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Chapter 935

Chapter 935 There is no more below

After Liu Tianhe came out of Xia Yan's house, although he said that it was useless to find Zhang Bi, the bachelor of the township party, he still went to Zhang Bi's house honestly.

Although Zhang Bi followed the trend and resigned at the Eastern Dynasty court meeting this morning, his status as a bachelor has not been approved yet.

Liu Tianhe told Zhang Bi about wooing Xia Yan to him and the conspiracy. Zhang Bi was also a little surprised, but he didn't expect that Xia Shoufu still wouldn't give up.

It can only be said that the first assistant has a lot of resources and can always find another point of strength.

Of course, Zhang Bi also understood that Liu Tianhe's purpose for finding him here was not to let him compete with Xia Shoufu in the ring, but to ask him to send a message to the Qin party.

So Zhang Bi comforted him and said, "Don't worry, the Qin Party is not unreasonable either. You are being pushed to the limit, and they should be able to understand.

When I go to Wenyuan Pavilion tomorrow, I can make it clear to Zhang Chao."

Having said this, Zhang Bi suddenly sighed again, "If the duplication can be accomplished, our border defense situation in Ming Dynasty will be greatly improved. How great would it be?"

Liu Tianhe was silent for a moment and replied: "There are probably two keys to the complex matter, aside from investment.

So when you like someone, you can automatically find a good reason for him.

Eunuch Qin, who rarely showed his expression, became more and more surprised as he listened. He was slightly stunned and looked at Xu Qianhu who was standing outside the palace gate.

Xia Shoufu had no choice but to step forward to receive the order, and walked out of Renshou Palace in a daze, preparing to return to Wenyuan Pavilion to draft the edict.

Therefore, Emperor Jiajing, who was short of money due to his parents' ancestral temple tomb affairs and immortality cultivation, felt that he should summon Xu Shi'an to show encouragement.

Zhang Chao had no choice at this time. If the chief assistant wanted to propose something, how could anyone stop him?

All I can say is: "Take one step at a time and see what His Majesty's intentions are before making any plans."

Otherwise, we must immediately issue an order to appoint Qin Dewei to return to the court and serve as Minister of War. It will be too late to save him.

In fact, the essence of this idea is, "When there are flaws all over the body, there will be no flaws anymore."

Xia Shoufu, who had not left yet, was puzzled. What on earth did the emperor say to Tao Laodao?

He knew that Tao Laodao often talked to the emperor about Taoism and Dharma, but what is the meaning of "Taoist Taoist Zhunti said that this treasure is destined to me"?

He, Xia Yan, is also a man of extensive knowledge and strong memorization, but he has never heard of this allusion.

The first key is to establish a foothold north of the Yellow River, and the second key is more important, to take root north of the Yellow River and last for a long time."

Xu Shian was speechless and could only listen silently. No wonder Brother Qin said privately that the emperor was a bit mean.

It was Emperor Jiajing who took the initiative to summon Xu Shi'an, because Qin Dewei was the first minister to send him money directly.

Then he said impassionedly: "Now that the chieftain Ji Nang who is entrenched in Hetao is dead, there will definitely be civil strife among these northern captives, so it is a God-given opportunity to return to Tao!"

If you want to succeed, you must first hire the right people, and the choice of Minister of War is especially important! Compared with Qin Dewei, Liu Tianhe has guarded the northwest for more than 20 years and is very familiar with the three sides and the Hetao."

Emperor Jiajing suddenly said to Tao Zhongwen impatiently: "Master, please continue talking! Just now that Taoist Zhunti said that this treasure is destined to me, what's next?"

Emperor Jiajing did not embarrass Xu Shi'an for the sake of a huge sum of one hundred thousand taels, "I heard that you are acting rampantly in the capital and have no respect for the ministers in the DPRK. Why are you so cowed today?"

Emperor Jiajing did not express his position. Eunuch Qin, who was familiar with the emperor, knew that he was asking him to continue talking.

