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Chapter 926 A Weak Country Without Diplomacy

There was silence in the side hall for a while. Ceyan Zhou had mixed feelings in his conscience. In fact, there were many opinions on how to treat the Ming Dynasty in Japan's domestic cultural circles.

Ceyan Zhou Liang and the forces behind him all advocated maintaining superficial tributary relations and pretending to be vassals in order to seek practical benefits.

After all, the Ming Dynasty was so rich in products, all of which were lacking in Japan. However, apart from a few knives and fans, and in recent years, silver mines, Japan had almost nothing to sell.

But looking back now, Ceyan Zhou Liang felt vaguely that after three years of pretending to pay tribute, he seemed to be luring a wolf into the house. Why did the Ming Dynasty produce such a restless alien species?

Qin Dewei was extremely bored and made a joke that only he could understand: "I heard that in your Japanese country, there is a man who dreams of living in Ningbo permanently and wants to be buried here when he dies.

If I don’t think it’s possible, I’ll invite Satsuma and other feudal lords to live in Ningbo City. I can still afford a few prison meals.” No one understood why. Only Xu Shi’an and Xu Laosan who were accompanying him were very cooperative and said, “Hahahaha.”

Laughed a few times.

Although he didn't understand the meaning, he understood Qin Dewei.

Faced with Qin Zhongtang's rude request, Ceyan Zhou Liang had to argue with reason.

The translator Tongshi said: "The classics of Chinese studies say that when a teacher comes out, he will be famous. How can we raise troops to invade our borders without any reason?"

Qin Dewei quickly took a sip of tea and soothed his throat. He felt a little excited. It had been a long time since anyone had beeped like this. He was so lonely.

Then Qin Zhongtang sprayed back: "It seems that Monk Ceyan, your Sinology is only half-baked!

How can you call it raising troops for no reason? Did your Japanese country become a vassal? As a superior country, I, the Ming Dynasty, taught a few local princes a lesson for the vassal country. What can't I do?

I wonder if you, Monk Ceyan, have heard of the old events in Annan a few years ago? The powerful official of Annan, Mo Dengyong, usurped the throne. The Ming Dynasty sent troops to conquer Annan and forced Mo Dengyong to surrender!

When our Ming Dynasty navy conquered places like Satsuma and other places, we can refer to the example of Annan. How can we say that our troops came from nowhere?"

Ce Yanzhou was also troubled in his conscience. Originally, the title of minister was only used to cheat trade rights, but now it became a legal constraint.

After much deliberation, I could only find an excuse to shirk it, and asked the general to translate: "I am just an envoy. I really have no right to decide on military and state affairs, nor am I qualified to discuss these matters with the Central Hall."

Qin Dewei said harshly: "What misunderstanding do you have about this church? I don't want to discuss anything with you, I just want to inform you!"

The clay figurine was still angry. Qin Zhongtang's domineering expression made Ceyan Zhou Liang a little angry, and he said sarcastically:

"I'm just a humble messenger, so what's the point of informing me? If you haven't notified our country, you're entering unannounced and fighting undeclared. Is this the so-called heavenly army of heaven?

Even if you bring this complaint to the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, you have to follow this etiquette! As far as I know, all the generals of the Ming Dynasty who engage in provocation will be punished!"

Qin Zhongtang was very surprised and said: "Who said we should go to war without declaring it? Sooner or later, you, Monk Ceyan, will return to your country to repay your mission to the Genji, right?"

When the trade winds arrive, five days after you set off to return home, I, the Ming Dynasty Navy, will set off behind your mission!…

I estimate that after you come ashore and deliver my revolt documents to King Genji of Nijo Castle, the Daming Navy will be able to reach Hizen or Satsuma.

At this time, my document of protest is already in the hands of your King Genji, and the Ming Dynasty navy has begun to bombard your kingdom, so this is not considered an undeclared war, right?"

Monk Ceyan was stunned when he heard that there were such shameless people in the world! Qin Dewei explained again: "I learned this trick from you Japanese people."

Ce Yan Zhou Liang's face turned red with anger. What's more shameless than shameless? Such shameless tricks are unheard of. Why did he learn Japanese Chinese from them?

The deputy envoy of the Japanese mission hurriedly walked to Zhou Liang, the chief minister, and whispered in his ear: "Morality and justice are incompatible, so let's talk about profit and loss."

It's hard to be reasonable, so let's change our strategy.

Ceyan Zhou Liang asked the general to translate: "Raising troops to go on an expedition across the sea is by no means a trivial matter. Does Zhongtang know the difficulties involved?"

Qin De

Wei said a little arrogantly: "With the strength of your remote daimyo feudal lords, with three thousand elites and the sharpest firearms, it should be enough to win, right?"

Qin Zhongtang, who had played games in his previous life, knew that in the current time period, which was still the early Warring States Period, how old were Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

At this time, the general daimyo did not have many soldiers, let alone the daimyo in remote seaside areas such as Satsuma and Hizen.

