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Chapter eight hundred and thirteenth palace change

Popular Recommendations: Heaven’s Law of Punishment for Evil: The Sims’ Life Starting from the Destruction of the Pillar, Emperor’s Arrival, Hongmeng Beast Control: The pet beast is just for me to bond with

All kinds of unusual things immediately made Xu Miaojing highly nervous, but Queen Fang standing at the palace gate was actually even more nervous than Xu Miaojing.

In the Ming Dynasty, the queen was just a decoration most of the time. If you wanted to have a highlight moment, you usually had to wait until the emperor died and was promoted to the queen mother.

Most of the queens in the rest of the time were politically invisible. Empress Fang was no exception. She was the third empress of Emperor Jiajing. She was promoted to empress only a few years ago, and she is still only twenty-six or seventeen years old.

Before tonight, Empress Fang had never spoken to a foreign minister alone, let alone given instructions to a foreign minister. It was even unheard of to appear in front of a foreign minister, so she must have been nervous.

Of course, the most important reason that made Queen Fang nervous was the unprecedented change that had just happened in Renshou Palace.

Inside the Renshou Palace, there are a total of eight bedrooms. It is said to be a bedroom, but in fact it is an independent courtyard.

The empress and some favored concubines no longer live in the palace, and have moved to live in Renshou Palace with Emperor Jiajing, living in eight palaces inside Renshou Palace.

Originally, Emperor Jiajing was going to bed at Concubine Duan Cao's place tonight, so Empress Fang slept alone.

But just after midnight, a palace maid hurried to Empress Fang to report that Concubine Ning and more than a dozen palace maids were plotting to murder the emperor in the nearby palace.

Then Empress Fang immediately summoned all the maids and rushed into the nearby palace. Sure enough, she found a group of maids trying to strangle Emperor Jiajing to death.

Among these people, some held down the emperor's hands and feet, some pulled the rope around the emperor's neck, and some were responsible for blocking others at the door.

After a chaotic fight, Empress Fang finally snatched Emperor Jiajing away from the hands of the rebellious palace maid.

Fortunately among the misfortunes, Emperor Jiajing was still alive. However, his face turned purple and he fell into a deep coma, and he could not wake up no matter how he screamed.

After all, Empress Fang was just a 26-year-old palace lady. She didn't know what to do except calling the imperial doctor.

All she could think of was to quickly invite the eunuch in charge of the ceremony to take charge of the aftermath.

After all, in daily palace affairs, the ceremonial supervisor and the eunuch are equivalent to the role of the general manager or the chief steward.

Later, Queen Fang asked the palace maid to go out to deliver the message, but the official on duty outside did not believe it.

Under normal circumstances, the pro-military academy only obeys the emperor's orders, and it is impossible for a palace maid to just say something and instigate it.

So Queen Fang had no choice but to come forward in person and use her status as queen to personally issue orders to outsiders, so that she could have a little authority.

Xu Miaojing, the commander of the Jin Yiwei who was on duty tonight, stepped forward and bowed his head in salute. Although it was an unusual time, foreign ministers could not look directly at the queen.

Empress Fang repeated to Xu Miaojing: "Immediately go to the imperial physician and eunuch Zhang, the eunuch of the ceremonial department!"

After hearing the Queen's personal words, Xu Miaojing could tell that something must have happened in Renshou Palace, and it was the Emperor himself.

It can even be further judged that it was a very sudden incident and the emperor had no time to convey his will.

In fact, Xu Miaojing's political ambitions are not great. Whether something happens to the emperor or not, it will not have a fundamental impact on him.

As long as nothing happens to the emperor, he, as a royal guard trusted by the emperor, will continue to guard outside Renshou Palace conscientiously.

If something happened to the emperor in the Renshou Palace, he would go home to his wife and children and pass on the position of commander of the royal guards to the next generation.

No matter how the emperor changes, these worldly officials will still be worldly officials. So Xu Miaojing, from her own point of view, doesn’t need to be so attentive tonight.

But Xu Miaojing also knew that her brother-in-law Qin Dewei's prosperity and wealth were closely related to Emperor Jiajing, so she had to deal with it with great vigor.

The imperial physician who had no political attributes could be called first, and the rest still needed to be asked. Xu Miaojing first ordered one of his men to call for the imperial physician.

Then he lowered his head and continued the "cross-examination" of the other queen: "May I ask your Majesty, what happened in the palace?"

Queen Fang hesitated for a moment. She didn't know whether she should tell her. She just relied on instinct and subconsciously kept it secret.

He replied "

It is inconvenient for foreign ministers to know about the affairs of the palace, so please send someone to summon Eunuch Zhang first."

Xu Miaojing had been following Qin Dewei for so long, so it was impossible that he had not made any progress. He asked from a different angle:

"Why don't you see the emperor's edict? We, the soldiers, can only do things in the palace according to the edict! If there is no emperor's edict, and others forcefully instruct us to do things, it can also be regarded as a false edict!"