At this time, Emperor Jiajing spent most of his time in the main hall of Renshou Palace. Most of the other concubines were sent away, leaving only Queen Fang here.

But after learning about Xu Laosan's ability, Eunuch Qin ordered: "You wait first, I will report to His Majesty myself."

How can we put an end to the disputes between the courtiers and allow me to be clean? So it can be said that Qin Dewei has a good intention, which is called being able to handle things."

The eunuch of Qin reported through the screen: "Xu Shi'an, the right guard of Qianhu who was left behind in Nanjing, was ordered by Qin Dewei to greet the saint outside the palace gate."

Xia Yan continued to be puzzled. What is "Ancient Records"? Is it a newly published book of Taoism?

Tao Zhenren sighed silently in his heart, and helplessly replied to the emperor: "There is no more down there."

If he, Xia Shoufu, successfully met with the emperor, wouldn't it mean that he would become a special one among the foreign ministers?

Sure enough, the emperor paid off his hard work, and today the door of Renshou Palace was finally opened to Xia Shoufu.

Xia Yan is not in a hurry, as long as he delays it now, it will be considered a victory.

Under the guidance of the great eunuch Huang Jin, Xia Yan came to the main hall where he had been away for two years. However, there was still a screen across the hall, preventing Xia Shoufu from seeing Tian Yan directly.

Zhang Bi shook his head and suddenly lost interest in the conversation. It was getting late at night, so Liu Tianhe took his leave.

Xia Shoufu looked around at the crowd and snorted coldly: "I will report the results of yesterday's court meeting to the emperor. Is there any of you who is willing to go with me?"

This is also Emperor Jiajing's power. He can't move now, and he doesn't want to see more outsiders. There are only a few people who can get close to him.

It's okay to know how to be afraid. If you continue to mess around in front of Emperor Jiajing, you are courting death.

Anyway, Emperor Jiajing is completely unable to "collect yin and replenish yang" now, and leaving women alone will only make him look upset.

Therefore, Emperor Jiajing was worried that he would be trapped in the palace and become a puppet of the eunuchs, so he asked Empress Fang to replace the emperor.

The reason why Empress Fang remained in Renshou Palace was because the emperor could not lift a pen, so Empress Fang was responsible for replacing the imperial critic and continued to bear the title of regent.

Next to the screen were Tao Zhongwen, the national preceptor, and Qin eunuch, the chief minister of etiquette. Xia Shoufu didn't pay much attention to this.

When Eunuch Qin, the chief minister of etiquette, walked out of Wuyi Palace and walked outside the gate of Renshou Palace, the official school of Jinyiwei who came from the East Chao Room hurriedly greeted him and reported the situation of the court meeting in a low voice.

Tao Zhongwen was really helpless. After the emperor woke up, he was depressed and depressed all day long, so he tried to take out half of the "Ancient Records" given to him by Qin Dewei to relieve the emperor's boredom.

Maybe if I persuade the emperor a few more times in the past few days, the emperor will be more inclined to his own opinion, Xia Yan thought to himself.

I couldn't help but cry secretly in my heart, this kid is so terrifying, I can't keep him! Only by sending him out of the capital as soon as possible can I feel at ease!

Based on Eunuch Qin's understanding of Qin Zhongtang, he can also guess the reason why Qin Zhongtang sent the bastard Xu Laosan to Beijing as his representative.

As the chief minister, he had to pay attention to any movements of the emperor, so Xia Yan did not leave. He thought about listening to a few more words, since it seemed that the emperor didn't mind others listening to Taoism.

To the south of Renshou Palace is Wuyi Hall. After Qin Dewei went south, the clerk's office of the Supervisor of Liturgy was moved to the west wing of Wuyi Hall, opposite the Military Aircraft Department.

Now that the leader of Hetao, Ji Nang, is dead, and the other leader, Anda, is heading east, the situation in Hetao is at its weakest!

