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Chapter 694 The greatest honor

According to routine rules, the Japanese mission, like Ryukyu, North Korea and other countries, should be placed in the South Pavilion of Huitong. However, this time Qin Dewei changed the rules and placed the Japanese mission in the North Pavilion.

Not only because it is close to his office, but also because it is a small disgrace. After all, it is customary for the North Branch to house straight women and other real barbarians.

It is not surprising that both the principal and deputy envoys of the Japanese mission are monks. Since the early years of the Imperial Dynasty, Japan has had the habit of using cultural monks as tribute envoys.

Among them, the chief envoy is named Hu Xin Shuoding, and the deputy envoy Ce Yan Zhouliang. The chief envoy is not in charge of much, and most of the main affairs are entrusted to the deputy envoy Ce Yan Zhouliang.

Qin Dewei also planned to focus his main attention on the deputy envoy Ce Yan Zhou Liang, who also had a certain status in history.

According to the original history of time and space, Monk Ceyan Zhouliang would come to the Ming Dynasty again as an envoy ten years later. This was also the last time Japan paid tribute to the mainland China.

It is said that after returning to Japan, Monk Shuryo Tsehiko became famous and was once a guest of Takeda Shingen, Oda Nobunaga and others.

After all, Qin Zhongtang's principle has always been to try to deal with historical celebrities. Generally, historical celebrities are momentary heroes and can relatively keep up with their own ideas.

Upon hearing that the Japanese mission had been settled, Qin Dewei went to the Joint Beiguan on behalf of the imperial court to comfort him and make preliminary contacts.

The assistant manager of the Japanese Pavilion of Yiwu Yamen, named Lingchen, reported to Qin Zhongtang on the road:

"Although the Japanese envoys have generals, in order to prevent misunderstandings if the words fail to convey the meaning, the Japanese envoys prefer to talk in writing. They all have learned Chinese allusions and can also compose poems, but they can only write but not speak.


Qin Dewei said casually: "If we really want to talk about it, I actually know a few words of Japanese."

Ling Kongmu immediately slapped his horse and said: "Zhongtang is really knowledgeable and knowledgeable, which is rare in the world!"

Upon hearing that a high official from the imperial court had arrived, two monks, the chief and deputy envoy of the Japanese mission, rushed out to greet him.

I saw a handsome young man, wearing a red official robe that symbolized his status, walking over with his head held high.

Qin Dewei greeted the Japanese envoys warmly: "Simi Marseille!"

The two of them couldn't understand, so they both went to see the general manager who was responsible for translating, but the general manager was also confused at the moment. What on earth did your Excellency say?

Qin Dewei sighed regretfully. It seems that the Japanese spoken five hundred years later is not applicable to today.

The few Japanese words I learned in my previous life are completely useless, and I don't even have to say "Haga" anymore.

After taking a few glances at the clothes of the two monks, the first and second officer, Qin Zhongtang subconsciously said: "It's different from the style of painting in the Glory game."

The two monk envoys still didn't understand. They looked at the general again, but the general was still confused. They didn't understand this sentence. How should they be translated?

No one present dared to accuse Qin Dewei, so there was a strange silence.

Facing this young boss who had a strong aura and was completely unreasonable, the two monk envoys were a little at a loss.

Qin Dewei laughed "haha" and said to himself: "I heard that the tribute envoy is also a learned man and is polite and elegant. Why don't you pay me a courtesy?"

This sentence could finally be translated. The general wiped the sweat from his forehead and hurriedly spoke to the two envoys.

The two envoys stepped forward to salute. Qin Dewei waved his hand and said: "No need to be polite, just go in and talk!"

After sitting down, we exchanged a few pleasantries and asked about our itinerary, and then entered into the usual social bragging phase.

As expected by Qin Dewei, the other party was actually led by Deputy Envoy Ceyan Zhou Liang.

Monk Zhou Liang asked Tongshi to translate and said: "This time when I crossed the sea and set foot in a big country, I heard that Scholar Qin is the most famous poet in China."

