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Chapter 811 What do you think?

Qin Zhongtang pushed Yan Song back, glanced around again, and when no one spoke for the time being, he turned to Emperor Jiajing again and said in a seductive way:

"Your Majesty! I just listed the shortcomings of the court atmosphere. The first one is that there are too many discussions and often there is no consensus!

The specific meaning of Kao Chengfa has been made clear to me. Whether to use it or not, I just ask Your Majesty to make your own decision, and you don’t need to pay attention to others anymore!"

What Qin Dewei means is that this is the situation anyway, and the pros and cons are just that. Emperor, just make your own decision and don't listen to the ministers.

People who are familiar with it feel that Qin Zhongtang has changed a bit today and actually curbed his speech!

Qin Zhongtang usually adheres to the principle of "the truth becomes clearer with more debate", and takes the lead in discussions, always talking until the emperor can't stand it and tells him to shut up.

But Qin Dewei also had his own judgment. If Emperor Jiajing was allowed to make his own decision, more than 60% of them would agree to the examination.

If the ministers were allowed to talk about it, the possibility of Emperor Jiajing agreeing would be reduced by at least 20%.

Because Emperor Jiajing himself was a harsh, mean-spirited person, management methods like Kao Chengfa would probably be to Emperor Jiajing's liking, and besides, this would not be harmful to the emperor.

But for ministers, it is estimated that many people do not want to accept it. After all, ordinary people are lazy and do not want to have an extra layer of supervision.

Therefore, these ministers will definitely find various excuses to object, which will definitely interfere with Emperor Jiajing's determination.

Emperor Jiajing had originally planned to leave the court, but at this time he returned to the throne and sat down again, thinking over and over again.

Indeed, as Qin Dewei expected, the emperor felt moved.

Qin Dewei was not in a hurry and waited quietly for a while. No one else could interrupt anyway, so there was no need to rush!

But Emperor Jiajing took the initiative to ask Yan Song: "Do you really think that the examination method is not good? Do you think it is not applicable?"

Mr. Yan's attitude is actually very simple. If the examination method is controlled from within, then it is a good thing and very useful!

But if it is placed elsewhere, then the test method is not a good thing and cannot be used!

Therefore, Mr. Yan replied: "Looking at the reforms since ancient times, we can see that even wishful thinking of good governance will turn into bad governance if it is not done by the right person or if it is entrusted to someone other than the right person!

If the examination is presided over by someone who makes trouble and is arrogant and domineering, I'm afraid the court will never have peace.

To be on the safe side, it’s better to hold off for the time being and think about it in the long term.”

After Yan Song finished speaking, Qin Dewei said: "There is something I didn't want to say, but I should still say it."

Then he said to Emperor Jiajing: "If your majesty wants to enter into mystical cultivation, taking the Dharma test will be a good way to assist your majesty!"

Ministers: "."

There is really nothing that cannot be done, but it is unexpected that it can be argued from this perspective, and it suddenly hits the emperor's pain point!

The emperor was obsessed with cultivating immortals, but refused to delegate power. His time and power were definitely not enough. This can be seen from the fact that the emperor often read memorials in the middle of the night.

However, the examination method significantly reduced the emperor's burden of ruling the country. He only needed to read the matter book regularly to get an overview of the overall situation.

It is clear at a glance what each department plans to do, how long the plan lasts, which ones are completed on schedule, and which ones are overdue.

So after Qin Dewei said these words, it immediately had the final word!

Originally, the emperor was worried about the negative effects of being too harsh on officials and causing a backlash, which would affect the stability of the court.

Even if power was centralized to the level of Emperor Jiajing, it still had to take into account the mood of all courtiers.

We must know that there are policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom. If the bureaucrats are really determined to oppose it, there are many ways to cause trouble at the "lower level".

But when Emperor Jiajing thought that he could save time and effort in cultivating immortals, there was no need for any hesitation!

Then he directly opened his mouth and said: "The test method is available!"

The "silent majority" in the palace could only look at each other in shock. Everyone thought that today was just a formality, but they did not expect that such a big thing would happen.

People are in the palace, but they can't participate in the decision-making. They can only passively accept it. It's just fucked!

What Qin Dewei wanted was this kind of effect. Without any interference, he could fully display his talents and talk to Emperor Jiajing:

"The implementation of the examination method should not be rushed, but should be carried out step by step. First, it starts with the comments and responses to dozens of resignation memorials; second, it is limited to the ministry and the current affairs in the initial stage, and can be gradually promoted in the future."

But Qin Zhongtang didn't say a few words this time. Suddenly, a figure jumped out from the class and stood in front of the throne.

Everyone was quite surprised and looked closely. It turned out that this person was the official Shang Xu Zan. Everyone suddenly realized that they were not surprised anymore.

Qin Dewei was about to scold Xu Zan for not understanding the rules. An old man with no official status, who asked you to come up and speak?

But I heard Xu Zan say to Emperor Jiajing: "Xu Zan, the former official of the grassland people, has something to report to the emperor!"

