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Chapter 851 The difference between six years and thirteen years

In fact, after the meeting at Ciqing Palace today, the busiest person was not the old Qin Zhongtang of Yan Pavilion, but the Qin eunuch who had gained a lot.

There was a large amount of loot that he needed to receive, so he was naturally much busier than others. After leaving Ciqing Palace, Eunuch Qin immediately went to the clerk's office of the Superintendent of Liturgy.

The Si Li Supervisor is a very large yamen, with many subsidiary departments below it. Even in theory, the Dongchang is also a subordinate of the Si Li Supervisor, and is on the same level as the Economics Factory and so on.

But the clerk's room is the core place of the Supervisor of Ceremonies. First, the process of internal and external memorials must go through the clerk's room. The Supervisor of Ceremonies, Bingbi, and the eunuch read the memorials and approved the memorials on their behalf here.

Second, the little eunuch who works as a clerk in the clerk's office has a status similar to that of a Hanlin among civil servants, and has a high probability of becoming a big eunuch in the future.

Therefore, after Eunuch Qin was appointed as the eunuch in charge of etiquette and seal, he immediately went straight to the most critical place, the clerk's room, and summoned all the eunuchs holding pens.

Eunuch Qin took out the roster in the clerk's room of the Supervisor of Lis, but did not touch the other eunuchs Bingbi, not even Bao Zhong, who almost competed with him for the position of palm seal.

But he named all the disciples and grandsons of Zhang Zuo's disciples, and then removed them from the clerk's office of the Secretary of Ceremony.

As the biggest political opponent of Zhang Zuo, the former palm printmaker, and having controlled Dongchang for many years, Eunuch Qin knew all about Zhang Zuo's situation.

Many eunuchs have a habit of recognizing their sons and grandsons in the palace, and Zhang Zuo is also the same.

The Qin eunuch drove Zhang Zuo's disciples and disciples out of the clerk's room of the Li Supervisor, firstly to establish his authority, and secondly to cut off the political future of these people and eliminate potential future troubles.

Even though the new palm prints were being sorted out in the clerk's office of the Supervisor of Ceremonies as quickly as possible, by the time the preliminary work was completed, it was already dusk.

Eunuch Qin sighed, today is an unprecedentedly busy day, and the rhythm changes so quickly that it is dizzying.

In the morning, they had an armed confrontation with Zhang Zuo outside the Dongchang Gate. At noon, they had a battle of wits and courage in Ciqing Palace. In the afternoon, they were reorganizing the clerk's office of the Supervisor of Ceremonies.

But Eunuch Qin had no time to sigh, because he couldn't stop and had something to do in the evening.

So before the imperial city gate was locked, Eunuch Qin left the imperial city through Xi'an Gate and went straight to the outer house of Zhang Zuo, the former eunuch of the ceremonial department.

During the discussion at Ciqing Palace today, when Zhang Zuozai suddenly fell into internal and external difficulties, under Qin Dewei's friendly persuasion, he chose to resign voluntarily, and then returned to his outer house to wait for the final result.

We have a big family and a big business, so we can't escape by running away. And at such an old age, we can't live a life of escape.

Therefore, as the losing party in the political struggle, all Zhang Zuo can do is to wait quietly for the verdict of the winner.

When Eunuch Qin came in, he saw Zhang Zuo sitting in the front hall, wearing ordinary household clothes, like a rich man.

There was no point in the pleasantries, and Eunuch Qin did not hesitate, and directly stepped forward and began to announce his "handling opinions."

"First, it is not suitable for you to continue living here in the future. If you want to retire, you should move to the Xishan Temple or a Taoist temple outside the city." Eunuch Qin said.

Zhang Zuo's residence is located outside Xi'an Gate and is too close to the Imperial City and Xiyuan, so the Qin eunuch said that Zhang Zuo was not suitable to continue living here.

Moreover, at that time, the great eunuchs had a habit of being the main benefactors of places such as temples and Taoist temples in the capital. Many temples were simply built with the money of the eunuchs, and when they retired in old age, they would go to temples and Taoist temples to live in seclusion.

Although he was kicked out of the mansion, Zhang Zuo secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he would not be killed.

He won't send himself to Nanjing or Fengyang to grow vegetables. His old bones really can't stand such a torment.

Eunuch Qin continued to announce the second clause, "You must hand over the deeds of all the embezzled fields and you shall not retain any property.

But you can take away the gold and silver treasures accumulated around you for your future retirement."

This made Zhang Zuo very surprised. He thought that his house would be completely ransacked, but with the ruthlessness of Eunuch Qin, he would definitely do it.

Unexpectedly, Eunuch Qin was willing to leave gold and silver treasures to himself so that he would not die in poverty.

"Are you trying to stay a secret so that we can meet each other in the future?" Zhang Zuo couldn't help but ask.

Eunuch Qin avoided answering and said perfunctorily: "Just say so."

The only variable now is probably Emperor Jiajing. Zhang Zuo has been serving as the Chief of Ceremonies and Eunuch for ten years, so of course he is also someone whom Emperor Jiajing trusts.

