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Chapter 603: Qin Loses Its Deer (Part 2)

Recommendations were often carried out in foreign courts, and a set of fixed regulations had been established for a long time. However, it was rare for ministers to recommend ministers of the Ministry of Rites on their own, and there was no precedent for following suit.

So how should we start? Everyone looked at Qin Dewei again unconsciously. After all, it was he who proposed this to the emperor.

Qin Dewei walked up to Xu Zan, the Minister of Civil Affairs, and said with a courtesy: "I would like to ask Mr. Zhong to come forward to preside over the selection."

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When doing things in the officialdom, there must be a reason to bring it to the fore.

Foreign court affairs are usually presided over by the Minister of Civil Affairs, but this time Qin Dewei also asked Xu Shangshu to preside over it, which is equivalent to asking professionals to act as foreign aid.

But Xu Zan waved his hand and refused, saying, "This is your Ci minister's business, and my involvement in it is neither fish nor fowl."

As we all know, the government affairs offices of the outer dynasty such as ministries, courtyards, temples, and supervisors, and the inner court officials such as the Hanlinfang Bureau are two different systems. This is the difference between "the palace within the palace" written in "Chu Shi Biao".

Therefore, Xu Tianguan must show an attitude of avoiding suspicion. Of course, if he can really participate in the recommendation of the Minister of Rites, Xu Tianguan will be extremely happy. After all, this can expand his influence.

However, the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty often had to adhere to the rule of "three concessions and three concessions". You should not openly show your impatience, as that would ruin your reputation.

Therefore, Xu Tianguan had to wait for Qin Dewei's repeated invitation before Xu Tianguan could "helplessly" agree.

Then under Xu Tianguan's expectant eyes, Qin Dewei turned around, returned to Ci Chen, and said to everyone without hesitation:

"Any time you recommend a candidate, you must first have a host. Since Tsukazai refuses, then let me host it!"

Xu Tianguan: ""

The Ci Lin officials were also a little speechless, but most of them thought about it and found that Qin Dewei was indeed qualified to host it.

After all, Qin Dewei is a fifth-level official, and he can definitely be regarded as a mid- to high-level figure in the Ci Chen system.

Most of the Ci officials are editors, editors, readers, and lecturers, so how can they be qualified to compete with Qin Dewei.

Of course, there must be some who are unconvinced. For example, Cai Ang, who was the least likely to deal with Qin Dewei, asked on the spot:

"Why should you host it? There are many seniors in Cilin who are more senior than you!"

Qin Dewei immediately replied: "Ah, yes, everything you said is right, Senior Cai! Then Senior Cai will host it!"

Then Qin Dewei said to everyone: "Senior Cai is highly respected. With his seniority, I am presiding over this election, so no one will be dissatisfied!"

Everyone: ""

Qin Dewei, can you react normally today? Why is it that every answer you give is not as expected?

Even Cai Ang, who is of the same rank as you, doesn't dare to fight against you. Are you, Qin Dewei, still a Jiajing man? Are you trying to win votes and don't even want to lose face?

Qin Dewei didn't care what others thought, and urged Cai Ang: "It's getting late, senior Cai, please start quickly!"

"Ah, this" Xueshi Cai was unexpectedly pushed into the position of host by Qin Dewei. He didn't know where to start for a while.

He regained his composure before speaking again: "Your Majesty has ordered our ministers to recommend the great uncle. Please speak freely and recommend virtuous people!"

"This won't work!" Qin Dewei interrupted Cai Ang rudely, "If we follow what Senior Cai said, people will be talking too much, being in disarray, insisting on their own opinions, refusing to give in to each other, and being indecisive for so long, it will be delayed until When are you going?”

Everyone secretly nodded, yes, this is the flavor, this is the genuine and original Qin Dewei.

Cai Ang was so angry that he asked: "Then how do you plan to elect?"

Qin Dewei answered unceremoniously: "First, you must choose ministers, not outsiders!

Second, the Minister of Rites is the second-rank official, so only the most senior among the third-rank ministers will be selected as candidates for the Minister of Rites!

If you don’t have enough seniority or rank, don’t join in the fun this time!

Then around these candidates, let everyone discuss freely, so that it can be targeted and not scattered!"

For the simple official position of Ci Chen, the third rank is basically the highest level. And Ci Chen is a group that pays great attention to seniors, and the custom of ranking seniority is very strong.

Therefore, Qin Dewei's suggestion of "selecting a few senior third-grade poets as candidates" was very respectful of tradition, and no one else could refute it.

Cai Ang was also speechless. As a host, he was as lonely as he was.

In fact, there are only a few top-level lyricists. Everyone knows it well and cannot lie. It is easy to select the three candidates who are recognized as the most senior.

The first candidate is Wen Renhe, the right minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Hanlin scholar in charge of the academy, who was a Jinshi in the fifteenth year of Hongzhi.

The second candidate is Zhang Chao, the right minister of the Ministry of Rites and a bachelor of Hanlin, who was a Jinshi in the sixth year of Zhengde.

