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Chapter 855 Can only be called the shogunate

After the court dismissed today, although Mr. Yan Ge returned to Wuyi Hall, he was completely uninterested in dealing with official duties. His thoughts were all in the East Chao Room outside the Meridian Gate.

According to the detective report, Qin Dewei has arrived at Dezhou at the junction of Zhili and Shandong. It seems that he will not fight back, so it is a good time to launch an attack today.

Although changing your office location may seem like a small thing, it is a valuable first step.

Some of his subordinates kept passing on the news about the Dongchao Fangting meeting, until finally, Mr. Yan Ge heard the news he wanted to hear most, and everything was settled!

Finally, he won! Mr. Yan Ge felt that the small straight house could no longer accommodate his joy, so he couldn't help but walk to the courtyard with a wider space.

Before he could figure out how to celebrate, Mr. Yan Ge suddenly caught a glimpse of Eunuch Qin walking in from the gate.

This made Mr. Yan Ge very surprised, because Wuyi Hall is now the territory of the cabinet, and the identity of Eunuch Qin is the chief minister of etiquette.

If Eunuch Qin had something to say, he would send a young eunuch to deliver the message. It was basically impossible to come and speak in person, as that would be too cheap.

Mr. Yan Ge asked Eunuch Qin very vigilantly: "Why did you come here?"

Eunuch Qin replied cheerfully: "I heard the news that the cabinet plans to move back to Wenyuan Pavilion, so I came to Wuyi Palace to have a look!"

Mr. Yan Ge was even more confused: "What did you come to Wuyi Hall to see?"

Eunuch Qin replied again: "Because I am thinking about moving the clerk's office to Wuyi Palace!"

Mr. Yan Ge figured out the problem, and his joy suddenly disappeared, and he said angrily: "How dare you do this!"

When Mr. Ge was angry, most people would tremble, but Eunuch Qin smiled and said indifferently: "Your cabinet has given up Wuyi Palace, doesn't it allow others to use it again?

Wuyi Hall is close to Renshou Palace, and our Chief of Ceremonies is supposed to serve the Emperor, so what’s wrong with being closer to the Emperor?"

Mr. Yan Ge said in a deep voice: "Don't pretend to be stupid. Do you think that I will let you do whatever you want? If I stop you with all my strength, you will never succeed!"

Eunuch Qin did not answer directly, but said: "I have some news to tell Mr. Ge. Qin Dewei has been in Dezhou for three days. Mr. Ge, please think about it."

Mr. Yan Ge: "..."

Dezhou is not very far from the capital. Qin Dewei, a man who has killed thousands of people and can't go back, is he really planning to fight back?

But speaking of Qin Dewei on the way south, he did stay in Dezhou for three full days, but it was really not to scare Yan Ge Lao and other political opponents. Qin Dewei was not that boring.

It's ridiculous to say that Qin Zhongtang, one of the top leaders of the Ming Dynasty's bureaucracy, was delayed by bureaucracy.

When the People's Republic of China was founded, Dezhou was just a military garrison with a simple structure, called Dezhou Guard, which was no different from other solid military bases in the Ming Dynasty.

However, because Dezhouwei is located along the canal and at the junction of Zhili and Shandong, it developed rapidly and became one of the most prosperous places along the Shandong Canal.

Therefore, later on, in addition to the Dezhou Guard, the Dezhou Prefectural Government was established, forming a situation in which the State Guards and the city were governed by the same government.

Qin Dewei took his servants, subordinates, and hundreds of soldiers southward. Along the way, he needed the government to provide logistical support, not only to supply materials, but also to recruit manpower to serve as boatmen and other errands.

When we arrived in Dezhou, I didn't know what kind of conflict arose between the state government and the military guards, or maybe there was a lack of coordination. Anyway, the logistics support task was not completed in two or three days, and there were not enough boatmen.

As a result, Qin Dewei and his team were unable to continue sailing south and were trapped in Ande Station, Texas. Qin Dewei was very angry about this.

Of course he knew that things were most likely to go wrong in places in the same city and under the same administration! But he didn't expect that this time the fight would end up on him!

Chen Feng, Wu Cheng'en, and Xu Wenchang, the three closest associates, gathered in the wing of Qin Dewei's building to discuss current affairs.

Although Xu Wenchang is the smartest among the three, he is the youngest at only twenty years old and has very little qualifications, so he talks less.

Although Wu Chengen will be the most famous five hundred years later, in today's reality he is still a younger brother, compared with others around Qin Dewei.

Chen Feng was Qin Dewei's hometown in Nanjing, and they passed the Jinshi examination together in the 14th year of Jiajing. They even reviewed the reference materials together, so the relationship was naturally close.

Since then, Chen Feng has been working as a local official. After completing his term this year, he went to Beijing for inspection, and then he was captured by Qin Dewei and became an official.