If a few more decades had passed, Qin Zhongtang would probably not have dared to send thousands of people to invade the Japanese country. Ceyan Zhou Liang really couldn't understand, where did Qin Zhongtang know the national conditions of the Japanese country?

In the Ming Dynasty, which regarded itself as a celestial dynasty, who could afford to study Japan?

He could only continue to let the general interpreter say: "The long-term expedition across the sea will definitely consume countless money and food, and it will cost more than the land expedition.

Even if Satsuma and other feudal lords are razed to the ground, Nakado will gain nothing. If calculated based on profit, it will ultimately be a waste of national power, and Nakado will not take it!"

Qin Dewei laughed a few times, "Haha", "I thought that if Monk Ce Yan could be an envoy, he must be a smart-minded person. Why is he so pedantic?

Didn't Monk Ceyan ever think that it would be more convenient to carry supplies by boat than on land?

Our Ming Navy crossed the sea to fight against rebellion. With a fleet of thousands of people, it would not be difficult to bring along 30,000 to 50,000 pieces of silk, right?

It is said that each piece of silk was worth five taels when it arrived in Japan. Thirty thousand pieces of silk were sold for 150,000 taels of silver. After deducting the cost, it was a profit of one hundred thousand taels!

While conquering Satsuma and other clans, while doing business with other wealthy merchants and daimyo, how could it be unprofitable and a waste of national power?

With interests of over 100,000 silver at stake, are you still afraid that the soldiers will refuse to fight to the death?" Ceyan Zhou Liang was speechless. Is this an expedition or official armed smuggling?

Qin Dewei added: "Does Monk Ceyan know? Wang Zhi, the giant bandit between the Ming Dynasty and the Japanese Kingdom, was wiped out by me this year.

Therefore, there must be a huge gap in the material smuggling of the Ming Dynasty to the Japanese country. It just so happens that the Ming Navy brings silk to make up for it, and the gunboats escort it and deliver it to your door!"

Now even Xu Laosan next to him was shocked. When you Qin Zhongtang killed Wang Zhi over a disagreement, was it possible that you had the intention of replacing him yourself?

Ceyan Zhou Liang was still doing his duty and earnestly advised: "It is really not that simple to go to sea to serve as a military commander. If you don't understand maritime affairs, you will die nine times out of ten...

Besides, the officers and soldiers sent by Qin Zhongtang may not be proficient in our country's affairs, nor are they familiar with Japan's national conditions, so how can they accomplish anything?"

Qin Dewei said nonchalantly: "Although Wang Zhi died, he still left many old troops. I plan to recruit a group of talented people from them, recommend them to a hundred households, and then act as guides for my Ming Navy.

Or instead of sticking to Wang Zhi's old tribe, I will also make a meritocracy. Anyone who has the ability to communicate with Japanese people can come to me and seek employment.

Although the official position is not big, it can still make a name for itself. After all, this is the establishment of the same country. Even the people of Folangji treat everyone equally and are not willing to give preferential treatment to hundreds of households! And I have begun to start from the Buddha.

The Langji people bought the ship and hired the Folangji people to supervise the construction of the ships.

As Ce Yan and Zhou Liang listened, a layer of sweat became wet on his back unknowingly.

He had always believed that although the Ming Dynasty was great, it did not pose a strong threat to Japan. A few thousand rogues and Japanese pirates could make the Ming Dynasty uneasy inside and outside.

Only now do I realize that I have been shallow after all and have fallen into the cognition of a small country looking at the sky from a well.

If a powerful enough strongman like Qin Zhongtang appears and becomes serious about Japan, there will be no problem at least scratching the surface.

The main reason is that Ming Dynasty has so many resources. As long as someone can mobilize and integrate them, it will be a huge force.

Qin Zhongtang suddenly changed his face again, and said with a spring breeze: "Besides, doesn't Japan still have an old friend like you, Monk Ceyan?"

Ce Yan and Zhou Liang wanted to say, "What does it have to do with me?", but he wisely kept his mouth shut.

Qin Dewei then continued: "You and I have been dealing with each other for three years. I must have noticed how I tried my best to maintain the tribute trade relationship between the Ming Dynasty and the Japanese country, Monk Ceyan, right?

I have done a lot of research and development for your country. How many people have benefited from this? Shouldn't you be grateful to me?

When the naval fleet I sent arrives in your country, wouldn't you, Monk Ceyan, help to contact us? Anyone who has taken Kanhe and wants to continue to take Kanhe in the future must express his gratitude, right?"

Ceyan Zhou Liang said with a complicated expression: "Has Zhongtang been planning for today since three years ago?"

Qin Dewei said calmly: "I am a mortal, how can I see so far? I am just taking one step at a time."

Then Qin Dewei took out another note and forced it into the hands of Ceyan Zhouliang: "This is the revolt document I wrote to you, General Genji Ashikaga, as a notification document of the revolt against Satsuma and other feudal lords.

