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Chapter 775 It's also a misunderstanding! (Ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket)

Chapter 774 It’s also a misunderstanding! (Please ask for the guaranteed monthly ticket)

In addition to wanting to directly curse, Emperor Jiajing didn't know where to start. Why do you, Qin Dewei, have the nerve to say such things?

In Emperor Jiajing's mind, there was no need to discuss whether Qin Dewei was guilty or not. All that could be discussed was whether the crime was major or minor.

Anyway, it depends on the mood of the emperor! As the sensible Chen Yushi said, it depends on whether the emperor wants to protect him or not!

It can even be said that all discussions today are based on the "presumption of guilt" against Qin Dewei!

If Qin Dewei is not guilty, let's have a full meal today and find out why no one impeached Qin Dewei?

Before the emperor got angry, Qin Dewei quickly said: "Your Majesty might as well ask Yan Shifan! No matter what, Yan Shifan will never protect me!"

This is logically correct. Based on the relationship between the Yan family father and son and Qin Dewei, it is obvious that Yan Shifan has no possibility of shielding Qin Dewei.

Yan Shifan instinctively sensed that there was a pit, or a big pit! He just couldn't see what kind of pit it was.

Mainly due to Qin Dewei's malicious interpretation, he has now lost the trust of Emperor Jiajing and cannot use many of his words.

Emperor Jiajing sneered and said: "It was you who suggested Yan Shifan call him here. Who knows if you guys had colluded in advance."

Only then did Yan Shifan realize that he was lucky enough to go to Renshou Palace to meet the saint today because of Qin Dewei's "trouble."

Then my plan became a mess, and now I can't see how it should develop next.

But it doesn't matter, even if the more advanced charge of "no one dares to impeach", which can touch the emperor's mind, cannot be implemented, there are still many basic charges waiting for Qin Dewei.

It's nothing more than settling for the next best thing and letting Qin Dewei and Zhang Dabo be punished for their domineering behavior.

At this moment, Emperor Jiajing suddenly said to Yan Shifan: "Tell me! Is Qin Dewei guilty?"

Qin Dewei has committed several recent crimes, the most devastating of which was breaking into the Ministry of Justice and flogging officials.

If the prosecution is strictly pursued, dismissal from office is possible, and intruding into a powerful place of law can be regarded as a calamity.

As a victim who had been whipped twice, Yan Shifan felt that he had a strong say in this issue and could accuse Qin Dewei of his crimes with tears in his eyes!

However, Yan Shifan was very aware that Qin Dewei seemed to be desperately trying to steer the topic in this direction, even risking the emperor's wrath by saying, "I am not guilty of any crime."

Therefore, there must be something fishy going on, and Qin Dewei cannot control it.

On this occasion, almost everyone's mind is going back and forth, and they don't know how many twists and turns they go through every second.

Yan Shifan thought about it and said: "I am the victim, just like the plaintiff in a lawsuit. How can the plaintiff directly convict the defendant? Only after the government's review can he be convicted.

Even if I accuse Qin Dewei, I cannot directly convict him, so it is not up to me to say whether Qin Dewei is guilty or not."

Yan Shifan felt that he had perfectly removed himself from these few paragraphs and would not participate in Qin Dewei's topic from now on. No matter how Qin Dewei acts like a monster later, it has nothing to do with him.

Qin Dewei suddenly added: "What Yan Shifan said is not unreasonable. In fact, there are also judges in the palace."

After everyone looked at each other, they all turned their attention to Lu Bing from Jinyiwei.

Jinyiwei was in charge of the imperial edict and had certain judicial power under the emperor's order. Besides, Lu Bing had been responsible for the punishment of thousands of households, so he also had professionalism.

Lu Bing, who had been hiding for a long time, unexpectedly couldn't escape after all. Commander Lu just didn't understand why Qin Dewei was so active in convicting himself?

As a professional judicial official, Lu Bing really could not say without conscience that Qin Dewei forced himself into the Ministry of Justice in public and whipped the officials.

We can only tell Emperor Jiajing: "Qin Dewei's crime is conclusive, but the crime may be serious or minor, it mainly depends on his motive."

Qin Dewei shouted: "Your Majesty! I also have difficulties. I went to the Ministry of Punishment for the sake of Xin Ai Huang Taiji, a prisoner in the North!"

