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Chapter 635 is indeed a layman

In the end, Emperor Jiajing issued an order to have Fan Xin, the magistrate of Zhaozhou, beheaded! The magistrate of Pingji County, where the state government was located, sent troops to guard the border! All the big local families who had colluded with the government to hoard grain were ransacked and exiled!

As for other follow-up matters, they have been handed over to the governor of Shuntian in charge of Northern Zhili. The emperor has to continue his journey tomorrow and has no time to continue to linger in Zhaozhou.

In fact, Qin Dewei, who was greedy for comfort, wanted to stay and deal with the aftermath, and was not willing to continue running south through such hard work.

However, the emperor liked Qin Xueshi, a loyal and good man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and was unwilling to let him go.

So early the next morning, Qin Dewei mumbled and continued to take the car on the road.

Chariots rattled, horses roared, and a team of 15,000 to 15,000 people headed south along the vast North China Plain. Along the way, there were thousands of laborers serving the southern patrol.

A few days later, the southern patrol team entered the border of Henan Province and stayed in Zhangde Prefecture, which is part of Henan Province.

Continuing south from Zhangde Mansion is Weihui Mansion. Those who are familiar with the history of the Jiajing Dynasty will know this place. It was the place where Emperor Jiajing was almost burned to death.

Qin Dewei is not sure whether there will be a fire in the palace of Wei Hui at midnight tomorrow night in this time and space that has been disturbed by the butterfly effect.

Tonight, Tao Zhongwen, a master of the Shenxiao Baoguo Mission, accompanied Emperor Jiajing to discuss Taoism for half an hour, and then carefully exited the palace.

The old Taoist priest just breathed a sigh of relief at the entrance of the palace when he saw his son-in-law Xu Miaojing.

Xu Miaojing had obviously been waiting for a while. While moving her legs and feet, she said to her father-in-law: "Someone wants to see Lao Taishan."

Although he didn't say who it was, Tao Zhong knew intuitively that the person who wanted to see him must be Qin Dewei. Except Qin Dewei, no one could instigate Xu Miaojing to come to him like this.

In fact, Tao Laodao's current status is a bit sensitive. After all, he often chats with the emperor and also acts as a psychiatrist.

As the southern patrol team was crowded and crowded, no one dared to contact Tao Xianchang casually, so as not to be suspected of "spying" on the emperor.

Qin Dewei did not dare to greet Tao Laodao in public because of this factor. It was because Xu Miaojing had the status of son-in-law that he could help Qin Dewei hire someone.

Xu Miaojing led Lao Taishan to his house. There were no lights inside, and there was only a dark figure sitting there, who looked like Qin Dewei.

Xu Miaojing then stood guard outside the door, leaving only Lao Taishan and her brother-in-law talking in the room.

Qin Dewei sighed: "Zhenjun Zhongwen, I don't know whether to say something or not."

Tao Zhongwen seemed helpless, "How many times have I told you, don't call me Zhenjun Zhongwen!"

Qin Dewei's expression could not be seen clearly in the darkness, but he could be heard to be hesitant, "Today there was a huge whirlwind in front of the car, which made me feel frightened, whim, restless, and trembling with fear."

Tao Laodao was speechless, are you mentally ill?

Qin Dewei continued: "In my opinion, this omen should be on you."

Tao Laodao: "."

He is an old man in his sixties, and he is about to enter the peak of his life, but he cannot withstand the fright!

"What exactly is going on?" Tao Laodao asked a little urgently.

If others had said these words, Tao Laodao would have thought it was nonsense, but in his mind Qin Dewei was different, he was the best among the best among the best!

At the critical moment, Qin Dewei said two words concisely and concisely: "Main fire."

It was okay if Tao Laodao didn't listen, but he became even more anxious after hearing it.

The scope of fire is huge, fire is fire, inflammation and fire are fire, from heart fire and lung fire to anger and anger, everything is fire!