The third one is Zhan Shifu Zhang Bi, who was Jinshi in the sixth year of Zhengde. He is also a third-rank official and has high prestige.

If there are no official titles such as Vice Minister, Zhan Shifu of Zhan Shifu, who is a third-grade official, is the highest-level Ci official position in the Hanlinfang Bureau system.

At this time, everyone who had a goal began to talk about it, especially Qin Dewei, a mid-level and senior word minister, who spoke more actively.

Because the CI system becomes more progressive as you go up, and if the top CI minister is promoted to the Minister of Rites, then the middle and senior CI ministers will hopefully be replaced by the top CI minister.

Qin Dewei was silent at this time and listened quietly to everyone's remarks.

The most important people who supported Wen Renhe were the two bachelors Cai Ang and Jiang Rubi.

Among those who supported Zhang Bi, the most important person was Sun Chengen, the young master of Zhan Shifu.

Of course, there are also those who support Zhang Chao, but they are slightly fewer than the first two.

Although Zhang Chao has very senior qualifications and is definitely a veteran of Hanyuan, his rapid rise has only happened in the past three years.

Since Teacher Zhang rushed from the fifth level to the third level, he has surpassed many people. Of course, it will also arouse the envy, jealousy and hatred of some people.

Moreover, Teacher Zhang also has a good disciple, Qin Dewei, who is just arrogant and domineering, and his upgrade speed is also super fast, which also makes many people have small emotions, which even affects Zhang Chao.

Therefore, in this context, the number of people supporting Zhang Chao is smaller than the other two, or it can be said that he is obviously at a disadvantage, and the situation is not optimistic.

For these three alternatives, the cabinet ministers who were watching the excitement also expressed their opinions one after another, intending to influence the final candidates.

Chief Assistant Xia Yan and Grand Scholar Yan Song regretted more and more, but the directions of regret were different.

What Yan Song regretted was that because there was always a Jinyiwei official school watching outside the gate, he did not follow his son's deployment plan and reached an early collusion with Huo Tao, the censor of the left capital, and Zhang Zan, the minister of the Ministry of War.

Otherwise, in this situation, the combination of the Grand Scholar, the Censor of Zuodu, and the Minister of War will definitely have a great say.

You might be able to exert forceful influence and have a chance to promote your favorite candidate.

Yan Song was a little suspicious. Qin Dewei arranged the Imperial Guard School outside the gate not at all to punish his son or humiliate the Yan family!

Qin Dewei just wanted to prevent himself from colluding with other ministers and leaving himself alone at this time!

Thinking of this, Yan Song suddenly felt a little frightened. At that time, Qin Dewei had already anticipated today's scene?

In other words, Qin Dewei had been planning for a long time. He might have colluded with the servants or maids at home and stole his manuscript?

What made Xia Yan, the first assistant, regretful was that after he failed to recommend Mao Bowen, he only placed his hope in Qin Dewei's fight with Yan Song and did not prepare any other proactive plans.

In a situation like this now, I can only be a marginal person and can't even find an opportunity to intervene.

After some other great Hanlin officials had finished expressing their opinions, Qin Dewei sneered and said, "Then it's my turn to say a few words."

Upon seeing this, the other editors, editors, and other junior Hanlin officials shut their mouths and waited for Qin Dewei to finish speaking.

But Qin Dewei did not express his position directly, but looked at Yan Song and asked loudly: "The emperor once issued a decree, asking Mr. Yan Ge to recommend the candidate for the new eldest uncle today!

So I would venture to guess that in Mr. Yan Ge’s heart, there must be a candidate, right?

Otherwise, if you really can't even come up with a candidate, wouldn't it be the crime of deceiving the emperor?"

Yan Song felt that he was very well-educated if he didn't physically tear Qin Dewei apart today. How could he still be in the mood to interact with Qin Dewei?

Qin Dewei didn't seem to need Yan Song to say anything, so he continued: "Old Yan Ge doesn't want to say anything, but I guess I can guess something.

The candidate in Mr. Yan Ge's mind must be someone who can convince the public. After all, you are a newly appointed bachelor, and you should seek stability.

There are only a handful of people who have the qualifications to serve as Minister of Rites and can convince the public.

Then among the three candidates who are recognized as the most qualified, there may be those whom Mr. Yan Ge originally planned to recommend."

For a moment, everyone felt that Qin Dewei's analysis was very reasonable and logical.

But the most astute people have realized what the significance of Qin Dewei's analysis is!

Qin Dewei's eyes were very sharp, scanning back and forth between the two popular candidates, Wen Renhe and Zhang Bi.

Suddenly, he suddenly asked Wen Renhe: "Senior Wen! I dare to ask, do you have any dealings with Mr. Yan Ge?"

Wen Renhe replied without hesitation: "No!"

Qin Dewei quickly turned to Zhang Bi and asked the same question: "Senior Zhang, I still dare to ask, have you ever had any contact with Yan Song?"

