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Chapter 808 I don't understand

Chapter 808 I don’t even understand

Looking at Qin Dewei, who was calm, calm and unhurried, the more Yan Shifan thought about it, the more envious and jealous he became.

Once something like a disaster occurs, the most annoying person will definitely be the emperor himself. As the "Son of Heaven", the emperor must give an explanation to his subjects.

The second most annoying thing is the ministers around the emperor. It can be said that no matter how close they are to the emperor at ordinary times, they will be very upset at this time.

Anyone could take the blame for the disaster, passively or actively. Even Mr. Yan Song and Yan Ge did not dare to stay with the emperor anymore and hurried home for safety.

At this time, Qin Dewei, who was "in prison", was the most relaxed.

The way for the chosen one to take responsibility for the disaster is actually to "step down". You can't let a person who has already "stepped down" take responsibility for the disaster again, right?

Why is Qin Dewei's luck so good?

Thinking of the purpose of coming today, Yan Shifan took a deep breath, forced down his jealousy, and said to Qin Dewei:

"After warning of a disaster, according to the usual practice, the emperor must open up his voice, issue an edict to speak out, and allow officials from all over the world to give advice.

If everyone in the court has different opinions and hundreds of people are talking, it will be like a flurry of arrows, and everyone may be hit by an arrow!

You never know which piece of advice will impress the emperor. Even if you are in prison, there are still risks! Someone may criticize you!

So if we both work together to make the court's voice more focused and push Zhai Luan out to take responsibility for the disaster, won't we be able to rest assured?"

Qin Dewei had a perfunctory smile on his face, "Oh, the result of your joint efforts with me is that Yan Ge has become the chief assistant?"

In fact, Yan Shifan was very confident about overthrowing the chief minister Zhai Luan and did not think it would be difficult. He did not want to join forces with Qin Dewei at all.

In other words, without Qin Dewei, the Yan family could still kill Zhai Luan!

With the disaster background, and if Zhai Luan is labeled as a fraud in the imperial examination, Zhai Luan will definitely be doomed. Not to mention 100% success, it is still a certainty.

But just because of Qin Dewei's presence, things changed. Both the Yan family and his son were afraid that Qin Dewei would cause trouble behind his back.

Countless experiences and lessons have shown that Qin Dewei has more than enough to succeed, but he certainly has more than enough to fail.

As long as Qin Dewei deliberately makes trouble, the difficulty of doing even simple things will increase exponentially until it becomes overwhelming and impossible to do.

So Yan Shifan had to come to visit the prison and wanted to discuss "cooperation" with Qin Dewei.

Yan Shifan took out the promise and said: "Don't just look at what happens to my father. When things are done, it will benefit both you and me!"

Although my father can be promoted to the position of chief minister, but the cabinet will be short of people again, you can naturally join in the maintenance, or you can recommend Uncle Zhang Dazong to join the cabinet. My father will never object!

If you don’t want any of the above, you can also recommend Xu Tianguan to join the cabinet as a substitute, so that the official position of Minister of the Ministry of Personnel will be vacant and let Wang Da Situ take over as the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel!"

The "prices" offered by Yan Shifan cover several positions, but there is always one that can make people's hearts flutter.

However, the perfunctory look on Qin Dewei's face turned into a sneer, and he responded: "No matter what, I will not cooperate with you Yan family father and son."

Yan Shifan felt that his "sincerity" had been ruined, and said angrily: "There has to be a reason, right?"

Politics is all about exchange of interests, and the most useless thing is personal emotions. What you Qin Dewei said is so irrational!

Qin Dewei answered frankly: "Because I can't trust you father and son! How could I know that after you get what you want, you won't break your promise and backhand?

What I want, I can get with my own hands, and I don’t need to cooperate with your Yan family.”

When asked whether he would break the agreement and stab him in the back, Yan Shifan also felt a little guilty.

He knows his own affairs, and he will definitely regret it later, break the agreement, and stab him in the back.

How could he really cooperate with Qin Dewei? He just wanted to keep Qin Dewei from causing trouble in the name of cooperation.

But Yan Shifan would definitely not admit it, and forcefully defended himself by saying: "The Yan family has not been unkind to you recently! This time you went to the prison, you were interrogated impartially, and there was no attempt to make things difficult for you!"

Qin Dewei sighed, "Why do you insist on me saying it? In fact, it's because we don't agree with each other!

For example, when there was a disaster this time, Yan Ge, who was in power, did not reflect on the gains and losses of the court's government affairs, and did not think about how to improve the governance of the country!

Instead, they only try to evade responsibility and at the same time use disasters to punish people. I don’t want to be associated with your father and son!"

