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Chapter eight hundred and forty seventh who is the most arrogant

At this moment, Queen Fang suddenly fell silent for a moment. Zhang Zuo thought that Queen Fang was weighing the gains and losses. In fact, Queen Fang remembered another analysis by Eunuch Qin last night.

Last night, Eunuch Qin also said that since Chen Hong entered Zhang Zuo's foreign residence, as long as Chen Hong was not kicked out again, he must have found a way to persuade Zhang Zuo to provide asylum.

The greatest value of Chen Hong is his knowledge of the Queen's inside story. Once Zhang Zuo chooses to accept Chen Hong, there is only one way the situation will develop.

Because it is impossible for Zhang Zuo to take in Chen Hong and wait for others to find him at the same time. After the news spreads, it is easy to fall into passivity and be accused by others of harboring the unclean Chen Hong.

Therefore, Zhang Zuo will definitely take the initiative to come to his door and seek political exchange in order to maximize his interests.

At this time, you can use the method of "leading the snake out of the hole" against Zhang Zuo, using retreat as advance to lure the enemy deeper.

What surprised Queen Fang was that so far, Eunuch Qin's prediction of the development of the situation was not bad at all, and Zhang Zuo's words and deeds were completely within Eunuch Qin's expectations.

After Empress Fang thought about it clearly, she asked directly: "Then let's ask Eunuch Zhang to make it clear how the case will be handled?"

In order to give the queen reassurance, Zhang Zuo also said clearly: "I heard that Dongchang has caught a criminal who shot the eucalyptus on the Ciqing Palace stile. If I take over, I will only punish the real murderer himself."


This means that, in terms of the case itself, we only want to track down the specific culprit, and then kill him or her to silence others, without implicating others.

And Zhang Zuo's real purpose was to go to Eunuch Qin. The first thing was to take back the power of execution from Eunuch Qin. How could Eunuch Qin take it away in the first place, how could he give it back now.

The second is to seize the opportunity to accuse Eunuch Qin of harboring the perpetrator of the Ciqing Palace sill attack.

"That's all, let me go as you please." Queen Fang finally sighed.

Zhang Zuo was secretly pleased and reminded him, "Please write the decree in your hand."

When there is no basis for mutual trust, the promise cannot just be made verbally, there must always be a written document as proof.

Empress Fang stopped talking nonsense and wrote a note. Zhang Zuo read it and found no problem, so he put it away and left.

What needs to be done next is to take the Queen's decree and go to Dongchang to collect the texts, evidence, prisoners, etc. related to the eucalyptus attack.

But Zhang Zuo, as the chief eunuch and chief eunuch, could not do such errands, let alone lower his status and go to the East Factory to find Eunuch Qin.

However, Zhang Zuo was worried if others were allowed to go. After much deliberation, he found his godson Zhou Yi and ordered Zhou Yi to go to Dongchang to receive the documents with the Queen's decree.

In Zhang Zuo's opinion, going to Dongchang as Zhou Yi was not a grievance, and he could represent his own attitude, so he was the most suitable candidate.

When he heard that he was going to Dongchang to find Eunuch Qin, Zhou Yi knew that this matter was not simple. How could the interaction between Eunuch No. 1 and Eunuch No. 2 be simple?

So Zhou Yi asked again: "My child, what attitude should I take towards Qin Fu?"

Zhang Zuo instructed without hesitation: "Use the most arrogant attitude, be as arrogant as you want!"

Zhou Yi: "..."

He was usually taught that people in the palace should be low-key and humble, and not easily offend others.

Why did it happen the other way around today? And he was asked to be arrogant to Qin Fu, who was in charge of the East Factory. Could it be that his godfather no longer loved him and wanted him to die?

Zhang Zuo explained: "This moment, the other moment, now I need you to show your arrogance in front of Qin Fu. If you can provoke Qin Fu to resist the decree, it will be a real great achievement!"

Although the queen was unanimously elected to preside over palace affairs, the queen was not the emperor after all, and the decree she wrote was not an imperial decree. As long as Qin Fu became ruthless, it was not impossible to resist the decree.

Although Zhou Yi always felt that this task was not a good one, and if it was not done well it would become a trap, but the key was that he was still the one who suffered the consequences.

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But his godfather was God, and Zhou Yi had no room to refuse the instructions given by his godfather. So he could only immediately take a dozen people to Dongchang to handle the matter.

Given Zhou Yi's status, it is of course impossible for him to have more than a dozen followers around him. These were all sent by Zhang Zuoyi to give Zhou Yi a boost of momentum, and at the same time to demonstrate to Dongchang.

There was no talking all the way. After leaving the palace gate and then Dong'an Gate, we arrived at Dongchang.

Zhou Yi reported the origin of his name and wanted to see the factory owner, Eunuch Qin, but there was a rumor that he could not see him.

Remembering his godfather's teachings, Zhou Yi led a dozen people and rushed inside.

Fanzi, who was guarding the gate, saw a group of eunuchs, including seemingly high-status eunuchs, and did not dare to stop them, so he placed them outside the second gate.

Dozens of people finally gathered here and stopped Zhou Yi and his group. If a dozen people could just break into the interior of Dongchang, then Dongchang would really be a joke.

