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Chapter five hundred and eighty seventh can not afford to joke

Time passed, and another month passed, and the life of Chief Assistant Li Shi also came to an end.

This most low-key chief minister of the Ming Dynasty was also the only chief minister of the Jiajing Dynasty who died in office. He was not short of honors after his death. He was given a posthumous title as Taifu, Wenkang, and everything he should have.

Xia Yan, the great scholar, finally became the first assistant, realized his dream for many years, and reached the pinnacle of life. The Ming Dynasty also entered the first stage of Xia Yan's era.

Of course, for most courtiers, especially Yan Song, what is more concerning is that someone seems to be entering the cabinet again!

However, Emperor Jiajing did not immediately appoint new candidates for the cabinet, nor did he issue an edict for ministers to recommend candidates, as if he was waiting for something.

On an ordinary day, a man named Fengfang, who had been demoted and dismissed from office more than ten years ago, suddenly ran to Chang'an Youmen Palace to submit a letter.

No one dared to stop this document, and it was quickly delivered to Emperor Jiajing, who then quickly forwarded it to the Cabinet.

The content of Fengfang's letter was very simple, which was to request the imperial court to restore the ancient ritual of feasting in the Mingtang and allow the Emperor Xian to enjoy it.

Since you want to be worthy of enjoying it, you have to add a temple name and call it a clan, so that you can be "worthy of God."

Emperor Jiajing didn't care about the Mingtang feast, an ancient ritual that had not been used since the founding of the Ming Dynasty. But if it could become a breakthrough for his father to build a temple and claim his ancestral status, then this ancient ritual would become very important.

The ministers knew that Fengfang's letter was just an introduction, and a new round of negotiation was about to come.

When Academician Zhang Chao and Zhang of Hanlin Academy saw Fengfang's letter, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Fengfang's father is Fengxi. He was a Jinshi in the twelfth year of Hongzhi's reign. He is a senior member of the Hanlin Academy. He is more than ten years older than Zhang Chao and was Zhang Chao's teacher.

During the Zuoshunmen case in the third year of Jiajing, Zhang Chao, Fengxi, and Fengfang and his son all participated.

Then Zhang Chao was on the bench for ten years, Fengxi was demoted to Fujian and sent to the army, Fengfang was also demoted from the Ministry of Civil Affairs to other places, and was later dismissed from office.

With this origin, how could it not make Bachelor Zhang sigh with emotion?

The close old friend who went to cry Zuo Shunmen together and fought to the death to fight the emperor actually wrote such a flattering thing fourteen years later. Destiny and human nature are too complicated and changeable.

Thinking about the past, then thinking about now, then thinking about others, then thinking about himself, and the depressing atmosphere of the court today, Zhang Xueshi suddenly became sentimental.

After coming out of Hanlin Academy, Academician Zhang wanted to go home, but he walked to Apparition Palace unknowingly.

Qin Dewei was still recuperating in the guest house of Xianling Palace. He was lying on a soft bamboo couch, and there were several servants fanning beside him.

Xu Miaoxuan, Xu Miaoxuan, the adopted daughter of Zhang Xueshi, is not here at the moment, but has gone to Tao Xiangu's place.

Seeing Academician Zhang coming without saying hello, Qin Dewei asked in surprise: "What do you have to do, teacher? I'm sorry, student, I'm injured and can't greet you!"

Then Academician Zhang told Qin Dewei completely about Fengfang.

Qin Dewei smiled and said: "What's the point? A Fengfang is nothing. Teacher, you will see something more powerful soon."

Zhang Xueshi asked suspiciously: "Are you talking about yourself?"

Qin Dewei: "..."

Zhang Xueshi asked again worriedly: "Are you really not planning to learn Fengfang?"

Qin Dewei said angrily: "Teacher, what's wrong with you? Can I violate Xue Fengfang? I hid in Xianling Palace to recuperate, what else can I do?

