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Chapter 902 Chain Reaction of Insufficient Supplies

The shogunate set up a ship inspection commissioner in Ningbo Prefecture, headed by Yan Shifan. His nominal duty was to inspect ships going to sea for any violations, but in fact his task was to issue and cancel ship guides.

This job is very easy and lucrative. If Qin Zhongtang had not arranged it with ill intentions, Yan Shifan sometimes even thought that it would be good to do this for a few years.

Yan Shifan did not locate the station in Ningbo city. In order to facilitate communication with the seaside guard posts, the final location of the station was set at Sanjiangkou outside Ningbo city.

Ma Kui, one of the three commanders of the Ningbo Prefecture and the commander of the Dinghai Guards, hurriedly came to Sanjiangkou to visit Yan Shifan.

Originally, the identity of Yan Shifan, Mr. Ge's son, should be shocking, especially since Mr. Yan Ge has evolved into Yan Shoufu.

But unexpectedly, Qin Zhongtang came to Zhejiang at the same time and stole a lot of limelight. The chief minister's son seemed not to be so eye-catching.

Besides, Ningbo City also has a pavilion elder. Zhang Bangqi from the Zhang family, one of the four major families, has also become a bachelor, and has also gained some fame.

Therefore, when Ma Kui came to visit Yan Shifan, the size of the gift was only average, which was far inferior to the gift given to Qin Zhongtang.

After Yan Shifan read the gift list, he grunted dissatisfiedly in his heart. Who is this meeting gift enough for?

In the past, Uncle Yan, the boss of the small pavilion, would have directly kicked out the horse commander.

But in the past year, Uncle Yan, who has been severely beaten by society, has learned a little humility, so he still invited Ma Kui in and watched him have tea.

Yan Shifan was impatient to talk in circles and asked directly: "Master Ma is here today. What do you want to do?"

Ma Kui replied: "There have been too few goods shipped to the sea in recent days, less than 30% of normal times. Shuangyu Island is a little dissatisfied."

Yan Shifan casually said: "It's not our fault!" Of course, Yan Shifan was well aware of the reason for the sharp decrease in goods going to sea.

After the local forces formed rural soldiers, in the name of preparing for Japanese pirates, they arbitrarily intercepted the goods imported from the mainland to Ningbo, so of course there were fewer goods that could be sent to sea ships.

Ma Kui then said: "Those people on Shuangyu Island are only interested in profit. They only care about receiving the goods. They don't care who provides the goods, let alone how the goods are put into the sea.

Now we control the access to the sea, but if we can’t get the goods out, Shuangyu Island will definitely be dissatisfied with us!”

Uncle Yan is a man with a temper and does not have a business mentality. Hearing this, he said: "What can they do if they are dissatisfied with us?"

Ma Kui was speechless. Does Uncle Yan know how to do business?

Shuangyu Island is the largest destination for maritime smuggling in Ningbo Prefecture, which is comparable to the existence of Party A. From a business perspective, if Party A is dissatisfied, how can it be a trivial matter?

So Commander Ma added a few words: "If Shuangyu Island is dissatisfied, they won't do anything to us, but they may abandon us and look for other channels and goods!"

Yan Shifan replied: "Our passage belongs to the shogunate and Qin Zhongtang! Those people from Shuangyu Island dare to bypass Qin Zhongtang and let others make money?"

Ma Kui didn't know what to say. What was the use of saying these harsh words here? Qin Zhongtang couldn't reach overseas.

The people who gathered overseas to occupy the island were not even looked down upon by the imperial court, let alone Qin Zhongtang?

Finally, Ma Kui reminded: "Shuangyu Island has had a cooperative relationship with the local wealthy families for many years, but it was severed by Qin Zhongtang in recent months.

But if we cannot supply goods, Shuangyu Island will probably restart cooperation with local wealthy families and bypass us for trade!"

Hearing this, Yan Shifan wanted to laugh.

Violating the imperial ban and trafficking goods into the sea is called smuggling, such as what the shogunate is currently doing.

But under the smuggling shogunate, what does it mean to trade secretly behind the shogunate’s back? Smuggling within smuggling? Double smuggling?

Perhaps this is another purpose of local wealthy families forming rural soldiers to block goods from entering Ningbo.

The sales channels that Qin Zhongtang has worked so hard to establish will not be able to sell many goods!

Then those greedy guys on Shuangyu Island will contact and cooperate with these wealthy families again!

Ma Kui observed Yan Shifan's words and expressions, and felt a little anxious when he saw Yan Shifan's attitude of not taking it seriously, so he urged again:

"This is not a trivial matter. Please remind Master Yan to seize the time to solve the problem and at least ensure that the supply of goods returns to normal."

Yan Shifan still knew something about Qin Zhongtang's intentions, and knew that Qin Dewei intended to attack Shuangyu Island. Maybe this was another way to get rid of the troublemakers.

