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Chapter five hundred and sixty seventh Annan's discussion

Yan Song Yan Shangshu's words are actually very abrupt, which makes others extremely surprised.

First, most people are still shocked and in disbelief. Second, according to convention, the Ministry of War should speak first on military aircraft matters.

Yan Song, a minister of the Ministry of Etiquette, jumped in and took a clear stand, which looked very eye-catching and even a little "out of place".

But Yan Song reacted quickly and immediately said: "Military affairs are no small matter. If you are negligent and credulous, you will inevitably repeat Zhao Kuo's defeat at Changping."

Qin Dewei asked Ying to march to the south, but it is difficult to convince people by talking about military affairs on paper, so he asked Qin Dewei to state the strategy first for His Majesty to make a decision."

Only then did someone realize that Yan Song's only son seemed to have been arranged to go to Guangdong.

If Qin Dewei goes to Guangdong and Guangxi, and there is a "general who refuses to accept the king's orders" and "the king orders the flag to act cheaply", how long can Yan Shifan live?

However, Yan Song’s words also make sense. You can’t just listen to Qin Dewei’s boast about “pacifying Annan in half a year”, you have to say something real...

Qin Dewei sighed secretly. Strategies deduced from the original historical results are like magic. Once exposed, there is no sense of magic.

As long as you speak it out yourself, the strategy no longer belongs to you alone. If everyone can use the strategy, it won't matter who goes south to conquer it.

As expected of Yan Song, he can hit the key points right away.

But it's not okay not to tell the strategy. You can't hide it deliberately. That would be the crime of deceiving the emperor.

Qin Dewei thought about it, glanced at Yan Song, and couldn't help but sarcastically said:

"Military aircraft matters are the most secret. How can we openly state the strategy in public? Is it possible that Yan Shangshu deliberately wants to leak the secret to Annan Mo?"

Yan Song pretended not to hear, and he was hurt after just a few sentences. If you have the ability, Qin Dewei, don't tell Ping'an Nan's strategy for half a year!

But Emperor Jiajing really wanted to hear Qin Dewei's opinion. Annan's matter had been discussed for seven months, but there was no result yet, and there was nothing he could do if he kept putting it off.

So Emperor Jiajing issued an order to disperse the dynasty and sent more than a hundred civil and military ministers back to their homes, leaving only three bachelors and seven ministers.

These ten people are the core of the current imperial court. Of course, Qin Dewei was added today to make up the number.

It was Qin Dewei's first time to participate in such a high-level meeting, and he felt a little excited.

He considered his words for a moment, and then said: "It has been more than ten years since Annan's evil leader Mo Dengyong usurped the country. In fact, Annan's country is not yet stable.

The Li family of the former Annan dynasty is currently entrenched in the southern part of Annan, and a large number of officials loyal to the Li family have defected there.

Therefore, Mo Dengyong withheld tribute for more than ten years, which seemed to be arrogant and rude, but was actually out of fear, so he blocked the news."

Qin Dewei talked about these situations easily, but the monarchs and ministers in the palace really didn't understand them.

With the current information transmission conditions, it would be difficult for the imperial court in the capital to know in detail what happened in Annan, thousands of miles away, as long as they deliberately cut off the news.

Even when Mo Dengyong usurped the country, Emperor Jiajing sent a special envoy to Annan to inquire about it in order to verify the situation.

As for the source of the information, Qin Dewei made up a random excuse: "These information were specially obtained from various missions, especially the missions of Siam, Kam Pozhi and other countries.

Therefore, I predict that Mo Dengyong must be afraid of war, so the strategy for the southern expedition should focus on attacking the heart!"

Anyway, Qin Dewei also serves as the young minister of Honglu Temple and the admiral of the Seyi Pavilion, so there is nothing wrong with the logic of dealing with the mission!

Emperor Jiajing urged: "How to attack the heart?"

Qin Dewei said in detail: “First, build up momentum and exert maximum pressure.

After the Governor-General and Minister of Military Affairs arrived in the south, he made normal preparations and began to mobilize troops from the surrounding areas and accumulate food and grass, but did not send troops.

At the same time, the movement must be loud, with a strong military presence on the border, and the governor of Yunnan should actively prepare for war from another direction to intimidate Mo Dengyong.

Secondly, spread the word inside Annan. Tell other people in Annan that the soldiers of tomorrow are about to conquer the Mo family.

Third, there is a reward of 10,000 taels for Mo Dengyong’s head! Fight to the end!

Under the current situation in Annan Kingdom, as long as these three strategies are fully implemented, you can defeat the enemy without fighting."

Don't ask where Qin Dewei's confidence comes from, just ask backwards from historical results.

Wang Ting, the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment and the Governor of the Beijing Camp, was particularly active in military affairs and rushed to express his position: "These three measures are not superfluous and do not cost much. They are extremely feasible!"

Emperor Jiajing asked again: "What will be the consequences?"

Qin Dewei replied: "The worst consequence is probably that Mo Dengyong will fight. Although the chance is very small, it is not impossible, so we have to fight.

The best consequence is that Mo Dengyong is afraid of the heavenly soldiers and takes the initiative to ask for surrender from the Ming Dynasty. This is the most likely outcome."

Historically, Mo Dengyong surrendered directly before fighting and ceded territory to the Ming Dynasty, giving Emperor Jiajing the face to expand his territory.

However, Qin Dewei continued: "In fact, there is a third possibility. In Annan, the forces of the former leader Li family took advantage of the situation and got rid of Mo Dengyong.

This is probably a worse outcome, even worse than the outcome of Mo Dengyong's confrontation."

If this is the case, the old Li family will continue to be the king of Annam, and everything will be the same as before.

Then Ming Dynasty has gained nothing except "friendship", so isn't it all in vain?

Emperor Jiajing thought for a moment, and then asked: "What should be done if Mo Dengyong asks to surrender?"

Qin Dewei said without hesitation: "If Mo Dengyong is willing to surrender, then to encourage and praise him, give him the title of chieftain and continue to let the Mo family rule North Annan.

Then let the Li family continue to be king in Nan Annan, and from then on it was divided into two, both of which belonged to the Ming Dynasty."

This "split into two" is purely the bad taste of the time traveler Qin Dewei.

Today's era is not the twentieth century, and vassals like Annan are indeed of little use to the Ming Dynasty.

The threat index is basically zero, let alone concepts such as buffer zones. It makes no difference whether it is a whole or divided into two parts.

For other ministers, how to deal with Annan is also a matter of indifference.

Probably the only consensus everyone has is that no matter what you do, just don’t spend too much money!

If we can get a few counties or a chieftain, it will be a little bit of gold on the emperor's face.

I, Zhu Houcong, have taken back some of what my ancestors lost. This is probably the greatest significance.

No one objected, everyone agreed, and Qin Dewei's entire plan was approved.

The ten ministers silently praised Qin Dewei, "Master Qin is such a good person today."

We came up with such a complete plan from the early stage to the aftermath, and presented it clearly. All you need to do is follow it.

So now, if you send anyone to conquer the south, you can "safely go south for half a year." It's like getting the credit for nothing.

Lingnan is really too far away and it's a smoky land. Scholar Qin, you are still young and your body is not strong yet, so don't work too hard.

The future is yours, let others do the hard work now.

This chapter has been completed!
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