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Chapter 921 Survival of the Fittest

Over the past year, Yan Song has called deep in his heart more than once, Your Majesty, please open your eyes!

In this way, the emperor can see Qin Dewei's arrogant, domineering and lawless ugly face.

But unexpectedly, when he seized the opportunity of Wang Tingxiang's serious illness and attempted to expand his power and make a comeback, the emperor would actually wake up!

This is really not waking up when you should wake up, waking up randomly when you shouldn't wake up!

If he only faced a Qin Dewei or a Qin eunuch alone, Mr. Yan Ge felt that he could still save himself.

But if he faced Qin Dewei and Eunuch Qin at the same time, it was really beyond his ability.

So after coming out of Renshou Palace, Yan Song had the intention to retire. This was not an intellectual game about how to resign in order to maximize his benefits, but the real idea of ​​complete retirement.

When they walked outside the Meridian Gate again, another cabinet minister, Zhang Chao, said: "Others are still waiting in the East Chamber, and the court recommendation must continue. We cannot give up halfway."

Yan Song said negatively: "I want to resign and become an official, so I won't go to the East Chaofang to preside over the court. You can do it yourself."

Zuodu Yushi Tuqiao was watching clearly, so he whispered to Yan Song, who was obsessed with the authorities: "It's better for you, Mr. Ge, to go, and don't think about resigning, otherwise there will be unreasonable disasters.

In the eyes of others, if you resign at this time, you either have a guilty conscience and will arouse more suspicion;

Or they are expressing dissatisfaction and resigning to express their anger. No matter which kind of speculation it is, it will bring disaster."

Although Tu Qiao did not identify who it was, anyone with a little intelligence could tell that it was possible for Emperor Jiajing to think that way.

Yan Song was speechless. Is it a mistake to resign? What should be done correctly?

So the cabinet ministers and nine ministers who had gone to see the emperor returned to the East Chamber and met with other ministers.

Although other ministers wanted to know the emperor's condition and what happened, it was not allowed to openly ask and discuss the emperor's dragon body in public. This was a taboo matter.

What made others a little surprised was that Yan Shoufu was listless, but it was Zhang Chao and Zhang Ge who took the initiative to introduce the situation to everyone and said: "The emperor is awake, but he still needs to recuperate. In addition, the emperor has summoned Xia Guizhou to the court."

Although this sentence was not detailed, it at least let most people know what happened, which immediately caused the Dongchao room to explode again.

Xia Yan is coming back? What about Yan Song?

Especially everyone in the Yan Party felt a little bit crazy at this time. They were about to go to heaven just now, and in the blink of an eye they were knocked down to earth again. Who can bear this gap?

Especially those who originally belonged to the Xia Party and later took refuge with Yan Song, such as Mao Bowen, the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishments, and Fan Jizu, the Left Minister of the Ministry of War, have begun to insult God in their hearts.

The people of the Qin Party are relatively calm, because no matter who becomes the chief minister, it seems that they will definitely compete with the Qin Party for power, but the methods are just different.

I heard Zhang Chao say again: "The Holy Lord is awake, and all the kings should abide by their duties and fulfill their responsibilities! Now continue to complete today's court test!"

But no one spoke for a while. Now the "big environment" has undergone tremendous changes. Everyone must carefully consider the pros and cons in order to "survive the fittest."

But always being silent like this is not an option. Someone shouted: "Chen Yushi! You only said half of what you said just now, you can continue now!"...

When the censor Chen Chun spoke just now, he only said "I have received a letter from Qin Dewei". Before he could use the routine, he was interrupted by the sudden arrival of the eunuch Qin.

As the saying goes, soldiers are unpredictable, and water is unpredictable. When messing around in the court, routine planning is important, but adaptability is also very important.

At this time, his name was called. Chen Chun thought for a while and felt that it didn't matter if he continued, so he spoke again: "Qin Banqiao said in the letter that there was a man named Zhang Qishu in Ningbo, who was one of the four major local families.

Family background.

Last year, Zhang Qishu twice ordered the burning of the official ship sent by the governor's residence, and severely injured the commissioner sent by the governor to inspect the rural soldiers.

This year Zhang Qishu intensified his efforts, colluding with the local Yang family and the Lu family to collude with the Japanese pirates, leading two groups of Japanese pirates to land in Ningbo, and even opened the city gate of Ningbo in an attempt to

Let the Japanese pirates enter the city."

Anyone who listens to these paragraphs will immediately conjure up the image of a local bully who does evil and is lawless.

This Zhang Qishu dared to burn the ship where Governor Qin Dewei was traveling, so he had to be respected as a man.

Just colluding with the Japanese pirates and opening the city gate to let the Japanese pirates into the city is really a heinous crime. To be serious, it is just a little worse than the heinous crime.

Tu Qiao, the censor of Zuodu, glanced at Zhang Bangqi and asked Chen Chun: "Is this really true? Isn't it an injustice?"

