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Chapter 793

Chapter 792 People’s hearts are not as old as they used to be

Emperor Jiajing was such an impatient person. Once he really became suspicious, he would not be patient and would take action immediately.

Even if he later found out that he had made a mistake, he would not admit it. Of course, as the emperor, he had the right to support himself in doing so.

Did Duan Chaoyong support the "Prince Supervising the Country"? At the same time, did Duan Chaoyong collude with some ministers?

The above two points allowed Duan Chao to successfully impress Emperor Jiajing and obtain a free prison package without even a chance to defend himself on the spot.

As for Yan Song, Lu Bing and the East Palace officials and others who jointly signed the petition, Emperor Jiajing did not make any decision on the spot. Most likely, he wanted to wait for the results of Duan Chaoyong's interrogation before making any further calculations.

If those officials and subordinates of the Eastern Palace who were jointly signed by Duan Chaoyong really colluded with Duan Chaoyong in plotting to "supervise the country as a prince", they would all be exiled to the border and serve as troops; if they had no collusion with Duan Chaoyong, they would be dismissed from their posts and ordered to live in the countryside.

As for Yan Song and Lu Bing, Emperor Jiajing did not believe that Lu Bing would collude with Duan Chaoyong, and he was probably just deceived; while Yan Song probably took advantage of Duan Chaoyong, but we have to wait and see what his intentions were.

After the oral edict sent Duan Chaoyong to prison, Emperor Jiajing closed his eyes and was very exhausted.

As a patient with severe symptoms, although I didn't say two or three sentences today, just listening carefully to these people's words is also a kind of high-intensity mental work.

Upon seeing this, the rest of the people knew that it was time to retreat, and under the guidance of Eunuch Huang Jinhuang, they bowed silently and then exited this palace with an unknown name.

Outsiders only know that there are eight palaces inside Renshou Palace, but they certainly cannot match the names of these eight palaces.

When he walked out of the palace and walked towards the gate of Renshou Palace, Qin Dewei, who was relaxed and relaxed, couldn't help but let go and asked Eunuch Huang: "Whose palace was the place where you met the saint just now?"

Eunuch Huang replied: "Concubine Cao's chamber." It's not a big secret, and the emperor doesn't sleep here every day, so it doesn't hurt to tell Qin Dewei.

When Qin Zhongtang heard this answer, he was startled subconsciously. Concubine Cao, Concubine Cao Duan?

If I remember correctly, the historical "Renyin Palace Incident" happened in the palace of Concubine Cao, which is where they were standing just now!

Many people have a misunderstanding. They think that the "Renyin Palace Incident" in which a palace maid assassinated the emperor happened in the palace. After the palace incident, Emperor Jiajing moved to Renshou Palace in Xiyuan. This is wrong.

In fact, the "Renyin Palace Incident" took place in Renshou Palace. Let's take the details of historical records as an example.

During the palace coup in history, a palace maid came to report to Queen Fang, and then Queen Fang quickly rushed to the scene and rescued Emperor Jiajing.

If the palace incident really happened in the palace, and the palace maid went to Kunning Palace to inform Queen Fang, the emperor would have been cold for a long time just for the round trip.

Only within the Renshou Palace, the palace maid could tell the secret by going to the next courtyard and shouting, and Queen Fang would immediately come from the next courtyard to save the emperor. This is a more reasonable plot.

Thinking of the "Renyin Palace Change" that may be approaching, Qin Dewei's mood is a bit complicated, and he doesn't know if there is any palace change in this time and space.

Although Emperor Jiajing had all kinds of shortcomings, he was still kind to him after all. Even if everyone in the world hated the emperor, he, Qin Dewei, could not.

Theoretically, the basic conditions for the Palace Change in this time and space are still there. The main reason is Emperor Jiajing's mistreatment of the palace ladies after he cultivated immortality, and the palace ladies' dissatisfaction is still there.

After all, Renshou Palace is not as heavily guarded as Ouchi Palace, and the environment is relatively relaxed, so the probability of palace changes is still very high.

But it is hard to say whether the time of the palace change will change. If the conditions are met and mature, it may be brought forward or delayed. This is called historical inevitability but also contingency.

When everyone walked out of Renshou Palace, they had different thoughts and moods. Of course, this is normal. Every time people come out, they are always happy and sad.

For example, this time Yan Song and Yan Ge had nowhere to relieve their depression. Originally, the matter was just an incident in the East Palace. If you were prepared, you would have the absolute initiative!

As a result, Qin Dewei changed things and the matter discussed became the Duan Chaoyong incident, and he was involved in it for no reason!

Of course, Mr. Yan Ge no longer cares about Qin Dewei. Duan Chaoyong fell into the hands of Eunuch Qin, so the initiative lies with Eunuch Qin.

So Mr. Yan Ge said to Eunuch Qin as he walked: "When you are sent to prison to interrogate Duan Chaoyong, you must uphold your impartiality so as not to disappoint His Majesty!"

This is a warning to Eunuch Qin not to use Duan Chao to trap him!

