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Chapter 758 I am also for you!

It is said that after Mr. Yan Ge and Qin Zhongtang came out of Renshou Palace, they both acted very diligently in royal affairs.

One was busy dealing with internal and external affairs in the Zhilu of Wuyi Palace, and the other was back at Wenyuan Pavilion busy with rectification. Neither of them took the initiative to spread the news.

But Xia Yan took off his crown and walked out of the palace city and the imperial city. I don't know how many people saw him along the way.

Anyone who understands the rules of the court will understand that Xia Shoufu has been dismissed from office when he sees Xia Yan's appearance!

Except for the Criminal Department, the five government offices are all in the southeast of the imperial city. Although the street has no name, it is commonly known as Qinglong Street. It is also subdivided into First Street and Second Street. As for the Wu Yamen on the other side, it is Baihu Street.

It only took an hour for all the officials in the main government offices near Qinglong Street to know the news that the chief minister had been dismissed.

This incident was quite sudden, but for an old man who had been in court for more than ten years, although it was unexpected, it was not too surprising.

Everyone knows that the emperor is prone to being impulsive. Wasn't Zhang Fujing punished several times back then?

However, various discussions were inevitable, and soon there were new rumors that added details. It turned out that Xia Shoufu's dismissal was not caused by Yan Ge, but by Qin Dewei.

Then everyone concluded a pattern. Ministers with strong personalities, especially the chief ministers, seemed to be in conflict with Qin Dewei and were defeated?

Five years ago, Zhang Fujing, the powerful chief minister, resigned. The first sign was that he was disgraced by Qin Dewei on the palace examination issue. The direct trigger was a letter from Liaodong that looked like a fairy from heaven. At that time, Qin Dewei was said to have been attacked by rebels in Liaodong. Coerced.

The next chief assistant, Li Shi, had a gentle and uncontroversial personality. He basically got along well with Qin Dewei and was able to start well and end well.

When it was the turn of Xia Yan, who was strong in power, to be the first assistant, he was killed by Qin Dewei again today.

Think about other ministers who are famous for their rigidity and strength in recent years, such as Wang Hong, Huo Tao and other former bosses. They all chased Qin Dewei and Qin Xiucai on Chang'an Street seven years ago, and almost all of them were defeated by Qin Dewei.

For some reason, everyone sympathized a little with Xia Shoufu, who was dismissed from office without making any mistakes. After thinking about it, we started to sympathize with him.

Qin Dewei completed the rectification in Wenyuan Pavilion and wrote a draft for the appointment of Zhai Luan. Then he got up and left Wenyuan Pavilion and prepared to leave the palace. Fang You, a member of the Zhongshu House, quickly followed behind.

As we all know, none of Ge Lao's servants can enter the palace. Therefore, when Ge Lao is active in the palace, he is always followed by a number of people from Zhongshushe who serve as his entourage.

This is the reason why Fang Sheren followed Qin Dewei. As for Qin Zhongtang not being considered a true pavilion elder, it doesn't matter.

The theory goes that if Fang Sheren sent Qin Zhongtang out of the left gate of Chang'an or the right gate of Chang'an, even if the task was completed, there would naturally be servants of the Qin government waiting outside.

But it was already afternoon, so Fang Sheren followed him out.

However, Qin Zhongtang did not go home directly through the left gate of Chang'an, but went out through the right gate of Chang'an and came to Qinglong 1st Street.

The people in Fangshe were quite surprised. They really couldn't understand why Qin Zhongtang went to Qinglong Street to show off. At such a time of crisis, shouldn't he go home and keep a low profile?

Qin Dewei replied casually: "If you don't occupy the public opinion position, it will be occupied by the enemy. You must resolve negative public opinion in a timely manner and there must be no delay!"

Fang Sheren subconsciously replied: "It's like washing the stained Bai Ling white again?"

The first government office on Qinglong 1st Street is the Zongren Mansion, which has basically nothing to do with government affairs, so Qin Zhongtang directly ignored it.