Chen Chun replied: "Qin Banqiao said in the letter that all the prisoners were captured on the spot, and all the witnesses pointed to the Zhang family, the Yang family, and the Lu family!

As the manager of the Zhang family, Zhang Qishu cannot be unaware of this! Qin Banqiao also said that the interrogation is still ongoing and will be reported to the court after the final review!"

Some "smart people" thought of something and asked, "What is the relationship between Zhang Qishu and Duke Zhang Yongchuan?"

Chen Chun answered truthfully: "According to Qin Banqiao's letter, Zhang Qishu is the nephew of Duke Zhang Yongchuan!

The Military Aircraft Department is responsible for emergency military intelligence and bandit affairs, but the Zhang Yongchuan family colluded with the Japanese pirates to lure the wolf into the house!

If the imperial court appoints Princess Zhang Yongchuan to preside over the military aircraft department, isn't it afraid that he will become the laughing stock of the world?"

Yan Song sighed, he found that although Chen Chun and Chen Yushi were not of high rank, they were also very insidious in their actions.

Chen Yushi could have revealed this letter before the nomination, or during the process of recommending Zhang Bangqi.

But he just kept silent. When the preliminary results of the court recommendation came out and Zhang Bangqi had already decided on the candidate, he jumped out and talked about the Zhang family's collusion with the Japanese pirates. This directly rubbed Yan Dang's face as hard as possible.

If you don't care about it, it's just a slap in the face.

No wonder Qin Dewei chose Chen Chun as his spokesman and wrote this letter to Chen Chun. It was really "people making the best use of their talents".

At this moment, almost all the people in the Dongchao room turned pale, and they all looked at the bachelor Zhang Bangqi. They didn't expect that Zhang Ge's relatives in his hometown could have made such a big mistake.

Perhaps this was the Qin Party's counterattack? If Eunuch Qin hadn't interrupted just now, the Qin Party would have already faced Zhang Bangqi, who was trying to get involved in the military aircraft department.

Is it so easy to steal food from Qin Dewei?

At this time, everyone suddenly understood why Qin Dewei was determined to cause trouble for the four major families after arriving in Zhejiang. It seemed that his main focus was on confronting the wealthy families...

Probably they wanted to use iron fist and high pressure to force the four major families to make mistakes or "crime", and then use these crimes to restrain the Zhejiang Party bosses in the court.

Moreover, Qin Dewei's tricks were not only the above, but also had a second level of tricks! After he grasped the charges, he deliberately spread them to the court in the form of private letters instead of official memorials.

In this way, you can advance, attack, retreat or defend. You can deal with it strictly later, or you can pick it up high and put it down gently!

While everyone was thinking, Yan Song signaled to Tu Qiao with his eyes, asking Tu Qiao to come forward and say a few words to smooth things over. In any case, Zhang Bangqi still had to save it.

But for some reason, Tu Qiao was unmoved and still stood there without showing anything. Not only Yan Song, but everyone was surprised, because Tu Qiao and Zhang Bangqi are definitely two in one. Now that Zhang Bangqi is under attack, you Tu Qiao

What does it mean if Qiao doesn't help to speak?

Immediately, people who knew the inside story of the Zhejiang Party, especially the Ningbo Gang, understood that Tu Qiao really did not dare to speak at this moment!

Chen Chun just mentioned that the Ningbo Zhang family colluded with the Yang family and the Lu family, but did not mention the Tu family, so Tu Qiao had some concerns!

Qin Dewei has already hacked three of the four major families in Ningbo, so does the Tu family also have dirty information that Qin Dewei has yet to reveal?

If Tu Qiao jumped out, would he directly expose his face with negative information? So in order to protect himself, Tu Qiao could only pretend to be deaf and dumb? Could this be Qin Dewei's third-level routine?

In fact, everyone is overthinking it. This situation was not deliberately caused by Qin Dewei.

Qin Zhongtang came together to cause trouble for the four major families, and he also designed it together to force the four major families to go against the Japanese.

But when it came time to finally catch the current situation, Qin Zhongtang really

No one from the Tu family has been caught. As mentioned before, not only must there be routine planning, but also adaptability. Since Qin Zhongtang has no evidence of catching the Tu family, he can only make the best of the situation and make false claims.

Yan Song sighed deeply again, life was like a mess, the situation was so rotten, and he couldn't resign, so what could he do?

Why was Yan Song's official career so troubled? He also had to face a historically powerful opponent.

No matter how hard life is, you still have to face it. You can't find a rope to hang yourself on.

At this time, no one spoke, so Mr. Yan Ge took the initiative and said, "I didn't think carefully about today's court decision!"

One leaf falls and the world knows autumn. Others immediately speculated that Mr. Yan Ge was giving in?

He then heard Mr. Yan Ge continue to say: "Wang Junchuan is a veteran of the imperial court. Although he is seriously ill and cannot take care of his duties, he should not be so anxious to replace him with someone else. This will chill the heart of the veteran and is extremely inappropriate.