Therefore, in terms of background, qualifications, and experience, Chen Feng had many advantages over Wu Chengen, who relied purely on Qin Dewei's support.

Chen Feng can be called a subordinate officer, while Wu Chengen and Xu Wenchang can only be called subordinate members.

In fact, strictly speaking, Qin Dewei, the imperial envoy, recruited officials to serve as subordinates, which was beyond the limit. Normal governors are independent officials, and the subordinates are all petty officials, and there will be no officials.

But Qin Dewei is a unique bachelor who is on a business trip. He has his own special characteristics, so no one cares about him, even if he wants to.

Chen Feng said helplessly to Qin Dewei: "At the beginning, I suggested that Qingqi go south. You must take the boat and take the waterway for the sake of ease.

It should be noted that waterways rely too much on coastal supply support, and once the efficiency is slightly slower, it will cause delays in travel."

Nowadays, fewer and fewer people dare to directly complain about Qin Dewei to his face. Chen Feng, who is an official based on his own ability and whose background is equal to Qin Dewei's, is one of them.

The greed for enjoyment may be Qin Dewei's biggest weakness. He said with a bit of embarrassment on his face: "When traveling south by land, it is difficult for people's physical strength and energy to travel day and night.

But by taking a boat, you can travel day and night, and you can eat and sleep on the boat. Overall, it won’t be too slow!”

Chen Feng added: "Besides, in the past, you only had a dozen people at most when traveling by water, but this time there were hundreds of people. The difficulty and efficiency of supporting along the way are not at the same level. If you want to expect a seamless connection, you can't

too difficult."

"Strict party! These people in the state government and military guards must be strict party members!" Qin Dewei stood in front of the window and said angrily.

Chen Feng was speechless, not everyone who causes trouble for you can be considered a strict party member, don't make it such a big deal!

Besides, bureaucracy also has objective laws, which will not change because of your power, Qin Dewei.

Qin Dewei, who didn't want to take the blame, became angrier as he talked and said, "Do these mediocre officials in Dezhou really think that the Shang Fang Sword in my hand is a vegetarian?"

Chen Feng couldn't help but persuade: "You are the governor of Zhejiang and the governor of Zhejiang and Fujian, and your authority is limited to Zhejiang and Fujian. You can't really kill officials in Shandong.

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The matter has come to this, it’s useless to say more, it’s better to think about how to gain back the time!”

Although imperial envoys like Qin Dewei may not necessarily set a clear time limit, if the process is too slow, they will definitely be impeached or even punished by the court.

After thinking for a moment, Qin Dewei sighed and said, "I've thought about it. It's true that we can't have hundreds of people moving together like this. We need to divide into three groups and rush on their way in turn."

Then he said to Chen Feng: "You are the first group. You will act as the leader of the large group and head south quickly. After arriving in Zhejiang, make all preliminary preparations!"

Chen Feng asked: "What are the preliminary preparations?"

Qin Dewei gave instructions: "There are three main points. The first is to announce the news of my upcoming arrival; the second is to survey the address and select the location of the platform!"

Chen Feng quickly reminded: "Hangzhou already has a governor's office."

Qin Dewei explained: "I don't necessarily want to be stationed in Hangzhou. In fact, I would rather be stationed in Ningbo, close to the front line of coastal defense."

Then he continued: "The third point is to recruit and recruit talents widely! For example, Tang Shunzhi from nearby Changzhou, Luo Hongxian from Jiangxi and others have invited them to serve as staff."

Chen Feng: "..."

Qin Dewei said that he would rather set up his base in Ningbo. Although it is surprising, it is understandable, but what does it mean to recruit these people?

Tang Shunzhi, Luo Hongxian and others were all former East Palace officials. They were purged last year because they supported the prince.

At that time, you, Qin Dewei, didn't show much favor to these people, and even sat back and watched them being purged. Why do you want to recruit them now?

Qin Dewei sighed again: "These people are actually talented people, and they are not the kind of literati who only know the Four Books and Five Classics.

Apart from classics, history and literature, these people all have practical expertise, wouldn’t it be a pity if they were abandoned in the wild?”

Chen Feng was thoughtful, could it be that Prime Minister Qin Dewei had a lofty plan, and this was a move to gain the hearts of the scholars? Luo Hongxian was the number one scholar, and Tang Shunzhi was the Huiyuan scholar, so they were quite famous.

But Chen Feng had new worries and couldn't help but remind her again: "Luo, Tang and others are different from me. They are all celebrities, and they have all held noble positions in the Hanyuanfang Bureau. You are recruiting like this.

Isn’t it a little too special?”

Qin Dewei responded: "What's so special about collecting materials for the country?"

Of course he understood what Chen Feng asked about being special, but now that the emperor was in a coma, if he didn't take advantage of this moment to make something special, how long would it take?

Chen Feng said with emotion: "I think this is not a requisition, but a conquest!"