These words contained a few connotations, Empress Fang. Who knows if it was your empress who did something to the emperor, and then secretly spread the word about her actions?

Moreover, there was only Xu Miaojing outside the palace gate at this time, so Empress Fang could only say with a smile: "Your Majesty is suffering from an emergency, and there is no time to deliver the order! Therefore, the imperial physician was summoned to attend to the illness, and the eunuch Zhang, the eunuch of ceremonies, was summoned to take charge.


Xu Miaojing believed it tentatively, and after thinking about it, she replied: "Eunuch Zhang is in the palace, but the palace door is locked, and he can't get out at this time!"

Queen Fang said subconsciously: "What should we do?"

Xu Miaojing added: "Eunuch Qin, the eunuch of the Qin Dynasty who is also the supervisor of the East Factory, has his own house in Xiyuan. He doesn't have to go through the palace gate. He can be summoned immediately!"

Among today's great eunuchs, only Eunuch Qin and Huang Jinzhi are in Xiyuan, and the rest of the great eunuchs are still in the palace.

Therefore, Xu Miaojing's suggestion that Eunuch Qin could be called over immediately was not made up.

Empress Fang actually didn't have any fixed candidates. She just wanted to find someone who could help organize things immediately. She couldn't let her, the empress, step in for everything.

After hearing Xu Miaojing's suggestion, she agreed: "That's okay! Just go and summon Eunuch Qin!"

Xu Miaojing did not refuse at this time and asked his subordinates to guard the gate of Renshou Palace. Then he personally went to Eunuch Qin's direct room to summon someone.

At the same time, a close aide was sent to guard Xi'an Gate nearby. Once the Imperial City Gate was opened, he immediately went out to report the news to his brother-in-law.

After walking three to four hundred steps to the north, we arrived at Eunuch Qin's direct room. At this time, most people were still sleeping peacefully, and Eunuch Qin was no exception.

Uninvited guests unexpectedly broke the early morning peace and called Eunuch Qin out of the bedroom. Eunuch Qin, who always pays attention to appearance, didn't even have time to put on his coat.

The news that "the emperor suddenly had an accident and couldn't even convey his decree" was really shocking. Even Eunuch Qin, who was known for his quick thinking, was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses.

Eunuch Qin did not ask Xu Miaojing how many details he knew like ordinary people. Instead, he asked first: "Have you informed Huang Jin?"

Xu Miaojing replied: "I just want to tell the factory boss!"

Eunuch Qin then said: "Have you sent someone to wait at Xi'an Gate? As soon as the doors open at dawn, report the news immediately!"

Eunuch Qin did not say to whom he should report the news, but he knew that Xu Miaojing should understand.

Xu Miaojing replied: "It has been sent!"

Eunuch Qin nodded, put on his coat and hurried out: "Okay, let's go to Renshou Palace now!"

When Xu Miaojing went to call Eunuch Qin, she went alone, but when she came back, she not only brought back Eunuch Qin, but also a dozen of Eunuch Qin's followers.

Arriving at the gate of Renshou Palace, Qin Eunuch saluted Queen Fang and said, "My Majesty, don't be alarmed. I'm here to help you with everything. Please move to the palace to avoid losing your dignity!"

Queen Fang nodded and said, "I'd like to thank Eunuch Qin."

Immediately, Eunuch Qin ordered his followers: "You guys guard the entrances of each dormitory and are not allowed to enter or exit at will!"

Finally, the Queen asked, "Where is Your Majesty?"

Empress Fang then led Eunuch Qin to the palace. After snatching the emperor out of the hands of the rebellious palace maid, she carried him to the main hall of her palace.

After asking a few questions on the way, Eunuch Qin was able to judge that the emperor's trouble was probably not the "handiwork" of Empress Fang.

In the main hall of Wanchun Palace, the Queen's residence, Emperor Jiajing was lying on the dragon couch, his face turned purple, his teeth were clenched, and his whole body was stiff and motionless. If there was no breath under his nose, he might have been regarded as a corpse.


Eunuch Qin walked to the couch and sighed deeply. What does it mean to live for a long time? This is how to see for a long time.

A dignified 1995 Supreme Being was unexpectedly "retaliated" by the palace maids for abusing him and not taking precautions.

Looking through the history of Qing Dynasty, is there a second emperor like this? Is there a second incident where the palace maids united in a riot and then assassinated the emperor?

Looking at the unconscious Emperor Jiajing, Eunuch Qin fell into deep thought.

Others may have simple ideas, but he, Eunuch Qin, is destined to think in complex ways.

At this time, Dr. Li, who was also on duty at Xiyuan, arrived panting and immediately began to check.

Eunuch Qin dismissed the others, leaving only him and Empress Fang with Imperial Physician Li.

To be honest, Dr. Li dislikes such cases very much. If the diagnosis is good, it is a matter of course; if the diagnosis is not good, he is afraid that he will also be buried!

