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Chapter 941 Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes

Chapter 941 Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes

Qin Dewei said it could be dismissed, so the court meeting was dismissed, and everyone went back to their homes.

Xia Yan and Yan Song returned to the middle hall of Wenyuan Pavilion. Zhang Bi had not come to work for a long time. There were only two of them in Wenyuan Pavilion for the time being, so it was convenient for them to talk and conspire.

"What you said about Tao Laodao's granddaughter before can be done!" Xia Yan said angrily.

He had been wavering before, but today he finally made up his mind. For the time being, he could not think of any other way to deal with Qin Dewei, so he could only use some off-board moves.

Yan Song didn't answer. This move might work, or it might be a bad move. Anyway, he was only responsible for giving suggestions to Xia Yan, and Xia Yan would bear all the consequences.

After making a decision, the first step is to find a Taoist priest who can get close to the emperor, and then use this person to advise the emperor.

But Xia Shoufu was not a fool, and immediately said: "I have never been familiar with the chamberlains or Taoist priests, and I can't get along with them. So after thinking about it, I still have to work with you to spread the word!"

Yan Song: "."

He found that after Xia Yan came back this time, his face had become thicker. If it was the original Xia Yan, he would never openly say such things with peace of mind to let others take the blame.

As a court official and a big boss in the inner court who had just returned from overseas, he could only take up his new post after meeting the emperor to express his gratitude. This was an indispensable procedure.

There were many cases when the Ming Emperor changed empresses, and every time the ministers basically opposed it, just like trying to persuade people not to divorce, but their objections were basically ineffective.

For example, the current Empress Fang is already the third empress of Emperor Jiajing.

At the beginning, Xia Yan had the airs of a scholar-bureaucrat and a chief minister, he had a high self-esteem, and he was honest with the eunuchs, monks, and Taoists. Unlike Yan Song, who could put down his body to win over people's hearts and deliberately make good friends with the people around the emperor.

Emperor Jiajing asked: "Just now you were standing outside the palace gate thoughtfully. What were you thinking about?"

This left Qin Zhongtang with no choice but to wait and stand outside the palace gate in a daze.

It can only be said that Emperor Jiajing's thoughts were unpredictable to a certain extent, and even Qin Dewei was caught off guard by the question.

Not to mention that they are both fellow Jiangxi people, so Zhang Yongshou is naturally willing to get close to Yan Song, and Yan Song is very good at conducting himself. He often tries to win over Zhang Yongshou, and they have a lot in common.

Generally, the emperor would consult his ministers on this issue, and the ministers would usually reply, "The queen has not committed any misconduct."

Qin Dewei sighed, the situation was a bit complicated again. Even if it was not over, what should he do?

Mainly from a purely political point of view, now that Emperor Jiajing has woken up, Empress Fang is no longer supreme in the inner palace, and it is difficult to judge how much role she still plays in the operation of power.

Qin Dewei didn't know about Xia Shoufu's thoughts. He made an appearance at the Eastern Court Council and announced his return in public. He then continued to Renshou Palace to meet the emperor according to the established plan.

Zhang Yongshou suddenly realized that if it was Huang Jin who said it, the credibility would be very high.

Now that Qin Dewei is back, the issue of the resignation of three bachelors can be understood as their initiative to make room for Qin Dewei.

Or I can only say that where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Just now, when Emperor Jiajing was discussing a private topic with Qin Dewei, he withdrew and only left his closest eunuch Huang Jin to wait on him.

The next day, Mr. Yan Song invited Taoist priests from Lingji Palace to his home to pray for blessings.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Longhu Mountain is known as the main altar of Taoism and has been conferred by emperors in all dynasties. When the great master who was born in Longhu Mountain saw Tao Zhongwen becoming a national master, he felt very dissatisfied.

"Fate is mine!" Yan Song said to Zhang Yongshou: "The emperor is afraid that he has thoughts of dethroning the queen!

If we advise the emperor at this time, we should look for a Taoist monk who is proficient in dual cultivation to serve as the main palace. Wouldn't it be easier to impress the emperor?"

As one of the three major palaces in the capital, Lingji Palace is quite impressive. It is now headed by Zhang Yongshou, a master from the Zhengyi Sect in Longhushan, Jiangxi Province.

Yan Song did not talk about the matter directly, but first said with emotion: "Master Shao was considered a master of the generation, but it was a bit unfair.

"Change it to what?" Emperor Jiajing asked curiously.

So he asked again: "This is just a hasty idea. How to implement it, how to make suggestions, how to arrange the follow-up of the recommendation, and how to deal with Tao Zhongwen, I have to trouble the old immortal to think carefully."

He really didn't understand whether the emperor's question, "Is changing the queen considered a blessing?" was he deliberately testing him and asking only for himself; or did he really have the idea of ​​changing the queen and treat himself as an important official of the court to seek advice?

"I heard that there is a folk saying about celebrating happiness?" Emperor Jiajing seemed to ask casually.

