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Chapter 728 Have you heard of it?

Looking at the "prisoner" Wang Sheng, the commander-in-chief of Datong Town, Commander Lu Binglu suddenly felt a little "satisfied".

Because it was Commander Lu's first time in his life to interrogate such a high-ranking military attache. But as the emperor's brother-in-law, he was never afraid of big troubles.

It was only then that Commander Lu realized that he was actually very important, even indispensable!

According to Ming Dynasty legal principles, if you want to interrogate a military attaché of sixth grade or above, you must obtain the emperor's approval, otherwise you are not allowed to interrogate without authorization.

Although Inspector Qin had the power to "act expediently", temporarily detaining and interrogating a second-grade general officer was still a politically risky act, and there was no precedent in Lu Bing's mind.

There are two reasons why we say taking risks. First, "acting cheaply" does include temporary disposal, and detention can be carried out in extraordinary circumstances, but it is a bit doubtful whether it includes interrogation of confessions, especially when there is no precedent;

Second, today is not the end of the world when rituals and music have collapsed. With the precautionary awareness of the Ming Dynasty's mature system, detaining and interrogating local generals without authorization could easily arouse the suspicion of the court, especially since the Jiajing Emperor was inherently suspicious.

Therefore, the best Qin Dewei can do is to detain Mr. Wang, but he needs another person to be responsible for the interrogation in order to share or spread the "risk".

And he, Lu Bing, was both the commander of the Imperial Guard and the emperor's brother-in-law. This special status could eliminate the emperor's suspicion.

All in all, Qin Dewei cannot do without him, Lu Bing. The status of both partners should be equal, there is no question of who is superior and who is inferior!

Without the privilege of "acting cheaply", he, Lu Bing, would not be able to attack General Wang;

But without him, Lu Bing, Qin Dewei would not be able to extract the necessary confession from Mr. Wang and continue to advance the plot!

I was confused by Qin Dewei's long speech before, which unknowingly led to dwarfing myself and making me look like a tool.

After thinking about this, Lu Bing, who was only thirty years old, felt truly enlightened. He couldn't help but secretly lament that he was still too young.

Moreover, the background is too hard and smooth all the way, which may also lead to insufficient experience and experience, and there is still a gap between the depth and depth of the old bureaucrats.

But now that I’ve figured it out, it’s not too late! He, Lu Bing, is not a tool, but an equal collaborator!

After collecting his thoughts and improving his state of mind, Commander Lu began to interrogate Mr. Wang, but there was no substantial progress in the interrogation until dinner time.

This is normal. After all, the other party is a second-grade military commander. It is difficult to punish him without the emperor's decree. Moreover, we have no substantive evidence in our hands. What can we do to force Commander Wang to confess?

However, Commander Lu is not discouraged. As long as he is detained and tortured like this, sooner or later he will confess.

In complete isolation from the outside world, most people's mental state will collapse sooner or later.

On the other hand, Governor Qin's dinner standard was still eight dishes, but he invited Commander Lu to share it.

During the dinner, Lu Bing took the initiative and said: "I just interrogated Wang Sheng, but there has been no progress yet."

Upon hearing this, Qin Dewei just said "Oh" casually, indicating that he already knew about it, and didn't say anything else.

Commander Lu was originally worried that Qin Dewei would be anxious or belittle his ability to work, so he wanted to explain a few words.

As a result, seeing Qin Dewei's indifferent look, he felt that his work was not respected at all.

Holding back a little discomfort, Commander Lu asked: "Does Qin Zhongtang not care whether Wang Sheng confesses or what he confesses?"

The reason is very simple. Without Wang Sheng as a breakthrough, how could you, Qin Dewei, continue to cause trouble!

I saw Inspector Qin spit out a chicken bone, looked at Lu Bing, and asked in surprise: "Whether Wang Sheng recruits or not, what does it matter? I don't care about his confession."

