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Chapter 702: Sitting on the Mountain and Watching Tiger Fights

Huo Tao is not too old. He is only fifty-four years old this year, which is considered young among cabinet ministers.

Moreover, Huo Tao would not tell others about his physical condition. No one in history could have predicted that Huo Tao would "die of a sudden illness".

Only Qin Dewei knows that Huo Tao this year is a time bomb that may die at any time.

"Stay away from me!" Huo Tao scolded Qin Dewei after he stood firm.

Qin Dewei agreed repeatedly: "Yes, yes, I will go away now. Dazhong Cheng must not get angry."

Then Qin Zhongtang walked away obediently and found a place to stand on the other side far away from Huo Tao.

Everyone was stunned, most of them had never seen such a well-behaved Qin Dewei.

After the interlude between Qin Dewei and Huo Tao, the scene became quiet again. Before the trial began, everyone once again focused on observing and judging the situation.

As we all know, apart from the yamen of the inner court such as Wenyuan Pavilion, Hanyuan, and Chunfang, there are only three main forces in the outer court.

There are too many false positions, ministers, etc., so we will not count them for now. In a short time, we can only analyze the camp distribution of the ministers in charge and the main officials.

Back when the emperor was holding a sutra banquet and listening to lectures, Qin Xueshi, the most successful person in the officialdom in the past five years, once gave a lecture on big data and quantitative analysis. Some people secretly studied it and can apply it today.

On Xia Yan's side, the Minister of Punishment, Mao Bowen, can be regarded as one of Xia Yan's partisans, and the statistics can be regarded as one; while Xu Zan, the Minister of Personnel, is inclined to Xia Yan, but he also has his own ideas, which can be regarded as half;

As for Wang Tingxiang, Minister of the Ministry of War, who was Xia Yan's old ally, but now only about a quarter is left to Xia Yan.

On Yan Song's side, Gan Weilin, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, was completely submissive and regarded as one; while Huo Tao, the censor of Zuodu, was inclined to Yan Song, but he also had his own influence and was regarded as half.

As for the remaining ministers of the Ministry of Hubu, Wang Yiqi, the minister of rites, Zhang Chao, and three-quarters of the ministers of the Ministry of War, Wang Tingxiang... they are all in the same group.

Calculated in this way, the total number of foreign ministers and courts is seven (the six ministries plus the governor's court), plus the three deities of Xia, Yan, and Qin, the total number is exactly ten.

Then the foreign influence index of Xia Yan, a scholar of Shouxing University, is 2.75! He occupies 27.5% of the share!

The foreign influence index of Yan Song, the cabinet scholar, is 2.5! He occupies 25% of the share!

The foreign influence index of a certain unknown bachelor of mechanical engineering is as high as 3.75! He occupies 37.5% of the share!

The influence index of Xu Zan, the official official, and Huo Tao, the censor of Zuo Du, each have an influence index of 0.5, and each has a share of 5%. They are two people with only a combat effectiveness of 5.

From the analysis of this data, the person who most actively wants to change the status quo is probably Yan Song, and the person who least wants to change is Bachelor Qin.

Of course, this data estimate is very rough. First, it is due to statistical sample problems. After all, ministers are not included in the statistics.

The second is that the weight of factors such as personal combat effectiveness and position importance is not added. For example, based on Qin Dewei's personal combat effectiveness, his index should be multiplied by two.

All in all, there are probably a lot of errors and can only be used as an auxiliary reference for decision-making.

At this time, in the middle of the corridor, Xia Yan and Yan Song, two elders who were being evaluated by everyone, were standing on one side, one on the left and the other on the right.

Xia Yan was closing his eyes to rest, while Yan Song's gaze kept wandering around the room, as if he was also evaluating everyone.

While everyone was thinking, time passed little by little. When the number of people was about the same, Xia Shoufu suddenly opened his eyes, coughed, and said to Xu Zan, the Minister of Personnel, "Let's start!"

According to the tradition of the court, such personnel meetings are presided over by the Minister of Personnel.

