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Chapter 778 Half-step peak

Chapter 777 Half-step to the top

Yan Shifan has never been afraid to speculate on someone from Qin with the utmost malice. Thinking more deeply, did Qin Dewei deliberately cause trouble in recent days in order to get rid of Hanlin, who has no real value, and take up an official position, while looking for punishment?

How can ordinary people have such imagination? Can they imagine that someone would actually want to get rid of a top official position like Hanlin and Zhan Shi? Normal people would only think that Qin Dewei has been complacent recently, and there are many such cases in history.

example of.

For a moment, Yan Shifan felt that he was the only one in the world who was awake. It was true that everyone was drunk and he was the only one awake. Only he could see through Qin Dewei, but he could not wake others up at all.

Lu Bing was puzzled by Yan Shifan's unkind eyes, and subconsciously looked at Qin Dewei, who happened to look at him as well.

But the way Qin Dewei looked at Commander Lu was completely opposite, full of friendship and goodwill, as if he was still saying "Thank you."

Being able to be given such a signal of goodwill by his "opponent", Commander Lu finally felt that something was wrong. What was even more tragic than the fierce confrontation and subsequent defeat was the friendliness of his opponent who didn't care at all.

After Emperor Jiajing thought about it for a while, he issued an edict: "Qin Dewei is frivolous and rude, and cannot set an example for the East Palace. He will be exempted from Hanlin bachelor, Zhan Shi, and Zuo Chunfang bachelor. He will be changed to Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Industry and admiral of the Ordnance Bureau!"

Guiding the work of the East Palace is very important. It is not a solution for Qin Dewei to keep occupying the pit and not doing anything. It is too annoying to keep resigning from Zhan Shi's official position every now and then.

Therefore, Emperor Jiajing was very aggressive this time. He wanted to see what would happen to Zhan Shifu after Qin Dewei resigned from Zhan, so that Qin Dewei could avoid him so much!

Thunder, rain, and dew are all gifts from the king. In the eyes of others, this is considered punishment, equivalent to demotion, but Qin Dewei was overjoyed and hurriedly stepped forward to express his gratitude.

This wave can be regarded as getting rid of the burden! In the middle and late Jiajing Dynasty, the political climate was a little different from other times in the Ming Dynasty. Compared with the ineffective Qingliu positions, real power was the most important!

Take the Hanlin Academy, for example. At other times, the Hanlin Academy has its own rules and regulations. As long as the Hanlin Academy is qualified, you can become a candidate for cabinet bachelor's degree. Even if you don't join the cabinet, you will have many opportunities to deal with the emperor directly.

However, in the middle and late period of the Jiajing Dynasty, people in Jiajing generally disappeared, and promotion in the Imperial Academy depended entirely on writing Qing Ci, so the original Hanlin rules were almost invalidated.

So what is the use of retaining the qualifications of a Hanlin official? Besides, Qin Dewei has already entered the cabinet, so there is no need for a Hanlin official as a springboard.

Not to mention Zhan Shi's Mansion. After this wave of people from the East Palace commit suicide, it will be "two dragons never meet". There is not even a prince. Zhan Shi's Mansion is just a decoration, so where does it get the power?

After Qin Dewei finished thanking him, he continued: "The third-grade Zuo Shilang is too far from the Ordnance Bureau. The admiral seems to be neither fish nor fowl. Please change the Arms Bureau to the Ordnance Supervisor."

Common phrases used in the names of imperial yamen in the Ming Dynasty are department, courtyard, temple, and prison, which can be regarded as a yamen with a good name.

In most places, the bureau is a very unpopular name, not much different from a warehouse, a warehouse, or a factory (except for the East Factory), so Qin Dewei petitioned to upgrade the Arms Bureau to the Ordnance Supervisor. This probably means that the "Arsenal Factory"

"Upgraded to "Equipment Yamen".

Sure enough, it's here! Qin Dewei really wants to expand his power! Yan Shifan screamed in his heart, and then used his last remaining strength to remonstrate hard:

"Your Majesty! The affairs of the Ministry of Industry are also quite complicated, and Qin Dewei already has too many tasks to do. I'm afraid it will be difficult to take care of the left minister of the Ministry of Industry, the admiral of the Ordnance Bureau!"

Qin Dewei also took advantage of the situation and said: "Yan Shifan's words are reasonable. You can ask Yan Shifan to praise the military weapons bureau so that he can assist me."

Yan Shifan: "."

He dared to bet his own life that if he really became an assistant, he would be killed in the line of duty within a year! There are many things in the Arms Bureau that can accidentally kill him!

Emperor Jiajing said impatiently: "This matter has been decided, there is no need to remonstrate anymore!" Then he said to Qin Dewei: "We will discuss the issue of weapons supervision later!"

If I give it now, how will I be rewarded later?

Eunuch Huang Jinhuang was recording Emperor Jiajing's verbal edict, and then handed it over to the cabinet to prepare a formal edict.

When he heard this, Eunuch Huang asked: "How about Qin Dewei's other official positions?"

Just now the emperor only mentioned that Qin Dewei was a Hanlin bachelor, and that Zhan Shigong was the left minister of the Ministry of Industry and admiral of the Ordnance Bureau, but did not mention other positions.

