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Chapter 813

Chapter 813 Not only Qingci

After Qin Dewei finished explaining the matters related to the examination, the ministers who came to attend the court meeting today dispersed.

The princes did not go to each government office separately, but all went out of the right gate of Chang'an and went home. Because now everyone is theoretically resigned, they can only go home and reflect behind closed doors.

In the past, the next step was just to wait for the imperial court's condolences. But now it is different from the previous practice. You must first submit your yamen affairs records and pass them at the Military Aircraft Department before you can be qualified for the consolations.

The only exception was Qin Dewei, who was not wearing official uniform. He left the Wenhua Hall and went directly to the Wenyuan Pavilion opposite.

After this morning, Qin Banqiao has become Qin Zhongtang again, and he can go back to Wenyuan Pavilion to go to work.

There were also two young eunuchs who helped and followed Qin Zhongtang with dozens of memorials in their hands.

When Qin Zhongtang stepped into his loyal Wenyuan Pavilion courtyard with vigorous steps, the people in the Zhongshushe who were coming and going were stunned, and they stood together in a daze, not knowing how to react.

Mainly because Qin Zhongtang hadn't appeared for a while, and now he suddenly appeared again without warning, catching everyone off guard.

They knew that there was a court meeting in the Wenhua Hall today, but the meeting had just ended and they had not received the news yet. Qin Zhongtang came across the street, running faster than the gossip.

Facing Qin Zhongtang, if you react wrongly, you will be doomed. Therefore, it is better to stand in a daze than react wrongly. This is called "I would rather not do it than make a mistake."

What’s more, Qin Zhongtang is still wearing plain clothes, like a prisoner, so is that right? Anyway, no one dared to ask, and they didn’t dare to bet.

It was not until Fang You, the chief secretary of Wenyuan Pavilion, hurriedly came out of the room and saluted Qin Zhongtang that the silence was broken.

Qin Zhongtang asked Fang Sheren loudly: "In the recent period, this Zhongtang has not been in charge of Wenyuan Pavilion. Is there any blind clown who has jumped into the trap?"

Fang Sheren quickly replied: "It's true not!"

Qin Dewei nodded with satisfaction, then waved to the door of the courtyard, and everyone saw two young eunuchs walking over holding a bunch of memorials.

Qin Dewei then ordered: "Put away all these chapters!"

Fang You asked doubtfully: "What memorials are these?"

Qin Zhongtang replied lightly: "These are the resignation letters of officials of the fourth rank and above in the imperial court to apologize for the recent disaster. The emperor ordered me to draw up votes and approve them."

Fang Sheren couldn't help but take a breath of air. Many magical things that people can't understand always happen to Qin Zhongtang.

Isn’t it the power of the cabinet to draft votes? Why did it fall into the hands of Qin Zhongtang this time? Moreover, these piles of resignation letters are all resignation letters. Is it appropriate to let Qin Zhongtang draft the comments?

Seeing that Fang Sheren was also stunned, Qin Zhongtang scolded: "What are you doing standing still! Quickly tell me and hand over the memorials, and then classify them according to the yamen, waiting for me to review!"

"Yes, yes!" Fang Sheren responded repeatedly, "The lower officials understand, just go in and sit in the middle hall!"

However, Qin Zhongtang waved his hand casually, "I won't go in today. I'll come back tomorrow!" Then with shocked eyes, he turned and left Wenyuan Pavilion.

Immediately, Qin Dewei left the palace all the way south and came to the administrative area in the southeast of the imperial city, where the Fifth Department, the Hanlin Academy and other major government offices were located.

Today, all the big bosses of rank four and above have resigned, which means that all government agencies have lost their chief officials. Qin Dewei can clearly feel that the atmosphere everywhere has become obviously cheerful and relaxed.

However, officials passing by were not surprised to see Qin Dewei. It was no longer news that Qin Zhongtang came here to patrol the streets.

It's a little different today. Qin Zhongtang is actually wearing the plain clothes of a prisoner. Is he being released from the prison?

Qin Dewei did not hang around in various ministries, but went straight to the Hanlin Academy.

To be honest, in the past two years, the emperor had been hiding in Xiyuan to cultivate immortality, and the relationship between the Ci minister and the emperor as his attendants gradually became alienated. The status of the Hanlin Academy also declined, and it became a real place of leisure.

The chain reaction was that Qin Zhongtang's appearances at the Hanlin Academy became less and less, and it was rare to go straight to the Hanlin Academy like today.

Like other government offices, the Hanlin bachelors who were in charge and held the title of Third-grade Minister all resigned and went home. It was like herding sheep in the Hanlin Academy.

Of course, in the eyes of Bachelor Qin, the Hanlin Academy is still in a state of herding sheep. Otherwise, how can it be called "Qinggui"? It is just a matter of loosening it up and tightening it up.

In the halls in the front yard of Hanyuan, except for the handymen, Qin Zhongtang saw no one, and then continued to walk to Keting in the backyard.

Sure enough, a group of Hanlin people were surrounding Ke Ting and talking loudly inside and outside. This is also an old tradition of the Hanlin Academy.

