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Five hundred and fortieth chapters alone

Qin Dewei may have been a little overwhelmed, and then his eyes stopped looking in one direction, as if all hope was here.

Everyone looked along Scholar Qin's line of sight, and it turned out that the end point of their line of sight was Wang Tingxiang, the Minister of Punishment and the Governor of Beijing Camp.

Anyone who has participated in the temple game in the past few years knows that although Wang Tingxiang is an ally of the great scholar Xia Yan, he is also Qin Dewei's most powerful spokesperson in the court.

Moreover, Wang Tingxiang and Qin Dewei also have a literary inheritance relationship, which is even more different from ordinary predecessors.

At this time, it was normal for Qin Dewei to expect Wang Tingxiang to stand up and say a few words.

Wang Tingxiang, who is over sixty years old and has gray beard and hair, frowned tightly, as if he was in a difficult situation.

Finally, in front of everyone, Wang Tingxiang made up his mind and said loudly: "It is not appropriate to send Yan Jiansheng to Guangdong to handle things!"

If everyone remembers correctly, this was the first time Wang Tingxiang publicly opposed Qin Dewei.

Yan Song breathed a sigh of relief. He thought it was Xia Yan who greeted Wang Tingxiang. Otherwise, who could make Wang Tingxiang openly oppose Qin Dewei?

Of course, after Xia Yan heard Wang Tingxiang's statement, he would definitely think that Yan Song had communicated with Wang Tingxiang.

In order to take the overall situation into consideration, Wang Tingxiang stopped Qin Dewei's reckless behavior. He was really a fastidious person.

Only Wang Tingxiang knows in his heart why he expressed his position like this...

And the effect was ridiculous, it seemed like everyone was thanking him, whether it was Xia Yan, Yan Song, or Qin Dewei.

Academician Qin moved his eyes and looked at another Wang Shangshu, the one from the Ministry of Revenue.

Everyone also looked over and knew that Da Situ and Qin Dewei also had a close relationship.

Wang Yiqi's face was expressionless and he said calmly: "What Da Sikou said is absolutely correct. I agree."

This Wang Shangshu from the Ministry of Husbandry has no acting skills, and is much worse than Wang Shangshu from the Ministry of Punishments.

So I could only use my face and my lines were as concise as possible, but the meaning was very clear.

Everyone was surprised. This time, the Second King's Minister not only "not supported" Qin Dewei, but openly opposed it.

He was even the first to object, which was to guide the direction. There were only six actual ministers in total, so two of them had already objected, which was very important.

Only Yan Song finally realized that something might not be right, and that something abnormal would be a monster.

But for most, the situation is already clear.

Qin Dewei's two biggest "spokesmen" have already expressed their opposition to Qin Dewei, so others will not be able to support him.

If you support Qin Dewei at this time, it means that there is no benefit at all. At the same time, you will have to fight against Yan Song, the Minister of Rites, and you will also have to fight against the "Two Kings" Minister. No fool will do it!

So the fun people discovered that today was indeed not in vain, there was really fun.

At the court meeting, no one actually spoke up to support Qin Dewei. This kind of scene is also very rare.

Normal people who can enter the temple have relatives and friends, and it is impossible not to have someone to help them and say a few words.

On the other big hill, Huo Tao, the censor of Zuodu, looked around in confusion, feeling very baffled.

But one thing is very certain. It is absolutely impossible for him, Huo Tao, to speak for Qin Dewei. It is also impossible for the world to collapse and the world to collapse!

Then Huo Tao winked at Wang Xiwen from the criminal department, which meant that you should go find out about Qin Dewei's background.

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As the saying goes, there is no end to the mentality of people who want to watch fun.

Wang Xiwen moved a few steps and said to the lonely Qin Dewei: "Scholar Qin, please say a few more words!"

Qin Dewei let out a long sigh and said to Wang Xiwen: "I, Qin Dewei, studied as a bachelor from the fifth rank, and became the number one scholar in Yiwei in the 14th year of Jiajing.

Currently, I am in charge of a small Siyi Pavilion, which is an unattractive and unpopular place. It is completely incomparable with the important Yamen of the princes.

Letting the top scholar take charge of such a place, I dare not say that the talent is overqualified, but it also means to be humble and uncontested, which shows that I, Qin Dewei, have no interest in fighting for power and gain."

Everyone: ""

There are too many things to complain about. Did Bachelor Qin drink too much again this morning? Or did he overwork last night and still find his IQ?

The lonely man was extremely distressed and continued to say to Wang Xiwen: "Wang Shiyi, please comment. It is a normal errand arrangement in the Siyi Pavilion. It is just to send someone to Guangdong to work. Can this be considered a big deal?"

Wang Xiwen glanced at Yan Shangshu and said calmly: "It's really not a big deal."

Qin Dewei complained: "In just a few days, a bachelor and three ministers came to put pressure on me.

In addition to the above, there are two other people who are sons of man and cannot be named by disciples, so they have to be kept anonymous by the Venerable here.

And then at today’s court meeting, there wasn’t even a single person who supported it!”

Hearing Qin Dewei name so many big guys, Wang Xiwen felt "fuck" in his heart and wanted to leave Qin Dewei's side.

Qin Dewei chased after him and said, "Wang Shiyi, don't leave, I haven't finished speaking yet!

I just don’t quite understand, I’ve reached this point, I can only manage a Siyi Pavilion, I have no one to support me in the whole court, and some people actually say that I’m domineering!”

Wang Xiwen turned a deaf ear and ducked into the crowd.

Qin Dewei stopped, grabbed an official next to him, and complained: "My dear fellow, you are here to judge, who is the domineering one?

Can’t you touch the son of the Minister of Rites? Can’t you arrange errands for the son of the Minister of Rites?

Whenever he doesn't like what he wants, there will be a group of intercessors and pressurers. How can a small Siyi Pavilion stand up to so many high-ranking officials and dignitaries and not let others do things?

Also, isn’t Guangdong the territory of the Ming Dynasty? Isn’t going to Guangdong on business to serve the country?”

The official who was grabbed by Academician Qin didn't look very good. He backed away and hid in the crowd.

Before the court meeting, many people would have thought that Qin Dewei would be upright, stand up to the boss, and establish a strong character who was not afraid of violence. However, they did not expect that Qin Dewei had been complaining and complaining.

Qin Dewei turned to Xu Zan, the Minister of Civil Affairs, and asked: "Whenever the court discusses matters, the results must be reported. How should the results of the discussion about sending Yan Jiansheng to Guangdong be reported?"

Xu Zan also glanced at Yan Song first before replying: "No one in the court agreed with you, so Yan Jiansheng's trip to Guangdong was denied."

Xu Tianguan was impartial and showed this fact.

Qin Dewei nodded and said happily: "It's not that no one agrees, but they all oppose it! In addition, it must be noted that Yan Jiansheng is the son of Yan Shangshu."

Everyone: ""

What happened today was completely evil from beginning to end.

But everyone can also tell that if this result is presented, it will be fun again, and it will be great fun in front of the emperor.

Emperor Jiajing has been on the throne for more than ten years, and the courtiers have gradually figured out the temper of Emperor Jiajing.

Emperor Jiajing had no sense of security. The most taboo thing was that there was only one voice in the court, and the most guarded thing was that the ministers took power.

Can the Manchu Dynasty be silenced by just a question about the selection of people to serve in the Siyi Pavilion?

This chapter has been completed!
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