Commander Lu, who was full of ambition and was about to be on an equal footing with Commander Qin, was stunned, as if he had suffered a critical blow.

Could it be that in Qin Dewei's eyes, his interrogation work is insignificant and it doesn't matter what the outcome of the trial is?

"There is no evidence and no confession, so how can you convict Wang Sheng?" Lu Bing said very unconvinced.

Qin Dewei finished chewing the last chicken nugget, threw away the bones, and said three words lightly: "It's unnecessary."

Lu Bing: ""

You, Qin Dewei, shouted "The sky is clear" two days ago, and today you said "unnecessary". Don't you have a split personality?

Qin Dewei didn't care what Lu Bing was thinking at all. After yawning, he stood up and said, "Have a rest early, we have to leave early tomorrow morning."

Lu Bing did not have much experience in dealing directly with Qin Dewei, and he was not able to adapt to Qin Dewei's ruthless and cold style.

Yesterday, in order to win over me, I talked endlessly; today, I am too lazy to say a few more words? Do you still have some warmth in your life?

"You haven't even heard of it, have you?" In order to maintain the temporary cooperative relationship, Qin Dewei couldn't help but say something, and said to Lu Bing.

Commander Lu asked persistently: "What does Mo Xuyou mean?"

Being entangled with no choice, Qin Dewei could only reply: "What are the two most serious charges against Commander-in-Chief Wang Sheng? One is collaboration with the enemy, and the other is colluding with the governor, right?"

Let’s talk about collaboration with the enemy first. I have written a letter in Wang Sheng’s tone and had it sent to the chief Anda. The letter mentioned the fact that Anda’s eldest son Xin loves Huang Taiji.

Wang Sheng and Anda have communicated with each other for a long time, and even made some agreements. There is still a bit of mutual trust, so this time I received Wang Sheng's letter and I will definitely reply.

And the tone of the reply must be very familiar and friendly. Isn't this evidence of collaborating with the enemy? Otherwise, why should I reply to Wang Sheng like a friend?

It doesn't matter if Anda doesn't respond. The worst case scenario is that he will publicly shout out to Anda.

Let me hand over the evidence of my communication with Wang Sheng, or I will chop off one of his son Xin Ai Huang Taiji's hands! Anyway, there are many ways!"

Lu Bing: ""

So even if Wang Sheng doesn't recruit, it doesn't matter? Is it really the same whether there is a trial or not? The evidence will be created out of thin air?

Then Qin Dewei continued: "As for the collusion between General Wang Sheng and Governor Shi, isn't it obvious and groundless?"

At this point, Qin Dewei is really too lazy to continue, and he has no obligation to teach anyone step by step! Lu Bing is just a temporary collaborator, not a trusted figure!

Lu Bing was still asking: "Then how should we judge that General Wang and Governor Shi colluded? And thus convict Governor Shi?"

"You'll know then!" Qin Dewei said impatiently.

He really couldn't understand why some people were dishonest even when they were tools, so he had to break the casserole and get to the bottom of it? Don't they understand that ignorant people are the happiest?

So Superintendent Qin spoke earnestly and sincerely and advised: "Master Lu, don't think too much!

It is enough to let the emperor know that it is you who is reviewing the case. You don’t need to worry about anything else, and the credit will be yours."

Before leaving the fortress, the focus was on how to make achievements; but after the victory, the focus was on how to prevent Emperor Jiajing from being jealous.

If this mentality is not changed in time, it will not end well, and Lu Bing is the tool used to trick Emperor Jiajing.

Commander Lu also understood sincerely and said: "I finally understand why Qin Zhongtang is always heavily guarded when he comes in and out. The more the better."

The next day, the entire army set out for Datong City happily.

Nearly half of the officers and soldiers brought out by Inspector Qin were transferred from Datong City. When they returned to Datong City, they were going home, so they were naturally happy.

For other officers and soldiers, it is more comfortable to go to Datong City, the largest city within a few hundred miles, than to camp in the wilderness, and of course they are extremely happy.

