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Chapter 744: Study and Practice (Part 2)

The next day, Xu Miaojing came to Dongchang again and met with Eunuch Qin. It is the most basic common sense in the workplace that there must be feedback on everything assigned by the boss.

"Scholar Qin just said that he understood." Xu Miaojing simply reported.

After listening, Eunuch Qin couldn't help but asked: "He doesn't plan to take any action?"

Everyone in the dynasty knew that using Qin Dewei as a swordsman was an extremely difficult and high-risk act. Except for the emperor, few people could do it well.

But Eunuch Qin just wanted to try it on Qin Dewei this time. Probably this is an obsession that always wants to prove that he is special.

Xu Miaojing replied: "Scholar Qin really did nothing and looked like he was just sitting back and watching."

Eunuch Qin asked doubtfully: "After Guo Xun was acquitted, Qin Dewei was not worried at all? How could he sit back and watch Guo Xun escape and ignore it? Qin Dewei didn't understand the principle of not letting the tiger return to the mountain?"

Guo Xun can be regarded as a strong enemy of his, and Guo Xun has a close relationship with the emperor, so if he joins forces with Lu Bing, he will be even more powerful!"

Xu Miaojing replied again: "Scholar Qin said that dealing with Guo Xun is too simple and not worth the fuss now. Here is the method."

As she spoke, Xu Miaojing quickly took out a folded piece of paper and placed it on the table in front of the factory manager.

Is it easy to deal with Guo Xun? Eunuch Qin was very curious and subconsciously wanted to reach out for the note, but he immediately took his hand back.

Wait! Eunuch Qin suddenly realized, who cares about how to deal with Guo Xun? He and Guo Xun have no hatred, why should he take action against Guo Xun?

Qin Fu's real goal is to teach the restless royal milk brother a lesson!

Xu Miaojing said to Eunuch Qin in a persuasive manner: "Lu Bing's identity is very sensitive. It's really hard to do anything to him directly, otherwise the emperor may be alarmed, so the factory owner must find another way."

But if Lu Bing really wants to recruit Guo Xun as a party member, if the factory owner cleans up Guo Xun, it will be equivalent to teaching Lu Bing a disguised form, and it will not cause other adverse reactions."

Eunuch Qin: ""

This is the truth, but if you do that, who will be the knife for whom in the end?

Xu Miaojing was not responsible for decision-making anyway. After reporting the situation, she said goodbye and left. Before leaving, she said again: "Scholar Qin also said that there is no need to rush Guo Xun's matter, and there is no harm in waiting a little longer."

The note was still on the desk, and it was said that it contained content that could easily kill Guo Xun.

The note seemed to exude devilish temptation, tempting Eunuch Qin to have the urge to open it and take a look.

But my rationality told me that if I opened the note and read it, I would lose valuable autonomy.

Today at noon, when Qin Dewei was recuperating at home, Fang You, a member of the middle school room, came over again.

This time, Fang Sheren came to convey the content of the imperial approval.

The first one is that the emperor only allows Qin Dewei's legitimate son to pass on the title after he reaches adulthood. Before that, Qin Dewei will be an earl, and the rest will remain unchanged.

Qin Dewei responded: "It seems that I can't continue to roam around at home. It's time to go to Wenyuan Pavilion to enter Zhizhi."

This imperial approval on the title can be regarded as a "coffin conclusion" on the controversial issue of "the earl's entry into Zhiwenyuan Pavilion".

The emperor has made such a clear statement, so Qin Dewei has no reason to use "controversy" as an excuse to continue to be lazy at home.

Fang You quickly congratulated: "Zhongtang has been guarding the border for the country for two months, and I sincerely welcome Zhongtang's triumphant return!"

Then he continued to convey: "As for the second letter of self-defense in the central hall, the emperor has approved the discussion with the subordinates."

What I'm talking about here is Qin Dewei's "self-defense" when he complained that Yan Shifan was only one and a half grades lower than himself.

The "lower meeting" can be understood as transferring it to the "relevant departments" for study and reporting. The department responsible for the grade of officials is, of course, the Ministry of Personnel. Qin Dewei could only sympathize with Xu Tianguan about this.

Adjusting the too small grade difference between Qin Zhongtang and Yan Ge's son is really a beautiful job full of "fun". Qin Dewei is very curious about how the officials will adjust it in the end.

Just when Qin Zhongtang thought that Fang Sheren's message had ended, he heard Fang Sheren say again:

"There is also an imperial approval. Previously, Lu Bing reported that Wu Dinghou Guo Xun was actually deceived by an adulterer in Datong. Please exempt him from serious crimes. Your Majesty approves."

