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Chapter eight hundred and seventy first mistaken life is an official

When things have reached this level, it is simply "Qin Zhongtang's heart is known to everyone passing by."

Several people followed Qin Zhongtang all the way, and now they all began to murmur, is Qin Zhongtang here for Yue Wumu, or is he here for Yuewang Temple?

The two are not the same concept. Yuewumu is virtual, while Yuewang Temple is an entity.

When it comes to worshiping Yue Wumu, Qin Zhongtang did indeed worship him, but more of his thoughts seemed to be elsewhere, and he was always thinking about how to renovate the Yuewang Temple.

When we arrived at the Shinto archway, we were told that the archway was too bad and we needed to build a new one; when we arrived at the gatehouse, we were told that the couplets were not good, so we should write another batch; when we arrived at the main hall, we were told that the plaques were not good, so we had to write new ones by ourselves.

After arriving at the cemetery, he also said that he would recast the statue of a kneeling female cadre to warn future generations, and he cast two more figures than before.

At this time, the few people accompanying him were a little speechless. When others arrived at the scenic spot, the most they could do was add the words "Visit Here", while Qin Zhongtang directly reproduced the scenic spot and added his own signature.

Everyone speculates that these two mentality may be the same, but Qin Zhongtang's way of expressing it is more advanced.

Moreover, Qin Zhongtang has power and no shortage of money, so no one can stop him.

But after these two exquisite sentences came out, "People from the Song Dynasty were rarely named juniper, I feel ashamed to be surnamed Qin when I go to the grave" and "Qingshan is fortunate to bury loyal bones, and white iron casts innocent people into sycophants." Everyone had new conjectures.

Could it be that Qin Zhongtang came to Yuewang Temple specifically to publish these famous quotes that would be passed down to future generations?

In any case, Qin Zhongtang's goal can definitely be achieved. It is so easy for powerful people to do what they want.

Tian Dacan responded to his wishes and said, "Since the Zhongtang admires Yue Wumu so much, why not write a poem in memory of him?"

Literati always like to write something when they visit scenic spots, especially places that reflect their values, let alone a poet like Qin Zhongtang.

Qin Dewei picked up his pen and wrote casually: "The heroes of the mountains and rivers are immortal, and their majesty can line up the pine trees in the mountains. Yue Shaobao is the same as Shaobao, and the southern peak is opposite to the northern peak."

Yu Shaobao is the famous minister Yu Qian who turned the tide. He is from Qiantang, so he was brought here to be named together with Yue Fei.

"What a poem! Wonderful!" The people walking next to him cheered loudly, as if they were seeing a rare and wonderful work in the world.

Qin Zhongtang couldn't help but sigh to himself, since he was in a high position, even writing poems has become so boring.

When I was in a low status, I wrote good poems, and others appreciated and applauded me from the bottom of my heart, and were shocked by my poetic talent. As an author, that is a great sense of accomplishment.

And now, even if what I write is a piece of shit, I can still receive the loudest praise, but what’s the point?

After the people next to them finished shouting, they suddenly found that Qin Zhongtang was not in a high mood. They didn't know what was wrong.

Then I heard Qin Dewei sigh and say: "I mistakenly spent my whole life as an official. I regret becoming Qin Zhongtang, the number one scholar in Qin Dynasty. I don't know how much elegance in the world I have lost!"

The main reason why everyone couldn't understand this was because they really couldn't understand Qin Zhongtang's lofty realm.

If we just say "I miss my whole life as an official", then why are they not? Otherwise, why are they standing here licking someone in the middle hall?

After finishing his emotion, Qin Dewei picked up the pen again and wrote another title, "Jingwei", and then added a short preface: His thoughts on paying homage to Yue Wumu with the king's mandate.

This topic baffles others. It is really inappropriate to write about Jingwei in Yuewang Temple. Of course, Qin Zhongtang has the right to do as he pleases and write whatever he likes.

"Everything is unfair, so why do you have to suffer for yourself? You will be an inch long, and you will carry a tree in your mouth until the end of time."

I wish to level the East China Sea, and my body and mind will not change. The sea will never be flat, but my heart will never be flat.

Woohoo! Don’t you see, there are many birds in the trees in the west mountains, and the magpies come and swallows go and build their own nests!”

After everyone read the full text of the poem, they suddenly realized that Qin Zhongtang used Jingwei to describe himself to express his aspirations.

Qin Zhongtang was ordered to go south to pacify the East China Sea, which coincides with the allusion of Jingwei's reclamation of the sea, so it is very appropriate to use it.

As the leader of the Hangzhou literary circle, Tian Dacan still has a say

He immediately applauded again: "What a poem! Compared with the past, Zhongtang's works have returned to the original nature, with great skill but clumsiness, and a heavy sword without an edge!"

There is no trace of ostentation at all, the writing is simple and melancholy, and it has a very natural and touching atmosphere!"

When the fake becomes the real, the real is also fake. Qin Dewei chuckled a few times with unclear meaning.

Tong Hanchen was unwilling to be left alone and praised him a few times, and then boasted: "Qin Banqiao was loyal to the country and did not hesitate to swim thousands of miles. I think Qin Banqiao can be called the Jingwei!"