Or are you actually jealous, Master? Then you can write a memorial in support of the Emperor’s proposal to proclaim his clan and enter the temple. There happens to be a vacancy in the cabinet, so maybe Master, you will ascend to the throne and join the cabinet in one step."

Qin Dewei's statement is not completely nonsense. Bachelor Zhang is currently the right minister of the Ministry of Etiquette and a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy. In theory, he does have the qualifications to join the cabinet. His foundation is much more solid than that of Zhang Cong and Gui E.

But Zhang Xueshi suddenly criticized the case and said angrily: "Be more serious! What nonsense are you talking about!"

Qin Dewei was surprised. It was just a joke. Why was the teacher angry?

Thinking of something else, Qin Dewei cautiously probed and said, "Could it be that I'm right? Teacher, are you really interested in flattering the emperor and flattering him to gain fame?"

You're just trying to flatter and flatter your ancestors! Is there anyone who talks to a teacher like this? Teacher Zhang raised his hand and wanted to slap Qin Dewei.

Qin Dewei, who was lying on the couch due to injuries, suddenly rolled flexibly and got out of Teacher Zhang's attack range.

I am injured and cannot see you?

Two maids hurriedly came forward, and one of them hugged Academician Zhang's arm, making Academician Zhang unable to move even if he had the strength to do so.

Qin Dewei shouted: "Go and invite Madam!" Then he said to Bachelor Zhang: "Teacher, calm down! Anger can easily harm the body!"

Zhang Xueshi closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths to calm down, and then said: "Today I want to tell you that at the next court meeting, I intend to meet with you to advise you to dissuade Emperor Xian from proclaiming his ancestral status and entering the temple!"

Qin Dewei was shocked. It turned out that Teacher Zhang had a literary illness!

If you don’t do it sooner or later, you do it at this critical time! People will die!

No wonder the teacher was in such an abnormal mood just now that he couldn't even make a joke!

Qin Dewei immediately stepped forward and advised: "Teacher, think again! The issue of etiquette is not a matter of life and death, so why sacrifice your usefulness!"

Academician Zhang replied: "Perhaps the etiquette system is just a false name, and it may not be worth anything in your eyes. I don't intend to argue with you about this.

But what I also see is that His Majesty's attitude of not listening to others and insisting on going his own way is definitely not the way to long-term peace and stability.

Therefore, we should give some advice, or at least point it out in front of His Majesty, so that His Majesty can reflect on himself."

Qin Dewei wanted to cry. He had already planned to pass the test, but he didn't expect something went wrong with the teacher.

Teacher Zhang, you have only been released from the blacklist a few years ago. If you violate Yan Zhijian again, it will not just be a matter of being on the blacklist!

Officialdom is indeed a risky and uncertain profession. There are dangers from all directions, up and down, front, back, left, and right, and problems may arise from nowhere. It is impossible to guard against them.

I heard Zhang Chao sigh again: "I have been confused for several years. In life, I always have to leave something behind and do something I really want to do.

Anyway, I don’t have any children or grandchildren, so I don’t have to worry about harming my descendants, so what worries do I have?”

Qin Dewei said affectionately: "Teacher, although you have no descendants, you have students! You must also be responsible for your students!"

He has worked hard to support Teacher Zhang to his current position. If he goes against the emperor now, it will be all in vain!

There is really no need to flatter and flatter, just keep silent!

Academician Zhang said to Qin Dewei: "I'm sorry, I'm not a good teacher and I let you down.

However, if a master is guilty, his disciples will generally not be implicated. You may be affected a little, but with your ability, you can gradually eliminate these effects."

Qin Dewei was extremely helpless. After all, a tool man is not a tool, he is still a human being after all.

Throughout the dynasties, there have been ministers who dared to offend and remonstrate directly. Qin Dewei also admired such courage, but he did not want those close to him to do such things.

This chapter has been completed!
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