Qin Dewei waved to his attaché Ling Kongmu, and then said: "It just so happens that I also have a meeting gift for the occasion, which I will give to you!"

Immediately, Ling Kongmu brought in a pile of books from outside and put them on the case. The title of the book printed on the cover was "Collection of Qin Scholars' Twenty Years Old".

Ceyan Zhouliang: "."

Although he can't speak Chinese, he is indeed proficient in Chinese characters, so he can naturally understand what the book is.

I have never seen anyone give gifts like this in my life!

Qin Dewei pointed to the book and said: "It was just published a few days ago. It's a coincidence that you are here, so you can take a sneak peek."

What could Monk Zhou Liang do? He could only accept the gift, and then asked the general to translate it and said: "I sincerely ask Scholar Qin to leave the calligraphy treasure."

Qin Dewei did not refuse. He took up his pen and wrote four characters: "Watch the sea and listen to the waves."

The polite greetings and cultural exchanges ended here. Qin Dewei waved his hand and ordered: "The rest of the irrelevant people will step aside for the time being. I will have a private conversation with the envoy."

This is an important confidential topic, so of course the fewer people present, the better.

Then Monk Zhou Liang quickly wrote a whole page of text in one go and presented it to Qin Zhongtang.

Old God Qin Dewei glanced at it a few times, and found out that they were all talking about the same old things. He explained Japan's obedience in order to pay tribute, and begged to change the tribute from every ten years to three years.

Ce Yan Zhou Liang sat up straight and stared at Qin Zhongtang, but saw that the other party did not pick up a pen to answer. Instead, he took out a manuscript from his sleeve and handed it over.

Then Monk Zhou Liang opened the manuscript and looked at it, and saw what was written above: "Japanese slaves are often scheming, greedy, ambitious, and plundering their own nature! From the Tang Dynasty to modern times, it has become a scabies disease in China."

After reading it, Ceyan Zhou Liang looked unhappy and asked Qin Zhongtang with his eyes, "Isn't it a courtesy to curse people in person?"

Qin Dewei then picked up his pen and wrote a few words to indicate: "This is an excerpt from a memorial to a minister of my court."

Then Qin Dewei took out a manuscript again and handed it to Monk Zhou Liang.

The manuscript reads: "Japan's rebellion is not frequent, and it is skillful to use cunning. The Holy Concern controls it carefully, but it cannot be protected from my interference. Without him, its cunning is difficult to control, and this method will not work."

Because of his treachery, he used boats to carry his weapons and weapons, and went out and about in the sea to spy on me. When he had time, he deployed his weapons and invaded, and when he didn't have time, he displayed his weapons and called them tribute. Such was his cunning plan."

Ceyan Zhou Liang's face turned red with anger, and he wrote furiously: "The people of our country are poor and rich, kind and evil! They have been accustomed to Chinese poetry and calligraphy for a long time, and they value integrity and know shame. They are not as general as the barbarians and Di from the north!"

How dare we pass on the mission of a small country, watch the light of a big country, and listen to politics, religion, and scenery?"

Qin Dewei responded calmly and calmly: "I heard that in recent years there has been a mad monk Zuixi Shufeng in Japan, claiming that Japan is the country of God, and wants to go to the Ming Dynasty to confer the title of king. He does not worship the Ming Dynasty Zhengshuo, but only treats it superficially.

Compliance and deceit and paying tribute?

Is this person writing "The Treasure of Good Neighbors"? There is a saying in it that the great Japanese kingdom is also called "Eastern Emperor" and "Western Emperor". What's the reason?"

Ceyan Zhou Liang was immediately stunned. The two countries were separated by vast oceans and the news was very inaccessible. How could this kind of thought be known to the other party?

Zuixi Zhoufeng was also an eminent monk and a senior advisor to previous generations of generals, but he passed away decades ago. How did the other party pull out Zuixi Zhoufeng's words and deeds?

He had just seen that this young high-ranking official of the Ming Dynasty had not been able to show his true appearance, so he felt contempt for him.

But after seeing the few words just now, I felt like ice water pouring over my head. This young senior official is definitely not a shallow and ignorant person!