Eunuch Qin secretly laughed, why are you still interrogating? The black materials have been prepared for a long time and will be ready for use in a few days.

Providing black materials in this way will not make the emperor suspicious. On the surface, it is after the emperor clearly understood everything and realized the evil, Dongchang acted in accordance with the order and then reviewed the black materials, rather than Dongchang investigating in advance with ulterior motives.

Therefore, how to use black materials is also a science. It is just like writing a report letter. Some people can report successfully, but some people write a report letter and it is of no use.

Everyone came early in the morning, and it was still early morning when they came out.

Then he saw Chief Assistant Zhai Luan walking hurriedly from the direction of Wuyi Hall and directly met everyone at the palace gate.

Eunuch Huang led a few people outside the gate of Renshou Palace, which was considered to have completed the task, but after seeing Zhai Luan, he took the initiative to ask: "Why are the chief assistants here?"

Zhai Luan held a memorial and said anxiously: "Something big has happened! I came here to see Your Majesty!"

Huang Jin: "."

How should we say it? The major event that Zhai Luan was talking about was probably a matter that the officials of Zhan Shifu jointly signed a petition for the sake of the prince. It was all discussed in the Renshou Palace just now.

Any minister who wants to get close to the emperor will come to the emperor to express their loyalty after learning about this incident, so it is normal for Zhai Luan to appear here.

But others had foreseen it in advance, and then waited at the palace gate early in the morning to ask for an audience before the memorial was sent to the palace. But you, Chief Minister Zhai, didn't realize it until you saw the joint memorial?

Yan Songzheng was in a depressed mood and couldn't help but said to Zhai Luan: "I can't even eat soup that's warm!"

Zhai Luan raised the memorial in his hand and said seriously: "Does Yan Jiexi know how important this event is? Do you want to read it first before talking about it?"

Eunuch Huang Jinhuang waved his hand and said: "The Emperor already knows, Chief Assistant, please wait for the follow-up!"

Zhai Luan was stunned immediately. How could the emperor know in advance?

Just now, I deliberately took advantage of Yan Song's absence in Wuyi Hall to read the memorial and have the opportunity to deal with it, so I took the opportunity to see the emperor again.

If the emperor already knew and made a decision, wouldn't it be a waste of time to come here with the memorial and ask for an audience?

Is the gap between you and these favored ministers really that big?

Seeing Zhai Luan's dazed look, Mr. Yan Ge suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

Only a normal person like Zhai Luan can make himself feel that he is a smarter person than ordinary people. It would be great if everyone in the cabinet were like Zhai Luan!

After coming back to his senses, Zhai Luan said to Yan Song with a lonely expression: "Then I will write the ticket first."

Yan Song said impatiently: "It's up to you!"

There is nothing easy to write about the joint memorial of Zhan Shifu. The emperor's attitude is so clear. There is no room for manipulation in the draft. No matter who writes it, it is the same. He is a pure tool.

Zhai Luan held the memorial tightly, nodded and said: "Since Mr. Yan Ge has other things to do, then leave the Hehuai affairs to me first."

The Hehuai incident? Yan Song was a little confused at once, what is this? Didn't the officials of Zhan Shifu jointly submit a memorial?

Before Yan Song could ask any more questions, Zhai Luan had already walked away in a hurry. He came and went in a hurry, leaving only Yan Ge's back that looked a bit bumpy.

Wu Cao! Mr. Yan Ge is so smart, he woke up immediately!

The memorial in Zhai Luan's hand is definitely not a memorial jointly signed by officials of Zhan Shifu, but is about other important matters!

So Zhai Luan just took advantage of everyone's contempt, bluffed and pretended to be crazy, and was laughed at by everyone for not being able to make the trip, but he got the right to dispose of the memorial right under his nose!

And with so many people watching, it’s hard to regret it and take it back on the spot!

Mr. Yan Ge almost broke his guard and cursed. The world of real horses has declined, people's hearts have changed, and even Zhai Luan has become such a bastard! He hunts geese all day long, but gets pecked in the eye by the geese!

Qin Dewei didn't want to let him feel happy, but Zhai Luan actually dared to plot against him! I really don't know what the memorial said, so that Zhai Luan paid such attention to it!

At this time, someone nearby answered the question slowly and said: "The Yellow River burst in Suixian County last month, and the flood flowed from the Wohe River through Bozhou into the Huaihe River. The water conditions in the Hehuai River and Huaihe River have become complicated again, and the water transportation next year will also be greatly affected.

Then after the floods, robbers and thieves appeared again in the Jianghuai area, and the public security was chaotic, which even affected the Lianghuai salt industry. In short, Hehuai, Jianghuai is in an emergency situation.

Therefore, Governor Liubaili of Fengyang in the north of the Yangtze River hastened to report, please reorganize the river and canal affairs, reset the river and canal governor, seize the time to organize the river channel and ensure the water transportation next year; also please quickly set up a general officer of the Jianghuai River to suppress and exterminate the bandits.