Qin Dewei's operations reminded him of the ancient prime ministers, generals, three princes and other roles who could open their own mansions and choose their own officials.

But in the Ming Dynasty, where the monarchy was highly centralized, this was not fashionable!

Qin Dewei rolled his eyes: "You are overthinking. There is no need to open a government or not. I am just recruiting staff!"

Chen Feng still complained: "So you are so nondescript that you can only be called the shogunate."

Qin Dewei: "..."

Did you know that the Japanese country next door also has a kind of shogunate? If you don’t understand, don’t talk nonsense!

Chen Feng stopped talking nonsense, turned around and ordered the servants to pack their bags, and left as soon as everything was ready.

While waiting, he asked Qin Dewei again: "You said it was divided into three groups, how to arrange the next two groups?"

Qin Dewei replied: "Because the large group of people moved too slowly along the waterway, I decided to take only my servants and a small group of guards, break away from the large group, and quickly go south. This is the second group.

In this way, the number of people is smaller, the supply along the way is simple, the movement is faster, and it can reach Zhejiang earlier than the collective movement of large groups of people."

Chen Feng asked a little worriedly: "You are so simple and easy to drive, is there no problem with safety? After all, your status is different now."

Qin Dewei replied: "Eight servants, plus twelve guards, twenty people should be enough to ensure safety.

If even twenty people can't protect me along the way south along the canal, then there will be no peace in the future!"

Chen Feng asked another possible question: "Then after you go to the southeast first, if you don't have a large group of soldiers to hold down the battle, how can you establish your authority? Without hundreds of soldiers to build up your momentum, you can't even hold up the position of governor.


Qin Dewei still had a plan for this, "It's okay! I'll select another group of officers and soldiers from Nanjing to serve as soldiers in the Biao camp.

In this way, when I arrive in the southeast, there will be a large group of soldiers around me immediately, so why worry about not being able to support the governor's scene?"

Chen Feng no longer had any doubts. After packing his luggage, he took about ten people and left as the leading officer.

Then Qin Dewei also ordered to go down and prepare to select twelve elite soldiers and generals, together with eight servants. He packed his luggage today and continued to go south tomorrow.

As for the other large troops, just move slowly behind.

Suddenly Zhang San stood outside the door and reported loudly: "There is a young man outside the door, asking to see the master!"

Qin Dewei frowned, glared, and shouted: "Master, am I very free? I don't have time to meet young people!"

Zhang San quickly added: "But that young man has Master Zeng's letter!"

So Qin Dewei was also surprised, what kind of sacred thing is this? Can you please ask your father-in-law Zeng to write a letter of introduction? Then he ordered: "First bring in the letter, name, and so on, and let me see it!"

Not long after, Zhang San turned around again, holding a document in his hand and presented it to Qin Dewei.

Qin Dewei's job at this time was actually just waiting, and he had nothing to do, so he opened the document and looked at it. The first thing that caught his eye was not a letter of introduction from Zeng's stepfather, but a poem:

"The little building rests peacefully for the time being, worrying about the old alliance. Calling bottles to greet guests, waving bows and sitting down to talk about war.

The clouds protect toothpicks, and the stars contain swords. It is not my intention to be a prince, but I hope the sea will be peaceful."

After reading it, Qin Zhongtang was speechless for a long time. This poem looked very familiar. It had already appeared before he could copy it?

Looking at the signature again, it clearly says "Alternate Dengzhou Guard Commander Qianshi Qi Jiguang".

This is really...Qin Zhongtang was speechless again for a long time. He was on a business trip this time, and his domineering spirit had not yet spread. Why did a famous boy come to vote of his own accord?

After thinking about it, Qin Dewei couldn't help but raised his head and asked Zhang San: "How old is this person?"

Zhang San didn't understand why Mr. Qin cared about this, but he still replied: "Looking at sixteen or seventeen."

Qin Dewei sighed regretfully. Why is he so young? He is just an unfinished teenage version and cannot be plugged and played.

Then he waved his hand and said to Zhang San: "Let's bring people in first and take a look."

Xu Wenchang, who had been silent next to him, suddenly said: "This young man is not simple, he is a bit cautious.

He was obviously a military officer, but he presented poems first. He was clearly in favor of Qin Zhongtang and intended to attract Qin Zhongtang's attention or leave a deep impression on Qin Zhongtang.

In addition, if he has Mr. Zeng’s letter in his hand but doesn’t take it out first, I’m afraid he wants to show off in front of Qin Zhongtang first and then present Mr. Zeng’s letter, which would be more effective.”

In fact, Qin Dewei didn't take these tricks seriously. Although Qi Jiguang is a hero, he is certainly not a fool. Isn't it the same in history that he licked Zhang Juzheng?

He was very curious, how did Qi Jiguang, who was only sixteen years old, obtain the letters from his stepfather?

This chapter has been completed!
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