Yan Shifan felt like he had been exposed, and said angrily to Qin Dewei: "Don't say it is so noble, aren't you the same? Have you not punished people enough? When it comes to fighting for power, who in the court can be better than you?


Qin Dewei sighed helplessly, "How many times have I told you that I am completely different from you father and son!

Why do you father and son always forcibly put me in the same category as you? You know how humiliating and troubled I will feel when such views are spread!"

Wucao! Yan Shifan was immediately furious and heartbroken, and said loudly: "Also, you don't naively think that after Duan Chaoyong's crimes are exposed, you can sit back and relax, right? As long as you are still in the prison.

Here, anything can happen!"

Qin Dewei reminded him casually: "Keep your voice down so that the two marquis across the street don't hear you."

Yan Shifan felt that Qin's every word was like a humiliation to him, and continued angrily: "While you are in the prison, you are not responsible for disasters, but everything has gains and losses!

Now that a disaster has occurred, the court is in a troubled period and has no time to settle your case, so you can only remain in the sky prison for the time being!

As long as your connection with the outside world is cut off, you can't do anything while locked up in the prison. No matter what happens in the outside world, you can only passively accept it!"

The Tianlao is the Tianlao of the Ministry of Punishment. As long as Yan Shifan does not follow official rules, he is indeed able to instruct the Ministry of Punishment to delay the verdict of Qin Dewei's case and cut off Qin Dewei's contact with the outside world.

Although Qin Dewei is now protected by the Jinyiwei Official School, these are all private actions. If the Ministry of Punishment really wants to go out of its way to handle official matters, it is not impossible to drive away outsiders.

By that time, Qin Dewei was like an isolated island of information!

No matter how you compose Qin Dewei's essay, it will be difficult for Qin Dewei to react immediately!

The emperor was in a highly sensitive and fragile period, and when he was troubled by the little essay, it was Qin Dewei's unlucky day!

Finally, Yan Shifan shouted: "I could have done this directly, but I am still willing to discuss cooperation with you Qin Banqiao first. You'd better not be ignorant of good and bad!"

Yan Shifan was partly angry and partly intentional for the second purpose.

Stimulating Qin Dewei to make some extreme reactions and say some extreme words are all excellent composition materials.

Qin Dewei paced back and forth slowly, as if thinking.

Unknowingly, he got close to Yan Shifan, and suddenly an uppercut hit Yan Shifan's head directly at the temple.

Yan Shifan immediately saw stars in his eyes, his head was buzzing, he was dizzy and unsteady, and briefly lost the ability to react.

Then Qin Dewei raised his leg and kicked Yan Shifan's abdomen, and immediately kicked Yan Shifan's fat body directly to the ground.

Then it became simple, just punching and kicking. Yan Shifan skillfully protected his head and kept rolling back and forth on the ground to avoid his vital points.

At first, he was afraid of being heard by others, so Yan Shifan walked into the cell, talked to Qin Dewei at close range, and sent away the jailers and Jinyiwei officer who were standing in the corridor.

At this time, Yan Shifan was rolling around trying to escape. As long as he got out of the cell, Qin Dewei would not dare to chase him out, otherwise he would have escaped from prison!

But Qin Dewei had foresight and blocked the cell door faster.

The screams alerted the jailer, but he stood outside the cell at a loss and could only shout dutifully: "Sister Qin, stop fighting!"

There is no way to go from heaven to earth, and when Yan Shifan felt that he might really be beaten to death, he finally heard someone yell: "Stop!"

Mao Bowen, the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment, led his men and ran over like flying, and led the way into the cell.

With Master Shangshu setting an example, the jailers followed him in, pulled Qin Dewei away with all their hands, and then carried Yan Shifan from the cell to the corridor.

Yan Shifan, who had regained safety, wanted to cry again. He wanted to stimulate Qin Dewei to act arrogantly and domineeringly, and he could even say harsh words and smash things, but he did not expect that Qin Dewei chose to hit himself directly!

The few Jinyiwei officers sent by Xu Miaojing didn't understand what was going on, so they could only protect Qin Dewei temporarily to prevent him from being beaten.

Mao Bowen angrily scolded: "Qin Dewei, you are really lawless and lawless! If you are so brutal, we will definitely impeach you!"

Qin Dewei immediately urged: "Then if you hurry up, you won't be called a great Sikou in vain!"

Mao Bowen: "."

Qin Dewei sighed secretly, what could he do? The fish never took the bait, which made people anxious, so he couldn't help but beat the fish.

Mr. Yange, if you can still hold it in, it will be the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles who are stepping on the horse and traveling through time!