Yan Song subconsciously asked: "How did you know?"

"I saw this memorial last night." The voice said lightly.

"Even I, the cabinet leader, don't know about such a big matter. Who dares to know about it first?" Mr. Yan Ge was a little angry.

"Shouldn't I let you know now?"

Old Yan Ge turned his head, and it turned out that Qin Dewei was speaking.

Then Mr. Yan Ge felt that he might have suffered internal injuries. No, the internal injuries had worsened.

After Wang Yiqi resigned from office a few years ago, the rivers and rivers were separated again. This time, if they were merged into the river-cao governor, it would be to organize the rivers and supervise the water transportation. The addition of the Jianghuai general officer to suppress bandits would be regarded as an emergency situation.

Designed for centralization.

It involves huge manpower, material resources, financial resources, and military command power. If you think about it, you will know how much profit can be gained from this, but it is left to Zhai Luan for nothing!

After that, everyone went their separate ways, Yan Song went to Wuyi Hall to pursue Zhai Luan, and Lu Bing left the imperial city from the direction of Xi'an Gate.

Qin Dewei wants to go to Wenyuan Pavilion, and Eunuch Qin wants to go to Dongchang. Both of them are heading east. They must first take a boat across Taiye Pond and enter the palace through Xihua Gate.

Standing on the east bank of Taiye Lake, Eunuch Qin invited Qin Dewei: "How about we ride in the same boat?"

Qin Dewei cautiously took two steps away from the waterfront and said to Eunuch Qin: "I am used to riding alone in a boat, otherwise I will easily get seasick if there are too many people."

What a shame! The originally well-meaning Eunuch Qin was so angry that he walked away and got on a ferry first. Don’t regret it in a few days, little bastard!

Qin Dewei came to Wenyuan Pavilion for work. He had nothing else to do today. He left the palace and went home near dusk.

After entering the gate, the disciple Zhang San informed him that Master He Aohe had been waiting in the study all day.

Qin Dewei was speechless. He really didn't know whether Teacher He was sharp or stubborn. Why did he identify him so clearly?

Speaking of which, of the three major goals I had for going to the palace for pilgrimage today, only the one of saving Teacher He was not completely accomplished.

In the atmosphere where the emperor was already suspicious, forcibly exonerating Teacher He would only be more troublesome, so Qin Dewei could only suspend it.

Ever since He Ao learned that the key officials of Zhan Shifu had jointly issued a memorandum, he knew that his future lay entirely with Qin Mansion. He even stopped staying with Zhan Shifu and only guarded Qin Mansion.

When he saw Qin Dewei, he asked: "How is the situation?"

Qin Dewei said helplessly: "The emperor is furious. This time Zhan Shifu will probably be purged. At least all the people who signed the petition will be dismissed from office!"

There is no need to be secretive with his students. He Ao asked directly: "What about me? Will it implicate me?"

Qin Dewei advised: "It's still unclear at the moment. Let me tell you, the teacher might as well leave the land of right and wrong. It just so happens that the governor of Hecao is to be resettled. The teacher might as well consider it?"

For Qin Zhongtang, as long as he can explain it to public opinion and let others say that Qin Zhongtang can protect the teacher, that will be fine.

He Ao hesitated and said, "After serving as the Zhan Shifu of Zhan Shifu, then becoming the Governor of Hecao would be a disadvantage. It's better to take a look first. Or, in the general examination after the spring of next year, become an examiner before leaving?"


After seeing off Teacher He, Qin Dewei went straight to Tao Xiangu's practice place, entered the hall, and sat directly on Tao Xiangu's futon.

Tao Xiuxuan reluctantly put down the bottles and jars for refining medicine, stood up and took a few steps away, asking, "Is something wrong?"

Qin Dewei replied: "Today, for Tao Tao, I fought with the traitor for 300 rounds in front of the emperor. I worked hard to get rid of him and consolidate Tao Tao's position as a national teacher!"

Tao Xiuxuan calmly mouthed the four-character mantra: "Build the foundation for a hundred days."

This foundation building is rebooting. Qin Dewei explained: "What I mean is, you have to know how to thank me. This is not a matter of dual cultivation and not dual cultivation."

Tao Xiuxuan said without hesitation: "It takes a hundred days to build the foundation."

Qin Dewei bargained and said: "Besides this, you have no other ideas? You were already moved last time. How about a 100-day discount?"

Tao Xiuxuan took a deep breath and said: "Build the foundation for a hundred days."

Qin Dewei pretended to be angry and said: "People's hearts are really old! I saved your grandfather, don't you have any intention of repaying your kindness?"

Tao Xiangu said nonchalantly: "As long as Pindao is around, my grandfather will not be abandoned by the emperor, even without you to save him."

Qin Dewei said doubtfully: "Why is this?"

Tao Xiangu said confidently: "The medicine is good and can be flexibly adjusted to different situations. As long as the emperor is a man, how can he be willing to abandon his grandfather? For example, are you willing to let Pindao go now?"

Qin Dewei: "."

This chapter has been completed!
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