But Zhang Bi hesitated and did not answer decisively like Wen Renhe did.

In fact, there is no need to answer, hesitation can explain the problem!

Zhang Bi couldn't help it. There was no airtight wall in the world, and he couldn't guarantee that everything would be perfect.

If it is proven that he lied in the future, his political credibility will be completely ruined, and the censor can directly impeach him back to his hometown.

"Hehehehe" Qin Dewei laughed a few times with ulterior motives.

Yan Song is a kind of "political correctness" on the surface, so Qin Dewei cannot say anything clearly and can only express the connotation of "you understand" with laughter.

After all, Yan Song's image in the minds of others is that of a person who flatters the emperor and has no bottom line to please the emperor.

Then Qin Dewei asked Sun Chengen, the young master of Zhan Shifu, playfully: "I just want to ask Senior Sun, do you still support Senior Zhang Bi?"

Sun Chengen, who was Zhang Bi's strongest supporter just now, was extremely speechless at this time. When he looked at Zhang Bi again, something was wrong with his expression.

You, Zhang Bi, actually secretly hooked up with a traitor like Yan Song? If you openly support Zhang Bi, will you be considered to be flattering Yan Song, a popular figure?

As for the others, their ideas were probably similar. Those who originally supported Zhang Bi were ashamed to continue supporting Zhang Bi under Qin Dewei's aggressive glance.

Then I heard Qin Dewei sighing loudly: "No wonder Mr. Yan Ge deliberately sent my teacher Zhang Yuxi as an envoy, but he still hasn't been able to return to Beijing."

From beginning to end, no one said anything publicly, and no one would publicly accuse Zhang Bi.

But everyone knew in their hearts that as long as it was a public election, Zhang Bi would definitely be out of luck today.

Qin Dewei seemed to effortlessly destroy a popular candidate as if tearing off a piece of paper.

At this time, everyone unanimously turned their attention to another popular candidate, Wen Renhe, the right minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and a scholar of the Hanlin Academy.

Qin Dewei has already killed Zhang Bi and will never stop easily. I wonder what he will do to Bachelor Wen?

Qin Dewei walked up to Wen Renhe, bowed respectfully, and then said:

"Senior Wen is a virtuous elder, and he always takes care of me. It is said that Senior Wen was admitted to the imperial examination in the fifteenth year of Hongzhi's reign, and he is the earliest among the Ci officials."

When everyone heard Qin Dewei's useless greetings, they were still confused and didn't know what Qin Dewei's purpose was.

Then Qin Dewei turned to look at the cabinet team and continued: "If I remember correctly, the three cabinet elders should all have passed the exam later than Senior Wen, right?"

Xia Yan, Gu Dingchen, and Yan Song, the three great bachelors, all changed their faces when they heard this.

Gu Dingchen and Yan Song were both admitted in the 18th year of Hongzhi, one year later than Wen Renhe. Not to mention Xia Yan, a rookie in the 12th year of Zhengde, they are the younger brothers in comparison to their seniority.

Therefore, if Wen Renhe became the Minister of Rites, everyone would be very awkward.

In the Jiajing Dynasty, the Minister of Rites was basically treated like a half-step cabinet, and could also be said to be the link between the cabinet and Hanyuan.

In this Ci Linguan system, the tradition of seniority is very particular. Even the ranking of bachelor's degree is often based on the year of study. Whoever is the earliest is the first assistant.

A situation like Xia Yan's coming from behind is actually an unconventional phenomenon, and it is also one of the sources of the conflict between Yan Song and Xia Yan.

Yan Song was a senior in the imperial examination, more than ten years earlier than Xia Yan, but Xia Yan always treated Yan Song as his subordinate, and Yan Song was dissatisfied.

Once you understand this background, you can understand why everyone would feel awkward if a person who is more senior than all the bachelors becomes the Minister of Rites.

What if Wen Renhe enters the cabinet one day with the help of the Minister of Rites, how to arrange the order?

Anyway, the cabinet bachelors and Qin Dewei are now watching the bachelor Wen.

Feeling a little more pressure out of thin air, Wen Renhe sighed, waved his hand and said, "That's it, I'm quitting."

Ci Chen is so cruel. He missed his own era and did not stand out among his contemporaries early. He basically has no chance to become more handsome as he grows older.

Not every teacher has a student named Qin Dewei.

Qin Dewei saluted Wen Renhe again and said respectfully: "Senior Wen is truly a gentleman!"

Of the three recognized candidates, in a blink of an eye only Zhang Chao, who was not present, was left.

When everyone thought of this, countless criticisms rolled into their hearts!

There is no such thing as Xia Shoufu missing the opportunity, Yan Ge Lao giving up the opportunity, or Qin losing his chance!

This deer may have always been in Qin's hands and has never been lost!

Qin Dewei looked majestic and heroic, but while he was chatting and laughing, his boats and oars were turned into ashes!

There is no such thing as two heroes competing for hegemony. In the future, there may be a tripartite confrontation!

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