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Chapter 892 You can do it!

When Qin Zhongtang left Ningbo, there was no farewell ceremony. Only Chen Feng, the representative of the shogunate who still stayed in Ningbo, Mr. Feng, Hu Yushi and a few close people put Qin Zhongtang on the ship.

When leaving, Hu Zongxian, the censor of the patrol, asked: "Qin Banqiao, are you being too harsh on local powerful people? You don't show any kindness and cooperation at all, and you don't give them any benefit at all. Isn't that a bit harsh?"

Qin Dewei immediately asked: "Have they looked for you? Did they give you money?"

Hu Zongxian nodded openly and said: "That's true."

Qin Dewei sneered a few times, "Shuangyu Island is located off the coast of Ningbo. How did it develop and grow? Why can't the government and army destroy such an obvious target?

What do you think are these reasons? Can you get away with the local wealthy family? Since Ben Zhongtang is preparing to attack Shuangyu Island, how can he be gentle towards them?

We are trying our best to temporarily exclude them from the new system as much as possible, in order to reduce interference and even prevent them from causing internal chaos!"

Hu Zongxian's original intention was not to speak for the locals. He could still tell which was more important. He just wanted to understand Qin Zhongtang's thoughts. Since he understood Qin Zhongtang's determination and will, he would not say anything more.

Then Chen Feng also asked Qin Dewei: "When do you plan to officially move to Ningbo? So that I can be mentally prepared."

Qin Dewei replied: "Wait another half year, probably after the New Year, and the shogunate will move to Ningbo.

At this time, the trade winds are changing direction in spring and summer, and before the Japanese pirates arrive next year, you can seize the opportunity to attack Shuangyu Island.

Otherwise, the available combat troops are limited, and when the Japanese pirates arrive, we will definitely not be able to allocate the troops to attack Shuangyu Island."

Then Mr. Feng also had questions: "Are the commanders of the Three Sea Guards really trustworthy? Can they really help you wholeheartedly?

You can't stay in Zhejiang forever, but those wealthy families have lived here for generations, and the Sanhaiwei have also been here for generations.

Based on human nature, the commander of Sanhaiwei will always be concerned about your situation after Qin Zhongtang leaves, right?"

Qin Dewei said confidently: "It's okay, I have promised them extra that I will transfer them to Nanjing when I leave, and recommend one of their sons to study at the Nanjing Imperial College."

In this way, Mr. Feng has no doubts anymore. These additional conditions proposed by Qin Dewei are indeed very tempting.

After all, in the eyes of the world, a bustling metropolis like Nanjing is much more comfortable than a miserable coastal guard station where you can only live in a water village.

In fact, since arriving in Zhejiang, Qin Zhongtang has made many arrangements, but in order to keep them confidential, each arrangement is only known to specific people, and no one knows all of Qin Zhongtang's arrangements.

For example, the three people in front of them knew the intention to attack Shuangyu Island, but they did not know about the internal response dispatched, nor did they know which generals and troops would be used to fight.

Among the most important military deployments, Qin Zhongtang was relatively reassured about Yu Dayou going to Guangdong and Lu Boring going to Fujian. After all, these two people were already mature and relatively stable and reliable.

The only thing I still can't let go of is Qi Jiguang. Even though he is the most famous historical figure, he is only sixteen years old now. Qin Zhongtang is worried that he will undermine his success.

Even if Qi Jiguang was ten years older, he would not make Qin Zhongtang so worried.

But Yiwu soldiers are still recruited, and the relationship between the Qi family and Yiwu still needs to be used, so we can only think of other ways.

Back at the shogunate in Hangzhou, before the Qin Zhongtang table was warmed, I saw the young version of Qi Jiguang hurriedly coming to the door.

Since Qi Jiguang arrived in Zhejiang with the shogunate's troops, he saw that everyone had something to do and many people were busy, but he himself was always idle, so he couldn't sit still.

Especially among the three sixteen-year-old boys, Wang Shizhen went to learn writing documents with his staff, Li Chengliang acted as half a bodyguard and thug beside Qin Zhongtang, and Qi Jiguang was the only one who had nothing to do, as if he had been forgotten.

After Qi Jiguang saluted, he asked: "Zhongtang also said earlier that most of the soldiers in the guard station are not available, and we have to go to Yiwu to recruit and train new soldiers.

But to this day, why are there still no orders? You must know that time waits for no one, and the delay is inevitable. If you want it to be useful next year, you must start it now, and I am here to ask for your orders!"

Qin Dewei laughed and said: "It's coming soon, it's going to start soon, don't be in a hurry for a few days! Just wait patiently!"

Qin Zhongtang's perfunctory attitude made Qi Jiguang anxious, and he urged a little offensively: "I really can't wait any longer!"

At this moment, some soldiers came in and whispered a few words to Qin Zhongtang.

Then Qin Zhongtang ordered: "Please come in quickly!"

At this moment, Qi Jiguang had a new suspicion: "I am bold enough to ask, could it be that Zhongtang wants others to do this?"

