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Chapter 594: See You or Not (Part 2)

In the guest house of Xianling Palace, Xu Miaoxuan took medicine back from Xiuxuan Courtyard.

Seeing that her husband could sit up and stand on his own, she asked a little strangely: "Do you feel any discomfort when you go out for exercise today?"

Qin Dewei patted his chest and said consciously: "Anyway, there is no problem in having sex!"

Xu Miaoxuan hesitated to speak, and hesitated for a while before speaking: "Tao Xiuxuan said that this problem of yin and yang imbalance is not only for me to treat, but also to diagnose your condition."

Qin Dewei pretended to be disdainful and said: "What problem can I have? Why should I use her to diagnose? I have already given birth to three children!

But, maybe you and I are incompatible in some way, and asking her to diagnose it is better than nothing."

Just when Xu Miaoxuan was deep in thought, a maid suddenly called out from outside the door: "There is a message from the mansion, saying that an angel has come to the mansion to deliver a message, asking Mr. Qin to go to the Wenhua Hall tomorrow to see him!"

Qin Dewei was quite surprised by this. There is such a good thing? Is this the halo of Jiajing men?

Originally, he was just preparing to write a few secrets back and forth and have a word battle.

In this case, Qin Dewei had no other thoughts and went to bed early to rest and regain enough energy.

Then early the next morning, he arrived outside Zuoshunmen, waiting to be summoned.

Zuoshunmen was also a political hub in the Ming Dynasty. It was not only the place where memorials were sent and received inside and outside, but walking inside were the two core buildings of Wenhua Hall and Wenyuan Pavilion...

While Qin Dewei was waiting at the Zuoshun Gate, the cabinet bachelor who came to work and the people in the two rooms of the cabinet passed by here.

Some greeted Qin Dewei, while others turned a blind eye.

After waiting for another hour, the eunuch came out and Xuan Qin Dewei came to see him.

Qin Dewei and Mr. Yan Ge came to the back hall of Wenhua Hall to salute Emperor Jiajing.

In such a non-public occasion, Emperor Jiajing stopped holding the memorial in front of Qin Dewei and asked directly: "What's going on with your memorial? Why did you slander Yan Song?"

Qin Dewei replied: "Your Majesty! I am so angry! I can't stand Yan Song!"

Emperor Jiajing shouted: "Speak clearly, what are you angry about?"

Is it because at the last court meeting, you and Yan Song teamed up to blame each other, and in the end you were the only one who got beaten and became angry?

Qin Dewei boldly asked, "Did Yan Song deliberately conceal the cause and effect and did not tell His Majesty the truth?"

Yan Song: ""

He was thinking about how to slander him later, when he suddenly heard Qin Dewei's words and almost lost his guard.

Are you, Qin Dewei, addicted to blaming others? You are the first to scold others, and you are the one who wants the person being scolded to give an explanation?

And you deliberately concealed it from the emperor. This is the crime of deceiving the emperor. How can you, Qin Dewei, have such a big face to label you like this casually?

False accusations are counterproductive. Do you, Qin Dewei, know that?

Emperor Jiajing was naturally suspicious. Hearing Qin Dewei's affirmative tone, he couldn't help but look at Yan Song suspiciously. Could it be that Yan Song was really bold enough to deceive the emperor?

Yan Song no longer thought about how to slander him, and quickly said in the firmest tone:

"I have absolutely nothing to hide, and I have definitely not had any trouble with Qin Dewei recently! I really don't understand the reason why Qin Dewei slandered me!"

Emperor Jiajing was impatient to guess the riddle, pointed at Qin Dewei and shouted: "Speak clearly!"

Qin Dewei shouted loudly: "Does Your Majesty know that three days before the last rites meeting, Yan Song, as the Minister of Rites, deliberately selected Zhang Chao, the minister's teacher, the right minister of the Ministry of Rites and a scholar of the Imperial Academy, as an envoy and sent him out of the capital!"

Yan Song was caught off guard and was completely confused! He didn't expect that Qin Dewei would suddenly mention Zhang Chao at this moment, so he was completely unprepared.

In this relatively private occasion, Qin Dewei felt that he had a lot to say and he could say it casually, but he wouldn't recognize him when he left the house anyway.

So Qin Dewei continued with great sadness and anger: "Actually, teacher Zhang Chao had already made plans at that time and intended to make a difference at the meeting, but he was banished by Yan Song in advance!

As a student, I was very unhappy when I saw what happened to my teacher, and when I saw that Yan Song was able to rise to prominence, I was very angry!"

Wucao! Yan Song’s head was buzzing and he felt like he was going crazy.

Nowadays, others slander him as a traitor, but they don’t know that Qin Dewei is the real traitor!

Sending Zhang Chao as an envoy was indeed a matter handled directly by the Ministry of Rites.

But there is a major premise. It was you, Qin Dewei, who first instigated Xia Yan to express his position, and then the Ministry of Rites followed your wishes!

Of course, Yan Song did have some small selfish motives and was worried that Zhang Chao, with Qin Dewei's support, would pose a threat to him.

So I happily agreed to send Zhang Chao out, and couldn't wait to directly operate the process.

At that time, I thought that removing a competitor would be beneficial but not harmful at all, but who would have thought that this would actually be a pitfall!

Emperor Jiajing's mind was also a bit messed up, and the logic in Qin Dewei's words was relatively complicated.

Of course, there are two core elements: What does Zhang Chao want to do? Why did Yan Song send Zhang Chao out?

First ask if it is true, and then why. Emperor Jiajing looked at Yan Song again and asked: "Is what Qin Dewei said true? Was Zhang Chao's mission assigned by you?"

Yan Song wanted to say that Qin Dewei actually did it, but Qin Dewei would definitely not admit it, and he did not have any personal or material evidence.