As a confidant of Qin Zhongtang, Fang Sheren certainly knew the relationship between Guo Xun and Qin Zhongtang. If Guo Xun was exonerated, he would certainly have to take precautions.

Just when he was about to express a few opinions on this, he heard Qin Zhongtang sigh again: "Why does everyone come to me and say something like if Guo Xun makes the slightest move?

In my eyes, Guo Xun is just a dying man, and I am too lazy to spend any more time on him!"

Fang Sheren, who had prepared three suggestions for Qin Zhongtang, was speechless and could only sigh secretly, there is no place for heroes!

Qin Dewei did not take Lord Guo seriously, but others were different.

Guo Xun, who has accumulated power for more than ten years and was once able to even run the Ministry of War, is still very important in the hearts of most people.

As soon as the emperor went down to the Jinyi Guards, Guo Xun was released from the imperial prison. Lu Bing personally sent Guo Xun back to the Wuding Marquis Mansion.

All this is public, and Lu Bing doesn't mind letting others see and guess what he does. His original intention is to use this to declare his "prestige."

Returning to Wudinghou Mansion, Guo Xun changed his identity to the host and warmly invited Lu Bing to accept the hospitality. Lu Bing also happily stayed.

The two of them had "communicated" many times in prison before and had a lot of foundations. After drinking for three rounds today, they could talk more openly.

Guo Xun looked at Lu Bing, who was just thirty, and thought about his experience in the past two years. He said with emotion: "I am already old. From now on, the court will be the court of you young people. I can only

Just be a supporting wing."

Lu Bing said with a smile: "Master Hou made a strong statement, but I really want to make a difference. I would like to ask Master Hou for more guidance in the future."

Guo Xun was the "first military minister" in the past, and Lu Bing wanted to be the "first military minister" in the future.

Guo Xun said bluntly: "Master Lu, in the hearts of most people, you are still a favorite of the emperor, and that's it.

Therefore, if Mr. Lu wants to make a difference, he must first break through this stereotype, otherwise it will always be difficult to convince the public."

This indeed makes sense. Lu Bing asked with great interest: "What if we do it?"

Many times, it is easy to point out the problem, but the most difficult thing is how to solve the problem.

Guo Xun replied: "It's not difficult to say. There are ready-made examples. Just look at Qin Dewei! Qin Dewei himself is also a favorite, but now who dares to regard him as a simple favorite?

Besides, why Qin Dewei becomes like this is because he always interferes in other affairs, from personnel to money and food, from criminal names to border affairs, he wants to have a hand in everything. After a long time, others will get used to his influence!


Lu Bing was speechless. Listening to what you, Mr. Guo, mean, the reason why Qin Dewei is so powerful is because he likes to "meddle in other people's business"?

However, Lu Bing doesn't mind imitating Qin Dewei, or learning from Qin Dewei. As long as he can succeed, what's the point of learning and imitating him?

Guo Xun was also worried that Lu Bing was young and energetic, so he observed after what he just said and found that Lu Bing did not show any particular dislike.

Then he concluded: "In short, just seize the right opportunity and keep exerting influence! If others do this, it may be taboo, but Qin Dewei is known as a Jiajing man, so he is tolerated.

From this perspective, your heritage, Mr. Lu, is actually no less than Qin Dewei’s, so to some extent, you can imitate Qin Dewei.”

Others would often be afraid of being jealous of the emperor, but with Lu Bing, they could avoid it to the greatest extent.

At this time, Emperor Jiajing no longer had any real relatives around him, so Lu Bing's brother-in-law's importance was naturally different.

At this time, Guo Xun raised another question: "As for the opportunity, there is it right now. Does Mr. Lu know what is the biggest thing happening in the court today?"

Lu Bing replied without hesitation: "Additional bachelor's degree!"

No matter who it is, there is no bigger matter than whether to increase the number of bachelors.

But Guo Xun shook his head and said: "I can see it clearly. No matter whether there are new bachelors or not, it will not have much impact on the court."

With the three powerful ministers Xia Yan, Yan Song, and Qin Dewei present, there is no room for a fourth powerful minister in the central government. One more bachelor in the cabinet is just a decoration, and one less is irrelevant.

Lu Bing disagreed and said: "After all, it is just a new bachelor's degree. How can there be anything bigger than this?"

Guo Xun then replied: "The real major event in the court, even the major event that will affect the future pattern, is that the emperor intends to add a military aircraft department to deal with urgent memorials from various places, and Qin Dewei is in charge of the military aircraft department!"

Lu Bingzhen didn't know this and said in surprise: "How did you know that?"

Guo Xun wanted to show his "strength", so he explained in detail: "As you know, I once recommended to the emperor Gao Shi Duan Chaoyong to assist Zan Xuanxiu.