Qin Dewei asked in surprise: "Have you guessed all this?"

Qi Jiguang suddenly felt angry and cold. These powerful ministers really have no good things! They broke their promises and went back on their word!

But the other party was too powerful, and he was too weak. Qi Jiguang could only say angrily: "Since I don't need to be here in the middle hall, I'll resign!"

Qin Dewei tried to persuade him to stay without any sincerity: "Do you want to think about it again? In fact, I just want to send someone to assist you."

Why are you here to take the credit? Qi Jiguang gritted his teeth and said: "I have made up my mind, there is no need to think about it anymore! I'm leaving!"

After saying that, he turned around and was about to walk out. Suddenly he heard someone outside the door yelling: "You bastard who has not grown up! Where are you going?"

Qi Jiguang looked out the door in the sunlight and shouted, "Dad?"

The old man in his sixties who was walking in outside, who was he if he wasn't his biological father Qi Jingtong?

After Qi Jingtong came in, he ignored his son and saluted Qin Zhongtang first.

Qin Dewei smiled and said: "I have heard for a long time that the miners in Yiwu are good at fighting. With you and your son going to Yiwu to recruit new soldiers together, I feel relieved!"

Qi Jingtong replied with a very low attitude: "Although Qin Zhongtang wants to reuse Quanzi, I am afraid that I will miss the big event, so I am willing to come to assist Zuo Quanzi and complete Qin Zhongtang's order!"

Qi Jiguang: "..."

I have never seen such a hateful person in my life, and he actually sent his father to "assist" him!

The young man's dream of flying independently was shattered.

Qin Zhongtang nodded with satisfaction. The three routes of military preparation were under preparation, and he was somewhat relieved about Qi Jiguang's route.

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Although Qi Jiguang is young and may not be reliable, his father is experienced and comes from the Qi family in Yiwu, so he is a suitable partner for Qi Jiguang to go to Yiwu to recruit troops.

After meeting Qi Jiguang in Dezhou, Qin Zhongtang sent someone to Dengzhou to deliver a letter to Qi Jingtong, asking Qi Jingtong to go south.

For Qi Jingtong, this time is also a must.

Qin Zhongtang obviously wanted to give his son a chance to develop, but at the same time, Qin Zhongtang was worried about his son's young age.

When a father wants his son to succeed, of course he will help if he can. All of this is to earn merit for his son, and it is worthwhile to play support.

Even if you are sent out at an advanced age and die on the job, it is enough to rest in peace!

Just when Qin Zhongtang was concentrating on his career in Zhejiang, and all kinds of work from military preparation to corruption, smuggling, temple construction, and persecution were fully carried out, some people in the capital finally felt relieved.

Although Mr. Yan Ge is not with his biological son, he still has a godson, Zhao Wenhua, who is currently an official in the General Affairs Department.

Zhao Wenhua, a veteran of Yange, was placed in the General Administration Department for the obvious purpose of monitoring memorials.

Zhao Wenhua's main job recently is actually intelligence analysis. After summarizing various memorials, he came to the conclusion that Mr. Yan Ge needed to know.

After the scorching heat passed and the autumn wind suddenly picked up, Zhao Wenhua sneaked into Yan's Mansion tonight and reported to his adoptive father: "It can be concluded from the recent memorial that Qin Dewei is safely in Zhejiang!

First, at present, all affairs are at a critical time when they have just started. Qin Dewei will definitely not be able to leave Zhejiang, let alone return to the capital!

Secondly, Qin Dewei is very preoccupied with things and starts a lot of things at the same time, which will definitely consume a lot of energy, so it is difficult for him to take care of things in the capital!"

Mr. Yan Ge said to himself: "Has the time to take action already come?"

Zhao Wenhua said excitedly: "In my opinion, now is the time when Qin Dewei has the least time to take care of him, and it is difficult to return to the capital, so it is definitely a good opportunity to take action!

So I ask my adoptive father to make a decision and take action against the Qin Party as soon as possible!"

The reason why Zhao Wenhua was excited was, on the one hand, his unwillingness to be lonely and his nature to be in the limelight, and on the other hand, his covetousness for the positions occupied by the Qin Party.

If the Qin Party is destroyed, would it be better for me to go to the Ministry of Household Affairs and become a minister, or go to the Ministry of War and become a doctor? It's so hard to make a decision.

Mr. Yan Ge thought for a while, and finally made up his mind and said: "In this case, then prepare to attack Zhai Luan, the chief assistant! Let the wind go first!"

Zhao Wenhua: "..."

Could it be that I was hearing hallucinations? Or was my adoptive father making a slip of the tongue?

I have just been studying Qin Dewei for a long time, why is it that the person who finally wants to take action is not Qin Dang, but Zhai Luan?

Zhao Wenhua asked again tentatively: "Zhai Luan? Not Zhang Chao, Wang Tingxiang, Wang Yiqi?"

Yan Song nodded and said: "Yes, the target is Zhai Luan!"