Qin Jingwei: "..."

You are called Jingwei, and your whole family is called Jingwei! How can a mediocre coach be called Jingwei?

Forget it, those who don’t know are not to blame, there is no need to worry about it! Qin Dewei lowered his face, turned around and walked out.

One of the three fires for a new official to take office, the fire of worshiping Yue Wumu has been burned out, everything that should be done has been done, and he can leave!

Everyone looked at each other in confusion. It was obviously good to give Qin Zhongtang the title Jingwei, so why weren't they happy?

This Qin Zhongtang is really unpredictable and difficult to serve!

I heard that His Majesty had this kind of temper when he was still awake. I don't know if it was the imperial technique that Qin Zhongtang learned from His Majesty.

Because they really wanted something from Qin Zhongtang, everyone quickly caught up with Qin Zhongtang and walked with Qin Zhongtang until they reached the gate tower of the Yuewang Temple.

Walking further, after passing the archway, you have reached the scenic spot, and it will be difficult to follow Qin Zhongtang later.

After all, Qin Zhongtang only invited a few of them to accompany him to visit Yuewang Temple, and didn't say anything else.

So everyone was a little anxious, but they didn't know whether to ask for help directly. Qin Zhongtang's moody performance just now made everyone involuntarily cautious.

But Qin Dewei stopped and took the initiative to say to the three people of the same year: "You all say that you have bad luck and were accidentally injured by the party struggle, but in my opinion, you don't think so."

Everyone in San Tong Nian was overjoyed. They were not afraid that Qin Dewei would mention this, but were afraid that Qin Dewei would pretend to be stupid and not mention it!

Then I heard Qin Dewei continue: "Have you never thought that what happened to you is accidental, but in fact it is inevitable?

Look at you guys. Because you are the same age as me, the Zhejiang Party members have doubts about you and will not fully support you!

Moreover, most of the key figures in the Zhejiang Party today are from Ningbo, which is another layer apart from you Hangzhou people.

And in the eyes of others, you belong to the Zhejiang Party, and of course they won’t look up to you. So you are caught in the middle, with neither side to rely on. If you are not unlucky, who is?”

Tong Hanchen and Gao Yingmian looked at each other. Anyway, their official positions were gone now. They just broke the pot and said, "Please give me some guidance from the middle hall!"

Qin Dewei was not ambiguous at the critical moment and said directly: "I understand your thoughts. For the sake of being the same age, I will help if I can!"

Now that you two have lost your official status, you should go to work in my shogunate first and accumulate qualifications and merits. Then I will recommend you to the court. You will definitely have higher official positions than before!

Another one of ours, Chen Feng, who is of the same age, is also in the shogunate with an official status, so you must be fine too!"

The two were overjoyed and quickly thanked him.

For Qin Dewei, finding two local people to join the shogunate would definitely be effective, and he would not lose anything at all. It was a win-win situation.

Then Qin Dewei said to another Zhang Han of the same year: "You still have an official status. Without the authorization of the court, I can't recruit you.

But I will write a letter to Wang Shang of the Ministry of Finance, and you can take it to the capital to ask him to stop suppressing you and let you be promoted!"

Zhang Han also became happy and thanked him repeatedly. For them, Qin Zhongtang could solve the troublesome matter with just one sentence.

The three men of the same year got what they wanted and walked briskly, but Tian Dacan, who was traveling with them, said nothing.

The group of people walked to the Shinto archway, and Qin Dewei saw two people kneeling outside the archway.

These two people are the two people who came with Qin Zhongtang in the same boat. One is Tian Gongzi Tian Yiheng, and the other is the local name Ji Zhao Meiren.

This was not forced by Qin Zhongtang, but voluntary by both of them.

Qin Dewei waved his hand and said, "I don't know.

If you are not guilty, I will spare you this! Go away!"

After Mr. Tian got up, he got behind his father, while Zhao Meiren staggered away.

Looking at Zhao Meiren's back, Tong Hanchen instinctively praised Qin Zhongtang: "The prime minister can support a boat. Zhongtang is really tolerant of a lot of people! He let the woman who offended you so lightly."

Qin Dewei seemed to be unable to answer the question and said, "When you come to my shogunate to work, the first thing you will do is to renovate the Yuewang Temple, mainly building a new stone archway and casting four bronze statues of female officials."

Tong Hanchen and Gao Yingmian quickly agreed. As locals, it is very suitable to do these things. Moreover, the job is easy, it is purely for qualifications, and it can also gain a good reputation.

Then Qin Dewei pointed at the back of Beauty Zhao and said: "As for the appearance of Mrs. Wang in the bronze statue, we should strictly follow her appearance. It's not like we don't pay wages!"

Tong Hanchen: "..."

Can he take back what he said before?

Tian Da Shen next to him trembled. If Zhao Meiren treats her like this, what will happen to her own son?

The more he thought about it, the more worried he became, and he quickly said to Qin Dewei: "The dog is incapable of studying and is extremely naughty. He only likes traveling and is almost useless. I beg Qin Zhongtang to give me some advice on what should be done in the future."

