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Chapter 835: The Lonely Traveler

In the eyes of others, Qin Zhongtang, who seemed to have made a foolproof plan this time, finally made a mistake. After all, Qin Zhongtang still looked like a human being.

But for the "prescient" Qin Dewei, this is another huge "butterfly effect."

Just like Emperor Jiajing turning into a vegetative state, it was another thing that completely broke away from the original historical trajectory.

It is foreseeable that as Qin Dewei's influence on the world becomes greater and greater, there will be more and more such things in the future.

Speaking of the Japanese pirate problem, it can be said to have a long history in the Ming Dynasty. As early as the early Taizu and Taizong periods, Japanese pirates appeared along the coast, but they were not as violent as later.

In the original historical time and space, the Japanese pirates became more and more serious during the Jiajing Dynasty, and their causes and background were also very complex.

To elaborate, it involves the great development of global maritime trade, the Japanese civil strife, the mistakes of the Ming Dynasty's maritime policy, the smuggling interests of large coastal households, and even the personal paranoia of Emperor Jiajing.

The complex causes and backgrounds have also resulted in the composition of Japanese pirates being very complex. Akito pirates and Japanese pirates are not clearly mixed together.

As a time traveler, Qin Dewei certainly knows the complexity of the Japanese pirate problem.

And in this era, he is the only one who realizes the complexity of the problem, and he is the only one who thinks ahead to solve the problem. This is the loneliest place for a time traveler.

Therefore, Qin Dewei consciously began to improve policies from the time he took charge of the Yiwu Yamen.

His main purpose is to gradually eliminate some of the causes of the expansion of Japanese pirate disasters and avoid the huge damage caused by Japanese pirate disasters to the Southeast in history.

Even if sporadic Japanese pirates cannot be completely eradicated in a short period of time, they cannot be allowed to gradually evolve into a serious problem that plagues Southeast Asia in the next ten years.

Unexpectedly, an accident occurred during the execution.

At this moment, Mr. Yan Ge seemed to be ten years younger. He asked Qin Dewei, who was frowning in thought, tentatively: "Qin Zhongtang, what do you think about the Japanese causing chaos across the sea?"

Qin Dewei said while thinking: "This accident is both an accident and a certain inevitability.

Even if this accident did not occur, other accidents would have occurred. As long as the factors that caused Japanese pirates are still there and the nature of the Japanese people is still there, accidents are always possible.

But we can’t completely go to the other extreme just because an accident happened. The general direction should not change, and the court’s policies should not be disrupted first!”

Qin Dewei really spoke these words from the bottom of his heart. Unfortunately, due to cognitive limitations, no one could really understand them. Some political opponents even thought they were words to excuse themselves.

Tu Qiao, the censor of Zuodu, said angrily: "In your eyes, Qin Dewei, is this just an accident?

In my opinion, this earthquake in the southeast is no less than the Liu Liu Liu Qi rebellion that swept through Zhili during the Zhengde Dynasty! Are you, Qin Dewei, still indifferent?"

Wang Tingxiang, the Secretary of the Ministry of War, stood up and said: "Let's discuss the matter without going on the line first!"

Tu Qiao fired back: "It's not you, Henan, who is suffering!"

Everyone was a little speechless. Tu Zongxian's words were very low-level, and it was simply not something that a senior official in the imperial court could say.

But it’s understandable when you think about it. After all, if the Japanese rebel on a large scale, Tu Zongxian’s hometown of Ningbo will bear the brunt.

Qin Dewei stopped Wang Tingxiang from spraying back, and calmly said to Tu Qiao: "This time can really only be regarded as an accident.

And the occurrence of accidents does not mean that the general direction is wrong. During the implementation of any new policy, accidents may occur. We should not stop eating because of choking and do nothing because we are worried about accidents."

Everyone was a little uncomfortable, as if it was the first time they saw Qin Zhongtang speaking to Tu Zongxian in such a calm tone.

Normally, for some reason, Qin Zhongtang disliked Tu Zongxian and was extremely impatient. He would easily send Tu Zongxian away by saying, "Shut up, you newbie."

Tu Qiao added: "Even if it is an accident, someone must bear the responsibility!"

Qin Dewei replied: "The first responsibility is naturally that the Japanese people have a sinister nature. You can inform the Japanese country of this matter and let all other missions participating in the tribute come up with an apology plan!"

The second responsibility is the problem in Zhejiang. I predict that there must be some improper handling. At the moment, I don’t know where the responsibility lies. I will investigate and punish it next!”

Anyway, to Tu Qiao's ears, Qin Dewei's words were tantamount to abdicating all responsibility. "Then there are nine Japanese pirates with thousands of people on board, and they are causing harm to the southeastern coast! Can they put an end to the disaster with just one investigation?"

