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Chapter 7 Who are the heroes of the world?

"The complaint is about confiscating the house and exterminating the widow: my husband died half a year ago, and his bones were not yet cold, but he was violently raped!

Uncle Yang Qi was the first to initiate treachery, and his fellow tribesmen became robbers and devoured them. He broke into the woman's house, smashed her deceased husband's tomb, seized possessions, and emptied the family property. It was better than a bloodbath.

I am extremely wronged and suffering, and I have no choice but to appeal with tears and blood!"

Qin Dewei picked up the pen and wrote the pleading, finished it in one go, dried the ink, and nodded with satisfaction.

I couldn't help but lament in my heart that the history of the judicial system of the Ming and Qing Dynasties was a profession that was really a skill for slaying dragons, but I didn't expect that it would come in handy today.

The style of pleadings in this era is actually a bit like the "shock style" of later generations. Within a certain format, how can it be written in a sensational way? Otherwise, how can it attract the attention of "readers"?

The middle text of the pleading shall not exceed two lines, and each line shall not exceed thirty characters. This format is said to have been prescribed by Wang Yangming.

Yes, it was Wang Yangming who almost became a legend in later generations, but he passed away last year.

If Qin Dewei had traveled a year earlier, he might have been able to discuss what subjective idealism is with this mythical figure.

Speaking of which, there have been quite a few famous humanities figures who have passed away in recent years. In addition to Wang Shinhwa, Li Mengyang, a big figure in the retro literary world, died last month, and Tang Bohu, the most talented person in Jiangnan, died a few years ago...

Only Wen Zhengming, one of the four great talents in Jiangnan, was still holding on at the age of sixty, and he continued to hold on until he was ninety.

We are both in Jiangnan, and there is still plenty of time. Qin Dewei should have the opportunity to get to know Wen Zhengming, if Suzhou people and Wen Zhengming are willing to admit that Nanjing can also be regarded as a Jiangnan city.

By the way, there is also the super talented Yang Shen, who was destined to become a leading figure in the contemporary literary world. Unfortunately, he was sent to Yunnan a few years ago to enjoy the ultra-high-end political treatment that will never be pardoned, and his poetry will be far away for the rest of his life.

Although the great scholar Yang can still live for about thirty years, Qin Dewei will probably never see him again unless he is sent thousands of miles to Yunnan.

And the next recognized literary leader in history, the suspected author of Jin Ping Berry, Wang Shizhen, is still wearing crotchless pants at this time.

Therefore, Qin Dewei, who has a beautiful mind, although he has not yet learned from the poetry of later generations to become famous, he already feels a little invincible and lonely in advance.

Recalling the past and thinking about the present, Qin Dewei put his hands behind his hands and looked toward the southwest, sighing leisurely: "If Yang Shen doesn't come out, who can compete with the world's heroes?"

Gu Qiongzhi looked at the young lawyer who suddenly fell into a state of sleepwalking and couldn't help frowning. Is it still okay?

She took advantage of her height and patted the other person's head gently, "Wake up! How come you can still dream while standing in broad daylight?"

Party A's father forcibly pressed the pause button on his unrestrained imagination. Qin Dewei had to return to the real life of working hard and handed the paper to Gu Qiongzhi. "Come and take a look, and then sign and stamp it."

The little widow read it several times, but she could only be convinced. In comparison, the petition she had written before was simply bland and boring, and the gap between amateur and professional was too obvious.

"Really, there is no need to add words like annihilation, rape, insult, etc.? And there is no need to add one about beating a family member?" Qin Dewei asked again with unfinished meaning.

Words without pillows and fists are like cooking without salt.

"It's really unnecessary!" The little widow was afraid that Qin Dewei would go crazy, so she quickly signed her signature: "That's good!"

According to government regulations, the person writing the petition must also sign, so Qin Dewei was in a bit of a dilemma.

He considers himself a scholar in his heart and would like to sign his name as student Qin Dewei. But unfortunately, he cannot.

The Zhuangzi is written to the county magistrate. Only the county student members, also commonly known as scholars, are qualified to call themselves students. This is the rule of superiority and inferiority.

Qin Dewei, who lived in the ninth year of the Jiajing reign of the Ming Dynasty, who dared to call himself a student? When meeting an official who pays attention to rules, a punishment is inevitable.

Come on! Qin Dewei, who dreams of dominating the national literary world, sighed unwillingly, picked up his pen and wrote his signature - primary school student Qin Dewei.