Qin Dewei: "."

The old man's tone of voice seems a bit like he is angry?

In the eyes of others, Xu Tianguan should be anxious.

Everyone knows that the Civil Service Bureau is the most powerful yamen, and is known as the first yamen in the outer court. If it is a relatively powerful Civil Service Shang, his political status is equivalent to the deputy chief assistant.

There are two main powers of the Ministry of Personnel: one is assessment and the other is selection. The examination method proposed by Qin Dewei will obviously usurp the power of assessment of the Ministry of Personnel.

Therefore, it is understandable and even expected that Xu Tianguan is anxious!

Qin Dewei sighed helplessly. In the Ming Dynasty, even poor people were qualified to pay tribute to the emperor. This was stipulated by Emperor Taizu Gao.

Xu Tianguan had already called himself a "caomin" and "former official minister" out of anger, so it was a bit too much to block him from talking.

Just listen to what Xu Tianguan said in an orderly manner: "The Ministry of Personnel is responsible for the evaluation of officials, but the standards have always been vague and unclear. As a result, the evaluation results are crude and rough, often just a formality, and it is difficult to distinguish the merits of talents.

I believe that the examination method can be used as a tool and included in the assessment of the Ministry of Personnel. The Ministry of Personnel will preside over the examination method and use it as an important assessment basis!

This is the simplest and easiest way for the court and officials to achieve both ends without creating additional redundant posts!"

Qin Dewei sighed again. Why is reform difficult? This is a simple and living example.

As long as there is reform, vested interest groups will be touched.

Xu Tianguan generally got along well with me and cooperated happily, but at this time he jumped out and made gestures without hesitation.

Why are you doing this? Qin Dewei stared at Xu Tianguan with a warning in his eyes, but Xu Tianguan responded without flinching.

When Qin Dewei seized the foreign affairs, he, Xu Zan, said nothing; later, when Qin Dewei invaded and seized internal power, he, Xu Zan, still did not speak; and later, when Qin Dewei intervened in the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Works, where one man held several assistant ministers, he, Xu Zan, still did not speak.

Now Bao Qin has finally started to get involved in the officialdom. If he doesn't speak up, no one will speak for him!

The atmosphere suddenly became tense! When everyone thought that Qin Zhongtang was going to use verbal violence against Xu Tianguan, he suddenly turned to the other side and said directly:

"Tu Dongzhou, the former censor of Zuodu, what do you think of Mr. Xu's words?"

Tu Qiao was surprised. He didn't expect Qin Dewei to ask him to speak. Why was he so irritating? He didn't have to bite his tongue to emphasize that he was the former censor of Zuodu!

Others may not have other feelings, but Chief Assistant Zhai Luan and Lao Yan Song frowned in unison.

Because Qin Dewei's behavior just now sounded like he was presiding over court affairs!

Under normal circumstances, this role is played by the chief assistant! This is called harmonizing Ding Nai and coordinating Yin and Yang!

Qin Dewei obviously overstepped his bounds, but others didn't even notice it and didn't react at all!

Tu Qiao didn't care whether he was overstepping his bounds or not. When he had a chance to speak, he quickly said:

"The Metropolitan Procuratorate has the duty of supervision and inspection responsibilities. The examination law is similar to the duties of the Metropolitan Procuratorate!

What's more, six subjects need to be used in the examination of law, and the six subjects and the thirteen censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate are collectively called the Kedao!

Therefore, the examination method is more suitable to be placed in the Metropolitan Procuratorate. With the combined efforts of science and education, we will eventually achieve something!"

Qin Dewei still did not express his opinion, and turned to Xu Tianguan again: "Xu Tianguan, what do you think of Tu Zongxian's words?"

Xu Tianguan sneered and said: "Inspection and examination are two different things! The responsibilities of the Metropolitan Procuratorate are set based on certain powers!

For example, the censor patrolling warehouses is to inspect warehouses, the censor of the Qing army is to inspect military households, and the censor patrolling is to target a certain place!

The test corresponds to a certain person, and the test is that this person has fulfilled his duties. How can it be confused with the duties of the Metropolitan Procuratorate? How can it be said to be similar? "

Qin Dewei praised: "Xu Tianguan is indeed an old man in the temple, and he is really good at governing!" Then he said to Tu Qiao: "What do you think of Mr. Tu?"

Tu Qiao: "."

Are you, Qin Dewei, acting like a monkey when you step on a horse? But there is no other way. We still have to fight if we have the chance. Why not take advantage of it if we have the chance?

The rest of the people who were not named by Qin Zhongtang could only watch as the former Libu Shang and the former Zuodu Censor argued with each other for several more rounds, and there was no sign of the end in sight.

So Qin Zhongtang said very gracefully: "Since you are at a stalemate, let me give you some opinions!

First, you, the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Metropolitan Procuratorate, have forgotten that the examination method is the emperor's examination method, not that of any one of your families!

If you want to preside over the legal examination, then who will supervise your Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Metropolitan Procuratorate?