It can be said that this opportunity cannot be missed, and it will never come back! If you miss it now, I wonder if there will be such an opportunity in the future!"

After that, Xia Yan arrived, and Zhang Bi and Zhang Chao stopped talking.

Eunuch Qin and Huang Jin frowned slightly, feeling offended.

Outside the palace gate, he met Lu Bing, a royal guard in imperial robes who had come to visit him. He couldn't help but ask: "What is the "Ancient Records" that the emperor has recently listened to? It is said to be written by Qin Dewei?"

After that, Xia Yan hurriedly reported the status of yesterday's court meeting, and then brought up the "reinstatement" plan.

The experience of this day is so exciting, I need to be able to suppress my shock on this beautiful woman!

What does Xu Laosan have to do with other major national affairs and temple affairs? They are all matters that people like Brother Qin worry about.

Even if he was punished, Xu Laosan's official position was just an insignificant Qianhu. What would he lose if he was dismissed from office?

However, although Eunuch Qin guessed Qin Zhongtang's thinking, he did not guess that Xu Qianhu's "ability" was so outstanding.

Before Xia Shoufu could figure it out, he heard Emperor Jiajing say again: "Cabinet draft edict! If the southeast layout has been completed, let Qin Dewei come back as soon as possible and finish the second half!"

Then he reminded: "The chief assistant wants to discuss the matter of reinstatement again, and use this to seek the chancellor of the Ministry of War!"

When the news of the court meeting was passed to Liu Tianhe, Xu Shian and Xu Qianhu, the protagonists of the court meeting, were escorted by the Jinyiwei officer school through the West Inner Gate, across the sea to Xiyuan Renshou Palace, and then thrown outside the palace gate.


Emperor Jiajing said impatiently: "Summon Qin Dewei back to the imperial court and appoint him as the Grand Scholar of Wuying Palace, the Minister of Military Aircraft Department and the Minister of War!"

Originally, Eunuch Qin just came out to hang around, hear the news and then leave. Xu Laosan was not worthy of being introduced by him.

Xu Shian wanted to say that Brother Qin could protect him if he offended other people, but if he offended the emperor, Brother Qin would not be able to save him.

Fortunately, Xu Shian's face was as pale as a sheet and his body was trembling with fear, which made Eunuch Qin feel a little relieved.

And from another perspective, the more unwilling the emperor is to see foreign ministers, the more it shows how precious the opportunity to meet him is.

Then Liu Tianhe pointed at the two people's bald heads and said, "So complexion is not something that can be finalized in one or two years. What else can old people like us, who don't know how long we can live, talk about?"

"Xu Shi'an deliberately showed that he was angered by Xia Shoufu, and then pretended to be angry and sent the silver into the inner treasury. This is impure thinking! He is trying to find an excuse to offer silver to the emperor!"

Eunuch Qin: "."

What puzzled Xia Shoufu even more was why this book made the emperor so obsessed and addicted? He couldn't wait to continue listening to it?

The Qin eunuch, as the chief ceremonial officer, reminded the emperor: "It is not appropriate to write like this in the imperial edict."

Emperor Jiajing's voice was very unhappy and he asked: "Why is there nothing I want to hear?"

Not everyone has opportunities in life, and they can only have regrets.

Emperor Jiajing probably didn't have the energy to meditate now, so he just replied: "This matter is important, I will think about it carefully before making a decision."

This is not the first time that Xia Shoufu has come to Xiyuan Renshou Palace to seek an audience. He was not summoned several times before, but Xia Shoufu still came today.

The emperor asked a few questions casually, but Xu Shi'an stammered and couldn't speak clearly, which made Eunuch Qin curse secretly.

"Pass it!" Emperor Jiajing decreed.

This change was a bit fast. Xia Yan, the chief minister of the cabinet, was stunned for a moment. What was going on?

Eunuch Qin said to Xia Shoufu with a mocking look, "Xia Yan, why don't you accept the order?"