Mao Shangshu didn't know how to evaluate Qin Dewei, so he could only say: "Crazy, really crazy!"

Qin Dewei suddenly laughed, "Master Mao, don't panic, it won't be your turn to take care of my affairs soon!"

When Mao Bowen heard this, he suddenly felt relaxed at first, but then he had a bad premonition. What does this mean?

Qin Dewei explained a few words and said: "Outside today, my family will probably beat the drum and file a complaint for me; inside the prison, I beat Mr. Yan again.

With such a big fuss between inside and outside, can your Criminal Department continue to interrogate? If it doesn't go as I expected, I'm afraid I will be transferred to Jinyiwei Prison."

Mao Bowen was so angry that he almost vomited blood. Is this how Li Ying Wai He was used? At the same time, he was a little strange, why did the Criminal Department not receive any case files despite all the beatings?

At this moment, a large group of people suddenly came to the Tianlao and came down surrounded by a eunuch in a red flying fish suit.

Mao Bowen looked around, who was this if not Eunuch Qin, the admiral of the East Factory?

Eunuch Qin didn't talk to anyone, but first said: "There are so many people, it's so lively!"

Then he directly announced: "We are ordered to take Qin Dewei away!"

Qin Dewei said to Mao Bowen: "To tell you the truth, then"

Eunuch Qin suddenly shouted loudly: "Shut up, the prisoner! Block your mouth and take him away!"

Qin Dewei was very surprised. Eunuch Qin was a scholar and was polite and polite most of the time in front of him.

Even when we quarreled, we were never so rude and rude. I don’t know what happened today.

Without any explanation, a group of officials rushed up, pushed aside the rest of the crowd, directly picked up Qin Dewei and walked out.

But he said that within a day or two of such a huge disaster, basically everyone in the capital knew about it.

Let's not talk about the people in the official circles. People all over the capital are talking about it, and all kinds of weird and strange theories are emerging one after another. So at this time, an official notice is needed.

Whether it is an imperial edict or some other edict, no matter how formalistic it is, it can actually play a role in appeasing people's hearts.

As Yan Shifan said, there are prescribed procedures for dealing with disasters. On that day, Emperor Jiajing issued an order to open up channels for speaking out.

Whether it's true or not, let's get rid of the formality first.

Then the emperor, who had not been to court for two or three years, issued a second imperial edict. On the eighth day of April, he went to Fengtianmen and summoned ministers of rank four and above to appear before him!

This was actually a court meeting. If it hadn't been for the disaster at the Imperial Ancestral Temple, Emperor Jiajing would still have been too lazy to go to court.

Even though this disaster was so severe that it required an explanation to the people of the world, Emperor Jiajing could no longer hide in the palace to deal with it.

Therefore, a special court meeting was held to discuss the official conclusion of the disaster and the division of responsibilities.

The ministers who were qualified to participate in the court meeting packed up their court clothes at home, which they had not worn for a long time, and wrote begging memorials in a tacit understanding.

This is an old rule. If there is a disaster in the capital, ministers of the fourth rank and above must submit a letter of resignation to express their respect for God and their apology.

This is also the reason why only ministers of the fourth rank and above were invited to participate in this court meeting. It is estimated that in addition to discussing issues, there is also the process of submitting begging memorials to the emperor on the spot.

After the emperor accepts this large number of petitions and memorials, the court will probably be temporarily suspended for a few days, and then wait for the emperor to dismiss these petitions and memorials.

The matter was urgent and not much preparation time was given. It is estimated that there were many people who were unhappy with writing and borrowed the contents from each other.

It was just a formality anyway, and the emperor had no intention of taking a closer look.

On the eighth day of April, all the ministers gathered outside the Meridian Gate, and they couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion in their hearts. It had been two or three years, and finally the last court ceremony was conducted in a more serious manner.

On this occasion, everyone was in court dress, which was absolutely grand in the literal sense. Everything was normal at first, but suddenly it was broken.

Eunuch Qin, the governor of the East Factory, suddenly appeared behind the crowd, followed by several guards in brocade robes, escorting a prisoner in plain clothes.

This prisoner needs no introduction. All the courtiers know him. A certain Qin originally had a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering.

Even everyone doesn't understand what it means for Eunuch Qin of Dongchang to appear at the court meeting with Qin Dewei, an imperial prisoner, at this time? Could it be that he wants to do justice for God and interrogate him in court?

Prison officer Qin Dewei said that in fact, he really didn't understand what the eunuch of the family wanted to do. This was not his original plan.

The disadvantage of the daily update mode is that it feels like the rhythm is wrong and I have to publish it first. If I have time in the future, I will change this plot.

This chapter has been completed!
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