After Xu Tianguan's opening remarks, someone couldn't wait to say: "According to usual practice, cabinet ministers are mostly selected from the two ministers of the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Personnel. This time it will be as usual!"

Xu Zan, the Minister of Personnel, was close to Xia Shoufu, and Zhang Chao, the Minister of Rites, was the teacher of Qin Xueshi. So who made this suggestion?

While others were still thinking, Yan Song suddenly expressed his position: "Zhang Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites is currently serving the Holy Emperor, so it is natural for him to join the cabinet this time."

Most people were shocked when they heard this. How could Mr. Yan Ge recommend Bachelor Qin's teacher?

Everyone knows that Mr. Yan Ge and Academician Qin are sworn enemies. Not long ago, Yan Song even angrily cursed in public that "Qin has an insatiable desire to tyrannize Qin"!

Yan Song turned a blind eye to the shock of others. In his eyes, the officials present were not classified by rank, nor by whether their positions were critical. Any big data quantitative analysis was nonsense!

Yan Song only believes in reason! There is only one classification method today, and that is the degree of understanding of this opportunity to join the cabinet.

The first type of people can see through the truth and realize that this opportunity to join the cabinet is actually of little use or even a big trap.

This type of people is a very small minority, but they are all the smartest people. What they focus on is not joining the cabinet, but the truly beneficial position left by the person who joins the cabinet.

The other type of people, that is, most people, on the contrary, are still keen to pay attention to the opportunity to join the cabinet, even if they are not qualified, they will still pay attention eagerly.

The emperor did not go to court for many months, and the cabinet members also went to Zhixi Garden to accompany the emperor for many months. This resulted in officials from outside the court not being very clear about the cabinet situation and still having expectations for joining the cabinet.

Many people still imagine that after joining the cabinet, they will immediately become prime ministers and assistants, participate in machine maintenance, and take charge of the government...

Yan Song is sure that Qin Dewei is definitely the first type of smart person. If Qin Dewei didn't even have this kind of sensitivity, he wouldn't be alive today.

Qin Dewei, who is on duty at Wenyuan Pavilion, should be very aware of the situation in the cabinet. The fate of most people after joining the cabinet is either to become cannon fodder or to become little transparent people who have lost their power!

His statement was meant for Qin Dewei!

Although Mr. Yan Ge recommended Zhang Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, when others came to their senses, they did not look at Zhang Shangshu. Instead, they all looked at Qin Dewei.

Everyone knows that the key lies not with Zhang Chao himself but with his student!

Qin Dewei raised his head and looked around, seemingly confused, and said: "What do you all think of me? You can discuss it as you should. I am a newbie and am here to listen attentively."

Everyone: "..."

If you, Bachelor Qin, don't express your opinion first, how can others speak in a targeted manner?

Because someone said that there are two ministers of the "Business of Officials" and the "Business of Rites", the original host Xu Tianguan found it difficult to speak.

So Xia Yan, the first assistant, took over the chair and shouted to Qin Dewei: "Just say a few words first!"

Xia Shoufu was also thinking about his strategy just now. He also has his own analysis method, which is human nature!

He believes that Yan Song will definitely target Qin Dewei. If anyone is the most wary of Qin Dewei recently, it must be Yan Song.

Not to mention Qin Dewei, he will definitely regard Yan Song as his biggest enemy. Several years ago, Qin Dewei had been "criticizing" Yan Song in front of him and dissuaded him from promoting Yan Song. It was a pity that he did not believe in Qin Dewei at the time.

But it can also be seen from this how deep-rooted Qin Dewei's hostility and rejection of Yan Song is.

So today, for me as the first assistant, sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight should be the best strategy. Maybe I can wait for the opportunity to benefit from it.

After being urged by Xia Shoufu, Qin Dewei said: "Then I will say a few words. Between the two ministers of the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Rites, I think that Xu Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel has more seniority and is more suitable to join the cabinet."

This answer was completely expected by Yan Song. Unexpectedly, Qin Dewei was quite right.