Second, the examination is not just to obtain a certain result or test language, but focuses on the investigation and supervision of the process! This is different from the responsibilities of your Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Metropolitan Procuratorate!"

Tu Qiao, the former censor of Zuodu, was listening and thinking in his mind.

Xu Tianguan is a veteran and important minister, so it is difficult for him to compete with him; and Qin Dewei is too strong, so it is even more difficult for him to compete with him.

After making up his mind, Tu Zongxian suddenly spoke up and said: "What Qin Zhongtang said makes sense! I have thought about it over and over again and feel that neither the Ministry of Civil Affairs nor the Metropolitan Procuratorate is suitable for the implementation of this test law!

So it’s better to leave it to the internal director! The internal director will take charge of the overall situation, and it’s also suitable to use the examination method!”

What Tu Zongxian said was guilt, but it was actually Yan Song!

Qin Dewei secretly lamented that this person saw that he had little hope, so he decisively withdrew and praised Yan Song again. He was also a ruthless character.

Then Qin Dewei quickly added: "I haven't finished what I just said. The original intention of proposing the examination law is to deal with celestial disasters, and it needs to start from these dozens of resignation memoranda!

Every one of you who goes to court to apologize for your sins is a target for the examination to become a Dharma master! Therefore, the examination for becoming a Dharma master can only be conducted by those who are in office!"

All in all, Qin Zhongtang is the most suitable candidate!

Yan Song couldn't hold it in any longer and responded: "Whether a minister is in office or not depends on the emperor's kindness. How can it be set in stone?"

Just when everyone thought that Qin Dewei was going to be violent towards Mr. Yan, Qin Dewei suddenly stopped talking in a graceful manner.

This makes most people uncomfortable. Why did Qin Dewei suddenly become so graceful just now?

Is it possible that we really need to start practicing so that the prime minister can hold a boat in his belly?

Eunuch Qin, who was standing next to the throne and had been invisible for a long time, suddenly saluted Emperor Jiajing and said: "So that Your Majesty will know that just now Cai Chen has been thinking that the most suitable person to use the examination method should be Dongchang!


The killing of Eunuch Qin was so sudden that no one expected that Eunuch Qin would jump out to fight for power with the civil officials.

Emperor Jiajing asked: "What do you mean?"

Eunuch Qin said concisely and concisely: "There are three reasons. First, Dongchang is His Majesty's ears, eyes and minions. The examination method is the law of His Majesty's rule. How can it be inappropriate to hand over the examination method to the ears, eyes and minions?

Secondly, the examination method focuses on the completion and write-off of matters. Dongchang is originally a detective yamen, with the responsibility of gathering information, and there are detectives in each yamen, which can prevent fraud!

Thirdly, as the people say, officials protect each other. There are examinations by the Ministry of Civil Affairs and inspections by the Procuratorate, but they have not been able to eliminate the disadvantages. It would be better to give the examination method to Dongchang, and the results will be greater."

The few words eunuch Qin made made the ministers confused for a while. Because theoretically, these words seemed to make sense.

Putting aside the prejudice against eunuchs and Dongchang, Dongchang is fully capable of presiding over the examination, and may even do it better than the civil servants.

Dongchang is originally the secret agent responsible for monitoring various yamen. Even if there is an additional examination method, that is, an additional account book that needs to be written off, the switch can be made seamlessly without even adding additional costs!

Thinking about it this way, Dongchang seems to be the most suitable?

However, eunuchs are eunuchs! Letting eunuchs take away the authority to supervise government affairs is simply a shame for all civil servants!

So everyone looked at Qin Dewei, and only Qin Dewei could come forward at this time. Qin Zhongtang, you don't want to be stolen by the eunuch, right?

Yan Song suddenly became depressed. Just now when he was talking about going inside to get into law, Eunuch Qin jumped out. This was considered a robbery from inside!

He, Yan Song, should be the one who wants to fight back, but why does everyone expect Qin Dewei to come forward?

Is this still justified?

Qin Dewei, who was expected by everyone, still did not use verbal violence or divine violence, and asked lightly to the eunuch Zhang Zuo, the eunuch on the other side of the throne:

"What do you think, Eunuch Zhang, of these words of Eunuch Qin?"

Everyone: "."

Have your Qin Dewei's verbal violence skills been lost or cooled down? The back and forth is "What do you think?"! Can you give the audience some tricks?

Eunuch Zhang glanced at Eunuch Qin, snorted coldly and said: "I think it is most appropriate for the Superintendent of Ceremonies to preside over the examination. The Superintendent of Ceremonies is supposed to be responsible for reviewing memorials and comments, so he can check the records of various yamen affairs!"

Qin Dewei smiled and said to Eunuch Qin: "What do you think, Eunuch Qin?"

Look at you being paralyzed! Eunuch Qin said angrily: "People call the palm seal the internal prime minister, and then take the exam to supervise hundreds of officials, I'm afraid he will be the real prime minister!"

This chapter has been completed!
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