Qin Dewei scolded: "There are just thousands of bandits, but Tu Zongxian makes you panic like this?

I have no composure or any ideas when it comes to matters, I just complain here, I am no better than a newbie after one year in the court, please shut up first!"

When other people heard this, they felt that this was a familiar smell.

In Qin Dewei's eyes, compared with the disasters caused by Japanese pirates in the middle and late Jiajing Dynasty in history, this time was not that big.

But others didn't know the original history. In the eyes of contemporary people, this accident was already considered a big event.

Therefore, everything in the world has advantages and disadvantages. As a time traveler, you are not only aware of the advantages, but also have some disadvantages.

For example, if you predict a big disaster in the future and take measures to avoid it, others will often not understand it and will criticize you.

Therefore, everyone did not really understand Qin Dewei's thoughts. They only thought it was for the legendary Yinshan Mountain in Japan.

They will not understand Qin Dewei's series of long-term ideas to gradually eliminate the scourge of Japanese pirates, attack the maritime ban policy, open up the horizons of contemporary people, and expand overseas power.

Someone else stood up and questioned: "Qin Zhongtang, you are talking about other people's responsibilities. Don't you, Qin Dewei, have no responsibilities?

You drew up the strategy, and you issued the survey, so you don’t have to be responsible at all?"

Feeling lonely, Qin Zhongtang could only sigh and said: "It can only be said that the reform has entered a deep water area. It seems that we cannot just place our hope on top-level design and think that we can be in the middle of the court safely and issue a few new policies."

The harvest has been great, but it also requires strong implementation at the grassroots level!"

Mr. Yan Ge didn't think about the meaning of Qin Dewei's words. He was all thinking about how to use this incident to attack Qin Dewei.

Thinking of this, Mr. Yan Ge secretly felt pity. If Emperor Jiajing was still awake, he could directly dismiss Qin Dewei from office by making slanderous remarks or trying to anger the emperor, or force Qin Dewei to take the blame and resign.

But the emperor was in a coma at this critical moment! There was no absolute authority in the court who could forcibly sanction Qin Dewei!

Therefore, it is much more difficult to get Qin Dewei to step down, but the opportunity cannot be missed and must be tried.

After Tu Qiao had been flirting with Qin Dewei for several rounds, Mr. Yan Ge took the lead in directly blaming Qin Dewei and said, "If something like this happened, don't you have no responsibility?"

Qin Dewei, who was named, woke up from his deep thoughts and asked: "I would like to hear the details. Mr. Yan Ge might as well elaborate on it."

Yan Song continued: "If we had completely cut off all contacts with the Japanese country in accordance with the emperor's previous decree to cut off tribute, these things would not happen!

It just so happens that you, Qin Dewei, just to be new and surprising, lured the wolf into the house and caused disaster!"

Qin Dewei retorted: "It is also the emperor's will to resume the tribute trade with the Japanese country and issue a batch of exploration and cooperation!"

Yan Song: "..."

Your Majesty, you'd better wake up as soon as possible! Being in a coma like this is really delaying things!

Tu Qiao, the censor of Zuodu, was angry again, "Don't you feel guilty?"

Qin Dewei sighed deeply again. As a politician, even as a politician, how could he feel guilty? In other words, how could he show it?

Let alone indirect secondary responsibility, even if you really did something wrong directly, you cannot openly show guilt in front of your political opponents.

Once that happens, you are showing your weakest side to others, and the enemies will pounce on you like a shark smelling blood.

Therefore, coldness and cold-bloodedness are often the standard features of high-level politicians. Sometimes, this is also a protective shell to avoid being caught in their weaknesses.

Even if Mr. Yan Ge were in a similar situation, he would never admit his responsibility easily.

Not only will you not show guilt, but you will blame others! This is called focusing on the enemy and fighting from the outside!

Everyone heard Qin Dewei say: "I don't understand. After such a major accident happened, I don't think about how to solve the problem quickly, but instead get entangled in the minutiae. What's the point?

In the face of disaster, some people only know how to complain, and some people only know how to criticize others. How is this behavior different from internal strife?

The most important thing at the moment is not to come up with a response plan as soon as possible?

The urgent document has been delivered for a while, but the princes have fallen into a vicious circle of blaming each other, as if blaming their colleagues can make the Japanese pirates disappear, which makes me extremely disappointed!"

Mr. Yan Ge felt quite helpless. Logically speaking, Qin Dewei was unreasonable on this issue!