I just don’t know if I can succeed, but it doesn’t matter anyway. As long as he, Yan Shifan, can save his life, he can just sit back and watch the fight between tigers and tigers!

The Shuangyu Island mentioned by Dinghaiwei Commander Ma Kui is actually not that far away from Ningbo. It takes about half a day to go to the sea from the coast of Ningbo and walk southeast.

After the Ming Dynasty banned the sea, most residents of coastal islands retreated to land, and the islands became deserted islands.

And a deserted island can be transformed into a prosperous trading town again, for no other reason than the power of money.

First, there was money from the Folangji people, and then there was money from the Japanese country. Such a small city was created out of thin air on the sea, forming a small wonder where various cultures met.

For example, on the island, there is a Western church at the foot of the mountain, and the Tianfei Palace, which is believed by the sea people, is built on the mountain.

Xu Weixue, one of the leaders of the Japanese Shang Dynasty King Zhi, is now on Shuangyu Island. In recent months, he has been trying his best to please the two leaders Xu Dong and Bald Li.

Qin Zhongtang only gave him an instruction and general idea of ​​"being an undercover agent". No one else could help with this matter, so he had to find a way on his own.

When Xu Weixue asked to see Xu Dong and Xu Qiye that day, he was told that Xu Qiye had gone to Tianfei Palace to have tea and talk with Baldy Li.

The entire Shuangyu Island was not that big, so Xu Weixue turned around and went to Tianfei Palace, where he met Xu Dong and Baldy Li in the west wing.

These two people had a fateful friendship, escaped from prison together, and then went to sea, and now they have become the two most powerful people on Shuangyu Island together.

After Xu Dong and Xu Qiye nodded to Xu Weixue, he said, "You came just in time. I have some questions for you."

Xu Weixue smiled and said, "Master Qi and Master Li don't know what they want to ask?"

But another big leader, Baldy Li, said contemptuously: "What's the use of asking him?"

Among the two big leaders, Xu Dong and Xu Weixue were both from Huizhou. Moreover, Xu Weixue's superior Wang Zhi also came from Xu Dong's subordinates. Xu Weixue was Xu Dong's "disciple", so Xu Dong had a slightly better attitude towards Xu Weixue.

But Baldy Li despised Xu Weixue very much. Everyone wanted to come to Shuangyu Island, a treasure land flowing with silver. Who was Xu Weixue?

The two leaders met today because of the recent sharp decrease in the supply of goods. The goods imported from Ningbo Prefecture on the mainland to Shuangyu Island have been so small that it affects normal trade.

Baldy Li said dissatisfiedly: "What else do you have to ask? If there is less goods, we will find another source of goods!"

Recently, I have contacted the Xie family in Yuyao again. They can ship the goods there, but we need to transport them ourselves."

Xu Dong then advised: "It's complicated and troublesome to have your own luck. Just wait and see. Don't be impatient and stay calm."

Then he asked Xu Weixue: "Didn't you claim to have an insider in the shogunate? What kind of person is Qin Dewei?"

Xu Weixue replied: "This man takes soft things rather than hard ones, can't rub the sand out of his eyes, and does things vigorously and resolutely. And he is also very greedy for money, otherwise he would not have taken the smuggling channel away from the hands of the wealthy family."

Xu Dong asked again: "Then it's up to you to judge, how Qin Dewei will deal with the obstruction of freight?"

Xu Weixue pretended to think for a moment before replying: "With Qin Dewei's character, he will never bow down to the wealthy Ningbo family."

Another big leader, Baldy Li, asked: "As the saying goes, a strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake, so how does Qin Dewei plan to deal with the three thousand rural soldiers? Together with Yuyao County, which is adjacent to Ningbo Prefecture, the number is probably close to four thousand."

Xu Weixue continued to answer well prepared: "According to the news I received from inside the shogunate, Qin Dewei has mobilized two thousand soldiers and horses of the standard battalion and is preparing to forcibly enter Ningbo Mansion!

Moreover, two thousand navy troops were mobilized from Fujian and were about to enter Ningbo Prefecture from the sea. They would form an echo with the land mark camp and attack the wealthy rural soldiers from both sides!

If what I predict is correct, Qin Dewei may use force to coerce and forcibly disband or disarm the rural soldiers."

Baldy Li was surprised. He had always thought that Xu Weixue's claim to have insiders in the shogunate was just a boast, but now it sounded like it might be true?

Xu Dong was also very surprised. He originally asked casually, but he didn't expect to ask such a "secret".

He subconsciously said to Xu Weixue: "You actually know this? Do you really have an insider in the shogunate?"

Xu Weixue smiled slightly and said while the iron was hot: "No one knows the affairs of Qin Dewei and the shogunate better than me. Letting me stay on Shuangyu Island will be of great benefit to Shuangyu Island."

This is why Xu Weixue has been trying to please the two leaders recently. His main appeal is this. He hopes to stay as a small leader and be permanently stationed on Shuangyu Island.