Huang Jin was Emperor Jiajing's companion since he was a child. His relationship was very close, unlike others, so he could be asked more casually.

Qin Dewei looked at the sun and complained silently in his heart. It was not long before the imperial city was locked up. Could it be that the emperor wanted to keep him overnight?

The reason why Xia Shoufu was unwilling to report before was because he was afraid of problems such as "Xia Shoufu forced away three ministers after his return."

Only when a professional Taoist priest said this kind of thing could Emperor Jiajing believe it.

Zhang Yongshou was very surprised when he heard this. He had never had any friendship with Xia Yan, so he didn't know what Xia Yan wanted to do.

Emperor Jiajing said nonchalantly: "It's just a test of words." Then he ordered: "You can tell Qin Dewei like this to prevent him from thinking wildly."

For Emperor Jiajing, who was keen on changing the etiquette system, changing his name was really not a taboo or a big deal.

Zhang Yongshou frowned and fell into deep thought. How to advise Emperor Jiajing was a technical job and not that simple.

Zhang Yongshou also commented objectively: "This recommendation is too blunt, too deliberate, and lacks an opportunity."

I think Shao Guoshi was first born in Longhu Mountain in Jiangxi Province, and then he gained the trust of His Majesty and was promoted to the rank of Guoshi.

Although those in the know know exactly what is going on, politics always requires superficiality, so we should pay attention when we should.

Qin Dewei did not hesitate and replied directly: "I am thinking whether the name of Renshou Palace should be changed after His Majesty's wandering in the universe."

Emperor Jiajing's current situation does meet the condition of "protracted illness". Does the emperor want to hold a large-scale draft again?

Qin Dewei said frankly: "I and Madam Fang are from the same hometown, so we should avoid suspicion on this issue."

Sometimes, when parents are ill and unable to afford it, the marriage of their children can be regarded as a happy occasion. Anyway, Qin Zhongtang understands this.

Are you, Qin Dewei, stupid? How old is the prince? Who wants to marry the prince?

But before Shao Guoshi left, he ignored our immortal elders at Longhu Mountain and instead recommended an outsider, Tao Zhongwen, to take over, which makes me very unhappy."

Qin Dewei spent his whole life, expressing great excitement on his face, and said excitedly: "After suffering for a year and five months, I finally look forward to today, and I can answer my questions to His Majesty again!"

Thinking of this, Qin Zhongtang immediately replied: "Donggong is young, so it is too early to get married."

After Yan Song hesitated for a moment, he answered truthfully: "It's Huang Jin, the emperor's companion!"

After Qin Dewei withdrew, Huang Jin asked in shock: "Does your Majesty have such intention?"

Empress Fang is still working hard as half-regent and acting as imperial approver. She also saved the emperor's life during the palace coup. As a result, the emperor asked the ministers today if he could change the empress. Isn't it a bit too ruthless and ungrateful?

"What do you think?" Emperor Jiajing asked pressingly.

Yan Song then said: "Please give your Majesty some advice, try to introduce a female crown who is proficient in the dual cultivation method, and use secret methods to stimulate the flow of your Majesty's blood, which may be able to solve your Majesty's situation of being trapped in the shallows."

In fact, Qin Zhongtang doesn't know why the name Wanshou Palace is better than Renshou Palace. Anyway, this is how Emperor Jiajing changed it in history.

But when he thought of this, Xia Shoufu became even more angry.

Qin Dewei just couldn't understand why the emperor asked himself today. Is it because he and Empress Fang are from the same hometown?

If this is the case, he cannot protect the queen, otherwise it will probably arouse suspicion?

After thinking rapidly in his mind, Qin Dewei replied cautiously: "I don't dare to speak nonsense about the harem. I ask the Holy Heart to make my own decision!"

What he said just now was partly to shift the responsibility, and partly it was the truth.

You can't immediately agree to the emperor's draft, right? It's detrimental to his reputation. Qin Zhongtang doesn't want to lose face?

"Not the prince!" Emperor Jiajing did not give Qin Dewei a chance to pretend to be confused, and said straightforwardly: "Can it be a happy event to re-canonize a queen?"

After much thought, I realized that this matter could involve Tao Zhongwen, so I agreed to Xia Shoufu and asked you to help him."

Then he waited until the sun set in the west, and it was almost dusk, before the order came out and asked Qin Dewei to go in and pay homage.

However, today, Qin Zhongtang waited for a long time, and no decree came out from Renshou Palace. There was neither a decree to summon him nor a decree to say that he was missing.

However, after arriving at Yan's Mansion, all the religious affairs were carried out by his disciples and disciples, but Zhang Yongshou was invited to the study by Yan Song.

At this moment, Yan Song suddenly received an unsigned letter. After he opened it and read it, he suddenly smiled.

Emperor Jiajing: "."

Of course he knew that the best way to get married was to get married after a long illness, in order to wash away bad luck.

Zhang Yongshou was very familiar with Yan Song, so he didn't hide anything and sneered: "I think Tao Zhongwen is like a storyteller now, how can he have the demeanor of my teacher?"

