites.

No matter who first brought up this topic, he, Yan Song, was the authoritative one and could easily take advantage of it.

Seeing that his father had figured it out, Yan Shifan urged: "First go to Mr. Xia Ge and see how Mr. Xia Ge treats his father!

Don't worry, father, if the relationship with Xia Yan breaks down, the emperor may look at father differently! Otherwise, father, you will have to be subordinate to Xia Yan forever!"

This chapter has been completed!
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