Zhou Yi was outside the second door and shouted arrogantly to the door: "Qin Fu, come out! This is the Queen's decree, asking you to hand over the truss to hit the eucalyptus. Will you accept it or not?"

Anyway, I have delivered the decree, and there is no use hiding it! I advise you to be aware of the current situation, and come out obediently to receive the decree, so as not to give you face!"

After shouting a few words, Eunuch Zhou Yizhou suddenly felt refreshed. How many people in the world dare to criticize the factory official like this at the gate of the East Factory?

I couldn't help but ask the people around me: "Was my performance just now arrogant? Was it domineering? Does it mean that I am a godfather?"

The two sides clapped together and said, "Who dares to stand upright in the East Factory? Only Mr. Zhou, the Clerk of the Supervisor of Ceremonies!"

Before he finished speaking, someone suddenly shouted: "Eunuch Qin, come out! If you dare to let the stile out, don't you dare to see me!"

If you accept money but do nothing, you cannot satisfy the Queen Mother and ruin my major affairs, I will never let it go!"

Zhou Yi is unhappy, who dares to steal his limelight?

Looking sideways, he turns out to be a young official. If he doesn't look closely, who is Qin Dewei and Qin Zhongtang who he hasn't seen for several days?

After looking at the more than 20 big men behind Qin Zhongtang, Eunuch Zhou felt dissatisfied again and asked: "Why is Qin Zhongtang here?"

Qin Dewei replied: "Just now, I was selecting the imperial soldiers outside Dong'an Gate. I happened to see you and others rushing into the East Factory, so I followed you in to see the excitement. Don't pay attention to me, you continue, continue."

Suddenly a sharp and piercing bamboo whistle sounded from nowhere. Qin Zhongtang reacted the fastest, turned around and ran quickly, and rushed out of the east factory gate with several of his men in the blink of an eye.

Before Eunuch Zhou Yizhou, who was standing outside the second door, could react, he saw more than a hundred Dongchang fans pouring out from all directions, and the exit door was also blocked.

The middle door of the second door opened, and Eunuch Qin appeared inside. He glanced at Zhou Yi and others calmly and asked, "Who was yelling here just now?"

A fan came forward to report a few words. Eunuch Qin nodded and said to Zhou Yi: "There is a way to heaven but if you don't take it, if there is no door to hell and you insist on breaking through, then it will be granted to you!"

Then he ordered: "Take it down and imprison him! First hit him with a hundred killing sticks!"

Even though Zhou Yi was mentally prepared to use cruel tricks on his godfather, the limit he could think of was to be beaten and thrown out. At most, he would be stripped of his clothes and humiliated. What else could he do?

How can I put it this way? He, Zhou Yi, was the godson of the godfather of the Chief of Ceremonies. He was a eunuch in the clerk's office of the Supervisor of Ceremonies with a certain rank and status. He was equivalent to the Hanlin among the courtiers, and he was also considered a respectable person in the palace.

But he didn't expect that Eunuch Qin would directly arrest people and imprison them. This behavior completely exceeded the bottom line and showed no respect for justice!

It's like the Minister of War and the Minister of Punishment in the civil service, using force to arrest an Hanlin.

And of this nature, it is no different than kidnapping the opponent's relatives as hostages. If palace battles were played like this, there would have been a big avalanche!

What's even more terrible is that if you are thrown into a prison after being beaten with a killing stick, if you are seriously injured and cannot be treated, you will lose half your life even if you don't die, and then you will be disabled for life. This is the worst thing.

When Zhou Yi was in a hurry, a sentence subconsciously popped up in his mind and he shouted: "The two countries are at war without killing each other!"

Eunuch Qin said contemptuously: "Are you worthy of calling the envoy?"

Zhou Yi wanted to say something else, but wolves and tigers from both sides had already swarmed up to Zhou Yi, holding him down and dragging him away.

Zhou Yi shouted again: "Qin Dewei was yelling just now!"

Someone immediately blocked Zhou Yi's mouth, and he hesitated for a while, unable to even scream.

Just now, he thought that his godfather asked him to act arrogant, and he thought he acted pretty well, but now he realizes that Eunuch Qin is really arrogant, completely ignoring the bottom line and rules!

Moreover, he openly bullied the weak and feared the strong. He did not dare to arrest Qin Dewei!

Then Eunuch Qin looked at the remaining dozen people and saw that there were no big fish, so he waved his hand and scolded: "Everyone, get out!

Go back and tell Zhang Zuo that you will never have this godson from now on! If you have the ability, just come and ask for someone. If you don’t have the ability, don’t just send someone to be verbose."

Most of these dozen attendants were on duty with Zhang Zuo, the eunuch in charge of the ceremony. At this time, they were blasted away by eunuch Qin. Of course, they could only crawl out of the East Factory, and then quickly ran back to the palace and asked

Zhang Zuo reported back.

When Eunuch Zhang heard the news, he immediately became furious, smashed the teacup in his hand, and cursed repeatedly.