Someone first proposed the convention of "two ministers of the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Rites", and then Yan Song came forward to recommend Zhang Chao, which was to urge Qin Dewei to go in the direction of Xu Zan.

Qin Dewei could not directly oppose his teacher Zhang Chao's entry into the cabinet, so he could only indirectly deny Zhang Chao by recommending others.

So in this context, the easiest candidate for Qin Dewei to recommend is Xu Zan, the official.

Xu Zan was inclined towards Xia Yan. Entering the cabinet meant being promoted openly and secretly, and discarding the most important officials in the outer dynasty. This was Yan Song's real plan, but it would be most effective if he said it through Qin Dewei's mouth first.

Then Yan Song immediately changed his tune as "the icing on the cake" and said: "What Scholar Qin said is very reasonable! After thinking about it, Xu Shangshu is still old and experienced, and he should join the cabinet."

Others only thought the painting style was a bit strange. After Mr. Yan Ge recommended Teacher Qin Dewei, he actually started to follow Qin Dewei's words again.

Xia Yan frowned. Of course he opposed Xu Zan's entry into the cabinet, but he was holding his ground for the time being.

He didn't believe that Qin Dewei couldn't see through Yan Song's tricks, and he didn't believe that Qin Dewei would actually be fooled.

While Xia Shoufu was thinking about it, he glanced at Xu Zan a few times, and then he discovered that Xu Zan seemed to be eager to try and was quite excited!

Therefore, Xia Shoufu did not dare to speak out against Xu Zan's entry into the cabinet. This could easily lead to misunderstandings for Xu Zan, who was full of expectations.

When most people were still thinking about why Qin Dewei didn't directly support the teacher's entry into the cabinet, they suddenly heard Qin Dewei say:

"There are only these two candidates. There is nothing to say. Let's vote. Let's count who has the most supporters first! If His Majesty asks, I can give an explanation."

Xia Shoufu immediately couldn't hold himself any longer and shouted quickly: "Wait a minute! Everyone hasn't finished speaking, how can they be so careless?"

He had a hunch that as long as the vote was based on the number of people, the people on Yan Song's side would not say anything, and Qin Dewei and his group might really "support" Xu Tianguan.

Although the vote has no effect, don't end up in a situation where "the people want it", which will be irreversible.

Could it be that I made a mistake in my judgment today and Qin Dewei and Yan Song joined forces to trick me? Did I send Xu Zan, my biggest supporter in the outer court, to the cabinet?

Qin Dewei glanced at Xia Yan and said again: "Actually, after thinking about it again, Xu Tianguan is actually not suitable. After all, he is already very old, almost 70 years old."

This time it was Yan Song's turn to frown. Did you, Qin Dewei, regret it and want to break the tacit understanding just now? Then he interrupted and said: "Xu Shangshu is still in good health."

Academician Qin turned a deaf ear and pretended not to hear, "I said it's inappropriate because of my advanced age because there are several inappropriate things.

First, nowadays, cabinet ministers have to go to Zhiwuyi Hall every day, and their daily life is more difficult, and it is difficult for the elderly to support their energy or body.

Secondly, I think cabinet ministers still need to follow a certain hierarchy, and it would be reasonable for new entrants to be slightly younger.

Otherwise, it would be easy to be like the previous few years, when Fei Shoufu and Li Shoufu passed away one after another, the court continued to be in turmoil, and it was difficult for the monarch and his ministers to find peace of mind.

Thirdly, it is very difficult to arrange the seats when a person with too senior qualifications enters the cabinet. If he is placed below the other cabinet ministers, it will be a loss of respect for the elderly. If he is placed above others, it will replace the original first and second assistants.


In order to avoid the above troubles, after much thought, Xu Tianguan is not suitable for joining the cabinet."

Xia Yan, the chief assistant who was unwilling to let Xu Zan join the cabinet, breathed a sigh of relief. Qin Dewei could trick anyone, just don't trick him.

It is difficult for others to refute Qin Dewei's reasoning, or they are waiting for other big guys to come forward and then follow suit.