Eunuch Qin pretended to hesitate for a moment, and then slandered him and said: "Qin Dewei has an impure heart when he donates two taels of silver. Why should your majesty treat him so generously? Then Xu Shi'an is only a small thousand-year-old family, so what blessing does he have to see the beauty of heaven?"

Do you want to find an excuse to advise the emperor and cancel the summons to Xu Qianhu?

The most powerful governor of Xuanda is always in charge of setting up and withdrawing at the same time. Does it mean that the governor of Zhejiang and the governor of Zhejiang and Fujian still want to stay in this position for the rest of his life?

Finally, he modified it a little and said: "Even though I am far away in the southeast, I am deeply impressed by your majesty's divine power. No one else can compare with your majesty's power!"

Xu Shian was overjoyed. This time he came to the capital for real. He quickly thanked him. From now on, he will be Commander Xu!

In this way, today's first assistant's speech will be over.

By the next day, when the sky was dim and bright, Xu Laosan was still sleeping soundly with the beauty in his arms, while the hard-working bachelors had already dressed and went out to the Wenyuan Pavilion.

No matter how sophisticated a person is, there will inevitably be times when things are a little bit confusing, so it would be better to send an incomprehensible bastard over and try to reverse the routine.

Emperor Jiajing coughed a few times, opened his mouth and said: "If this were not the case, how could the money be safely sent to the inner treasury?

He didn't believe it. How could the emperor never summon him as the chief minister? The chief minister was the representative of the ministers. Could it be that the emperor would never have contact with the ministers?

Xia Yan further advised: "This is the same as the other! Your Majesty has a great cause for the future, and only by recovering the Hetao can you match your Majesty's prestige!"

Eunuch Qin knew the techniques of slander. Even if he really wanted to slander, he could no longer speak at this time.

Zhang Bi was the first to arrive. After Zhang Chao also arrived, he quickly talked to Zhang Chao about Liu Tianhe.

Seeing this, the audience was over. After Xu Shian left the palace, he hurried straight to Fangsi Hutong.

In the current environment, no matter who is sent to the capital, they will be subject to the most critical "scrutiny" and will be targeted in various ways.

"You mean complex?" Emperor Jiajing also didn't expect that after Xia Yan returned to the court, he actually proposed such a big project: "It was discussed the year before last, why bring up the old matter again?"

But he didn't expect that the emperor would really take the lead. Now Tao Zhenren could only try his best to explain:

"Qin Dewei originally started compiling the "Ancient Chronicles", but before he could finish it, he left the southeast part of the town. So it is not that I meant to tease the emperor, and now the book is indeed only half of it."

There was no choice, Eunuch Qin could only watch the other eunuchs go out and bring Xu Qianhu in.

No one answered, so Xia Yan took the note and went straight away.

Emperor Jiajing gave a rare smile, "I heard that you want to be promoted to commander, so I will reward you!"

When Eunuch Qin entered the main hall, the screen was not removed, indicating that the emperor did not want to bask in the sun today. Tao Zhenren, the state master, was also allowed to sit next to him. He was probably giving a lecture just now.

Then I heard the emperor continue to say: "Anyway, your Xu family in the north and south already have two princes. There are a lot of commanders and envoys in the family who have been rewarded. One more of you is nothing."

Now Eunuch Qin is a little confused. Will there be any problems if Xu Qianhu meets the emperor?

Speaking of this, Lu Bing, who had a small grudge against Qin Dewei, was not very happy. He replied angrily: "It's a novel! It's about the ancient ways of heaven and the battle between immortals, demons, gods and demons!"

Xia Shoufu: "."

What kind of foolish emperor is riding the horse? There is no novel that can impress the emperor about such a military and national event as the "recovery"!

Don’t worry~ We will not be closed during the Spring Festival and will continue to update, but there may be at most one or two days during which I really can’t write.

(End of chapter)

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