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Chapter 741 Exaggerated

After the report to the temple was completed, Qin Dewei, who was about to send the prisoners back to the prison, suddenly felt that the appearance of these people was not very good-looking.

Then he said to the Ministry of Rites and the deacons of Honglu Temple: "My clothes are in tatters, and I am shackled. I will be taken to the Meridian Gate tomorrow. It doesn't look like a good show."

The deacons and officials were speechless. These were prisoners dedicated to His Majesty, not officials paying a pilgrimage to His Majesty!

Otherwise, what else can be done? Can everyone be given a bright court uniform and the shackles removed?

Qin Dewei suggested: "Find dozens of big cloths, all of the same color! Cut a round hole in the middle of each big cloth!

Then put the big cloth on the prisoners, so that all the prisoners only have one head exposed from the round hole, and the rest of the body is covered by the big cloth!

This way it looks neater and more spectacular. The scene will not be in tatters and make His Majesty feel shabby and stingy.

Moreover, when Your Majesty looked down from the Meridian Gate at that time, he could not see the shackles and instruments of torture, which also showed the compassion of the Emperor of Heaven, who could not bear to see the prisoners suffering!"

The deacons and officials could only be convinced and couldn't bear to see the prisoner suffer. The solution was to find a piece of cloth to cover the prisoner's body?

In the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, you, the Jiajing man who just rides on the horse, have the most tricks!

Because there was a grand and grand prisoner presentation ceremony the next day, Qin Dewei had to keep up his spirits, so he treated his good wife with respect that night.

There was nothing to say all night, and at five o'clock the next day, Qin Dewei got up and went to the imperial prison to escort the prisoners, and then took them outside the Meridian Gate.

At the same time, the Han generals on duty, the band playing triumphant songs, and civil and military officials took their places outside the Meridian Gate one after another.

Only Xia Yan and Yan Song came to Fengtianmen first to welcome the emperor as he came out of the inner palace on behalf of the civil and military ministers.

At about 4:00 in the morning, Emperor Jiajing went out of Fengtianmen. This was the first time Emperor Jiajing appeared in public in the past year and a half.

Fortunately, Emperor Jiajing was not so ridiculous as to appear in Taoist robes at such a time, otherwise there might have been many more disturbances.

Then Emperor Jiajing went up to the Meridian Gate again. Before the ceremony started, Emperor Jiajing started to visit on the Meridian Gate.

The Meridian Gate is the highest-standard gate among all the gates. Although Emperor Jiajing has been on the throne for more than 20 years, he has never climbed the Meridian Gate before.

At this time, Emperor Jiajing walked a few steps along the Meridian Gate city wall, looked down at the scenery inside and outside the palace, and then strolled into the Yun Tower in the middle of the Meridian Gate, which is the main building commonly known as the Five Phoenix Tower.

But in the middle of the Cloud Tower, there was a spear enshrined. The rust stains on it revealed the vicissitudes of time. I don’t know what year or month it was. I just didn’t know if the wooden handle of the spear body was equally old.

Emperor Jiajing asked in confusion: "Why is this spear here, and who placed it?"

Someone replied: "This is the spear held by Emperor Cheng Zuwen. Why it is enshrined here? It has been so long that it is impossible to find out."

The former Emperor Taizongwen was changed to Chengzu by Emperor Jiajing two years ago. He was probably the most martial and moral emperor in the Ming Dynasty.

Emperor Jiajing looked at the spear familiarly for a long time, and suddenly said to the eunuch Huang Jinhuang who was accompanying him: "Send Qin Dewei to come up!"

Although Eunuch Huang was puzzled, he didn't say much and walked down to deliver the order.

At this time, Qin Dewei was standing alone on the east side of the royal road outside the Meridian Gate, preparing to step forward to offer prisoners. However, other courtiers were under the Meridian Gate and did not stand with Qin Dewei.