Then the next government office is the real head of the outer dynasty, the first among the six departments of the official department. Qin Zhongtang strode into the official department.

The gate, front yard, and front hall of the Ministry of Personnel seem to be always bustling with people, just like a busy city. Officials from all over the world have to pass through here several times.

When Qin Zhongtang, wearing a large unicorn embroidered on the chest of his official uniform, barged in, people from out of town who didn't know Qin Dewei thought he was some young lord who was lucky enough to seize the throne early.

If you look at the unicorn pattern on the chest, you will know that it is neither a bird nor an animal. Rather than an animal, it must be a prince.

Even this young Lord, who is worse than a beast, is a bit arrogant, and he doesn't know how to restrain himself in the official department. If he only knows the slightest, he will be over sooner or later.

Qin Dewei nodded to the clerks in the lobby of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and walked directly to the back, but was grabbed by the clerk guarding the back door of the lobby.

Qin Dewei said without any doubt: "Take me to see the Heavenly Official!"

The short and fat scribe laughed and replied: "The Heavenly Official has already sent word that we are very busy today. If Bachelor Qin comes here, he will be gone."

Qin Dewei took two steps back, returned to the crowded hall, and shouted angrily to the short and fat scribe: "For the sake of the Heavenly Official, I will not hesitate to conflict with Xia Shoufu in front of the imperial court! The Heavenly Official did not see me!"

The short, fat clerk's smile gradually froze. As a junior clerk, he really couldn't accept these words!

Qin Dewei didn't need anyone else to answer him. He waved his sleeves vigorously and said: "The first priority in governing a country is to employ people, so government affairs are very special, and the conventions must be followed!"

Xia Guizhou, as the first assistant, is he repeatedly interfering in government affairs? Is this considered an infringement of the power of the official department?"

The short and fat scribe lowered his head, still not daring to reply, and only listened with his ears. Others present were similar, and no one was stupid enough to discuss this issue with Qin Zhongtang.

The cabinet, especially the chief minister, has been fighting for power with the chief ministers of the outer dynasty for decades. Although Xia Yan, as the chief minister, interferes with the powers of the ministers, whether it is excessive or not depends on how to interpret it.

Qin Dewei continued: "The conflict between me and Xia Shoufu originated from personnel issues! I am speaking out for the officials and fighting injustice for the officials!"

The issue of teacher He Ao's official position, and the issue of his own official position, Qin Dewei's, are indeed all personnel issues, there is nothing wrong with them!

Fang You and Fang Sheren, who were following Qin Dewei, couldn't help but think deeply. If Qin Zhongtang fought against you for the chief minister's usurping the power of the official department, what does it mean for you to usurp the power of the cabinet?

After Qin Dewei finished speaking, he turned around and walked out. Fang Sheren, who had no time to continue thinking, quickly followed.

People in Fangshe thought Qin Zhongtang was leaving Qinglong Street, but they found that Qin Zhongtang continued to walk to the next household office.

There are many people inside and outside the household department, all of them are clerks who come to claim expenses.

Qin Dewei stood in the lobby and shouted to the clerk on duty: "I saw the account books in the center a while ago. Why is there not enough money for this summer tax?"

Faced with the question from Wang Shangshu's nephew, the clerk was helpless. How to answer this question? Especially how to answer it in public?

Of course, Qin Dewei did not need to answer, and said to himself: "When Wang Shangshu first took office, there was still a surplus in the warehouse.

But in the past three years since Xia Guizhou became the first assistant, he has started to lose money and has been eating up his accumulated capital."

The clerk had nothing to say. On the surface, it was true that the losses started after Xia Yan became the first assistant. If you want to say it is a coincidence, it is a coincidence. If you want to say it is not a coincidence, it is not a coincidence.

After Qin Dewei finished his discussion, he turned around and left again. This time after leaving the Ministry of Household Affairs, he turned around and came to Qinglong Second Street. The first store was the Ministry of War.

This was no surprise to Fang Sheren who followed behind. With such a big thing happening in the imperial court, it was reasonable for the leader to communicate with the key party members.