Baldy Li snorted coldly and said with a bit of sarcasm: "Shuangyu Island is such a big place, how can it accommodate heroes from all walks of life?"

Shuangyu Island has a permanent population of three to five thousand, not because only three to five thousand people are willing to live on Shuangyu Island, but because the environment of Shuangyu Island can only accommodate so many people.

For example, the big leader Xu Dong has several brothers. Xu Dong is called the Seventh Lord because he is ranked seventh. The Xu brothers together own dozens of ships and tens of thousands of men. Only Xu Dong and thousands of people are permanently stationed there.

Shuangyu Island.

Most of the other ships and manpower are actually scattered along various routes and harbors, and are not concentrated in one place.

This is also the reason why in history, after Shuangyu Island was completely destroyed by the Ming Dynasty's army, the number of pirates and Japanese pirates suddenly increased.

The mother base, mastermind, and trade hub have all been destroyed. What to do with the scattered ships and manpower? They can only become pirates.

Of course, Qin Zhongtang, who intends to become the largest smuggling leader in this time and space, should not make such a mistake.

All in all, being able to stay on Shuangyu Island is a symbol of power, and it is also a very precious and in short supply spot.

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Hearing Xu Weixue's request to stay on Shuangyu Island, Xu Dong also became serious and said to Xu Weixue: "It seems that Wang Zhi has become really prosperous in recent years and is starting to have ideas."

In Xu Dong's eyes, Xu Weixue's identity was Wang Zhi's ship owner, and Xu Weixue's appeal must be Wang Zhi's instruction.

I think at the beginning, Wang Zhi was just a ship owner under Xu Dong, focusing on Japanese trade.

But in recent years, Japan's silver production has exploded, and Wang Zhi's power has expanded accordingly. His strength is no less than that of Xu Dong, and he has gradually become independent.

In fact, in the eyes of Huizhou merchants, this is normal. After the employees are full-fledged, it is not deviant to go out and open an independent business on another site.

But if Wang Zhi wants to put his hands into Shuangyu Island, the trade center of East Asia, Xu Dong will be wary.

Xu Weixue quickly explained: "Master Qi, please don't misunderstand me! The idea of ​​our leader Wang is to see if there is a chance to take down the power of the Japanese."

As we all know, there are three forces on Shuangyu Island. In addition to the Ming forces represented by Xu Dong and Baldy Li, there are also Japanese and Folangji people.

Xu Weixue meant that Wang Zhi only wanted to take the Japanese share and replace them with the Japanese, which would have no impact on the forces of Xu Dong and Baldy Li.

If you are willing to cooperate, it is not impossible for everyone to eat the Japanese share.

Xu Dong was noncommittal, and after looking at Baldy Li, he said meaningfully: "Wang Zhi really wants to think of himself as a Japanese?"

On the sea, everything is based on strength. In recent years, Wang Zhi has become prosperous in the Japanese trade, and his men are strong. Xu Dong and Baldy Li can look down on Xu Weixue, but they cannot ignore Wang Zhi's strength and demands.

Xu Weixue revealed: "Our leader Wang is going to follow the earliest trade wind of this year and come from Japan. Master Qi might as well have a frank talk with our leader Wang."

Xu Dong asked calmly: "How to discuss the law? Where to discuss it?"

Xu Weixue replied: "To show sincerity, our leader Wang can not enter Shuangyu Island and find another place for talks."

If a big leader like Wang Zhi came to Shuangyu Island with thousands of people, who would know if he was here to talk things over or if he had other agendas?

So Xu Dong and Baldy Li would definitely be worried if Wang Zhi went to Shuangyu Island.

Xu Dong thought for a while and made arrangements directly: "When Wang Zhi comes, let's meet him at Lieyu! This way you can feel at ease!"

There are thousands of islands off the coast of Ningbo, and the smuggling base is not only Shuangyu Island, but also several islands with suitable harbors. As a supplement and backup to Shuangyu Island, Lieyu is one of them.

Speaking of this, Xu Weixue suddenly remembered something and said to Xu Dong: "Then for the convenience of contact, I will temporarily stay on Shuangyu Island?"

Xu Dong made the decision and said: "To ensure your safety, you are allowed to have a ship with a hundred people and permanently station it on Shuangyu Island!"

Xu Weixue was overjoyed and said, "Thank you so much, Master Qi!"

After spending so much effort and wrangling, he could finally breathe a sigh of relief. The progress of the undercover mission explained by Qin Zhongtang should be half completed!

That’s not right, this is the progress of your own island owner’s dream!

As long as the two leaders, Xu Dong and Baldy Li, are tricked into temporarily leaving Shuangyu Island, and then they can tip off the waiting army, they will seize the opportunity to attack, and with their own internal support, there is a chance that the army will take over the leaderless Shuangyu Island.

Very big!

And without Xu Dong and Baldy Li from Shuangyu Island, what's the point?

When he comes to Shuangyu Island with official support, even Wang Zhi will look at his face!

This chapter has been completed!
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