If Zhang Zuo hangs up and the emperor wakes up later and hears that his old friend Zhang Zuo was killed, who knows if the emperor will be angry about it?

After that, Eunuch Qin had a third item, "Hand over Chen Hong. This is the empress's special request."

Zhang Zuo has no idea about this. Now that he has been completely defeated, he can't even save his most valued godson Zhou Yi. What does Chen Hong mean?

Finally, Zhang Zuo said: "Although I shouldn't have any wrong thoughts, there is one thing I want to ask Eunuch Qin to report to you.

I have a nephew who has been granted the title of Imperial Guard of the World. If possible, please keep him so that he can offer incense to me in the future."

Eunuch Qin nodded and agreed, "Okay."

An ordinary military attache really couldn't make much trouble, so Eunuch Qin didn't mind doing one more good deed in exchange for Zhang Zuo's safe pension and a smooth transition as the Supervisor of Ceremonies.

Apart from that, Zhang Zuo had nothing else to ask for. He immediately packed away the gold and silver, then left the outer house, leaving everything else here to Eunuch Qin, including Chen Hong, who was under house arrest.

After Zhang Zuo accepted Chen Hong the night before, he put Chen Hong under solitary house arrest in the cross-yard.

With such a lack of information from inside and outside, Chen Hong still didn't understand what happened, until Eunuch Qin appeared in front of him. Only then did Chen Hong realize that it was really going to be over.

"Why is this?" Chen Hong asked angrily.

If others hear this sentence, they will definitely feel that it has no beginning and no end, and they will not understand which "why" is being asked.

But Eunuch Qin must have understood, and what he asked was "Why was his loyal Chen Hong abandoned by the queen?"

However, Eunuch Qin didn't want to waste his words on the dying man, so he just said: "It's already here, and you're still asking why. You deserve to end up like this."

Then he said: "You can choose for yourself, should you end it on your own, or should I send you on your way?"

For Eunuch Qin, the dead Chen Hong is the best Chen Hong. First, because Chen Hong knows the secret of Queen Fang;

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The second reason is that the schism between Chen Hong and Empress Fang was deliberately caused by eunuch Qin, who even took advantage of the empress.

If Chen Hong, the person involved, suddenly figured out the truth and shouted out it, he would be embarrassed in front of Empress Fang, and at least one unfavorable seed would be planted.

Therefore, Chen Hong must die, and die as soon as possible, so as to avoid future troubles.

Seeing Chen Hong who was still unwilling to die, Eunuch Qin finally became impatient. He waved his hand and asked several of his followers to come forward and hold Chen Hong down, and forcefully drank the poison.

Eunuch Qin was polite to the loser Zhang Zuo. That was not the norm in palace fighting. His treatment of Chen Hong was the real palace fighting.

After dealing with Zhang Zuo and Chen Hong, it was already late at night, and Eunuch Qin finally felt tired.

This hasty and busy day was finally over, and Eunuch Qin went back to his outer house to rest.

The next day, Eunuch Qin got up early in the morning and hurriedly entered the palace to continue receiving.

Yesterday, we were short of time, so we only reorganized the most important and core document room. Today, we have to inspect various departments of the Secretary of Ceremonies to further expand, deepen, and consolidate.

As a ceremonial eunuch who took office in a hurry, he must grasp the situation in the shortest possible time in order to be worthy of the trust of his superiors and subordinates.

Eunuch Qin felt as if he had forgotten something, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

At about noon, Eunuch Qin passed by Zuoshun Gate and saw ministers presenting memorials there, and others delivering passionate speeches in Kang.

Looking at these ministers, Eunuch Qin asked the attendants on his left and right very sensitively: "What's going on?"

Zuoshunmen is the hub for collecting memorials in the palace, and eunuchs from the Clerk's Office of the Supervisor of Rites are permanently stationed here. Immediately, a senior officer followed over and called someone over to explain the situation.

The eunuch in the clerk's office was not nervous at all, and reported: "I heard that I am going to attend court tomorrow, and these civil servants are here to submit memoranda to dissuade me. They also want to request an audience and advise me in person."

Eunuch Qin felt relieved now. This was just a show of strength between the minister and the Queen Mother, and had little to do with their eunuchs. He just wanted to watch the excitement.

To put it into detail, it was Qin Dewei who caused this trouble. He just deliberately deceived the Queen Mother for the sake of Shang Fangjian.

Anyway, Qin Dewei will leave tomorrow, so even if there is a fuss all over the place, it has nothing to do with him.

Wait! Eunuch Qin suddenly slapped his forehead when he thought of this! He finally remembered what he had forgotten!

Yesterday, after Queen Mother Zhang was deceived by Qin Dewei, she publicly promised to give Shang Fang Sword and said she would do it herself!

After all, issues concerning the ritual system in the palace are under the supervision of the Supervisor of Ceremonies, and the new system of bestowing Shang Fangjian requires more research by the Supervisor of Ceremonies.

Qin Dewei is leaving tomorrow, and it's already afternoon today, and he hasn't sent out the Shang Fang Sword yet!

