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Chapter 931

After finishing speaking, Eunuch Qin got up and walked out. He and people like Xu Shi'an really had nothing in common, and staying any longer would be a waste of time.

And when I saw Xu Shian, I thought of my "ex-wife", which made me feel a little unhappy.

"Wait!" Mr. Xu called out to Eunuch Qin and said stubbornly, "I will never apologize to Xia Yan!" Eunuch Qin stopped and stared at Xu Shi'an.

The eunuchs and eunuchs on both sides were all surprised. The printing master and the factory master arranged things, and you, a member of a fifth-grade family with thousands of households, dared to have different opinions!

He then heard Xu Shian continue to say: "I am here on behalf of my brother Qin, and I will never embarrass brother Qin like this, even if it is ordered by you, Eunuch Qin!"

Eunuch Qin was shocked and speechless for a long time. Where did this horse rider come from? How did Qin Dewei think of using this person?

Under normal circumstances, to arrest a little brat Qian Hu, there is no need for Eunuch Qin, the number one eunuch, to come forward to speak! But Eunuch Qin himself just appeared here and spoke to you Xu Shi'an. Isn't that enough to imply that?

What? Didn't you little trash feel the "goodwill" of his Eunuch Qin and then obey the arrangements honestly?

"Many things are not up to you!" Eunuch Qin snorted coldly after he came to his senses.

Xu Shi'an said angrily: "Even if I, Xu Shi'an, starved to death in prison, even if I was hanged, or even if I died of a vicious disease, I would never apologize to Xia Yan!"

Eunuch Qin, who was quick-thinking and eloquent, unexpectedly found himself facing Xu Shi'an. He didn't know what to say for a moment. The other party didn't even have the most basic political literacy, his thinking was not on the same channel at all, and there were other people present here. How could he do it?

Communicate with each other?

In the end, Eunuch Qin could only shout helplessly and angrily: "How dare you say this in front of Xia Shoufu!"

Xu Shi'an responded: "Why don't you dare? Brother Qin has told us that after arriving in the capital, we don't need to worry about the chief minister or the elder Ge! Anyone who doesn't give us face should stop wanting face!"

Eunuch Qin twitched his face and said, "Then just wait here." Then he turned and left.

After staying up until dawn in the East Chamber, officials came in one after another, preparing to hold a court meeting here.

When they saw Jinyi Weiguan and Xu Shi'an in the Dongchao room, they were not surprised at all, because as a rule, factory guards would monitor and observe court meetings.

As for Xu Shi'an, he was considered to be a member of the factory guard. No one in the imperial court knew Xu Shi'an. Even Xia Shoufang, who had been scolding him for a few days, did not know Xu Shi'an.

Then there were more and more people, and the elders and department bosses gradually arrived. Xia Yan, the first assistant, saw that the number of people was almost complete, and he was ready to start.

But Wang Yilu, the Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, was the first to attack and asked Xia Yan: "The Ministry of Finance lost 100,000 Taicang silver due to Shou Kui. Do you think it's nothing?"

Xia Yan glanced at Wang Yiqi and said lightly, "I don't know what you are talking about."

Wang Yilu came here today to find trouble. How could he let it go so easily? He asked further: "If it weren't for Shoukui being unfair to Xu Shi'an, a thousand households, why would Xu Shi'an leave in anger with one hundred thousand taels of silver? Shoukui avoided talking about it.

, don’t you even have this bit of responsibility?”

Xia Yan said forcefully: "How the cabinet makes decisions does not need your guidance, Wang Shangshu! There is no reason to pass all merit reports in the newspaper without reviewing them!"

Wang Yilv went against his usual low-key attitude and asked aggressively: "May I ask Shou Kui, what is suspicious about Xu Shian's achievements? Can Shou Kui explain in detail?"

Xia Shoufu was speechless for a moment. When he saw Xu Shian's performance document, he looked down upon it and typed it back without looking at it, so he couldn't say there was anything suspicious about it.

Besides, the more than 3,000 heads of Xu Shi'an's achievements have been recorded in detail and are real. How can Xia Shoufu see anything suspicious when he is sitting in the rear?