Emperor Jiajing said without hesitation: "The rest remains unchanged!"

After Huang Jin took note of it, he dutifully asked a very professional question: "If Qin Dewei still retains his position in Wenyuan Pavilion, why should he enter Zhizhi?"

Emperor Jiajing was stunned. He seemed to have ignored this problem just now.

Some official dispatches in the Ming Dynasty have certain fixed combinations. For example, the governor must be added with the right deputy censor of the capital or the right censor of the capital. Another example is the recently established dispatch of the leading military machine office, which is preceded by the left minister of the Ministry of War.

And the "Enter Zhiwenyuan Pavilion" that all pavilion elders must have is not actually an official position, but a mission similar to governor.

According to the old tradition of officialdom for nearly a century, before the words "Runzhi Wenyuan Pavilion", the supporting official position is usually Hanlin bachelor or Diange bachelor, just like the governor must be preceded by deputy capital censor or Qiandu censor. Previously, Qin Dewei was Hanlin.

The bachelor entered Zhiwen Yuan Pavilion.

Just now, Qin Dewei was dismissed from the Qingliu position in Hanyuanfang Bureau in one breath, including Hanlin bachelor, Zhan Shi and Zuo Chunfang bachelor, and among them, Hanlin bachelor and "entering Zhiwenyuan Pavilion" are jointly and severally.

Then the question arises, without the Hanlin bachelor, what can Qin Zhongtang do to enter Zhiwen Yuan Pavilion?

The main reason is that Qin's official title is too complicated and has too many concurrent tasks. It is written down in a hundred words. It is normal to accidentally overlook some problems. When problems arise, they can only make up for them and solve them.

Everyone in the palace immediately thought that the official position added in front of "Runzhi Wenyuan Pavilion" was not Hanlin bachelor's degree, but only Diange bachelor's degree.

At present, the most commonly used Wenyuan Pavilion, Wuying Palace, Jinshen Palace, and Huagai Palace are all included in this list. When the cabinet generally has only three people, the number of four palace bachelors plus Hanlin bachelor is enough.


In addition, to be honest, the mediocre Hanlin bachelor is a bit unworthy of today's Qin Dewei.

Wucao! Everyone exclaimed in their hearts, is this Qin Dewei’s purpose of deliberately resigning as a Hanlin bachelor? He wants to exchange the Hanlin bachelor for a palace bachelor?

There were not many outsiders here. Emperor Jiajing, who felt that he was being plotted, slapped the armrest and angrily yelled: "Qin Dewei! How dare you try your best on me here!"

Qin Dewei was also extremely upset, and hurriedly defended: "Your Majesty, it is clear! When I apologized and resigned just now, I did not think of this! We can learn from it, but it was an unintentional mistake!"

Emperor Jiajing looked around, sneered and asked Eunuch Qin of Dongchang: "Do you believe Qin Dewei's explanation?"

Eunuch Qin glanced at Qin Dewei and followed the emperor's tone without hesitation and said: "I don't believe it!"

Everyone knows that Qin Dewei is a man who is good at calculations, and no one believes that Qin Dewei made an honest mistake here. In front of the emperor, Eunuch Qin cannot speak without conscience.

Qin Dewei suddenly panicked. He moved around all the way today, which finally calmed Emperor Jiajing's suspicion. He thought he was done and was about to finish, but he unexpectedly offended the emperor!

What's even more unfair is that I really don't have the idea of ​​"exchanging a Hanlin bachelor's degree for a royal bachelor's degree", but it was all an unintentional coincidence!

Who can accurately remember hundreds of words for titles, official positions, and assignments?

But everyone misunderstood that he had planned it for a long time! Even if he had dozens of mouths, he couldn't explain it clearly, and even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he couldn't clear it out!

In desperation, Qin Zhongtang could only swear: "Your Majesty! I swear to the sky that I will never pursue my scheming intentions without any reason!"

Lu Bing, who was standing nearby, thought of Qin Dewei's "friendly" look just now and was still unconvinced. He couldn't help but said: "Ask the people in the palace and then the court, is there anyone who is willing to believe your explanation?"

Yan Shifan covered his face in pain. He really couldn't help such a teammate. How could Qin Dewei, whom no one believed in, make the emperor sensitive?

Before Emperor Jiajing could express anything, Qin Dewei quickly added: "A person like me, who is dedicated to practical matters, was criticized in turn by Yan Shifan, Lu Bing and others today, and he was already exhausted to deal with it!

I really don’t have the extra energy to think about other things, so I accidentally made some omissions! Moreover, I was accused by Lu Bing just now for no reason, so I will inevitably lose control in the emergency!"

Emperor Jiajing looked at Lu Bing, then at Yan Shifan, and finally turned to Qin Dewei and said: "To enter Zhiwenyuan Pavilion, you must be awarded the title of Grand Master. Even if you really want this title, why don't I be stingy with giving it to you?


At this point, Emperor Jiajing stopped again and fell into a dilemma. This time it was not because he was confused about whether to give it or not, but because he was struggling about what title to give him.