Yan Song also wanted to say that Xia Yan, the first assistant, expressed his position in private first, and then the Ministry of Rites took action, but he still did not dare to say so.

Now that I am not on a stable footing, if I continue to offend Xia Yan to death, I will not be able to survive this life.

From a superficial point of view, the Cabinet Grand Scholar only has the power to collect memorials and draw up votes, and does not have the power to directly issue orders to the six ministries.

So bringing up Xia Yan himself is tantamount to accusing Xia Yan of overstepping his authority.

Moreover, Qin Dewei didn't mention Xia Yan in the first place. If he deliberately dragged Xia Yan into trouble, it would only make Xia Yan even more angry.

After much deliberation, Yan Song could only say to Emperor Jiajing angrily: "It is indeed my choice to send Zhang Chao as an envoy."

It is the lesser of two evils. As the Minister of Rites, selecting envoys is within the scope of my duties. It cannot be called a sin in any way!

Even if Emperor Jiajing thinks that he is jealous of talents and excludes dissenters, it doesn't matter. This is not a big mistake!

Anyway, it has become a fact that he holds high the banner of "new etiquette", and the emperor needs him!

After hearing Yan Song's admission, Emperor Jiajing thought he understood. No wonder Qin Dewei's passionate insult to Yan Song was understandable.

In fact, before the last court meeting, Emperor Jiajing had heard rumors that Zhang Chao was going to cause trouble.

Faced with such a sensitive court meeting, factory security spies must pay attention to the movements of ministers.

Moreover, there was a commotion among a group of disciples trying to persuade their teacher, and it was only natural that they would be noticed by spies.

It's just that there are too many smoke bombs, and no one can confirm Zhang Chao's position and what he is planning to do. Even what Zhang Chao himself said may not necessarily be true.

But judging from Qin Dewei's angry attitude "afterwards" and Yan Song's urgent drive to drive Zhang Chao out of the capital, Emperor Jiajing had some suspicions.

Maybe Yan Song is repulsive to Zhang Chao? But Qin Dewei was so angry that he felt he had suffered a big loss?

Otherwise, if Zhang Chao performs well in the court meeting, the person who will not be allowed to enter the cabinet will be Zhang Chao.

After scolding and scolding, it turns out that the essence is still a struggle for fame and fortune.

Thinking of this, Emperor Jiajing was suddenly amused and couldn't help but say "hehehe" several times.

After all these years, it seemed like this was the first time I saw Qin Dewei "lost miserably" in a fight. It was the first time I saw Qin Dewei so frustrated that he suffered a loss. I felt inexplicably happy.

Yan Song, who had just finished his answer, was confused again. Why are you laughing, Your Majesty? Is your answer that ridiculous?

Qin Dewei also didn't know why Emperor Jiajing, who was stern and unsmiling most of the time, suddenly suffered from convulsions.

But the young man Qin Dewei reacted quickly. Taking advantage of Emperor Jiajing's good mood, he quickly pointed at Yan Song and scolded:

"So Yan Song deliberately concealed the facts from His Majesty and pretended not to know the situation. He was actually deceiving the Majesty!"

Yan Song immediately defended: "Your Majesty! I really have never thought about the relationship between Zhang Chao's incident and Qin Dewei!

I never expected that Qin Dewei could be so narrow-minded, pretending to be a teacher-student friendship, and taking the opportunity to cause trouble!"

Emperor Jiajing felt that he had grasped the facts and did not want to continue listening. It was just dog eating dog. What was there to listen to?

He could understand Qin Dewei's emotions, but he also did not allow Qin Dewei to continue attacking Yan Song.

So Emperor Jiajing waved his hand and said: "Qin Dewei slandered the minister and fined him half a year's salary. That's the end of the matter. Retreat!"

Yan Song wanted to educate the emperor on the law and tell the emperor how he should be dealt with if he was accused of defamation like Qin Dewei, who publicly defamed (humiliated) and impeached (sweared) a great scholar of the dynasty without any evidence.

But he still held back. At least the emperor confirmed that Qin Dewei was wrong and cleared him.

The two of them walked out of the Wenhua Hall. After all, Mr. Yan Ge had some unreasonable ideas. Everyone was a traitor. Why was he scolded for no reason?

I couldn't help but sarcastically said to Qin Dewei: "What's the use of young people just trying to talk quickly?"

Qin Dewei replied very sincerely: "Actually, I think it is very cost-effective to spend only half a year's salary to scold you publicly."

Yan Song: ""

After walking a few more steps, Yan Song couldn't help but said again: "But it's meaningless! We are all in the officialdom, so we should stop doing such boring things!"

Qin Dewei retorted: "What do you know about officialdom?"

Yan Song almost exploded on the spot. How dare you, Qin Dewei, say that a cabinet scholar who is a very popular minister and is known as the prime minister does not understand officialdom?

Qin Dewei glanced at Yan Song and said slowly: "Who said scolding you is meaningless? It's just that you didn't see it.

It is really unreasonable for your Excellency to use a bachelor to also be in charge of the Ministry of Etiquette. How can it be set as a long-lasting example?

In my opinion, it would be a good idea for you to free up the Minister of Etiquette, who is in charge of this department, and give me the position of teacher.

There are so many officials in the imperial court, how can your majesty make a deep impression on my teacher without scolding you and calling out my teacher?"

Yan Song: ""

Could it be that Qin Dewei thought of this when Zhang Chao left Beijing?

Qin Dewei not only scolded himself, but also forced himself to admit that he deliberately excluded Zhang Chao, but the emperor, this foolish emperor, even thought that Qin Dewei had suffered a loss!

He originally thought that becoming a bachelor would be enough to suppress Qin Dewei, but now it seems that he still needs to be the chief assistant!

This chapter has been completed!
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