Calling him a primary school student is equivalent to calling him a little scholar. Just like Xiao Guanzhang is definitely not Guan Zhang, and Xiao Zhuge is definitely not Zhuge Liang. The distinction is still very obvious, and it should not be regarded as imitation.

Twelve years old, primary school student, nothing wrong with me!

Every second or eighth day of the county government office will release the complaint, and every third or ninth day of trial, all you need to do is submit the complaint to the county government office before the next eight days. There is nothing else to do for the time being.

"Before the trial, I only need to come here one more time to talk about representing you in court." Qin Dewei warned seriously: "During this period, you must keep a close watch, avoid trouble, try not to show up in public, and stay at home and wait for me.


"I know." Gu Qiongzhi nodded and responded subconsciously.

No! There’s something weird! Although the lawyer’s words are correct, they seem very awkward!

Gu Qiongzhi suddenly realized that the young lawyer's tone was very similar to that of a man telling his wife about going out? So was he deliberately teasing himself again?!

As Qin Dewei spoke, he frequently looked up at the sky - at this time, the spring sun was in the sky, hanging in the center of the southern sky.

This hint is already obvious. It's already noon, why don't you care about the meal? It's not that he is greedy, but this lunch from a rich family is better than the lunch from a poor uncle's house, right?

He is still useful, he can't fall out, he can't fall out, the little widow who was teased thought silently while thinking about her situation. Then she asked: "Then what if someone comes to the house again to cause trouble?"

Qin Dewei replied impatiently: "I live very close. Just send someone over to let me know and I will help you solve it."

As he spoke, he continued to look at the sky frequently. The sun seemed to be slightly shifted to the west, which really made me starve to death.

The little widow was very suspicious of Qin Dewei's answer. If a few men broke into the house and caused trouble, what could a twelve-year-old boy do? Can he beat them?

"I'm bringing my uncle, the yamen servant, with me!" Qin Dewei replied angrily. When he is sleepy and hungry, he is most easily irritable, and Qin Dewei has a tendency to be like this now.

He looked at the sky again. If he didn't care about food anymore, the sun would tilt to the west!

Gu Qiongzhi finally had no problem and called the maid to come over, as if he was about to explain the matter of lunch. He could vaguely hear the words "alley entrance restaurant", "meal for two coins" and other words.

Qin Dewei silently converted the two coins into two hundred yuan, which was great! It was rich enough! I felt the sincerity of Party A’s father!

At this moment, there was a sudden movement outside the gate. Someone was patting the gate and shouting something: "Is Wei Geer in there? The color is a bone-scraping steel knife. You are still young, so hold on!"

Qin Dewei recognized that it was his uncle's voice. He probably couldn't see him at the county government office, so he inquired and found him here.

"Who is talking nonsense outside?" The little widow was furious. Qin Dewei was embarrassed and said nothing, and quickly walked over and opened the door.

Officer Qin suddenly saw his eldest nephew outside the gate. He looked around quickly and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Qin Dewei's clothes were still tight and neat.

"This is not a place to stay for a long time. Come with me quickly." Officer Qin pulled Qin Dewei away.

Qin Dewei was speechless. With his uncle's interference, the two-cent silver meal was gone! In an era when the average monthly salary was a little over one tael of silver, the two-cent silver meal was not something that ordinary people could afford!

Walking on the street, Qin Dewei, who was hungry, couldn't help but complain: "It's such an unlucky time for my uncle to come and spoil my good deeds."

Officer Qin is a little obsessed, and he wants to ruin your good deeds? What good things can you do in the little widow's house? What good things can you do with the little widow?

Wait, what's a good thing? Officer Qin scolded sadly: "You are still a child, and your body has not grown up yet. How can you think about women all over your head? You are the only one in our Qin family. You don't care about your body so much. How can you deserve to be listed in the list?"


Maybe he felt that he had spoken too harshly and that he should not be too harsh in educating adolescents. Qin Chaoyi forced himself to calm down.

Then he said to his eldest nephew: "Don't you always yearn for the life of a scholar? There is a grand gathering of literary circles this afternoon. I will take you to see it!"

Qin Dewei asked in surprise: "It's not that I look down on my uncle, but you, a strong official... can you have anything to do with that kind of literary event? And you took me to see it? You are not Li You."

"Can I still lie to you? You'll find out when you go there! Who is Li You?"

This chapter has been completed!
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