After entering the Yamen of the Ministry of War, Qin Dewei finally not only stood in the front lobby beeping, but also successfully entered the main hall at the back and met Wang Tingxiang, the Minister of the Ministry of War.

Sure enough, just as Qin Dewei expected, Wang Tingxiang was in a very bad mood.

In any case, Wang Tingxiang and Xia Yan were also political allies in their early years. Although they gradually became estranged due to various reasons and even had tit-for-tat confrontations in the court, there was no personal enmity after all.

Human beings are not like grass and trees. Today I heard about Xia Yan's downfall, especially because it was Qin Dewei who did it. Wang Tingxiang felt a little sad when he thought about his friendship with Xia Yan in his early years.

Qin Dewei sighed at this, being a leader is too tiring, and the thoughts of every important party member must be taken into consideration.

However, there are thousands of people in the world, each with their own uniqueness. Tool people also have self-awareness, so it is really not easy to take into account all aspects.

Qin Dewei didn't know how to persuade him, so he said, "It was because of you that I had a conflict with Xia Shoufu!"

Wang Tingxiang was speechless. If Qin Dewei doesn't know how to comfort people, then don't force him to comfort them. After all, everyone has their own shortcomings and everyone has skills that they are not good at.

What do you mean by this? What does your Qin Dewei fight with Xia Yan have to do with Wang Tingxiang?

Qin Dewei added: "As you know, Xia Yan has always wanted to get rid of you as Minister of War, and always wanted to replace you with Mao Bowen, Minister of Punishment!

This time he returned to his old ways. In order to protect you, I had to fight Xia Yan to the end, and this is how it ended! You don’t have to be depressed! "

Wang Tingxiang was originally in a very sad mood, but he was almost made happy by Qin Dewei.

Although the details of the matter are not yet clear, some rumors have been heard, and anyway, he has nothing to do with Wang Tingxiang.

So you make it up, and you make it up again.

Wang Tingxiang didn't say anything, so Qin Dewei continued smoothly: "The situation is like this. In front of the emperor, Xia Yan proposed that I be transferred to the post of admiral and chief military officer of the Beijing Camp, and he almost succeeded!

This is simply with ulterior motives, Xiang Zhuang’s sword dance was aimed at Pei Gong, and he was targeting you, Wang Da Sima!”

Wang Tingxiang had never heard of this detail before, and he was secretly shocked. He didn't expect Xia Yan to have such a crazy proposal!

Thinking of this, Wang Tingxiang suddenly understood Qin Dewei's mood at that time.

It's a shame that Xia Yan can think of letting a top scholar to be the chief military officer! No wonder Qin Dewei was angered and killed him. Even Wang Tingxiang couldn't bear it!

However, Wang Tingxiang still didn't speak. He just wanted to know, although this matter was outrageous, what did it have to do with Wang Tingxiang? Why was it targeted at Wang Tingxiang?

He also heard Qin Dewei say: "Think about it, Grand Sima, the capital camp has always been composed of the general military officer Wu Xun, the civil servants governor, and the admiral eunuch to check and balance each other to ensure a complete plan.

If I become the Chief Military Officer of the Beijing Camp, and you are the Minister of the Ministry of War and the Governor of the Beijing Camp, given our close relationship, will the Emperor let you continue to be the Minister of the Ministry of War and the Governor of the Beijing Camp?

So I dare to conclude that Xia Yan's real purpose is to get rid of you and replace you with Mao Bowen! And as your friend, of course I can't bear it!

For your sake, I have no choice but to fight to the end with Xia Yan! Others may misunderstand me, but Da Sima, you must hold firm!"

Wang Tingxiang: ""

Qin Dewei waved his sleeves: "But this is what I should do, and you don't need to be grateful! You don't need to spread it everywhere, just talk to your relatives and friends in private.

Especially since Chief Xia actually proposed to His Majesty that I should be the chief military officer in order to capture you!"

Wang Tingxiang finally understood what Qin Dewei meant. He stood up and pushed Qin Dewei out of the main hall of the Ministry of War: "Thank you, go away, I won't send him off."