Huang Jin was afraid that the Jiajing Emperor might think that he would come out and delay the good time, so he trotted all the way to Qin Dewei's side and shouted: "The emperor has orally told Qin Dewei to visit Yunlou in the morning!"

Upon hearing this decree, Qin Dewei and all the officials nearby were shocked. What did the emperor want to do?

Although Eunuch Huang understood Qin Dewei's surprise, he really didn't have time to be in a daze, so he quickly urged: "Scholar Qin, don't be stunned, hurry up and leave!"

Qin Dewei, who was also afraid of wasting time and had no qualifications to enter the imperial court, also jogged all the way to the Meridian Gate and then entered the Cloud Tower to salute Emperor Jiajing.

Emperor Jiajing pointed to the enshrined spear and said: "This is the spear used by Emperor Wen himself. I give this to you today."

When Qin Dewei heard the emperor's words, he was immediately confused and even forgot to thank him.

I am a civil servant who was born in the top 100, a trinity of super cleansers. What does it mean for your majesty to give you a spear?

The eunuchs and relatives accompanying him on both sides were also shocked, wondering what kind of brain the emperor had!

Could it be that after listening to storytelling and reading too many novels, Qin Dewei was given the royal spear of his ancestors, and from now on he would "beat up the emperor and slander his ministers"?

But Emperor Jiajing only said one sentence without any other explanation, and others could only make random guesses.

It was Eunuch Huang who came to his senses first and hurriedly reminded Qin Dewei: "You still don't want to thank me?"

The emperor had a gift, but it was impossible not to accept it. Qin Dewei was in a state of confusion and relied on his instinct to express gratitude for the gift.

Emperor Jiajing ordered someone to remove the spear on the spot and delivered it directly to Qin Dewei.

This is also very unreasonable and completely inconsistent with the procedures. Even if the imperial gift is given, how can it be allowed to be taken directly by the ministers?

Moreover, if a minister who is not a bodyguard holds a "blade" in front of the emperor, it will be strictly punished as a serious crime.

Qin Dewei was extremely speechless. He once suspected that Emperor Jiajing wanted to create a "White Tiger Hall"-style injustice case and slandered himself for holding weapons with evil intentions. If this was true, then he would be the most cowardly and aggrieved time traveler.

And he still has to go down to complete the prisoner ceremony. As a civil servant, what does it mean to hold a spear in his hand?

Fortunately, Emperor Jiajing was not so stupid as to deliberately cut off the heroes in order to achieve a "three thousand beheading" level victory.

After giving Emperor Chengzuwen's royal spear to Qin Dewei, nothing else happened.

Not long after, the civil and military officials standing outside the Meridian Gate, waiting for the ceremony to begin, and the Han generals on duty saw Qin Dewei slowly walking out of the left door of the Meridian Gate.

What shocked everyone was that Qin Dewei actually held a spear in his hand that seemed to appear out of thin air.

For a moment, a ridiculous suspicion arose in many people's minds. Could it be that Qin Dewei stabbed the king on the Meridian Gate? But just now, there was no strange noise on the Meridian Gate.

Qin Dewei passed by the court officials with an expressionless expression. When he reached the officials of the Ministry of Works, he suddenly raised his spear and gestured at the one-eyed official named Yan.

Yan Shifan was immediately frightened so much that his legs weakened. He couldn't stand firmly and fell down. Fortunately, he was supported by his colleagues next to him.

The ministers whispered, and some knowledgeable people had already guessed the origin of the spear.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh, this shows how special Emperor Jiajing was to the "Jiajing man".

Even the ancestral belongings that were not suitable in nature were given as promised. Who else but Qin Dewei could have such special treatment.

Then the topic began to change, and the ministers couldn't help but discuss why the emperor gave this spear to Qin Dewei?

Some people say that the emperor still felt that the reward given to Qin Dewei was not enough to repay his merits, so he added another one temporarily today.

Some people also say that the situation among the captives is not over now, and it is far from the time when they can enjoy peace. The emperor used this to encourage Qin Dewei to continue his efforts and create greater glory, and not to slack off.

