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Chapter 642 Jealousy makes people distorted

After Emperor Jiajing settled in the Fengleyi Palace, the ministers accompanying him came to the palace gate to wait for their audience as usual.

This is similar to how parents look after their parents in the morning and dusk. If the emperor doesn't want to see anyone, he will send a message to the ministers to disperse, but the ministers must have the attitude of standing outside and waiting.

Gu Lin, who also came to perform Hajj, also stood outside the gate and waited. Then he was surprised to find that he seemed to have become a "famous person", and many ministers who were not familiar with him took the initiative to talk to him.

This made Gu Lin feel quite flattered. He had been there for a long time and didn't know that his influence was so great.

Gu Dongqiao served as the chief envoy in those days, and after the restoration, he served as the governor of Huguang. He could be called a feudal official, but he did not hold any important position in the imperial court, especially in the six ministries.

Now, although he holds the fictitious title of Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Industry, his actual duty is only to maintain the mausoleum, and he is not a serious court official.

In the Ming Dynasty's officialdom, although Gu Lin had high seniority and seniority, he could only be regarded as a second-rate minister. Not to mention compared with academicians and ministers, he was even lower than other ministers.

If I have to compare political rankings, they are probably similar to Qin Dewei.

So how could Gu Dongqiao not be flattered when a group of courtiers took the initiative to talk?

Of course, as a well-known communicator and former leader of the Nanjing literary circle, Gu Dongqiao's ability to deal with people on the scene is absolutely no problem.

Although he was surprised in his heart at this time, he was still able to chat and laugh with other ministers, which not only made others feel refreshed, but also maintained his own strong character.

This is the skill of the old man who has been in Shilin for more than 40 years. Some young people will never be able to learn it.

If they meet in private, someone might leak the information to Gu Lin, but this is a public place, and no one can openly "tip off information."

So we could only chat about other topics awkwardly. Since we were in Huguang, we naturally started talking about Huguang’s customs, customs and interesting anecdotes.

Gu Lin, who had just resigned as governor of Huguang, was very advantageous in this regard, so he started talking about a topic that was of interest to all literati: "There was a child prodigy named Zhang Juzheng in Jiangling County, Jingzhou Prefecture. He entered school at the age of twelve and was well-known far and wide.

The year before last, Mr. Zhang came to take the provincial examination when he was 13 years old. I advised him to go back. Young people should work harder to become successful. But he had to give it a try. As expected, he failed, but I expected that he might be able to pass the next subject.


Gu Lin was talking into the alley when all of a sudden, the ministers who were talking to him dispersed again, like willow catkins blown away by the spring breeze, floating around everywhere.

The small circle that was lively just now was suddenly left alone with Gu Lin, deserted and messy in the spring breeze.

"Mr. Gu, you must hold on!" Someone couldn't help but say something before leaving.

What's going on? Gu Dongqiao is a little confused, as if the excitement just now was all an illusion, why should he hold on?

"Aha! It turns out that Senior Gu is here. We haven't seen each other for a long time since Jiajing thirteen years ago!"

Qin Dewei, a bachelor of Hanlin Academy and a bachelor of Zuo Chunfang, strode over with his head held high and took the initiative to greet Gu Lin.

Everyone present was paying attention to Qin Dewei and Gu Lin. Seeing Qin Dewei's enthusiastic appearance, many people couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Bachelor Qin, you have changed, you have become an old man! You have actually learned to smile on your face, and you have actually started to do one thing in front of your face and another behind your back!

Qin Dewei saluted again and continued to greet him: "I haven't seen you for five years. How is your health? I remember that I often had slight headaches and palpitations. Is it getting better now? I found a prescription from Dr. Li in the capital.

Give it back to the seniors."

Gu Dongqiao: "."

He dared to swear that since he met Qin Dewei in the ninth year of Jiajing, he had never seen Qin Dewei treat him so affectionately! The original Qin Dewei never seemed to call him senior!

Faced with this unprecedented weirdness, the social master's skills also stalled.

Old Man Gu looked at Qin Housheng blankly, and his heart was filled with waves. What happened with this horse riding situation? Could it be that he was going to break the rules and join the cabinet? Or was he going to become a minister?

At this moment, a eunuch came out to rescue Gu Lin, who had lost his temper, and sent a message to the ministers to see him.

After going through the etiquette routine of Mianjun in the palace, we started talking directly. After all, we have reached the destination. The first stage of the journey is over, and the rest is all business.

Emperor Jiajing visited Chengtian Mansion in the south, and his action was to pay homage to the emperor's mausoleum. The purpose was to inspect the mausoleum on the spot and decide how his parents would be buried in the end.

Should the mausoleum of the emperor be moved to the north, or should the Emperor's mausoleum be moved to the south? Or should the mausoleum be buried separately in the south and north?

According to Qin Dewei's secret analysis, it is also possible that the sensitive Emperor Jiajing felt lonely after his parents died, so he started the "root-seeking" behavior.