After receiving the report from Xuanfu Town, I wrote a secret message to Your Majesty, discussing how to use Anda's eldest son, Xin'ai Huang Taiji!

First of all, the procedure requires Xin Ai Huang Taiji to confess to His Majesty, and then Your Majesty will grant amnesty and release Xin Ai Huang Taiji! At the same time, Xin Ai Huang Taiji can be secretly canonized!

Therefore, I want to discuss with Mao Bowen, the Minister of Punishment, to jointly interrogate Xin Ai Huang Taiji and close the case as soon as possible for His Majesty's control.

As a result, Mao Bowen was selfish and refused to see him, leaving his ministers helpless!

And because the situation is urgent and the military plane cannot be delayed, that’s why I broke into the Criminal Department without permission!"

Lu Bing: "."

He said one sentence of judgment, and you, Qin Dewei, said a hundred sentences in turn!

Yan Shifan secretly rejoiced that he had a bad premonition and avoided the big pit.

Who would have thought that the introduction to this big pit is actually in the sky prison, and it is those prisoners from the North!

Then I heard Qin Dewei continue to play: "I just hope that your majesty will be clear-minded! In the final analysis, it is still a corpse and there are too many people who are superfluous!

Only when I am working hard to do practical things and have been thinking about how to make good use of Xin Ai Huang Taiji to pacify the north, that is why conflicts arise!"

Emperor Jiajing suddenly asked: "Why did Mao Bowen refuse to see you?"

Qin Dewei replied: "I don't know what the inside story is. However, Yan Shifan from the Ministry of Works happened to visit Mao Bowen at the Ministry of Justice that day, and he also helped officials from the Ministry of Punishments to prevent me from entering. I think Yan Shifan knew what Mao Bowen was thinking!"

Yan Shifan: "."

Wucao! The true face of Dakeng has finally appeared! Qin Dewei’s words just now have a hidden edge in almost every sentence!

Yan Shifan felt that it was so difficult for him. He had tried his best to remove himself. Why didn't Qin Dewei let him go? He dragged himself into the water again and again!

Moreover, he, Yan Shifan, not only has to protect himself as much as possible, but also drags down a bunch of pig teammates!

For example, just now Lu Bing was a pig teammate, but it's a pity that he can't abandon him yet!

Soon Mao Bowen will become a pig teammate, and he will have to find a way to help Mao Bowen get back!

Yan Shifan could only think and answer: "All of this is actually a misunderstanding, which led to some things that should not have happened.

Mao Bowen misunderstood Qin Dewei, thinking that Qin Dewei was here to form a party for personal gain; I also misunderstood Qin Dewei at that time, thinking that Qin Dewei was looking for quarrels and provoking trouble.

Therefore, Mao Bowen refused to meet Qin Dewei, and I also participated in preventing Qin Dewei from entering the Criminal Department. "

Qin Dewei sneered: "I made it clear at the time that I had official business to see you! Who knows if Mao Bowen deliberately didn't believe it!"

Yan Shifan really wanted to say, Qin Dewei, who was so domineering and unscrupulous at the beginning, looked like you were deliberately causing trouble. Who can believe that you are here to do something?

"That's a misunderstanding." Yan Shifan said firmly.

Qin Dewei reminded: "But I beat you with a whip!"

Yan Shifan gritted his teeth and said, "It's also a misunderstanding!"

Qin Dewei was speechless for a moment. You, Yan Shifan, can survive to this point and you are also a talent.

7.4. I still failed after all. The difference was 16,000 words. Let’s check back in August to make up for it.

The new August is here, let me summarize July and tell you a few words. This July can be called the worst month since I wrote this book. On the one hand, the reality of things has hit me, causing my mood to be very low.

Depressed, unable to adjust, and tired from long-term coding days, and never having a complete vacation.

The main task in August is probably to adjust the status, and then promote the breakthrough of the main line. In fact, I have already had an idea for the main line, but the status in July was so bad that I was afraid of failing to write it. I have been afraid to push it forward, and strive to open the door to a new world in August.


But speaking of which, I will probably take two days off at the beginning of August and two days in mid-August. I want to go to the mountains by myself and stay quietly for two days, without thinking about anything, to completely relax myself.

This chapter has been completed!
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