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Chapter six hundred and eighty fifth making a fuss

At this time, Zhang Chao was in deep despair. This student, Qin Dewei, was really a talent. He could actually make Xia Shoufu and Yan Ge Lao share the same hatred.

He then heard Yan Song say: "Now that I think about it, Qin Dewei has really far-reaching plans. Even though he has been promoted to this day, he still controls low-level yamen like Admiral Siyi Hall. Is this what he wants?

I deliberately keep a trivial task in my hand so that I can use it as a breakthrough when needed. No matter whether I gain or lose, I will not lose anything."

I don’t know who Mr. Yan Ge said this to, but Zhang Chao guessed it was Xia Shoufu.

Anyway, he didn't care about that much. Zhang Chao said to Xia Yan very straightforwardly: "What is the order of the elders who summoned me here? Is it possible that it is just to listen to the complaints of the elders?"

Xia Shoufu immediately replied: "Please tell Qin Dewei not to push further and seek power in the cabinet!"

Yan Song also echoed: "Young people should keep to themselves and take care of themselves!"

Zhang Shangshu asked again: "Qin Dewei is working in Wenyuan Pavilion now. Strictly speaking, he can be regarded as a subordinate of the pavilion elders!

Therefore, there is something I don't understand. Why don't the elders personally admonish Qin Dewei? Why go around the bush and entrust it to me?"

Xia Shoufu was suddenly speechless, and Mr. Yan Ge stood up and left.

We are all almost sixty years old. We must pay attention to our physical and mental health and not be too emotional, so that we can live longer.

I heard that Huo Tao, the censor of Zuodu, was just over fifty and had been very ill recently. Rumor has it that he was so angry that he injured his body a few years ago, which was the root cause of his illness.

At this moment, Zhang Shangshu finally discovered that Mr. Ge didn't seem to be that formidable. Even Qin Dewei didn't dare to reprimand him face to face. He might as well do it himself!

The next day, Qin Dewei was sitting in the middle hall of Wenyuan Pavilion, staring at the memorial and commenting on it, and he was puzzled.

How could such a trivial matter as adding a Japanese pavilion to the Seiyi Pavilion be rejected? The majestic Trinity Qingliu, half-stepping into the pavilion, wouldn't it be so disrespectful to have a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering?

Even if someone sees his intention to interfere in Japan's tribute affairs, so what?

In the eyes of the entire Ming court, Japan's tribute itself was a trivial matter. What could be more serious about it?

Teacher Zhang happened to be taking a bath at home today. Qin Dewei went into Teacher Zhang's house in the evening after get off work.

Teacher Zhang truthfully told the inside story: "Xia Shoufu and Mr. Yan Ge agreed that you intended to use trivial matters to get involved in the government's affairs, so they voted to reject the petition.

And the emperor can't lose face to the two pavilion elders just for such a trivial matter, so he will approve it according to the votes and not allow you to add a new Siyi Pavilion."

Qin Dewei was furious when he heard this and cursed: "The treacherous officials only know how to fight for power and profit, but they are delaying state affairs!"

Teacher Zhang couldn't help but ask: "Who only knows how to fight for power and profit?"

Qin Dewei said confidently: "I never delay state affairs, but always benefit!"

Suddenly remembering something, Qin Dewei quickly asked: "Teacher, you don't think the same way as the elders do, do you?"

Teacher Zhang sighed and nodded honestly.

Qin Dewei turned around and left, "Since the teachers refuse to believe me, there is nothing more to say on this matter."

Teacher Zhang suddenly had some bad premonitions and quickly stopped Qin Dewei: "What do you want to do?"

Qin Dewei sneered and said: "Thank you to the elders for rejecting my petition for their own selfish reasons, so that I have another excuse to go to court!"

Zhang Chaoshun said a lesson: "Do you insist on arguing like this? Can't you bear it for a while? Look at all the officials in the DPRK, who is the same as you?"

Qin Dewei said with emotion: "People at that time, including teachers, only considered the common people of the world and the country, and I am indeed different from you."

Teacher Zhang complained: "What's different about you? Don't you ever care about the people of the world and the country?"