Moreover, Mr. Yan Ge is sure that 80% of the people in the palace will believe deep down that this "accident" has a certain connection with Qin Dewei, and Qin Dewei should bear some responsibility for it.

But what makes Mr. Yan Ge most helpless is that under Qin Zhongtang’s accumulated prestige, not many people stand up and speak out for justice!

Not only Qin Dewei’s party members, but also many neutral people also had a non-concerned attitude and did not even question Qin Dewei publicly!

Do these people have any sense of objectivity? We cannot treat Qin Dewei in such an unobjective manner just because he has made great contributions!

In this atmosphere of public opinion, it is really difficult to hold Qin Dewei "accountable" just because he, Yan Song, is making the noise.

Thinking of this, Yan Gelao retreated to the next best thing and said again: "The imperial court is three thousand miles away from Zhejiang. I don't know the specific situation. How can we accurately formulate a response plan?

Therefore, the most urgent task is to send important officials of the imperial court as imperial envoys to Zhejiang to direct the peace and chaos nearby!"

Qin Dewei also rarely agreed with Yan Ge Lao and said: "What you say makes sense. We should indeed send an imperial envoy."

At this time, Qin Zhongtang had already had the idea of ​​​​going to the southeast personally under the pretext of quelling the chaos.

Today, there are not only Japanese pirates in the Southeast, but also an alarming scale of maritime smuggling, land tax issues, and even modern diplomatic issues.

Many problems are new and unprecedented in the past dynasties. Qin Dewei does not believe that others can handle them well. History has proven that no one can really handle them well.

Moreover, going to the southeast to quell chaos is also a basis for establishing image and prestige.

The imperial court of the Ming Dynasty regarded the capital as the most important place. For a central leader like Qin Zhongtang, going to other places could be regarded as "relegation".

In the eyes of others, Qin Zhongtang was willing to accept "relegation" just to make up for his mistakes. This was a publicity opportunity for a bad thing to turn into a good thing.

Although there are various benefits, Qin Zhongtang has not made a final decision. He has now firmly established himself as the center and has real power. From an official perspective, there seems to be no need to make changes.

As long as he wants, he can continue doing it comfortably and enjoy the glory of being a high-ranking and powerful minister.

And the biggest question is, after I leave Beijing, what should my party members and political forces do?

It's not that Qin Dewei is arrogant, he feels that his party members are no match for Mr. Yan Ge. As long as he is not here, things will change within two months.

Therefore, Qin Dewei, who had always been decisive, was undecided. He didn't know what to choose for a while.

So everyone in the court found Qin Dewei, who was rarely quiet. After saying a few words, he stood there thoughtfully, not knowing what he was thinking.

Then Mr. Yan Ge continued: "To be responsible for this matter, the candidate for the imperial envoy must meet several conditions. First, he must be young and strong, otherwise he will not have enough energy to face the difficult situation in the southeast.

Second, the person must have the qualifications of a local governor, otherwise it will be difficult to be proficient in local affairs.

Third, you must have commanded a battle, or participated in quelling a rebellion, and have experience in leading and using troops. Otherwise, how can you wipe out the Japanese pirates?

Fourth, the person must have great influence in the court, so as to ensure smooth communication and not be constrained from doing bad things!"

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that these requirements of Mr. Yan Ge are basically tailor-made for Qin Dewei.

He is young and powerful, has served as governor, commanded battles or quelled chaos, and has great influence in the court. Who else but Qin Dewei can do this?

At this time, Qin Zhongtang suddenly added a few words: "This matter is of great importance, and the selection criteria for imperial envoys must be strict!

The four conditions proposed by Mr. Yan Ge are indispensable and must be met, otherwise you are not qualified to be an imperial envoy!"

Everyone wonders what kind of medicine Qin Zhongtang is selling again...

Mr. Yan Ge dug an obvious hole. You, Qin Zhongtang, couldn't have missed it. Logically speaking, you should have avoided it. Why did you jump down?

Yan Song was also a little confused, so he quickly said to everyone: "Please start recommending candidates!"

He is conspiring this time, and what he means by conspiring is that he is not afraid that you, Qin Dewei, will find out! Besides, this accident was caused by you, Qin Dewei, and you, Qin Dewei, are morally obligated to make things right!

Since you, Qin Dewei, have already said that you will recommend based on these four standards, then don’t blame others for being rude!

While Mr. Yan Ge was full of expectations, Qin Dewei suddenly said: "That's why I recommend virtuous people without avoiding marriage. Based on these four conditions, I think Governor Zeng of Liaodong can be this imperial envoy!"

Mr. Yan Ge: "..."

When will you, Qin Dewei, do something that makes others think you are a human being?

This chapter has been completed!
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