Of course, such ambiguity can be interpreted in a wide range, and Tao Laodao is no stranger to the rhetoric of being able to adapt according to the opportunity in the future. They are all the skills of a magician and a layman!

But Qin Dewei and he are not outsiders. Just be honest and honest between knowledgeable people. There is no need to be so mysterious!

Tao Zhongwen couldn't help but ask again: "Can the fire be eliminated in advance?"

Qin Dewei in the shadow shook his head, "The fire is inevitable, I can only protect you." Gu Tuo

Tao Laodao was once again speechless, even a little dissatisfied, because Qin Dewei once again mistook Tao Zhongwen for a layman!

"You can't be saved from a fire, it can only save you" is all bullshit to deceive laymen.

If people are "saved" in the end, wouldn't it be the credit of you, the person who predicted it?

And what if in the end, the person is not "saved" and you become a liar? It doesn't matter!

At that time, when everyone is gone, who will hold the liar accountable? And what meaning does the person who is gone have to you?

Tonight's conversation made Tao Zhongwen feel very unhappy. He was so sincere, but Qin Dewei kept treating him like a layman.

He didn't understand what he had done wrong to make Qin Dewei even refuse to open his heart to him?

But Tao Zhongwen couldn't help it. Qin Dewei really didn't want to reveal the secret. He got up and said goodbye: "It's late at night. Let's go to bed early."

After walking outside the hospital, Tao Zhongwen confirmed that Qin Dewei really didn't even say a word to persuade him to stay.

So what is the purpose of meeting tonight?

The whole night was silent and uneventful. After daybreak, we continued walking south.

Under the escort of the governor of Henan, the southern patrol team gradually left Zhangde Prefecture and entered the boundaries of Weihui Prefecture. Wang Pin, the prefect of Weihui Prefecture, greeted them at the prefecture boundary.

Suddenly a whirlwind surrounded the Holy Emperor and stayed there for a long time, which frightened the superstitious Emperor Jiajing.

Tao Zhongwen, who still didn't know what was going on, was urgently summoned to the emperor's chariot.

Emperor Jiajing asked directly: "If the whirlwind cannot escape me, is it the evil or the good?"

Tao Zhongwen's face was expressionless, but he was a little confused. It seemed that someone said something about "whirlwind" last night?

Although he was still confused in his heart, his professionalism ensured that Tao Laodao kept his mouth shut and replied in a calm and calm voice: "This is a bad sign."

Tao Laodao continued to think about what happened last night, so he added: "The main fire."

It is concise and concise, with only two words, just like someone's tone last night. To fool a layman, the simpler it is, the greater the room for explanation.

It seemed that no one had ever said such ominous words to the emperor. Emperor Jiajing was a little flustered and asked: "Can we do something to get rid of it?"

Tao Laodao raised his head and closed his eyes, acting like a master, and then he said: "It's extremely difficult, you can try it, but it's inevitable in the end."

Emperor Jiajing was even more panicked and didn't know what else to say.

Tao Laodao suddenly opened his eyes and said categorically: "Your Majesty, don't worry. Although it is unavoidable, you must protect Saint Gong!"

Even if some problems may occur, I guarantee that your safety, Emperor, will never be a problem!

All Tao Laodao's words were strictly imitated by Qin Dewei's original words last night, and the meaning was exactly the same.

Tao Laodao didn't know how to say it correctly, but he was very clear-headed and imitating Qin Dewei was most likely to be correct.

Emperor Jiajing breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still worried. There were many difficulties along the way during the southern tour, and he was really a little uncomfortable with it.

Tao Laodao returned to his car with square steps.

Only then did he realize that Qin Dewei's words last night were not meant for him, so he didn't need to explain anything to himself.

Qin Dewei's words were just something he wanted to convey to the emperor through his own words. His role was actually that of a tool.

As for the magic of Qin Dewei, there is no need to be surprised.

In front of Qin Dewei, who can spy on the secrets of heaven, he, who is touted as Tao Shenxian, is indeed an amateur.

I was really ridiculous last night.

This chapter has been completed!
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