Eunuch Qin looked up at the sun. There was not much time to waste, and he quickly gave a series of instructions to the people around him.

"You first go to Fengzhou Boqin Mansion in Wugong Hutong and inform Qin Dewei in advance that Shang Fangjian is coming soon and prepare to receive the gift!"

"Go outside the Meridian Gate and organize the guard of honor and the colorful pavilion!"

"You go and draft the imperial edict, and then use the treasure!"

"Follow me to get the sword!"

Fortunately, many things in the palace are prepared all year round. For example, the Imperial Guard School is stationed outside the Meridian Gate and is responsible for errands such as delivering decrees. There are also common ceremonial guards placed in the gallery. All it takes is to mobilize resources.

The followers responded and left, each going about his or her own business.

Finally, when the sun turned to the west, we were almost ready. Then we placed the royal sword in the colorful pavilion, and led by Eunuch Qin, we carried it to Wugong Alley.

Time was a bit tight, and the pace of the honor guard was also a bit hasty.

After arriving at Wugong Hutong, the Qin Mansion, which had been prepared long ago, opened the middle door and let Caiting be carried to the main hall in the front yard.

Now that the Qin Mansion has received more orders, and has become proficient in various etiquettes, there is no need to teach them a day in advance.

After the ceremony, Qin Dewei finally got the Shang Fang Sword that he had longed for. Without having time to take a closer look, he politely invited Eunuch Qin to sit down and drink tea.

This time Eunuch Qin did not refuse. After sitting down, he asked casually: "How do you feel about being awarded the Shang Fang Sword?"

Qin Dewei replied a little dissatisfied: "I feel hungry from morning till night."

Eunuch Qin would not admit that he would make mistakes anyway, and responded: "Anyway, I sent Shang Fangjian here, it doesn't matter whether it's sooner or later!"

Qin Dewei continued to say dissatisfiedly: "The sword-giving ceremony is almost exactly the same as the imperial edict ceremony, except that the imperial edict in the Caiting is replaced by a royal sword. Could it be that the people in the palace are lazy?"

Eunuch Qin pretended to be stupid and asked: "Why are you being lazy? Didn't I work hard to bring you the sword? It's true, it's guaranteed to be the imperial Shang Fang sword."

Qin Dewei complained: "This is the gift of Shang Fangjian! It's the first time in the Ming Dynasty for more than a hundred years! Shouldn't it be treated with great ceremony?

As a result, there is no innovation at all in the system, and it is no different from ordinary imperial edicts. How can we motivate the ministers? How can we highlight the majesty of Shang Fangjian?"

Eunuch Qin almost blurted out "Do you love me or not?", but he still held it back and changed the subject:

"For you, going to the southeast is definitely not as comfortable as being in the capital. Are you really ready?"

Qin Dewei looked at the scabbard inlaid with gold and jade, resisted the urge to pull it out and tried the sword, and replied casually:

"Of course I am ready. I have been preparing for this since the first day I became an official. It can even be said that I have been preparing for this since eleven years ago."

Eunuch Qin didn't know how to evaluate this sentence. He said it was bragging, but he was so serious and didn't sound like nonsense. But he said it was the truth. Who believed that Qin Dewei could predict the big Japanese pirates eleven years ago?

He also reminded: "There are many well-dressed nobles in the southeast, and the interests among them are complicated and intertwined. Maritime smuggling is rampant. Those wealthy families often have two sides and are very difficult to deal with."

Qin Dewei raised Shang Fang's sword and said in a somewhat neutral tone: "My sword is not bad at all!"

At this moment, bursts of cheers suddenly came from the backyard, and the sound waves reached the front hall layer by layer.

Before Qin Dewei could ask questions, a maid stumbled into the front hall door and shouted: "She's given birth! Madam has given birth! It's the young master!"

No wonder there was such a huge cheer from the backyard. This was the eldest son of the entire Qin family. He was also the eldest grandson of the eldest son from the previous generation, and he was also the future uncle of Fengzhou.

Qin Dewei, who was already the father of several children, sat calmly and did not move, but Eunuch Qin subconsciously stood up.

Qin Dewei said to Eunuch Qin calmly: "Shouldn't you do something?"

Eunuch Qin was a little excited. Could it be that Qin Dewei wanted him to take a look at this Qilin'er who was destined to be born with a noble stomach?

Thinking about it, he quickly replied: "What do you think I can do?"

Qin Dewei reminded: "On the occasion of the birth of my legitimate son Lin'er, my flesh and blood are about to be separated and I have to travel three thousand miles away. Shouldn't the imperial court give me some recognition and reward?"

And you, the Supervisor of Ceremonies and the eunuch in charge of printing, have happened to have this incident, shouldn't you report it to the court so that the court knows that I have done something good for the country regardless of my family?"

Eunuch Qin: "..."

This horse-riding man finally understood how he could climb to the top of his career in just six years.

It also took Qin Fu thirteen years to go from entering the palace to becoming the admiral of Dongchang, which is similar to Qin Dewei's current position!

This is the difference between six years and thirteen years, I am ashamed of myself!

This chapter has been completed!
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