Walking closer, Qin Dewei discovered that these groups were vaguely centered on Guo Pu and Yuan Wei.

This society is such a reality. These two people wrote Qingci well and often went to Wuyi Hall to worship and write articles. In today's Hanlin Academy, they are considered to be relatively close to the emperor's Ci officials.

According to the rules of Ci ministers, the closer they are to the emperor, the higher their status! If the development continues according to the original historical trajectory, these two people will become two of the four new generation Qingci prime ministers in the future.

At this time, others have noticed Qin Zhongtang approaching like a ghost. Not only because Qin Zhongtang came quietly, but also because of the eye-catching plain white prison clothes on his body.

An experienced CI minister greeted him: "How come Scholar Qin is here?"

In fact, what everyone wants to ask more is, what is your identity now, Qin Dewei? Since you appear in the Hanlin Academy with this image, don’t blame everyone for overthinking it!

Qin Dewei did not respond to other people's doubts. Instead, he smiled at Guo Pu and Yuan Wei and said, "Guo and Yuan, why are you here instead of worshiping in Wuyi Hall?"

Guo Pu and Yuan Wei were speechless, is there any need to ask? Can’t you Qin Dewei see the reason?

Obviously, all the big guys who entered Zhi Wuyi Palace have resigned and returned home. What's going on with these two rookies, whose official positions are less than the fourth rank, staying in Wuyi Palace?

Qin Dewei shouted to Yuan Wei: "Senior asked me, why did you ignore it?"

Ci officials are very particular about their seniors. Even if they are a bachelor, they can only meet other people as seniors when they come to the Hanlin Academy.

Guo Pu and Qin Dewei were of the same age, and Qin Dewei couldn't show off to his senior, so he had no choice but to catch Yuan Wei and question him.

Yuan Wei had no choice but to answer: "The seniors have closed their doors and thought about themselves. How dare we juniors not know how to advance or retreat?"

So Senior Qin taught him a lesson: "Are you afraid of showing off in the forest and becoming the target of public criticism?

My opinion is exactly the opposite! It is precisely because there is no one in Wuyi Palace at this time that you should stay in case the Emperor calls you!

You don't think about whether the emperor needs offerings, but you only worry about your own fame and fortune. Isn't this the way to serve the emperor?"

Yuan Wei: "."

What does it mean not to speak human words? This is it!

Guo Pu, who was of the same age, still dared to speak and argued with Qin Dewei for a few words.

Qin Dewei suddenly realized, "Then I understand, so you are worried about being retaliated by Mr. Yan Ge!

This idea is simply ridiculous. Mr. Yan Ge has a broad mind. How could he be envious of talents and look down on the excellence of others?"

Guo Pu: "."

Please Qin Dewei, shut up! Stop talking!

Even if the two of them wrote poems for the emperor, they would never offend you, Qin Dewei!

If Wen Renhe and other antique-level old men were still there, there would still be people who could stop Qin Dewei from abusing his food, but these antique-level old men have all resigned and gone home.

Therefore, all the Hanlin officials stared at each other, but no one came out to stop Qin Dewei, because they didn't have the qualifications!

Then everyone became more and more confused, what on earth did Qin Zhongtang come to the Hanlin Academy for today? Why did he work so hard to criticize people when he came in?

Qin Dewei sighed, and suddenly encouraged Yuan Wei and Guo Pu: "The emperor is determined to cultivate mysteries and requires many manuscripts. The ministers who entered the Zhiwuyi Palace are old and have low energy!

Since you two have the opportunity to make Qingci offerings, you should be more diligent in the future and write more Qingci to share the responsibilities of your predecessors!

After all, if the Ci minister wants to get ahead, he can only rely on Qing Ci. You two are on the right path. Don’t let this opportunity go down!"

Qin Zhongtang's words sound completely fine in tone, and they sound very much like a senior boss encouraging the underachievers.

But everyone still feels strange. Is it true that the only way out for Hanlin is to rely on Qing Ci?

But the emperor was obsessed with cultivating immortality, and there was no way to advance in the Imperial Academy. Is there really no other way to advance except writing Qing Ci?

Qin Dewei ignored the Qing Ci duo, looked at the crowd again, pointed at Zhao Zhenji and Xu Gu, the junior duo of the same year, and said: "Actually, I came here today to find you two!"

Xu Gu said in surprise: "Do you want to invite us to have a drink in the spring? But the season has passed."

Qin Dewei suddenly changed his face and scolded: "Look what you are saying! Are you, Hanlin, an idle street gang?"

Xu Gu and Zhao Zhenji looked at each other in confusion. Did Qin Dewei take the wrong medicine today? Isn't idleness the norm in being a scholar?

Then I heard Qin Dewei say sadly: "It really disappoints me to see you two settling for the status quo and not making progress!

You both joined the government at the same year as me, and you are still mediocre now, which really makes me lose face!"

Xu Gu and Zhao Zhenji were both speechless. Who wants to compete with you? No matter who competes with you, it will be mediocre, okay?