Moreover, at that time, Xia Shoufu did not expect that Xu Shian would be involved in the whereabouts of the one hundred thousand taels of silver. After a pause, Xia Yan said anxiously: "This matter is a matter of the Ministry of War, and you and the Ministry of Husbandry It doesn’t matter, what qualifications do you have to say anything?”

Wang Yiqi refused to give in

Said: "But when it comes to one hundred thousand taels of silver, it has to do with our household department! We must make it clear why and who is responsible!

I, Wang Yilu, think that it was you, Xia Yan, who acted out of your own selfish interests, and that there was no sense of fairness in joining the party and opposing differences, which led to the loss of Taicang silver!"

The loss of one hundred thousand taels of silver is just a business issue, using this to attack Xia Shoufu's position is a political issue.

Xia Yan rolled his sleeves and said angrily: "Stop messing around here. Today's court meeting is not to discuss household affairs! If you, Wang Shangshu, don't want to participate in the discussion, just get out!"

The Qin Party was not limited to Wang Yilu, Sancho, Zhan Rong, Chen Chun and others. Just when they were eager to try, someone suddenly shouted at the top of their lungs in the corner: "The sky is clear! The sky is clear!"

This sudden shout made everyone stunned. They had a vague illusion that Qin Zhongtang had airborne into the court. Everyone turned to look, but saw a young man holding a hand in the Jinyi Guards School. hands.

Then I heard the young man continue shouting: "Soldiers fought hard and died in front of the formation, so that the chief assistant can sit firmly in the center, but the merits are wiped out in a pen and ink, what is the truth?"

The big guys were all confused. What kind of onion did you dare to make such nonsense here? Do you think you are Qin Dewei? The other Jinyiwei officer schools silently took a few steps away from this young man, expressing their displeasure with this person. It doesn't matter.

An official who was nearby shouted and asked, "Who are you?"

The young man replied loudly: "I am Qian Hu, the right guard left behind in Nanjing, deputy commissioner of ship inspection in Ningbo, and Xu Shi-, ambassador for the aftermath of Shuangyu Island.


Everyone was shocked when they heard this. Why did the legendary brother Qin Dewei appear at the court meeting? Xia Yan was furious and asked the Jinyiwei officers: "Who brought this person here?"

The guard in Jinyi replied: "Qin Gong, the superintendent of rites, ordered us to detain Xu Qianhu here, and also ordered Xu Qianhu to apologize to Xia Shoufu."

Xia Yan: "."

Is Xia Yan blind or deaf? Xu Shian's attitude is called apology?

Xu Shian glared at the Jinyi guard with dissatisfaction, and then said: "Who said I wanted to apologize? On the contrary, I want to ask Mr. Xia Ge for an explanation!

An old man just said it well, why did Mr. Xia Ge erase my achievements for no reason? What is wrong with my achievements?"

Everyone also admired him a little. Regardless of whether Xu Qianhu had a good brain or not, he really had no shortage of courage.

Xia Yan took a deep breath and said solemnly: "After today, I will re-examine your achievements. If I was wrong before, I will correct it! Now get out!"

Xia Yan had realized that it would be useless to dwell on this issue, so he cut the mess quickly.

Today's core task is to promote the Ministry of War, then demolish Zhang Chao's Grand Scholar and Minister of Rites, and free up another Ministry of Rites!

In this way, Xia Yan can have a solid basic base, and then he can gain a firm foothold! Apart from that, he can give in and be soft on other matters!

But Xu Shian argued again: "You, Xia Shoufu, don't have any credibility with me, so I can't trust you at all.

Who knows if you are delaying the attack? If you go back on your word after today, what can I do to you? If you are determined to correct it, please give me an explanation on the spot!"

Xia Shoufu felt that by saying this as the chief auxiliary, he was giving in, but Xu Laosan felt that he was still deceiving people, and his deception skills were far worse than Qin Dewei's!

Unexpectedly, being looked down upon by such a little trash made Xia Yan furious and cursed: "You bastard! Do you really think I can't deal with you?"

Then Xia Yan pointed at Xu Shi'an and angrily said to the Jinyi Guards School present: "You are here to listen to the court proceedings, and you also have the responsibility to maintain order!