After coming out of the Ministry of War, there was the Ministry of Industry next to him. After Qin Dewei hesitated for a moment, he did not enter the Ministry of Industry.

That’s Yan Song’s base, there’s no point in going there!

Further south from the Ministry of Industry is the Hanlin Academy and Zhan Shifu. Qin Dewei entered the Hanlin Academy without thinking and gave a lecture on today's "court struggle."

When Qin Dewei came out of the Hanlin Academy, the setting sun had already illuminated half of the sky. Suddenly, several figures rushed out from the left and right, blocking him outside the Hanlin Academy gate.

Qin Zhongtang, who thought he was being ambushed and about to be beaten, took a closer look and saw that they were actually officials from the Zhanshi Mansion next door, so he shouted: "What are you doing here to rob Dao!"

Tang Shunzhi, who had come to lobby Qin Dewei before, asked excitedly: "I heard that Bachelor Qin was promoted to Minister Zhan?"

Zhao Shichun, who was in Huiyuan for the fifth year of Jiajing's reign, said: "Zhan Shifu finally has an important leader. It's a good rain after a long drought!"

There is also Hua Cha, the prototype of Taishi Hua in folklore, who shouted: "From now on, we will have a backbone!"

The words of these people really came from the heart. After all, Zhan Shifu has always lacked people who can speak directly in front of the emperor. Qin Dewei perfectly made up for this shortcoming.

Anyone who is not someone placed by Xia Yan in Zhan Shifu will be happy to hear the news.

In order to replace Xia Yan's teacher Lu Shen as Zhan Shi, Qin Dewei actually killed Xia Yan, which is enough to show his attitude.

Qin Dewei: ""

Looking at the people who were famous for being street-fighting in history books (the only one who didn't fight the street, Xu Jie, didn't show up), Qin Dewei was surprised, why can't he get rid of you street-fighters! Why do you have to stick to him!

Qin Dewei couldn't bear it anymore and shouted: "Shut up! Get back!"

Everyone understood instantly and said again: "Today is too hasty and should not be so public. When the appointment is official, we will congratulate Academician Qin again!"

Qin Dewei rubbed his forehead feebly, feeling tired for the first time today.

It was already getting late at this time, so he rode his horse and whipped his whip and went home.

The concierge Zhang San reported to Mr. Qin that the young master He Ao was waiting in the outer study room and had been waiting since noon.

Qin Dewei, who just wanted to rest, had no choice but to go to the outer study room to meet people.

Teacher He took the initiative to stand up and asked with concern: "There are different opinions now, what is the situation?"

Qin Dewei replied casually: "That's right, I recommended the teacher to your Majesty as a guest of the prince, but Xia Yan firmly opposed it, and that's what happened.

In the final analysis, I am doing it all for you, teacher! I have no choice but to fight Xia Yan to the end, otherwise how can I repay my teacher's kindness?"

He Ao sighed: "The righteous act of respecting teachers and respecting morality should be widely spread to educate people's hearts."

Qin Dewei silently gave Teacher He a thumbs up. Teacher He was actually a very decent person. He was worthy of being the peripheral party member of Mr. Yan Ge in the original history.

After sending Teacher He away, Qin Dewei was exhausted physically and mentally. Today's mental activity was really high-intensity. The key is that his brain was still running at high speed without stopping.

After returning to the inner courtyard, Qin Dewei collapsed directly on the kang and didn't want to move.

Xu Miaoxuan came to the kang with hot porridge and tried hard to find a common topic, "I heard from Zhang San outside that you knocked down Xia Shoufu Dou?"

Qin Dewei, who had overused his brain, was drowsy. When he heard the good wife's question, he instinctively replied casually: "I am doing it for you too!"

Xu Miaoxuan: ""

Qin Dewei then added: "He thinks you can't give birth to a legitimate son to succeed Wu Xun! He actually wants me to give up the civil service and become a military attache myself!"

This chapter has been completed!
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