Therefore, after hearing the order to set off for Datong City, the morale of the officers and soldiers was even higher.

At this moment, Qin Dewei no longer concealed anything, spread all the news, and marched towards Datong City with an upright attitude of the king's division.

The prison car brought by Inspector Qin, after serving as a background prop countless times, finally came into use and was used by Commander Wang.

Immediately, the city of Datong received official news that the governor had returned from the fortress to defeat the Northern invaders and was about to arrive in his loyal city of Datong.

From the imperial envoy's residence to the governor's court, there was an immediate explosion.

Imperial envoy Guo Xun, governor Shi Dao, and some people related to them in the capital seven hundred miles away were at their wits' end.

In the face of an unprecedented victory, all conspiracies and machinations seemed to melt automatically like ice and snow under the scorching sun.

Holding the last glimmer of hope, Guo Xun asked Governor Shi: "Is it possible to close all the city gates and keep Qin Dewei out?"

Anda's army of Beibei is expected to return north soon. As long as Qin Dewei can be blocked outside the city, it will most likely be swept away by Anda's army, and the world will be clean.

After thinking about it for a moment, Governor Shi said, "It's impossible to do it."

Qin Dewei is the governor of Xuanda, the highest military official in this three-thirds of an acre of land. As long as Qin Dewei is not dismissed, the city gate can be opened by an order.

If there was a general who directly commanded the troops in the city, he might be able to use his prestige to overpower the officers and soldiers, but Wang Sheng, the chief military officer, had also become a prisoner.

Not to mention that there were two thousand Datong soldiers in Qin Dewei's camp, who were originally in the same robe as the defenders, and could easily open the city gate.

Guo Xun punched the table gum bitterly, stood up and was about to go out. At the same time, he said to Governor Shi: "I was sent to Datong to capture Qin Dewei. Now it seems that this is no longer necessary. I will leave Datong now!"

Governor Shi said sarcastically: "I'm afraid you won't be able to leave. Qin Dewei has already sent flying cavalry to deliver orders to the city gates.

In order to guard against the Northern invaders' army, Datong City will not be allowed to enter or leave from today, and any trespassers will be charged with collaborating with the enemy."

The two of them were talking when suddenly faint cheers came from the north. The two of them probably guessed something, so they had no intention of talking.

Sure enough, there was a report from the servants right away: "Superintendent Qin led thousands of officers and soldiers into the city!"

Seeing that he and Guo Xun could not figure it out, Governor Shi sighed and stood up to say goodbye and left the imperial envoy's residence.

The Governor's Office, referred to as Fuyuan, is located in the north of the city, very close to Wuding Gate, the North City Gate.

Governor Shi was riding a horse and saw a large group of people gathering outside the gate of Fuyuan from a distance.

As he got closer, he saw Commander Qin Dewei, surrounded by his own soldiers, pointing at the gate.

Then Governor Qin turned around and greeted Governor Shi: "I heard that the mansion has been occupied, and I have nowhere to go, but I think your place is good, so I will borrow it for now!

Anyway, the systems of the governor and the governor are similar, and there are many similarities, so it must be suitable for the government office."

Governor Shi asked coldly: "If you use this place, where will this hospital go?"

Qin Dewei replied: "You are already guilty, there is no need for such a government office!"

Governor Shi tried his best to maintain his last dignity: "How come this court doesn't know what crimes it is guilty of? Is it also a crime to impeach you? Will you, Qin Dewei, never allow others to impeach you?"

Inspector Qin chuckled a few times and said, "It's normal for you to impeach me, but don't you think it's weird for General Wang to impeach me?"

Governor Shi still pretended to be ignorant and said: "What does it have to do with Mr. Wang?"

Qin Dewei continued to answer: "Because our dynasty is divided into civil and military families, there are not many conflicts of interest in the private matters of civil and military ministers.