Qin Dewei looked at Tian Rucheng in surprise, how do you educate your son and what development path will he take in the future? What should I do?

But since he was asked, Qin Zhongtang still replied: "Since you can't study well and like to travel, you can also be a Confucian businessman!

Needless to say, there is a way to get it from afar! You can traffic silk from Hangzhou and go to Ningbo to sell it with the Buddha Langji people!"

Tian Rucheng was a little confused. Didn't you, Qin Zhongtang, openly declare that you will continue to strictly ban the sea?

However, Qin Dewei encouraged: "My man is ambitious in all directions, let him try it. Ningbo is not far away! If you encounter any problems, feel free to come to me!"

After arriving here, even after leaving the Yuewang Temple, Qin Zhongtang took the initiative to say to Tian Dacan: "What are your thoughts about your future?"

This was a hint and an opportunity, but Tian Dacan replied: "Let me think carefully about what to do in the future before I bother Zhongtang."

The main reason is that it is very rare to get an opportunity from Qin Zhongtang. Tian Dacan feels that he cannot waste it casually and must figure out what he wants to do in the future.

Yuewang Temple is not too big, and it only takes an hour to visit Qin Zhongtang and worship.

It was only noon at this time, and the elegant gathering of the West Lake Poetry Society not far away did not end and was still going on.

So Tian Dacan, as the leader of the local literary circle, warmly invited Qin Zhongtang to attend the gathering, but Qin Zhongtang refused.

Tong Hanchen and Gao Yingmian, who agreed to join the shogunate in the same year, did not go back to Yaji at this time, but followed Qin Zhongtang directly. There is still time today, so they first go to the shogunate to get familiar with it.

Qin Dewei took a boat again, crossed the West Lake, and entered the city through Yongjin Gate.

Tong Hanchen asked very strangely: "It is more convenient to enter the city through Qiantang Gate from Yuewang Temple, so why do you insist on going through Yongjin Gate?"

Qin Dewei replied: "To get familiar with the roads and terrain nearby!"

Although Tong Hanchen was still baffled, he didn't ask any more questions. He didn't know what Qin Banqiao wanted because he was familiar with the roads nearby.

It seems that there is nothing worth paying attention to near Yongjinmenli except the Weaving Eunuch Mansion, which is unique and independent in Hangzhou's officialdom.

Returning to the shogunate, Qin Zhongtang called Chen Feng out and met Tong, Gao and other contemporaries, which was very lively.

Later, Qin Zhongtang ordered the cook to prepare for the banquet. In the afternoon, the four of them held a small gathering of the same year in the shogunate.

At night, two locals, Tong Hanchen and Gao Yingmian, had their own accommodation and went home.

Chen Feng, who lived in the shogunate, was not in a hurry to go to bed. He chatted with Qin Zhongtang and asked casually: "You traveled today and met local scholars. What did you think?"

Qin Zhongtang sighed: "I just feel that I have been wrongly blaming Gu Dongqiao for so many years!"

Chen Feng: "???"


How are you, a local scholar in Qin Dewei, why did you mention Mr. Gu?

When you, Qin Dewei, were in Nanjing, in addition to eating and sleeping, you would slap the old leader Gu in the face. Why are you so stupid again today?

Chen Feng was also from Nanjing. When he was not yet prosperous, he also followed Mr. Gu Dongqiao, an ally in the literary world. It was only after he and Qin Dewei passed the Jinshi examination that they gradually drifted away from Gu Dongqiao.

Qin Dewei continued: "It turns out that I was young and ignorant, and I always thought that Gu Dongqiao was just a facade and nothing else!

Only now, after comparing with literary circles from various places, did I realize that Gu Dongqiao is actually pretty good!"

Let's compare Gu Dongqiao and Tian League Leader in the Hangzhou literary circle. Let's not talk about the level of poetry and prose. The circle of people don't care about level. If we just compare appearance and magnanimity, Gu Dongqiao is obviously the winner.

In terms of reputation, Alliance Leader Gu served as Chief Envoy and Governor, while Alliance Leader Tian was only a Left Councilor.

If compared with the literary world, Gu Lao, the leader of the alliance, has managed to create a combination of Jinling's three heroes and the four masters. Although he is often ridiculed by Qin Dewei as low-end goods, it is better than nothing, and Tian Rucheng is currently nothing.

After experiencing many places over the years, Qin Zhongtang realized in retrospect that the literary leaders in many places were not as good as Tian Rucheng, let alone Gu Dongqiao.

So after understanding what Qin Zhongtang meant, Chen Feng couldn't laugh or cry. Could it be that there is no harm without comparison?

Then he answered: "Mr. Gu mainly had bad luck. He was born in the same era as the Seven Retro Talents such as Li Mengyang and the Four Great Talents in Jiangnan such as Tang Bohu.

There are the retro school in the north and the four great talents from Jiangnan in the south. Under such a flanking attack, it would be great if Mr. Gu can maintain a little reputation and hold up the banner of Nanjing's literary world!

It is only after meeting you, Qin Banqiao, that Mr. Gu appears to be incompetent!"

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