Yan Song "warned" Qin Dewei and said: "Scholar Qin, if you think about it carefully, if Xu Shangshu is not suitable, then Zhang Shangshu will be the one.

The conditions you mentioned can only be said to have disadvantages, but they are not enough to prove that Xu Shangshu is completely incompetent."

Qin Dewei seemed to suddenly realize, "What Mr. Yan Ge said makes sense. Don't be too demanding in your treatment of others!

As the saying goes, if the water is clear, there will be no fish; if the people are clear, there will be no friends! Then I still recommend Xu Shangshu!"

Xia Yan: "..."

Is your surname Qin finished yet?

I originally wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight and get the advantage, but now it seems that Qin Dewei is sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight?

So Xia Yan glanced at Mao Bowen, and then Mao Bowen stood up and said, "If we follow the conditions you just mentioned, Zhang Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites seems to be more suitable. What does Qin Xueshi think?"

This is a direct question about Qin Dewei's attitude towards Zhang Chao, and Qin Dewei has been avoiding this question just now.

Qin Dewei chuckled and said: "If I just say whether the conditions are suitable or not, I actually have the most suitable candidate in mind!"

Yan Song turned his back and accused him: "Master Qin, do you think you are using people for nepotism? Even Zhang Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites still has shortcomings."

Most people think that Qin Dewei's purpose in denying Xu Zan was to pave the way for his teacher Zhang Chao. If Xu Zan is not suitable, then it is time to replace him with Zhang Chao.

Qin Dewei asked back: "The one I want to recommend is Mr. Huo! Where do you start talking about nepotism?"

Huo Zongxian is Huo Tao. Most people were shocked when they heard this sentence!

Huo Tao and Qin Dewei are no longer just enemies, they are mortal enemies. Qin Dewei can actually recommend Huo Tao to the cabinet!

It was only then that most people felt the strangeness of today!

It was surprising enough that Mr. Yan Ge recommended Qin Dewei as his teacher, but Qin Dewei backhandedly recommended his mortal enemy!

Could it be that in the eyes of these two people, joining the cabinet is a poisonous thing? They both want the other party's people to die?

Even Yan Song was shocked. He didn't expect that Qin Dewei was so limitless that he could even say the words to recommend him as his enemy!

Xia Yan is also Huo Tao's mortal enemy. They had a deadly feud with each other when they were sent to prison and their careers were almost cut off. But Xia Yan knew that he could deflect the fire and didn't even bother to recommend Huo Tao!

No one wants their allies to join the cabinet! As long as they join the cabinet, the alliance relationship is often unsustainable! This is one of the reasons why Xia Yan is unwilling to let Xu Tianguan join the cabinet!

Qin Dewei still did not dare to go to Huo Tao, and saluted Huo Tao from a distance: "I, Qin Dewei, have always promoted virtuous people and never avoided hatred. I sincerely believe that you, Dazhong Cheng, are the most suitable candidate to join the cabinet today!"

Then he said to others: "In terms of qualifications, Huo Zongxian is the Huiyuan of the ninth year of Zhengde, and his background is impeccable!

In terms of age, Mr. Huo is slightly younger, just enough to be placed below the two cabinet elders, forming a benign order."

Huo Tao himself was completely confused. It was not that he didn't want to be a civil servant, such as joining the cabinet, but he didn't hold out much hope today.

First, his ally Yan Song did not support him; second, he was a bit outdated and his own power was not enough to support his entry into the cabinet.

Unexpectedly, Qin Dewei, who had formed a deadly feud, actually stood up and recommended himself, making the world become magical.

Damn, it’s really exciting!


Today, my state is on the verge of rock bottom, and I am extremely depressed. The reason for the update is just to prove that I am not lazy. I don’t know if I can write it out tomorrow. Maybe I will take time off to adjust my state. On this difficult occasion, I kindly ask everyone to save their guaranteed monthly passes for June.

Please vote, it's the Dragon Boat Festival holiday soon, so I can always catch up on updates.

This chapter has been completed!
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