Moreover, with the current weight of civil servants, there is no reason for a general military officer to take the initiative to challenge the governor politically. It would not be of any practical benefit to him!

Therefore, when the governor and the commander-in-chief jointly impeached the governor, it must be you, Shi Dao, who took the lead. So why would commander-in-chief Wang assist you when there is no practical benefit?

After much deliberation, I can only conclude that you must have taken advantage of Mr. Wang, so he accepted the threat!

In other words, you are aware of Mr. Wang’s problem, which is enough to convict and capture you!

Even if we take a step back and say that the general is collaborating with the enemy, even if the governor of the same city pleads ignorance, it is still a crime of negligence!"

Governor Shi was about to make some logical quibbles, but was interrupted by Governor Qin, "Don't explain, explanations are useless! You must be guilty, and the Emperor must also believe that you are guilty!"

Shi Dao: ""

Lu Bing, who was watching the excitement, was surprised. Is this unwarranted power? Qin Dewei had no evidence at all and was convicted with just a few sentences of analysis?

So, as Superintendent Qin said, interrogating General Wang is indifferent, and whether there is a result or not is irrelevant?

Qin Dewei then said to Commander Bai who came from the Xuan Mansion: "Now that Datong City has no Commander-in-Chief, you will be in charge of the city defense for the time being, waiting for another appointment from the court! Now you send Governor Shi to the mansion first!"

Shi Dao said angrily: "I am an official of the imperial court and an imperial envoy. How dare you detain me!"

Qin Dewei replied: "Don't misunderstand, Mr. Shi, this is not a detention, it's just asking you to stay in the mansion temporarily, and there may be a few officers and soldiers around to protect you.

If you have a problem you want to explain, you can also pick up a pen and paper and write it down. This is called two limits. You should explain the problem within a limited time and a limited place.

I used this method in Nanjing back then, and it worked very well, helping to arrest a large number of problematic officials!"

Then Qin Dewei continued to say to General Bai: "Wuding Marquis Guo Xun should still be in the mansion, so we should handle it accordingly!"

General Bai hesitated for a moment, "Then Guo Xun is a marquis, and he is also the founding marquis. He has a distinguished status and cannot be detained without any reason."

Qin Dewei immediately scolded: "Just do it if I tell you to do it! Who said it's for no reason?

After the great victory outside the fortress, I returned to the border wall. I wanted to rely on the great victory to ambush Anda's army that had not retreated from the interior and seek another great victory!

Unexpectedly, Guo Xun colluded with Zhen, Fu and others to frame me for his own selfish interests, hindered me from deploying troops and marched, missed the perfect opportunity to block An Da's retreat, and ruined military and national affairs!

Tell me, did Guo Xun commit the serious crime of delaying the military plane? Did it affect my complete solution to An Da? Should he be imprisoned?"

General Bai: ""

Lu Bing felt like he was going crazy. Was this again unfounded? Once again, he fabricated a crime out of thin air?

You, Qin Dewei, had no evidence or confession in your hands, so you made clear the charges against the commander-in-chief, the governor, and Guo Xun!

Could it be that when you, Qin Zhongtang, convict others, you never rely on evidence or trial, and rely solely on one-word judgments?

So what is the meaning of Lu Bing’s conscientious trial work? Is he just working for the sake of working?

For the first time, Commander Lu felt that his life was worthless.

In fact, Qin Dewei was really bragging about blocking An Da. But no one seemed to believe it, at least no one dared to question it publicly.

This is probably the highest level of bragging. No matter how outrageous you brag, others actually believe it.


The 30-episode online drama "Li You" adapted from the first half of "Struggle in the New Ming Dynasty" has released a promotional video. You can search for "Li You" on Weibo and Bilibili. The starring role is Guan Yunpeng, who is expected to

I’ll wait a month or two for it to go online and meet you all. I hope you will support me a lot, and there will naturally be new adaptations after the broadcast results are good.

This chapter has been completed!
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