Therefore, it is better not to recommend the Minister of War for now, but to preserve Wang Junchuan’s dignity to appease people’s hearts.”

Everyone was speechless. Just now, Chief Yan had aggressively expelled Wang Tingxiang and even proposed a successor. Now he immediately reversed course and still retained Wang Tingxiang's dignity.

To be honest, this self-defeating skill is a bit stronger than Qin Dewei's.

If Qin Dewei does the wrong thing or says the wrong thing, he will only think about it and make mistakes, and he will never admit his mistake by slapping himself in the face.

Anyway, no one interrupted, so Yan Chief Fu continued: "As for the candidate to temporarily head the Military Aircraft Department, I suddenly think that Zhang Yongchuan is not suitable. He knows too little about the situation in the border town."

Some bold people in the crowd shouted, "Who does Mr. Yan Ge think is the most suitable now? Fan Shao Sima from the Ministry of War?"

Yan Song said calmly: "After careful consideration, I really thought of a suitable candidate! That is Datong Governor Zhan Rong!"

Speaking of this Zhan Rong, he is also a very legendary figure in the official circles of the capital. He was originally an official in charge of food in the Ministry of Household Affairs. He encountered the Datong mutiny ten years ago. He planned to suppress the rebellion and performed meritorious service, and was promoted to the fourth rank.

But Zhan Rong didn't have any good connections, so he could only work as an idle official in the marginal yamen.

Later, because Zhan Rong became neighbors with Qin Dewei, he sold the house at a low price to the Qin Mansion, which was in urgent need of expansion. As a result, he was given the powerful position of Governor of Datong. Behind his back, Governor Zhan was called the "Governor of House Sellers", and was in conflict with

The relationship between Qin and the Party can be imagined.

So all the ministers were in an uproar. They knew that Yange Laoziqian was very powerful, but they didn't expect that he would be so powerful that he would seriously recommend someone from the Qin Party!

Mr. Yan Ge's face remained as usual: "Governor Zhan has done a good job in Datong in the past two years and prevented the northern invaders from invading the south. Logically, he should be rewarded!

It just so happens that there is such a vacancy now, so Zhan Rongqian can be appointed as the Right Minister of the Ministry of War and head of the Military Aircraft Department on his behalf!"

This proposal was really unbelievable. Everyone in the Yan Party looked at Mr. Yan Ge together. They knew that Mr. Yan Ge was very thoughtful and such a proposal must have deep meaning.

But I still couldn't accept it emotionally, but I didn't have the courage to speak out against it, so I could only stay silent.

As for the people of the Qin Party, they had no reason to object. They knew that Yan Song might not have much good intentions, but out of human nature, they could not object to the promotion of one of their own.

Maybe if Qin Dewei was present, he would dare to suppress his own people from being promoted, but others in the Qin Party really don't have this prestige.

Whether other people agree or oppose, they won't make much of a stir.

Xu Zan, the Tianguan of the Ministry of Personnel, said with a smile: "If you choose someone from the border town governor, the governor of Liaodong Zeng is also very suitable."

Before he finished speaking, a few stern looks came over him. Xu Tianguan was afraid of getting burned, so he changed his words and said, "If there are no other suggestions, then it will be Zhan Rong."

But Mr. Yan Ge suddenly said thoughtfully: "Speaking of which, the governor of Liaodong worked tirelessly to manage the border areas for six or seven years. He made outstanding achievements and it was time for him to be promoted.

In my memory, it seems that Governor Zeng was still in the fourth rank? Now it is only natural that he should be added to the third rank!"

Whether it is the Qin Party or the Yan Party

Or maybe the centrists are all looking at each other, with no one answering.

These people in the Dongchao room originally thought that they could stand here, and they were already relatively knowledgeable people about politics.

But at this moment, they found that they still didn't quite understand, at least they couldn't understand why Mr. Yan Ge suddenly knelt down and licked Qin Dewei like this.

Could it be that because he heard that Xia Yan was coming back, he was so stimulated that his character changed drastically?

It would be too naive to try to turn conflicts into friendship by teaming up with Qin Dewei to fight against Xia Yan! Politics is not about playing house, nor is it a game about getting promoted!

Senior General Yan Ge had a clear view of everyone's expressions, and he didn't want to explain anything. He couldn't resign, so he had to find a way to adapt to the environment!

Survival of the fittest! Those who cannot adapt to the environment will be doomed!

What's wrong with kneeling down and licking Qin Dewei in order to survive? When Xia Yan comes back, he will kneel down to apologize to Xia Yan and cry bitterly to beg Xia Yan for forgiveness!

In the cabinet from now on, he will become the most timid and the one who least strives for power! Only a man who can bend and stretch, and who can move up and down can be a real man!

He didn't believe it. Xia Yan and Qin Dewei could live in peace with each other?


This chapter has been completed!
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