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Chapter 607: Master Qin at a Historical Turning Point (Part 2)

Qin Dewei came out of the palace and went to the Hanlin Academy again. Seeing that nothing happened, he planned to go home.

It was already December, a time when official duties were relaxed and gradually suspended.

If things like the death of Empress Dowager Chiang hadn't happened, many people would have already started preparing for the New Year.

Of course, even if Empress Dowager Chiang dies, she still has to prepare for the New Year.

Before Qin Dewei left the Hanlin Academy, he heard someone calling from behind: "Qin Banqiao, stay!"

He turned around and saw that they were two acquaintances, Xu Gu and Zhao Zhenji, and asked, "What are you doing? Do you want to have a drink?"

Xu Gu chuckled and said expectantly: "It's not impossible to drink, but I heard that you got the job of editing a book again? The Holy Mother's "Women's Training"?"

"Ah, I almost forgot about this." Qin Dewei patted his forehead.

Xu Gu was shocked: "Can you forget this? Can you forget important matters involving promotion?"

Everyone knows that compiling a fucking book for the emperor must be a shortcut to promotion!

For an official, forgetting to be promoted is comparable to a businessman forgetting money or a scholar forgetting writing!

Qin Dewei sighed and said: "What's the use of getting promoted? I'm not interested in getting promoted!"

Xu Gu couldn't understand this, but Zhao Zhenji said with emotion: "It will really be of no use to Qin Banqiao whether he is promoted or not."

I can't help but accept it. Considering what Qin Dewei did in the court, how meaningful is the restriction on rank?

Qin Dewei was so happy that he was praised and said proactively: "Okay, I know what you are thinking!

It’s still the same old rule, you are responsible for revising it, and then I will take it home to review and copy the final version!”

The two people quickly agreed and would make rapid progress by following Qin Dewei.

Then Qin Dewei ordered: "We must seize the time, don't take a break even during the New Year, and try to finish the compilation in a month!"

Xu Gu and Zhao Zhenji were surprised: "So fast?"

The Hanlin Academy compiles books over many years, and nothing can be done quickly in one month.

Qin Dewei emphasized: "First, we must not miss the opportunity, we must do it quickly! While the funeral of Our Lady has not passed yet, and His Majesty is still mourning in his heart, it would be best to submit the book as a book!"

Secondly, there is only one volume of "Instructions for Women" written by the Holy Mother, while "The Biography of Empress Gao" and "Internal Instructions of Empress Wen" are both ready-made and do not need to be modified. They can be compiled directly together!

I think one month is enough, so we must hurry up and not delay it any longer!”

After the explanation was completed, Qin Dewei returned home and went to explain to Xu Miaoxuan.

On the other side, University Scholar Yan Song also returned home, or he didn't know how he got home.

I just feel like my head is buzzing and there is no part of my body that is not uncomfortable.

Yan Song was originally a sullen and forbearing person, but this time he really couldn't hold back his anger.

He summoned his son Yan Shifan and asked only one question: "How to retaliate against Qin Dewei?"

Yan Shifan was also surprised. He really didn't know what his father had been through. He had never seen his father so anxious.

It turns out that my father always advised me to be patient and consider everything in the long run.

Yan Shifan would still be very clear-headed as long as he was not bullied: "As long as Qin Dewei does not make any mistakes, if he can truly retaliate against Qin Dewei, he must first have a strong foundation of power.

So my father took advantage of the many public banquets at the end of the year to win over a lot of people, especially Huo Tao and Zhang Zan as mentioned before!

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These two people are the most important, and as long as we form an alliance with them, my father can truly stand firm!"

Yan Song replied a little gaffefully: "I know!"

Yan Shifan continued: "The second thing is to expand the scope of your network. Don't always focus on civil servants, but also make more friends with other people!

For example, Qiu Luan, the Marquis of Xianning in Wuxun, still has a bright future.

After all, the general was chosen from among the dwarfs, there was no one else among the nobles, and the three princes were all still very young.

After all, Qiu Luan has had real experience, and he supported the Great Ceremony at the beginning. If His Majesty needs a general, who else can he use without him?"

Yan Song nodded, Qiu Luan was also "bullied" by Qin Dewei, and he also needed someone from the civil service to support him. This was the basis for building friendship.

Yan Shifan thought about something and said with lingering fear: "Finally, we have to find a way to make friends with factory guards! After all, sometimes we need minions.

After many inquiries and screenings, I found an excellent candidate, Lu Bing, who will be the commander of Jinyiwei!

I believe that with my father's golden reputation of being a bachelor in the cabinet, I will win twice the result with half the effort, much better than before.

As long as my father truly has a certain amount of power, he no longer needs to rely on the other party to make mistakes in revenge, and can completely use his strength to crush him!"

So, at the end of the 17th year of Jiajing, when most people relaxed and prepared for the New Year, some people were still busy.

Emperor Jiajing issued an edict despite his objections, and set off on a southern tour in late February next year when the weather gets warmer.

Beizhili, Henan, and Huguang started to rush along the way, and they were urgently prepared to meet the arrival.

The palace needs to be built, roads need to be built, and supplies need to be prepared. Time is very tight, and the counties along the way probably don't want to think about it this year.

Afterwards, as the courtiers expected, the New Year's Day ceremony on the first day of the first lunar month was indeed cancelled.

The Aoshan Lantern Festival in front of the Meridian Gate, held every year on the 15th day of the first lunar month, was also cancelled. Emperor Jiajing was not in the mood to have fun with the people.

Emperor Jiajing did not appear in front of his ministers for more than a month.

The minister is not in a hurry. Anyway, there has been nothing political for more than a month, so nothing can be delayed.

Qin Dewei, together with Xu Gu and Zhao Zhenji, completed the compilation of "The Biography of Empress Gao", "Empress Wen's Internal Instructions" and "Empress Xian's Female Instructions" after urgent construction in late January.

The three volumes turned into one volume. Qin Dewei did not dare to delay at all and quickly sent the final manuscript to the palace.

Emperor Jiajing may still be in a state of despair, and he doesn't care about anything, except his parents' matters.

Therefore, Emperor Jiajing also responded and upgraded the person who was ordered to compile the book to a higher level as usual.

Xu and Zhao directly joined Zhan Shifu's left and right Zhongyun, and still served as editors of the Hanlin Academy, and their grades were upgraded to the sixth grade.

But it was a bit difficult to deal with Qin Dewei, who was already in the fifth rank. Emperor Jiajing had no idea and no intention to waste it.

So he simply issued an edict and asked the court officials to discuss Qin Dewei's promotion.

When Xu Zan, the Minister of Civil Affairs, received this edict, he was a little confused at first.

Because the promotion of Hanyuan Ci officials had its own system, it had always been the emperor's private domain and was not subject to any external court consultation.

So what's the point of pushing Qin Dewei's promotion to the imperial court this time? Is the emperor so lazy?

But Xu Zan had worked as a minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs for several years and was very experienced in personnel work, so he immediately understood the problem.

This involves the problems and structural flaws of the Ming Dynasty's official system. It is very difficult to arrange for people like Qin Dewei to rise from the fifth rank to the top.

So it wasn't that the emperor wanted to be lazy, or that he was out of kindness and wanted to delegate power, but that he really had no idea, so he asked the outer court to brainstorm ideas.

Chapter 607: Bachelor Qin at the turning point of history (Part 2)

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