Now I ask you to imprison this man, and I will tell the emperor how to deal with him later! If you dare not obey, I will impeach you for dereliction of duty and ban you!"

The Jinyi Guards were suddenly in a dilemma and were at a loss. Although the Chief Assistant could not control the Emperor's own army, the Jinyi Guards, they would not be able to withstand it if they tried to cause trouble.

Xu Shian shouted: "Others are afraid of you, Xia Shoufu, but I am not! My brother Qin

I said that you, Xia Yan, will die in the hands of Mr. Yan Ge sooner or later!"

All the court officials in the Dongchao room were in an uproar. Is this the judgment made by Qin Dewei?

Even though Qin Dewei has all kinds of bad qualities, which is absolutely not true, there are two things that are generally recognized as convincing. The first is political credibility, and the second is political acumen.

Originally, everyone was annoyed that Xu Qianhu, a clown, was causing trouble here. Most of the people present were big men of the third rank or above. Why are you, a fifth-rank Qianhu, acting like a fool?

But now, everyone suddenly didn't want Xu Qianhu to leave, and they also wanted to hear Xu Qianhu say a few more words.

These are Qin Dewei’s secret thoughts, second only to the emperor’s secret thoughts! Under normal circumstances, others have no chance to pry into it!

"My brother Qin told me that Mr. Yan Ge is just hiding his talents and hiding his courage, but Xia Shoufu can't see it. It's ridiculous! In the end, he will beat the snake but not die, and he will suffer the consequences instead. It's rare to have a good death!"

Xu Shi'an lived up to expectations and added a few words carelessly, but there was still no argument, only arguments. While everyone was assessing the accuracy of this judgment, they secretly glanced at Mr. Yan Ge who was standing behind Xia Shoufu.

With Xu Qianhu's IQ, he shouldn't be able to make it up on his own, right? So he must have learned it from Qin Dewei, right?

Although there is no evidence, this is the judgment made by Qin Dewei! In the political field, the three words Qin Dewei are golden signs and can be directly used as evidence without the need for additional argumentation process!

Yan Song, who was being watched by everyone, felt in his heart that ten thousand grass and mud horses were roaring by. Can this game still be played?

He has been so low-key and humble, and has endured the humiliation and burden. Why don't you, Qin Dewei, let you go? He is so unconscionable! He has no humanity! He is not a human being!

"Get out!" Old Yan Ge was furious, his tongue bursting with spring thunder, and he sternly scolded Xu Shi'an!

Unknowingly, many centrists who were interested in Xia Shoufu and wanted to heat up the situation were shaken. Is Xia Shoufu okay? Qin Dewei is so unfavorable to Xia Shoufu. Do you believe Qin Dewei?

This situation may seem invisible, but for Xia Shoufu, who has just returned and currently has no die-hard base, relying entirely on winning over the centrists, it is very fatal.

Even the members of the Yanyan Party, who were in turmoil, were even more confused and confused. What should they do now?

Xia Shoufu never expected that the momentum he had gathered for the court discussion would be destroyed by such a little trash who only talked nonsense!

The Jinyiwei officers who were watching on the scene saw that the first and second assistants were about to commit suicide, so they quickly captured Xu Shi'an and dragged him outside.

It was impossible not to leave. They were worried that this Xu Qianhu would be beaten to death on the spot, which would make it difficult to explain to all parties. Xu Shi'an turned around and shouted again: "You, the high officials of the imperial court, are actually not as good as me, Xu Shi'an."

The third child can see clearly!

There is only one Minister of War in the Ming Dynasty, and that is my brother Qin! So why do you need to recommend him? It is simply unnecessary!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, as if they had discovered something new.

Qin Dewei's full official title is generally long and stinky, making it difficult to write or read, so people are accustomed to summarizing it with Qin Zhongtang and rarely mention his specific official title.

Hearing Xu Qianhu's words this time, everyone recalled Qin Zhongtang's current official position in their hearts. The bachelor of Wuyingdian entered Zhiwenyuan Pavilion? The censor of Youdu, the governor of Zhejiang? The minister of the Ministry of War, the governor of Zhejiang and Fujian military affairs? Damn! Yes!

Minister of the Ministry of War! Things are getting serious now!

This chapter has been completed!
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