To put it bluntly, Qin Dewei always suspected that Emperor Jiajing had "mama's boy" tendencies.

Academician Yan Song suddenly took out a pamphlet, presented it to Emperor Jiajing, and said: "I kept researching ancient laws on the way, and re-created the sacrificial ceremony to match the emperor's gods. I boldly ask the emperor to read it."

Since he came to the throne, Emperor Jiajing has done a lot of research on various ritual systems, and he is also very keen on reforming and adjusting the ritual system. He has changed everything from heaven and earth to ancestors.

Anyway, according to the analysis of later generations, it means using etiquette reform to strengthen the legitimacy of one's throne.

Therefore, as a lover of etiquette, Emperor Jiajing became interested after hearing what Yan Song said. He picked up the pamphlet and flipped through it. Immediately, Long Yan was delighted and very satisfied.

Qin Dewei didn't expect Yan Song to hide this trick, so he couldn't help but look at Xia Yan and sighed.

Why is Master Xia increasingly unable to defeat Yan Song in the future, even losing his life? Look at this gap. Why didn't you, the first assistant, think of this?

Then Qin Dewei looked at Teacher Zhang Chao and Zhang again, etiquette is the business scope of you, the Minister of Etiquette, why didn't you think of this?

As for Qin Dewei himself, etiquette business is really not his specialty.

This stuff is really not something that can be made up out of nowhere. It requires not only citing scriptures but also being familiar with history and being able to cite examples from past dynasties. Anyway, Qin Dewei has never been interested in studying etiquette and law.

Emperor Jiajing initially agreed to the regulations of the sacrificial ceremony submitted by Yan Song, and then Gu Lin, the right deputy censor of the capital and left minister of the Ministry of Industry, and the supervisor of the Xianling Mausoleum affairs came forward to make a report.

He reported in detail the conditions of the Xianling Tomb and the Chunde Mountain where it is located, so that the monarchs and ministers could have a general understanding.

According to the auspicious day calculated by Taoist Master, Emperor Jiajing decided to climb Chunde Mountain to pay a visit to the mausoleum three days later and hold a sacrificial ceremony.

Before that, Emperor Jiajing would also take time to summon local elders and gentry representatives and host a banquet in honor of them.

Things will be like this in the next few days. The local government is mainly responsible for various specific tasks. Emperor Jiajing ordered Yan Song to take overall responsibility, and Gu Lin, who was supervising Xianling affairs, assisted.

In fact, Emperor Jiajing had been observing Gu Lin and felt that his demeanor and conversation were not bad. After a few words of encouragement, he suddenly asked: "I heard that you and Qin Dewei are from the same hometown and have known each other since early years?"

Gu Lin felt baffled and could only answer truthfully: "We met nine years ago when we were in Nanjing."

Emperor Jiajing continued: "Someone recommended you to be the Minister of Rites and the Young Master of the East Palace."

Gu Lin's body was shaken immediately, but his face remained calm and he said humbly: "How can I be so virtuous and capable, and how dare I assist the East Palace?" Gu Lin

Emperor Jiajing added: "But some people say that the minister of the East Palace should be young, not all veterans."

Gu Lin said to him in a very elegant manner: "The East Palace is related to the foundation of the country. Each minister has his own opinion. Everything is just a matter of His Majesty's decree."

Emperor Jiajing didn't say anything more and issued an order to disperse the court.

Yan Song greeted Gu Lin and said, "Master Gu, come and discuss things with me!"

The emperor had just given an order, and General Yan Song was responsible for the mausoleum sacrificial ceremony. Gu Lin was asked to assist, and everything had to be prepared within three days. The time was tight and the task was heavy, so preparations had to start immediately.

The two came to Yan Song's residence, and Yan Shifan also came out to meet Gu Lin.

After sitting down, Gu Lin took the initiative to ask Yan Song: "Are you Jiexi who recommended me to the court?"

Gu Lin and Yan Song had a close friendship. When Yan Song was raising his father in Nanjing for several years, Gu Lin helped him with all his heart. Later, when Gu Lin became the governor of Huguang, he relied on Yan Song for help.

So Gu Lin asked directly without too much politeness. To be honest, Gu Lin was very worried about gains and losses at the moment.

If you can be promoted to Minister of Rites and Shao Zhanshi, it will be a big leap. How difficult it is to become a first-rate person, whoever is in this position knows how difficult it is.

Yan Song nodded slightly and did not deny it. He said bluntly: "It was indeed recommended by me, but to be honest, I had no choice but to do so."

Gu Lin didn't understand at all, what does it mean to be helpless?

Yan Song explained: "Actually, the other most likely candidate is Qin Dewei. After much thought, I can only recommend you to stop Qin Dewei."

Gu Lin: "."

I understand, I understand, and suddenly I understand everything! When I was waiting outside the palace gate just now, others came to talk to me in a swarm. This must have something to do with it!

When others saw Qin Dewei coming, they dispersed in droves. This must have something to do with it!