At present, the grand bachelor of palaces is not the complete model of four palaces and two pavilions in the future, and the names that are often used are the four above.

But the new problem is that none of these four are suitable for Qin Dewei. Even the lowest-ranked Bachelor of Wenyuange has to participate in aircraft maintenance!

Since the original framework is not working, we can only make original creations. Emperor Jiajing has never lacked the determination to be original in terms of institutions, especially rituals, and has already made many inventions and creations.

So Emperor Jiajing thought for a while and said with a hint of ridicule: "There are no suitable palaces at present. I heard that the Military Aircraft Department is located in Dongjuanpeng, so we might as well name it as the Grand Scholar of Dongjuanpeng."

Qin Dewei: "."

When Qin Zhongtang adjusted Zhai Luan's office location to the Dongjuan shed outside Wenyuan Pavilion, the nickname "Dongjuan shed big scholar" appeared to assign Zhai Luan.

But Qin Zhongtang never expected that the clown turned out to be himself! He wondered if this nickname had reached the ears of Emperor Jiajing.

If you strictly follow Jun Wuxiyan’s requirements, you’ll be doomed!

Thinking of this, Qin Dewei suddenly realized that Emperor Jiajing was testing himself! He must make the right response in order to have a future!

So Qin Dewei didn't care to think about it anymore, and quickly took the time to say to the emperor: "Your Majesty's grace! I dare to arbitrarily discuss the title of Dongjuanpeng University Scholar, I can only obey your orders!"

Qin Dewei guessed that with Emperor Jiajing's literary and artistic sensitive character, how could he tolerate having an official with a very unpleasant name next to him?

Qin Dewei speculated that the emperor was probably a test to test Qin Dewei's attitude. When faced with the emperor's rudeness, would he be very resistant or obedient?

Sure enough, Emperor Jiajing frowned and said instead: "The name Dongjuanpeng Grand Scholar is too rough and indecent!"

After thinking for a moment, Emperor Jiajing came up with a new idea: "Then call him Grand Scholar of Dongge!"

In view of Qin Dewei's good performance just now, Emperor Jiajing decided to give him some rewards.

This is acceptable, has a good meaning, and is in line with the original historical trend! Qin Dewei quickly stepped forward to thank him, and this time he was sincere.

Although the original intention of the East Pavilion is the pavilion east of Wenyuan Pavilion, it does not prevent Qin Zhongtang from self-hypnosis and fantasy.

Dongge can face Xiyuan. From now on, Yan Song and others will be Xiyuan's bachelors, while Qin Dewei will be Dongge's bachelor, which directly reflects the equal status of East and West.

Emperor Jiajing also dictated the decree to Huang Jin: "Add Qin Dewei as the left minister of the Ministry of Rites, a bachelor of Dongge, and enter the Zhiwenyuan Pavilion."

Because he was surprised, Eunuch Huang paused for a moment while writing. As an eunuch, he actually became jealous of Qin Dewei.

Although it is said that before the Grand Scholar, there are usually virtual titles that symbolize the rank, such as Minister, Minister, otherwise, the Grand Scholar only has five grades, which is completely insufficient.

However, Qin Dewei's promotion of officials was too many. The left minister of the Ministry of War led the Military Machinery Department, the left minister of the Ministry of Works supervised the Ordnance Bureau, and now the left minister of the Ministry of Rites and the bachelor of Dongge University.

Having three ministers in one body, although they are all empty titles, and I dare not say that there will be no successors, but the unprecedented people are probably sure. Is this the treatment of Jiajing men?

Emperor Jiajing subconsciously explained: "Qin Dewei is in charge of co-organizing the Yiwu Yamen, so it is appropriate to add the official title of the Ministry of Rites."

But others are too lazy to listen to this explanation. Today is too tiring. Emperor, you can appoint officials as you want. Anyway, it doesn't matter whether Qin Dewei has this bachelor, he is already a third-rank official.

Emperor Jiajing was probably tired too, so he suppressed a yawn and ordered: "If there is nothing else, just retreat!"

After seeing Emperor Jiajing off respectfully, everyone, whether they were friends or enemies, looked at Qin Dewei with somewhat complicated expressions.

I originally thought that today was the time to criticize Qin Dewei, but after arguing for a long time, Qin Dewei still got the limelight!

Although the title of Grand Scholar of Dongge does not give Qin Dewei more power, the title means that Qin Dewei has entered the system of Grand Master of Dongge!

If Qin Dewei was originally a Banbu Pavilion senior, now he is a Banbu Peak Pavilion senior. Except for not participating in maintenance, he is almost the same as a real Pavilion senior.

Everyone walked out of the palace together, and Yan Shifan gritted his teeth and said: "Qin Zhongtang is really a good calculator, and he actually wants to summon me here!"

The high-spirited Qin Zhongtang replied: "You're welcome! So far, even the elders of the Dignity Pavilion have not been able to let you enter Renshou Palace for pilgrimage, but I have done it!

What does this mean? It means that I miss you more than your father!"

Someone told me that because I took those two days off, I lost 500 monthly passes. Suddenly I felt a little regretful and heartbroken.

This chapter has been completed!
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