The dozen or so people who escaped looked at each other in confusion. At first, Eunuch Zhang wanted to anger Qin Fu, but judging from the final result, Qin Fu didn't seem to be angry, and it was Eunuch Zhang who got angry.

If you follow the rule that whoever gets angry first loses, I'm afraid that your side's momentum will not be good.

While Eunuch Zhang was angry, he was also extremely surprised. As he said, no normal person would have thought that Eunuch Qin would do something like this.

It's normal to beat him up and rush back, but what does it mean to "treat him as if he doesn't have this godson from now on"? You, the eunuch of Qin, will resist the order if he resists the order. What does it mean to kidnap someone else's godson as a hostage?

This is simply lawless. Do you really think that since the emperor can't control things, no one can cure you, Qin Fu?

Moreover, this is a palace fight, where intelligence and scheming are compared, so what does using force mean? Do you, Qin Fu, think that others don’t have force?

In fact, at this point, Eunuch Qin had already done everything, completely blocking any room for maneuver, leaving Zhang Zuo on the other side with no choice.

As a eunuch in charge of the ceremony, he has his own face and dignity. If you still want to rely on "negotiation" or use a third party as an intermediary to solve the problem, you will only be regarded as weak.

This price is something Zhang Zuo cannot bear. Once he is seen as a weak person, he will probably attract many people to covet him, which is simply impossible to guard against.

Since there was no other choice, Zhang Zuo made a decisive decision and told his entourage: "Take the pass and go to the Warrior Camp to mobilize 200 people and go to Dong'anmen to listen to you!"

The warrior battalion here refers to the Imperial Guards. They do not belong to any personal guards. The establishment is under the jurisdiction of the Royal Horse Supervisor. They are only responsible for guarding the gates of the palace. It is considered a force that the eunuchs can directly control.

According to the usual practice, the imperial eunuch has a palm eunuch and an admiral eunuch, and the admiral eunuch is responsible for the imperial guards.

Originally, Huang Jin served as the admiral eunuch, but after Emperor Jiajing fell into coma, Huang Jin was willing to stay by the emperor's side, so Zhang Zuo took over the guard of the imperial guards.

Without further ado, every minute of revenge, the eunuch's face will be lost.

So after Zhang Zuo gave the order, he went out in person and immediately went to Dong'an Gate, where he waited for the forbidden troops to gather.

Originally, Zhang Zuo wanted to mobilize more forbidden troops, but he was wary of being criticized for being evil, so he did not dare to mobilize on a large scale. Only 200 people were mobilized.

If it was just to go to Dongchang to regain face, two hundred people should be enough. After all, the selected Imperial Guards were very strong and their combat effectiveness was higher than that of Dongchang Fanzi.

Not long after, tensions immediately broke out in front of the Dongchang Yamen Office outside Dong'anmen.

On one side are the Dongchang fans commanded by the eunuch who oversees Dongchang, and on the other are the Imperial Guards commanded by the eunuch who oversees rituals. The two sides have no intention of negotiating and are facing each other, refusing to give in.

The two sides are approaching each other, with only a dozen steps away. The situation is extremely tense and the battle is about to break out. If there is a slight disturbance, it may lead to a big melee.

Suddenly, a figure swayed in the corner of the wall in the distance, and someone stood at the corner and shouted: "I am Wan Jun, the commander of the Dongcheng Army and Horses Division! I heard a report that someone gathered here to fight!"

Zhang Zuo, who was standing at the back of the formation, turned back and glanced coldly, yelling: "Get out!"

Eunuch No. 1 and Eunuch No. 2 are fighting here. What can you do if you, a small Dongcheng military commander, are in charge?

Commander Wan Junwan in the corner shrank his neck in fear and quickly disappeared from the alley.

Zhang Zuo returned his attention to the front and said to the Qin eunuch opposite: "Qin Fu, you dare to disobey the queen's order and detain Zhou Yi who sent the order without authorization. You are simply crazy. I advise you to do it yourself.

If you recognize the truth, let the person go first, and then plead guilty on your own, this is your only way out."

Eunuch Qin seemed to have heard the best joke and couldn't help but look up to the sky and laugh "haha".

Zhang Zuo couldn't help but shouted: "Why are you laughing!"

Eunuch Qin pointed at Zhang Zuo and replied: "I laugh..."

Suddenly, the harsh sound of a gong sounded from the corner not far away, directly interrupting Eunuch Qin's answer.

A large group of officers and soldiers emerged from the corner. Then, surrounded by officers and soldiers, Qin Dewei and Qin Zhongtang appeared from the corner and shouted to the crowd in front of the Dongchang Yamen Office:

"Just now, the main hall was selecting soldiers at the Dongcheng Primary School, and suddenly the Dongcheng Military and Horse Division asked the main hall for urgent help!

Now, we have been authorized by the Dongcheng Military and Horse Division to declare reasonably and legally that you have been surrounded by thousands of officers and soldiers. Putting down your weapons and surrendering is your only way out!

Everyone squat down! Everyone squat down! Otherwise the bows and arrows on the roof will have no eyes!"

Eunuch Qin: "..."

What's the matter with you here?

At this time, Zhang Zuo's long followers finally understood who was the most arrogant person.

This chapter has been completed!
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