After Dr. Li's movements slowly stopped, Eunuch Qin asked: "Why do you only diagnose and not treat? Is it possible that you are afraid and would rather do nothing than take responsibility?"

Doctor Li quickly denied it and said: "That's not the case! The emperor's symptoms are called corpse syndrome in medical terms. They all rely on self-healing to wake up and cannot be cured by human power."

Eunuch Qin asked dissatisfiedly: "Self-healing? Can we just wait? How long should we wait?"

Dr. Li carefully explained: "There seems to be no symptoms other than coma, and there is no way to prescribe the right medicine to save him.

So if you can wake up within a few days, it means you have recovered. If you can’t wake up, then you are just afraid..."

"What's going on, tell me clearly!" Eunuch Qin shouted, "Now is not the time for you to hesitate and hesitate in your words!"

Dr. Li could only continue: "When a human body dies, its teeth and throat become stiff, and it is impossible to drink or eat if it cannot move.

Although it seems that he is still alive in the early stage, he may still die suddenly. Even if there is no sudden death for the time being, if things go on like this, without water and food, he will gradually lose his vitality."

When he heard this, Eunuch Qin understood.

The emperor will either wake up in the next two days or die. There are two types of death, sudden death and slow death.

In this way, Eunuch Qin ignored the imperial doctor and looked at Emperor Jiajing again, thinking about something in his mind.

Others may not believe it, but the person Eunuch Qin was thinking of at this time was not the emperor.

It seems that Qin Dewei had previously tried to instigate himself to persuade the emperor to treat the maids well? Could this be a coincidence? Or was Qin Dewei a man with destiny?

The sky was getting slightly brighter, and the gates of the imperial city began to open. Xu Miaojing had arranged that the people guarding the Xi'an Gate could go out to report the news.

Qin Dewei had a big fight with Mrs. Li last night and was asleep when he was woken up.

Hearing that someone came from Xiyuan on Xu Miaojing's order to report the news, Qin Dewei had no choice but to go to the front hall to meet the guests.

Qin Zhongtang, who didn't know the seriousness of the situation and was still yawning, was also stunned for a moment when he heard the news that "the emperor suddenly had an accident and couldn't even convey his decree."

Unlike others, Qin Zhongtang was not surprised that something happened to the emperor, nor was he wondering what happened.

Analyzing various signs and historical trends, Qin Dewei could immediately determine that a palace change had occurred.

But what surprised Qin Zhongtang was that the "Renyin Palace Incident" in history was supposed to happen next year, but in this time and space it was actually a year earlier! Even the name can't be called "Renyin"!

It can only be said that history has both inevitability and contingency.

Knowing that such a big thing had happened, Qin Zhongtang could not stay at home. He immediately changed his clothes and went out to Xiyuan.

Under normal circumstances, ministers cannot enter Xiyuan from Xi'an Gate at will, but cabinet ministers can, and Qin Zhongtang is the one who enjoys the treatment of cabinet ministers.

When he arrived at the gate of Renshou Palace, Qin Dewei found Xu Miaojing, who was exhausted after a sleepless night, and asked a few questions.

At this time, Qin Zhongtang was one of the first ministers to come. Then he followed the normal procedure and handed the book to Renshou Palace and requested to go in to see the emperor.

However, Qin Zhongtang did not wait for the order to let him in. Instead, he saw Eunuch Qin, the admiral of the East Factory, walking out from inside.

"Let's go and talk somewhere uninhabited." Eunuch Qin took the initiative to invite Qin Zhongtang.

Although Qin Dewei felt strange, he couldn't enter the Renshou Palace. Maybe he could get more information by dealing with Eunuch Qin, so he followed Eunuch Qin.

After walking a few steps eastward and exiting the Yinghe Gate, Eunuch Qin stood on the shore of Taiye Pond. There were very few people on the shore in the early morning. He had a wide field of vision and was not worried about anyone eavesdropping.

Qin Dewei asked impatiently: "How is the emperor's condition?"

Eunuch Qin informed Qin Dewei of Dr. Li's diagnosis, and then asked: "What do you think?"

Qin Dewei replied: "The emperor's auspicious appearance must be blessed by the gods! What else can I think? Just wait until the emperor wakes up from his coma!"

In the original history, Emperor Jiajing woke up, so Qin Dewei was a little worried if he said he was worried, and he was not worried if he said he was not worried.

As long as you don't die suddenly on the spot, anything is possible!

Eunuch Qin looked at the water of Taiye Pond and said calmly: "Don't you think that the death of the emperor is the most perfect result for you?"

Qin Dewei: "..."

The meaning of Eunuch Qin's words is completely beyond the scope of the time traveler's understanding!

Even with Qin Dewei's intelligence, he couldn't understand what Eunuch Qin meant and didn't know how to react correctly.

Why did Eunuch Qin say this? Why did Eunuch Qin dare to say this? Why could Eunuch Qin say this?

Also, is Eunuch Qin deliberately fishing to test people's hearts?

This chapter has been completed!
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