Qin Dewei said eloquently: "The Renshou Palace can be renamed the Wanshou Palace!"

Emperor Jiajing said: "Can you really think like this?"

At this time, two months have passed since the three of them resigned, but with today's administrative efficiency and pace of life, it is normal for unimportant matters to be delayed for two months.

In the past, in order to seize power from Zhang Zuo and other older generations of the Prince Xing Palace from Eunuch Long, young Huang Jin formed a secret alliance with Eunuch Qin and developed steadily.

Especially after an incident, it is a common practice to change the name of a place to seek good luck. In the original history, even the names of the three main halls of the imperial palace were specially changed by Emperor Jiajing.

When a big shot like Mr. Yan Ge performed rituals, Lingji Palace could not neglect it. Zhang Yongshou personally came to Yan Mansion to preside over the rituals.

In addition, he did not expect that Huang Jin actually had such a relationship with Yan Song, and even informed Yan Song of confidential matters in the palace! If this was the case, the evaluation of Yan Song's power would have to be raised a level.

Qin Dewei quickly thanked him and then hurriedly ended today's court meeting.

Entering the main hall, there was still a screen blocking the view. Probably Emperor Jiajing still didn't want more people to see his embarrassment.

There was no need for Yan Song to hide anything, and he replied: "Tao Zhongwen's granddaughter Tao Xiuxuan is practicing in the Qin family temple."

"I got it." Yan Song didn't dare to contradict Xia Yan face to face, so he could only agree first and think of another way later.

It's not that Yan Song didn't know about this problem, but he was pushed by Xia Yan and had no choice but to force it to start.

The length of waiting time can often tell a person's status in the emperor's mind. Qin Dewei's average waiting time is relatively short.

If it’s the former, then this hurdle should be over; if it’s the latter, then it’s definitely not over yet!

Zhang Yongshou grabbed the key point and asked: "Who is the female crown you want to recommend? Where is she?"

This kind of thing must be done according to Qin Dewei's rhythm. Only after Qin Dewei returns does he dare to report it. It seems that his first assistant has lost face again.

Zhang Yongshou still did not agree directly. Instead, he stared at the letter in Yan Song's hand and asked tentatively: "Whose letter is this?"

After that, Xia Yan began to think that it was time to formally report to the emperor that Zhang Chao, Zhang Bi, and Zhang Bangqi had resigned as bachelors.

This Taoist scholar Zhang Yongshou could often enter the palace to worship and preach to the emperor. He also gained the trust of Emperor Jiajing, so he was sealed in Lingji Palace, one of the three major palaces.

Yan Song felt that the heat was almost over, so he spoke to Zhang Yongshou again: "Xia Shoufu wanted to ask the Taoist Priest to do something, but he was not familiar with the Taoist Priest, so he entrusted me with a message.

After identification, Qin Dewei was still the person who could think of the emperor in everything, so Emperor Jiajing decided to have a heart-to-heart talk with Qin Dewei.

Qin Dewei was stunned, a little confused for a moment, mainly because these words came too suddenly, without any warning.

In fact, it can’t be called a new position. He is very familiar with both the Military Aircraft Department and the Ministry of War!

Under the attention of a group of officers on duty, Qin Dewei came to the gate of Renshou Palace in Xiyuan, asked the eunuch to inform him, and then waited.

Seeing that Mr. Yan Ge was still stunned, Xia Shoufu pressed him and asked, "What? What worries do you have?"

Qin Dewei was stunned. He just thought that the emperor wanted to draft a talent show, but he didn't expect that the emperor actually wanted to change the queen? Your Majesty, do you really want to get married again?

Emperor Jiajing immediately felt that the name of his residence was very suitable for his liking, and he praised directly: "It's great! You are thoughtful!"

"What are your orders, Mr. Ge?" Zhang Daozhang was not stupid and asked directly.

Emperor Jiajing seemed very satisfied and ended the exchange between emperor and minister, "Step back! I entrust the Military Aircraft Department and the Ministry of War to you, so work hard!"

But more than ten years later, things have changed. The older generation of Conglong eunuchs have withdrawn from the stage of history. Eunuch Qin has become the largest eunuch in power. The alliance between Huang Jin and Eunuch Qin has lost its meaning.

The Chief of Ceremonies is in the hands of the Qin eunuchs, and the Eastern Factory is in the hands of the Qin eunuchs. Huang Jin, the emperor's companion, is only the eunuch in charge of the Qianqing Palace and the eunuch of the Royal Horse Supervisor. Is this appropriate?

According to the practice of the past dynasties, Huang Jin, the emperor's companion, can usually be the chief minister of rituals, and at least he should be the chief minister of rituals, eunuch Bingbi, and superintendent of the East Factory!

After Zhang Yongshou weighed it repeatedly, he nodded to Yan Song and said, "I understand, as the elder wishes!"

Yan Song quickly reminded again: "This is the intention of the chief minister, I am just the messenger!"

It’s time to finish, so think carefully~

(End of chapter)

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