Those who can be sent as envoys from Japan must be knowledgeable and good at dealing with people, otherwise they will not be able to communicate with the cultural elites of the Ming Dynasty.

Monk Zhou Liang stabilized his mind and quickly wrote: "My country admires China, and its effectiveness is higher than that of Korea and Ryukyu!"

However, in recent years, the people of the Ming Dynasty accused our king’s envoys and others of calling the barbarians and Japanese slaves wildly, and some people could not bear it for a while and pretended to make angry remarks!”

Qin Dewei was speechless for a long time after reading these sentences. Does this mean that China-Japan friendship relies on North Korea?

The general meaning of these sentences is that we in Japan are obviously more educated than North Korea, but you, the Ming Dynasty, always call us barbarians and Japanese slaves, but treat North Korea as a small China, so there are angry youths who are dissatisfied!

Qin Zhongtang couldn't help but laugh. This monk Zhou Liang was also a man of quick wit, but as for what he wrote, as a time traveler, I can only say, I believe you!

Then Qin Dewei no longer dwelled on this, picked up his pen and wrote: "I have everything in heaven, so I don't need tribute from your country.

However, your country is in urgent need of Ming Dynasty copper coins, raw silk, porcelain, books, medicinal materials and other items. Our ancestors promised to pay tribute, but they only guided your king to restrain and exterminate the Japanese pirates.

Now that your country is completely at a loss, and Japanese pirates are still haunting the East China Sea, what is the use of paying tribute to our empire?"

Ceyan Zhou Liang wrote in response: "Don't you hear that if the big countries have stopped paying tribute to our country for more than ten years, the number of pirates will increase? Paying tribute will definitely reduce the number of pirates."

Qin Dewei suddenly sneered a few times, raised his pen and asked: "Who sent you here? To protect the Daimyo Daiuchi clan or the shogunate Genji?"

Seeing this sentence, Monk Zhou Liang's expression changed again.

The sentence itself was not difficult to answer, but the information revealed in it shocked him. Being able to write such a sentence showed that the other party was very familiar with the domestic situation in Japan.

Ce Yan Zhou Liang forced himself to calm down and wrote in reply: "Of course I came here in response to my king's confession."

This sentence is watertight. No matter who nominally rules Japan calls himself a general or something else, he can only be called "King of Japan" in the Ming Dynasty.

Because this was the title conferred by the Ming Emperor, and the king was given a gold seal, establishing a nominal vassal relationship.

Qin Dewei smiled and wrote: "Why don't you dare to answer directly? Monk Zhou Liang, you were selected by the Ouchi clan, right?

Due to the poverty and embarrassment of not leaving the castle due to the shogun's decree, and holding the gold seal in vain, I am afraid that I have no money and no ability to organize a voyage, so I can only borrow the king's gold seal to use it with the powerful minister Ouchi who controls the alliance!"

When Ceyan Zhou Liang saw these lines, he suddenly started sweating profusely in the early spring of the North. He never expected that the young boss on the other side knew Japan's national conditions very well!

Since the Onin Rebellion decades ago, the prestige of the shogunate has been ruined. Now is the era of warring states, and the shogun has long been an empty ruler.

Now the tribute tribute given by the Ming Dynasty is in the hands of the Ouchi clan, and the general has no money to invest in organizing a voyage, so only the Ouchi clan can organize a sailing team to pay tribute to the Ming Dynasty.

Qin Dewei continued to write: "You said paying tribute can reduce Japanese pirates at sea, but as far as I know, most of the Japanese pirates are from the three states of Satsuma, Higo and Nagato in your country!

These places are not the territory of the Ouchi clan. How can we quell the Japanese troubles by paying tribute to the Ouchi clan? Then why do we, the Emperor, need to pay tribute?"

Ceyan and Zhou Liang's eyes were straightened, and he sat motionless. He no longer knew how to answer.

If the Ouchi family has something, it is silver, and Iwami Ginzan's mining and smelting technology has matured.

But if I directly say that I will give you money from the Ming Dynasty, it will sound like humiliating the country. For the Ming Dynasty, which has a vast territory and abundant resources, money cannot be eaten or worn.