These situations were learned from Immortal Duan. It should be that the emperor was troubled because he could not concentrate on cultivation and consulted Immortal Duan.

Moreover, there had been signs of this happening a long time ago. When I was about to invade and Your Majesty urgently summoned the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs of Wuyi Palace for discussion, Qin Dewei proposed to set up a military aircraft office.

With Qin Dewei's strength, now that he has an idea, how can he not advocate and promote it? Therefore, the establishment of a military aircraft department will at least become the biggest and hottest issue in the future!"

Lu Bing admitted that this matter was important, but he still did not see how this "big event" had anything to do with him.

Then I heard Guo Xun say: "The reason why this is your opportunity is that you can exert influence on this important matter!

If you can prevent the establishment of the Military Aircraft Department, or prevent Qin Dewei from taking charge of the Military Aircraft Department, everyone in the world will look at you with admiration!

From now on, no one will treat you as just a favorite! This is the first step if you want to make a difference!"

But everything cannot have only advantages and no disadvantages. Lu Bing responded sensitively: "This will definitely offend Qin Dewei!"

If you want to do anything in the court, you must consider the consequences of offending Qin Dewei in advance.

Of course, Lu Bing was not afraid of offending Qin Dewei. There was no one in the court who could scare him except the emperor. He was just afraid of trouble, especially unnecessary trouble.

Guo Xun had already prepared a reply: "There are generally two ways to influence something, one is to promote it, and the other is to prevent it!

In this case, even if you promote the establishment of the Military Aircraft Department, it will be of no use to you! Others will only think that this is the emperor's trust in Qin Dewei, and no one will think that you have much ability!

So if you want to collect the maximum reputation, or extend the reputation from Jin Yiwei to the entire court, what other options can you choose besides preventing Qin Dewei from taking charge of the Military Aircraft Department?"

Lu Bing seemed to be saying to himself: "After all, Qin Dewei just helped me in Datong, so it's not easy to repay kindness with enmity."

Guo Xun pretended to be sad and said: "Master Lu, you are confused! Qin Dewei and you are not on the same journey, there is no need to be partial to him!

Besides, at the same time, it was not Qin Dewei who wanted to help you make meritorious service, but Qin Dewei who took advantage of you!

You are just a tool in Qin Dewei's eyes. He just uses you to avoid inconveniences, so why should you be grateful?

If Mr. Lu wants to make a difference in the court in the future, he must not act emotionally, but proceed from the immediate practical interests!

I'm sure that when Qin Dewei is in need, he will step on you as soon as he says he will, and he will never hesitate!"

After Lu Bing pondered for a moment, he put down the remaining burden of his thoughts and said again: "Tell me first, how should I do it?

To be honest, if I want to oppose Qin Dewei, I don't have the strength at all, and I won't even have a chance to speak."

Until now, Guo Xun could be sure that Lu Bing was finally on the road, so he also came up with some useful information:

"It doesn't require you to have any strength of your own! According to my observation, there are not many people in the DPRK who oppose Qin Dewei. As long as you can integrate them, it will be the cornerstone of success!

As for Xia Yan and Yan Song, the two cabinet ministers would never agree to establish another military aircraft office, let alone let Qin Dewei take charge of the military aircraft office.

But these two cabinet ministers also have problems. They also distrust each other. Even if they jointly oppose Qin Dewei, they will worry about the other party causing trouble!

Therefore, their resistance to Qin Dewei in the past has been unsuccessful. First, they were wary of each other and could not use their full strength; second, they were always easily divided by Qin Dewei and defeated one by one!"

When he heard this, Lu Bing already understood what Guo Xun wanted to say.

"And you, Mr. Lu, can act as a middleman, coordinate between Xia Yan and Yan Song, and guarantee each other for Xia Yan and Yan Song!

This will allow both Xia Yan and Yan Song to rest assured and concentrate on dealing with Qin Dewei together, without having to worry about being stabbed in the back!

When Xia Yan and Yan Song face Qin Dewei's seizure of power, they also need a role like you to act as a temporary glue so that they can deal with the outside world together.

If word spreads, it seems like you are the one who organized the forces against Qin Dewei! This can all turn into your prestige!

In the end, if you can really succeed and prevent the establishment of the Military Aircraft Department or Qin Dewei from taking charge of the Military Aircraft Department, your reputation will immediately rise to several levels, and no one will dare to treat you as an insignificant role!

And the most important thing is that you can gain the trust of two great bachelors! This is enough to offset the consequences of offending Qin Dewei!"


This state is really speechless and even irritable. Let’s try again tomorrow.

This chapter has been completed!
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