Qin Dewei continued: "Look at you, you only rose to two levels after following me for the first three years to accumulate merit!

Later, after I faded out of the Hanlin Academy due to promotion, you accomplished nothing and stayed in the same place!"

Don’t slap people in the face when you hit them, don’t expose others when you scold them. Even if you are a younger brother, you still have dignity!

Besides, we can’t blame them for standing still. The main reason is that the general environment is not good. The emperor has neglected his ministers in the past two years, and most people in the Hanlin Academy are standing still!

So Zhao Zhenji became angry and said angrily: "Qin Banqiao, are you just here to insult us?

If you feel that you have given me some charity, the worst I can do is quit this official position and just resign and go back to my hometown!"

Qin Dewei responded: "Where did I go wrong? You can only make progress by following me!"

As he spoke, he secretly thought that this wave of PUA should be about the same.

First strengthen the inherent thinking of "only by following me can you make progress", and then just say "I recruit you to the military aircraft department", these Hanlin boys who have no way to rise will probably just bow down and bow!

Xu Gu and Qin Dewei were from the same hometown in Nanjing. He didn't have the courage to break up with Qin Dewei. While comforting Zhao Zhenji, he said to Qin Dewei: "Ah, yes, everything you said is right!"

Zhao Zhenji suddenly came to his senses and said to Qin Dewei: "From what you say, do you want to return to the Hanlin Academy?"

Others suddenly realized that this was what it meant!

No wonder Qin Dewei appeared here in prison clothes. He was probably demoted back to the Hanlin Academy! Only after he was demoted back to the Hanlin Academy could he say those words just now!

For most people, being associated with the Hanlin Academy is regarded as an honor and promotion, but for Qin Dewei, returning to the Hanlin Academy is a demotion!

That's why Qin Dewei looked so angry, scolding anyone he caught.

Partly because he was depressed, and partly because he entered the role in advance, even if Qin Dewei was demoted back to the Hanlin Academy, he would still be a bachelor in charge.

Thinking of this, Zhao Zhenji suddenly stopped being angry, and comforted Qin Dewei and said: "Qin Banqiao, ups and downs are common in the officialdom, so don't be impatient about it!

You see, isn’t it nice to see Xu Gu and I just stay where we are? Don’t worry, if you go back to the Hanlin Academy, with me, Zhao Zhenji, as your guarantee, no one will laugh at you!”

Qin Dewei: "."

Seeing that PUA was almost successful, the atmosphere suddenly changed.

We can't go on like this! Qin Dewei pulled Zhao Zhenji away and said to Xu Gu: "Go to the military aircraft office tomorrow!"

Xu Gu didn't react, "Why should I go to the military aircraft office?"

Qin Dewei replied: "I will second you to work for the time being and give you the title of working in the Military Aircraft Department!"

Going to the military aircraft office? Xu Gu was very happy. It was now a place with real power.

The key is to respond to various emergencies and dispatch various resources in the military aircraft department, which gives a sense of professional satisfaction in "key operations".

In any case, it is better than the Hanlin Academy, which has been lifeless in the past two years and has no prospects for improvement.

Xu Gu quickly asked: "If I go, what will I be responsible for?"

Qin Dewei: "The emperor has placed the resignation memorials of all officials of fourth rank and above in the military aircraft office. You were there to assist me in handling these memorials.

And this will be a long-term thing, you can keep doing it if you are interested."

No matter who hears such information, they will be shocked, and these Hanlins are no exception. Also, Qin Dewei was not demoted?

"I'll go!" Xu Gu's reaction finally became faster and he couldn't wait to say.

Qin Dewei repeated it again: "I just said that you can only make progress by following me."

The same words, hearing them now and hearing them just now, are completely different feelings for everyone!

What I heard just now was "past tense", and what I hear now is "continuous tense" or "future tense".

"That's not what you just said!" Zhao Zhenji was stunned for a long time. After coming back to his senses, he said sternly: "What Qin Banqiao just said was you, not you! So you are referring to Xu Gu and me.


Qin Dewei laughed and said: "There are too many affairs in the Military Aircraft Department, and I really can't handle them alone, so I plan to second a group of talented Hanlin to handle the affairs!"

Not only Xu Gu, everyone has a chance! I am here today to tell you this news!"

Hearing this, Keting burst into cheers from inside and outside!

When the ascending channel is increasingly blocked, suddenly hearing such news is like a rain of rain after a long drought, without a thunderstorm!

Not everyone is as shameless as Guo Pu and Yuan Wei to write Qingci Meishang!

For the first time, the Hanlin officials felt that Qin Dewei was so reasonable and considerate.

Although he is very talkative and does not give face to others, he can really get things done!

Qin Dewei, who was winning people's hearts, raised his hand and suppressed the cheers, "I have always believed that the way for a poet to be loyal to the emperor is not only Qingci, but also poetry and distant places!"

The two future Qingci prime ministers, Guo Pu and Yuan Wei, suddenly felt that they were isolated.

This chapter has been completed!
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