Yan Song asked calmly: "That's what happened. As for yourself, what do you think?"

Gu Lin smiled bitterly: "It's the same thing again, what virtues and abilities do I have?"

Qin Dewei had already caused permanent and irreversible trauma in his heart, causing him to not even want to go back to Nanjing now!

When she suddenly heard that she was recommended by Yan Song to compete with Qin Dewei for an official position, Gu Lin's first reaction was fear.

Yan Song frowned. If he had no spirit, how could he compete with Qin Dewei? Just like his own son, although he failed many times, he still had spirit. This is called perseverance!

Yan Shifan, who was drinking tea, suddenly put down the tea cup and shouted to Gu Lin: "Mr. Gu, what are you afraid of?

Regarding the appointment of Shao Zhanshi, you are highly regarded by everyone, and it is not an exaggeration to say that you have the hope of the world! Who among the civil and military officials in the dynasty wants to have a 21-year-old Shao Zhanshi?"

Given Yan Shifan's age and qualifications, speaking to Gu Lin in such a tone was considered rude. But who allowed him to have a father who was a bachelor, not to mention that his father who was a bachelor did not stop him.

Yan Shifan's eloquence was also very good, and he directly advised: "You don't need to have any worries at all! The temple is not about fighting and killing, it is about human nature.

After all, what can Qin Dewei do to you? Even if you lose this time, would Qin Dewei dare to kill all the old fellows from his hometown?

You still have nothing to lose, so for you, there is no danger this time, but the possible gains are huge. What reason do you have for not taking a chance?"

Gu Lin was able to become the leader of the Nanjing literary circle, and he was also a person with means and heart. It was just because the incident happened suddenly and he subconsciously wanted to give up.

But after listening to Yan Shifan's words, he felt that it made sense. He really didn't have much risk, so why not give it a try?

Moreover, the possible benefits are really great. Minister of Rites and Young Master Zhan is a very high-end position, and the higher up is a very popular minister. Which official does not have such a dream?

So Gu Lin made up her mind and decisively saluted Yan Song and said, "Thank you for the recommendation, Mr. Ge!"

Yan Song was very satisfied with Gu Lin's attitude. Gu Lin's greatest value was actually his identity as "an old senior from Qin Dewei."

Even if things don't work out this time, Yan Song will still find a way to get Gu Lin into the court. Even if he can disgust Qin Dewei a few more times, it will still be profitable.

After coming out of Yange's old residence, Gu Lin felt that her whole body was full of fighting spirit, as if she had returned to the glory of her youth.

I thought I had hit the ceiling in my life, but I didn't expect that fate would open another channel for me.

"Senior Dongqiao!" Someone suddenly shouted from the other side.

Gu Lin looked over following the sound and saw Qin Dewei sitting on the other side of the road, as if he had been waiting.

Qin Dewei warmly invited: "Want to have a few drinks at my place?"

After understanding the cause and effect, and facing Qin Dewei's strange behavior, Gu Lin didn't panic anymore, and just responded lightly: "I'm a little tired today, I just want to go back and rest early."

Qin Dewei changed his mind and said: "If the old man is unwilling to move, then I will come to your place?"

Gu Lin still refused: "It's still exempt. If you have anything to say, just say it here."

Qin Dewei knew very well that if he could persuade Gu Dongqiao to carry forward the style of supporting the younger generation and take the initiative to give in, it would be the best way, and the turmoil and consequences would be minimal.

As long as you give him a chance and use coercion and inducement, it's not impossible to convince Gu Lin.

But seeing Gu Lin's current attitude, and the fact that he had just come out of Yan Song's place, Qin Dewei completely understood the situation. It seemed that Gu Dongqiao was determined to compete for the position of Shao Zhan.

So Qin Dewei stopped pretending to be enthusiastic and couldn't help but sigh: "You said you are so old, why bother blocking other people's way when you are over 60 years old?"

Gu Lin almost had a cerebral thrombosis because of these words. It is true that people can change their nature easily! Even if Qin becomes a bachelor of Lao Shizi, his nature will still be that of a primary school student in Jinling!

Gu Dongqiao was a Jinshi in the ninth year of Hongzhi, forty-three years ago, and you, Qin Dewei, were Jinshi in the fourteenth year of Jiajing!

In other words, Gu Dongqiao is thirty-nine years older than Qin Dewei. There is a gap of two or three generations between him. What does it mean to block your Qin Dewei's way?

It's obviously because you, Qin Dewei, have risen too quickly, that's why you think others are in the way!

Thinking of this, Gu Lin suddenly felt even more uncomfortable.

Nine years ago in the ninth year of Jiajing, when he first saw a twelve-year-old primary school student, he would never have imagined that this person would catch up with his official career of more than forty years and become a rising competitor in just a few years!

He could suddenly understand why the princes of the Manchu Dynasty had such a distorted attitude towards Qin Dewei. As the saying goes, jealousy distorts people, including himself.

This chapter has been completed!
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