Qin Dewei stood with his hands behind his back and said leisurely: "I consider the general trend of heaven and change my destiny against heaven! This is the difference between you and me!"

Teacher Zhang was shocked and shouted: "Evil disciple! Do you still want to rebel?"

Qin Dewei: ""

I really have nothing to say! I really can’t communicate! You natives really don’t understand the spiritual realm of the time travellers!

The next day, Qin Dewei did not go through the internal passage of Wenyuan Pavilion, but went to the General Affairs Department and presented a book "Requesting for the establishment of an additional Japanese museum".

In this memorial, Qin Dewei bombarded the officials of the Ministry of Etiquette and below, who were ignorant of the barbarian sentiments and served as prime ministers! He attacked the Department of Etiquette and accused Ding Zhan of being pedantic and dull, and using empty words to harm the country!

Later, he also criticized the cabinet ministers who are in the central and central positions and do not know the overseas situation and the changes in the world. They are ignorant and blind and only know how to stick to the old ways!

The scope of the attack was obvious: officials involved in discussing Japan's tribute affairs.

When a memorial was published, the government and the public were dumbfounded and incredulous!

What about you, Bachelor Qin? For such a trivial matter as adding a Japanese pavilion, you went into such a big fight and sprayed all the officials involved in the Japanese tribute matter?

But no one dares to easily conclude that Academician Qin is fooling around. Countless examples have proven that Academician Qin rarely acts without purpose.

How can a person who only knows how to fool around be able to enter the cabinet at the age of twenty-one? Anyway, nowadays, Bachelor Qin also has the halo effect of a big shot.

This memorial was sent to the cabinet, but no one dared to draw up a vote, so it was directly placed on the imperial desk of Emperor Jiajing.

The cabinet probably wants the emperor to see with his own eyes how arrogant this man named Qin is! If others can't control it, why don't you, the emperor, control it?

"It's just making a fuss out of a molehill and messing around, just to avoid chaos!" Emperor Jiajing was really dissatisfied with Qin Dewei's memorial.

If it were an ordinary minister, he would have already issued an order to punish him without any explanation. However, the favored minister still has some preferential treatment compared to ordinary ministers and has the opportunity to defend himself.

Emperor Jiajing turned to the eunuch Huang Jin beside him and ordered: "Go to Wenyuan Pavilion to ask! Just ask Qin Dewei what he wants! What is his intention!"

Huang Jin took the order and went out, crossed the sea and entered the Xihua Gate, entered the palace city, and then came to Wenyuan Pavilion.

This was to ask questions on behalf of the emperor, which meant "as if I were here in person", so Qin Dewei could only salute and bow to the north.

Huang Jin took his time and asked with emotion: "Your Majesty asked you, what are your intentions in criticizing the ministers?"

Qin Dewei replied: "I can't bear it when I see officials who don't understand the current situation and make ridiculous comments!"

Huang Jin continued to ask: "The emperor still asks you, what are your intentions?"

Qin Dewei also continued to answer: "The internal affairs of Japan's tribute and East China Sea affairs are extremely complicated and involve many aspects. They will definitely become a major event for the court in the future! Therefore, I would like to ask your Majesty to be clear-minded and discerning, and not to be deceived by mediocre people who are not familiar with current affairs!"

After Huang Jin asked the question, he recited Qin Dewei's answer to Emperor Jiajing in its original form.

Emperor Jiajing became even more curious after hearing this exaggerated answer, and sent Huang Jin to Wenyuan Pavilion again to ask: "Why is it complicated? Why is it so involved?"

Qin Dewei replied: "I will give you an example. The Xie family in Yuyao where Xie Qian, the former cabinet minister, the number one scholar, and the famous minister, is located, is one of the largest sea trade smuggling businessmen in Zhejiang!"

Huang Jin: ""

Originally, Eunuch Huang Jinhuang was just a messenger and was not supposed to show any emotion. But when he heard Qin Dewei's answer, he was shocked and dumbfounded!

Although Xie Qian has never been the chief minister, he is very famous and is regarded as a famous official of his generation.

Such exciting gossip, the emperor should listen to it!


There seems to be an event at Qidian today? Can I win a prize for adding 5,000 words? Can readers also participate?

This chapter has been completed!
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