Others say that the emperor is hinting that Qin Dewei can be transformed into a noble military minister with a higher nominal level limit in the future, otherwise it will be easy for him to be undefeated within the civil servant framework.

Qin Dewei ignored other people's comments and returned to the east side of the royal road to capture the prisoners.

After a while, the auspicious time came, and Emperor Jiajing placed a couplet in front of the Yun Tower at the Meridian Gate and ascended to the throne.

Suddenly there was great music with cymbals and songs, and all the golden drums were played.

Today's important supporting role, the victory coach Qin Dewei, escorted dozens of prisoners to the Meridian Gate and ordered them to kneel down.

Then Qin Dewei loudly announced to the Meridian Gate: "The month before last, the soldiers of the Great Tomorrow went out to Fengzhou Beach in the north of the Great Wall and defeated the enemy. I would like to offer the prisoners captured!"

As the most important supporting role, Qin Dewei's main line is just one sentence. It's not long, even a little brief, and doesn't even have the slightest bit of self-praising content.

The other ministers felt a little strange about this. Although there was only one protagonist today and no one could dominate the scene, Qin Dewei was too concise and had no Qin style at all.

Could it be that Qin Dewei was also worried about being too popular and started to keep a low profile? Maybe it was because Qin Dewei's mentality changed after he was given the spear just now?

Before others could figure out the reason, there was suddenly a loud noise in the prisoner phalanx.

The dozen or so prisoners of real Hu origin who were kneeling in the front row suddenly straightened up their upper bodies and raised their hands high.

Was there an accident? Just as the officials were in shock, they heard a dozen foreigners who were supposed to be unable to speak the language, shouting loudly in standard Mandarin:

"Emperor Jiajing, for eternity! Enjoy immortal blessings forever, and live as long as heaven! Enjoy immortal blessings forever, and live as long as heaven!"

Ministers: ""

It turns out that the grandiose scene was behind it, and they might have misunderstood Qin Dewei before.

The rebellious White Lotus sect who were captured together with the Hu people and represented the captives were all kneeling in the back row. They were all surprised when they heard the Hu people shouting slogans.

They did not know that the Hu people who were also prisoners actually had such an opportunity to perform.

Those who were smart and flexible also shouted after them. Anyway, these few sentences are easy to learn. In order to survive, don't be shabby.

But unfortunately, the rebellious slogans shouted by the White Lotus Sect are of no use.

Even if it is the same words, shouted from the mouths of foreign barbarians, it can symbolize that His Majesty's Heaven is intimidating and subduing the barbarians, and the effect is directly full. However, the rebellion of the White Lotus Sect does not have this special effect.

The minor supporting character Mao Bowen, the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment, and two ministers, went out to report: "The rebel leaders Zhu Chongzhuo, Qiu Fu, and Luo Tingxi were beheaded, and their companions were all killed in the West City. They went to the city Cao for execution and asked for the order."

Sitting high on the Meridian Gate, Emperor Jiajing said softly: "Take it."

The ministers below can't hear you, but it doesn't matter, there is a microphone.

Starting from the emperor's side, two passes were passed to four, four to eight, and finally 360 Han generals shouted together: "Take it!"

The sound echoed in front of the "concave"-shaped Meridian Gate, like thunder, and could be heard clearly even on the streets outside the imperial city.

After that, Emperor Jiajing issued another decree: "Xin Ai, Huang Taiji and other Hu people will be interrogated in detail!"

The prisoners who were to be executed today were led out from the right gate of Chang'an, and the prisoners who were to be interrogated were led out from the left gate of Chang'an.

After announcing the treatment of the prisoners, the other civil and military officials finally got some drama and congratulated the emperor on the Meridian Gate.

Then the emperor issued the "Edict on the Great Victory of the Crusade against Anda", which was the official document that set the tone and announced it to the world.