What makes Monk Zhou Liang even more frightened is that in the eyes of the other party, Japan seems to be like a person who has taken off all his clothes and has no secrets. How can we talk about this?

Qin Dewei waited for a while and saw that Monk Zhou Liang had fallen into deep self-doubt, so he wrote again: "Don't say one tribute every three years, even one tribute every year is not impossible."

When these words came into view, Monk Zhou Liang immediately came to his senses. If the tribute was changed from one tribute every ten years to one tribute every year, that would be a great thing that he could not even imagine!

But Ceyan and Zhou Liang were not sure whether this was an unexpected surprise or a trap?

Qin Dewei also wrote: "The Da Nei family can also accept the canonization of the Ming Dynasty. From now on, they will also be the subjects of the Ming Dynasty, and it is natural for them to receive special preferential treatment."

Ceyan Zhou Liang was speechless. He would never dare to answer this suggestion. He could not answer it at all.

Qin Dewei continued to write: "After you returned to China, Haosheng and the Da Nei family broke up. If it can be done, I, the Ming Dynasty, will not treat you badly.

Some people in North Korea say that it is the greatest honor to be a dog of the Ming Dynasty, let’s encourage each other!”

Monk Zhou Liang pondered for a long time and wrote in response: "I don't know how many vassals there are in the Ming Dynasty, but they still lack one Dauchi clan? If you have other conditions, please put them forward."

Qin Dewei listed some of them eloquently: "In the future, the Ming Dynasty will be allowed to set up embassies in the territory of the Da Nei clan and send troops to garrison them.

The people of the Ming Dynasty can ship and sell goods to the Da Nei clan, and they are not allowed to block them or impose taxes."

Ceyan Zhou Liang immediately wrote: "The Ming Dynasty did not allow the people of our country to go ashore to do business at will, so why do we impose on others what we do not want to do?"

Do countries with different levels qualify to talk about reciprocity? Qin Dewei did not bother to explain and continued to write his own conditions: "If the people of the Ming Dynasty commit crimes in the territory of the Da Nei clan, they will be dealt with by the embassy."

Qin Zhongtang wrote a lot of conditions, but the most critical ones are probably the above ones, which are actually to seduce him with benefits.

It doesn’t take much effort anyway, it’s useless if you don’t try, and people in this era don’t have any sense of modern sovereignty.

On the contrary, if normal trade channels with the Ming Dynasty can be opened, it will be a huge temptation for all Japanese people, just like the rain comes after a long drought.

However, Ceyan Zhou Liang asked another question inexplicably: "How many people like you are there in the imperial court?"

Qin Dewei showed a standard smile, picked up his pen and replied: "I am just a man of talent and learning. He is sent to receive the barbarians just because of his outstanding appearance, tall stature and loud voice."

Ceyan Zhouliang: "."

It is really difficult to be a tribute envoy this time. If a small country wants to take advantage of a big country, all it can take advantage of is the information gap.

A country like the Ming Dynasty, which considers itself a sovereign state, is too lazy to understand the national conditions of small countries, so small countries can often play tricks and gain more benefits.

But Japan's only advantage was completely wiped out by Mr. Qin, and even the information gap turned around.

After the first negotiation was over, when Qin Dewei walked out of the hall, he told Kong Muchen: "If a delegation of envoys is arranged to meet the emperor, only the first and second envoys are allowed to go, and no others are allowed."

Then Qin Dewei gave instructions again: "The country of Japan has been torn into pieces at this time. There are more than 300 people in the delegation this time, and there must be many people from other families among them, and they may not be on the same page as the Ouchi family.

If you stay in the hall for a long time, there will be other people who want to contact you, and write them down first, especially pay attention to whether there are any hidden clues sent by the King of Japan.

When the envoys and deputy envoys go to see the emperor, I will come to meet others. If the benefits can be given to the Ouchi clan, they can also be given to others!

It’s the greatest honor to be Ming Dynasty’s dog, and there will always be someone willing to do it!”

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