When you return to China, please deliver it to the general as soon as possible. As long as you don't interfere with it, you, Monk Ceyan, will always be my old friend of the Ming Dynasty!"

Ce Yan and Zhou Liang felt deeply sad and helpless. He had tried his best to stop it, but what else could he do?

If Qin Dewei is really determined, let alone a small envoy, the general in Nijo City, what ability can he have to stop Qin Dewei now?

As for the dozens of big names in "the world", as long as they don't invade their own territory, who will do their best to stop outside invaders?

"Nakatō, your notification document is totally against etiquette and law, and does not match your status. I'm afraid the Nijo Castle shogunate will not accept it." Ceyan Shuliang sighed and said that this was his last stubbornness...

Qin Dewei said casually: "Nothing, it's just about being flexible. Monk Ceyan, you should be very good at this!

When you arrive at Nijo Castle, tell the official that our status in your country is equivalent to that of the former Kanto governor and deputy general level. Doesn’t this status match it?"

Ceyan Zhouliang: "."

There were so many flaws that he didn't know where to start, so he could only silently put away the essay.

Then Ceyan Zhou Liang said again: "I heard that the emperor of Shangbang has woken up. Regarding the etiquette, I should go to the capital to pay homage to him before I can return."

Qin Dewei nodded, "This is what it should be. It just happens to let the emperor know about the situation in Japan."

Then Qin Dewei turned to Xu Shi'an who was doing nothing next to him and said, "I will send you to escort the Japanese envoy north!"

Only then did Xu Laosan understand why the Qin brothers had to accompany him when they received the Japanese envoy today.

He really didn't have much interest in this task, so he said casually: "I don't really want to go."

Qin Dewei seemed not to have heard, and continued: "Not only are we escorting the Japanese envoy north, we are also escorting one hundred thousand taels of silver into the inner treasury of the palace!"

Xu Shian understood instantly that he was just sending money to the emperor?

Qin Dewei sighed secretly. Although he had made a lot of money from smuggling in the past six months, he also spent a lot of money on things such as pacifying the Japanese. Normally, he couldn't come up with a hundred thousand taels of cash now.

But now that the emperor is awake, he must express something, otherwise he will wait to be remembered by the emperor. He had no choice but to piece together, plundering wealthy families, and borrowing money from money banks, and finally managed to collect this hundred thousand yuan.


Qin Dewei was afraid that Xu Laosan would still be unwilling to go, so he lied and said: "In addition to one hundred thousand taels of silver, there is also the good news of killing the Japanese pirates, so I will give you a chance to see the emperor and please him!"

Maybe the Emperor Long Yan will be so happy that he will directly reward you with a commander and return to Nanjing to be on an equal footing with your father!"

Ce Yan and Zhou Liang came out of the side hall of the court in despair, and walked outside the door. Suddenly, they heard someone shouting: "Messenger Ce Yan!"

Ceyan Zhou Liang looked back and recognized it immediately. The appearance of this one-eyed fat man was too obvious. Who could he be if he wasn't the son of the powerful Prime Minister Fu Yange of the Ming Dynasty?

Yan Shifan pretended to ask: "How was your conversation with Qin Zhongtang?"

Ceyan Zhou Liang suddenly had some thoughts. It was said that in the Ming Dynasty, apart from the Qin Party, there was also the Yan Party. Maybe he could win some sympathy from the Yan Party.

So he said miserably: "Is Qin Zhongtang always so mean to small countries like us? Or does Qin Zhongtang have any opinions on the Japanese country?"

I don’t know what our country did wrong to deserve Qin Zhongtang’s harsh treatment.


Of course, it was all translated by Tongshi, otherwise Ceyan Zhouliang would not be able to talk to Yan Shifan directly.

Yan Shifan responded: "Don't think too much, Ambassador Ce Yan. He is also so mean to us. He never cares who you are, and it will be the same when you Japanese people come!"

Ceyan and Zhou Liang were speechless. If you want to talk like this, how can you continue talking?

Yan Shifan was not originally looking for Ceyan Zhou Liang to chat, so he said, "If nothing happens today, I will host a banquet for Ceyan's envoy!"

"Dare to disobey orders." Ceyan Zhou Liang did not refuse. As the envoy of the tribute regiment, it was his duty to make friends with powerful people.

Later, when Yan Shifan wanted to say a few words to his strategist Zhou Liang, Xu Laosan stood at the door of the court and shouted to this side: "Master Yan! My brother Qin calls for you to come in!"

Yan Shifan could only bid farewell to Ceyan Zhou Liang temporarily and turned around and entered the court.

But seeing that Qin Zhongtang had been transferred from the side hall to the public case, he shouted: "This Zhongtang will give you a chance to report me to the emperor! Anyway, you have a lot of evidence of my crime!"

Yan Shifan only felt that his knees were sore and weak, and it was uncomfortable to stand, so he knelt down in respect.

This chapter has been completed!
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