"Yu Xi! Our country is full of benevolence and righteousness, and those who jump from the beam will be killed no matter how strong they are. I hereby declare it to the world and make it clear to all the barbarians. Today, I would like to express my love to Huang Taiji and others, and offer them as prisoners thousands of miles away. The traitors Zhu Chongzhuo and Qiu Fu

Wait, let’s pass on Jiubian…”

Finally, it comes to the awarding part that many people don’t like to hear about.

Qin Dewei and the military attachés above the general rank among the officers and soldiers on the expedition lined up happily, waiting for God's mighty grace.

There is also a set of etiquette for awarding rewards. The case has been placed on the imperial road in front of the Meridian Gate, and then the deacons and officials have taken their places.

Coach Qin Dewei was awarded the award separately, and an official read the edict awarding Qin Dewei in public.

"The state is responsible for the ministers of Fu Bi. If they have talent, quality and merit, and if they are adopted in a practical way, they will have a high reputation and a high rank. I dare not love them. Therefore, it is clear that my advice is selfless.

(More than forty characters in the full title of the official title are omitted) When Qin Dewei was strong and ambitious, Hongcai praised his principles. When he returned to Jiting, he shouldered great responsibilities without hesitation. His position was heavy and dangerous, and he was deeply loyal to the country. He was elegant and had the strategy of a palace.

Plan to obtain the key points of the Qiang and Hu, the opportunities for the border fortresses in Zhongyan, the strategy is as good as Zhongyan, the courage is as brave as Wei Huo, and the chance of winning against Xu is grasped. In the past, the capital was promised, and the strength is determined in the present."

The officials watching the ceremony were extremely speechless as they listened. The writing of this imperial edict was so exaggerated!

Let’s just talk about the content in this imperial edict. If the official title and name were removed, who could guess that it was describing Qin Dewei?

Those who knew about it understood that this imperial edict was issued to Qin Dewei; those who did not know thought that this imperial edict was issued to a person of Zhuge Liang's caliber, both as a general and as a prime minister.

Wasn't it just a sneak attack on Anda's lair, but Anda is still alive and kicking, and the main force is still there!

Qin Dewei is like this today. If I answer the question in the future, how can I brag or block it?

I have to say that Emperor Jiajing and his son were such a perfect match!

When Qin Dewei presented the prisoners to the emperor, he was very exaggerated, but in the blink of an eye, the imperial edict issued to Qin Dewei was all exaggerated again.

What kind of tacit understanding is this between the monarch and his ministers who invariably "compliment each other in business"?

What is even more jealous is why this exaggeration does not belong to me!

In the midst of all kinds of sour thoughts, I finally heard the last word: "I, Qin Dewei, have made great contributions to the country and deserve to be rewarded with a title. I am now conferring the honorary title of Fengtian Yiwei to the Fengzhou Bot Jinguanglu doctor for his sincerity and declaring his strength and keeping the righteousness."

, I will give you a world certificate. My wife, Mrs. Xu, will be your uncle’s wife. You will accept my order."

Immediately, there was another great performance of ritual and music. Qin Dewei temporarily put the spear on the royal altar table, and then stepped forward to receive the imperial edict.

According to the system, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel held the decree, and the Minister of the Ministry of Hubu and the Minister of Rites held the world certificate and other items, and jointly awarded them to the rewarded Qin Dewei on behalf of the court.

At this moment, under the watchful eyes of all the courtiers outside the Meridian Gate, Fengtian Yiwei sincerely announced that he would keep the official civil servant Fengzhou Bo, specially enter Guanglu doctor, Zhan Shifu Shao Zhanshi, Zuo Chunfang bachelor, Hanlin bachelor, enter

Zhiwen Yuan Pavilion did not participate in aircraft maintenance, and Qin Dewei, the associate minister of barbarian affairs, reached a peak of personal glory.

Standing in the crowd, Yan Shifan's eyes were on fire, and he couldn't bear it and snorted coldly: "As the saying goes, flowers are blooming, and fire is cooking oil. The higher you hold it, the harder it falls!"

This chapter has been completed!
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