Zhao Wenhua was reluctant. If he attacked the Qin Party, which had a relatively wide scope of influence, it would definitely free up many positions and share the fruits of victory. I dare not say that everyone would have a share, but he would definitely benefit from this.

But if only Zhai Luan, the top assistant, is killed, the position of first assistant will be vacated. Except for his adoptive father Yan Song, who can be promoted to the position, no one else will get much direct benefit.

Zhao Wenhua said again: "Father, please think twice!"

Yan Song is a bit like Qin Zhongtang in some aspects. The decisions he makes cannot be questioned by others. "You don't have to talk too much!"

Zhao Wenhua did not dare to object anymore and asked again: "What are you using to criticize Zhai Luan?"

Yan Song replied: "Zhai Luan's two sons passed the provincial examination last year and the national examination this year. There was fraud!"

Zhao Wenhua said a little doubtfully: "Does the adoptive father have real evidence? If there is no evidence, it will be just a ghost. I'm afraid it will be useless in the end."

Although the Imperial Examination in the Ming Dynasty was fair in terms of system, there were always unwritten rules. If you can catch the evidence, it is called fraud, and if you cannot catch the evidence, it is unwritten rules.

As long as there is no evidence and it is not so extreme as to admit dozens of fellow villagers at once, public opinion will accept it.

For example, everyone knew that there must be something fishy between Teacher Zhang Chao and Qin Dewei, but without any evidence, they could only admit it without even the slightest criticism.

Therefore, if you want to criticize the chief minister for cheating in the imperial examination, you will not be able to succeed unless you have evidence.

Mr. Yan Ge revealed some information and said: "I arranged for my fellow examiner of the Shuntian Prefecture Township Examination last year to show his goodwill to Zhai Luan and help recommend papers! They will become witnesses!"

Zhao Wenhua was shocked. His adoptive father had really hidden his secrets. It turned out that he had been planning the plan since last year and actually arranged for Zhai Luan's two sons to win the imperial examination!

Last year, when the fellow examiner of the provincial examination showed favor to Zhai Luan, who had just become the first assistant, I am afraid that Zhai Luan thought it was a benefit for the first assistant.

Isn't it normal for others to take the initiative to curry favor with the chief assistant and recruit his son?

Moreover, Zhai Luan could not imagine that someone who helped commit fraud would give up his own future to act as a "tainted witness."

So Zhai Luan must have been completely unprepared. With so many powerful officials following unwritten rules in the imperial examinations, nothing happened. How could Zhai Luan have any problems?

"If this is the case, the hope is very high." Zhao Wenhua said, and he always felt that his adoptive father might have something hidden. Since there are problems with the provincial examination, what about the subsequent examinations?

Mr. Yan Ge also asked: "Remember to let the news go out first, but don't mention the matter of cheating in the imperial examination."

The purpose of letting the news out is a kind of test, to show your trump card before you come forward. We need to see what the initial reactions of all parties are, and then some of them will reveal their trump cards.

At the same time, it is also a kind of pressure on Zhai Luan in a dominant situation, which may force Zhai Luan to mess up his position.

It would be best if Zhai Luan can't stand it anymore and resigns on his own initiative.

After dawn the next day, Mr. Yan Ge went to Wenyuan Pavilion for work as usual.

For some reason, after returning to Wenyuan Pavilion from Wuyi Hall, Mr. Yan Ge felt that Wenyuan Pavilion looked awkward, as if it was already a polluted place.

It was originally located in the Military Aircraft Department of Wenyuan Pavilion, but before Qin Dewei left, he moved to Wuyi Palace and became neighbors with the Superintendent of Ceremonies...

Thinking of the Military Aircraft Department, Mr. Yan Ge became a little annoyed, and shouted to Zhang Chao, another bachelor and the Minister of Etiquette: "Your Ministry of Rites should be more measured in what you do. Don't bypass the cabinet and always report memorials to the Military Aircraft Department!"

Teacher Zhang asked: "What are you talking about?"

Mr. Yan Ge criticized: "For example, if the students of the Imperial College have to add school uniforms, why should they report it to the military aircraft?

According to regulations, the Military Aircraft Department handles urgent business within six hundred miles, so what does the student uniform have to do with the Military Aircraft Department?"

Zhang Chao said unhurriedly: "The school uniforms for the prison students are also an urgent matter. Seeing that winter is coming, of course we are anxious about increasing the school uniforms."

This attitude made Mr. Yan Ge a little angry: "The Military Aircraft Department mainly communicates with the Ministry of War, and it cannot take care of things like school uniforms! What's the point of the Rites Department reporting to the Military Aircraft Department?"

Zhang Chao still replied calmly: "But the Military Aircraft Department has sent the disposal to the Ministry of Accounts, and the Ministry of Accounts has acknowledged the account, and now the money has been arranged."

Mr. Yan Ge: "..."

This is what he hates about Qin Dewei the most! Just because Qin Dewei has created a cycle that can bypass him and close the operation!

The rabbit's tail won't grow long. When he becomes the first assistant in a few days, he can spare the energy to break this cyclical system with his own hands!

This chapter has been completed!
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