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Chapter 96 Because of Love

Entering the utility room, Qin Dewei said directly to Liu Yue: "Let's go!"

Liu Yue's face changed again and again, and she said in a trembling voice: "Where are you going?"

Qin Dewei replied: "I don't know yet! Let's leave the Xu family first!"

Liu Yue's mood became very bad. She didn't even know where she was going or refused to tell her clearly. So what else could she do?

Just when she was thinking about what to do, she saw Qin Dewei find a piece of cloth, roll up the pen and ink given by Mr. Zeng, and carry it in his hand to go out.

"What are you doing?" Liu Yue didn't understand why Qin Dewei wanted to pack things. She couldn't help but ask.

Qin Dewei sighed: "There is no other way, even I have to leave the Xu family."

Liu Yue was very surprised. Not only was she leaving, but Qin Dewei was also leaving? She quickly added: "The Nu family said that night that the Qin family was not affiliated with the Xu family. It was just a reminder, not to sow discord...


"It has nothing to do with you!" Qin Dewei interrupted Liu Yue who was thinking too much: "Can you move now?"

Liu Yue got off the millstone and moved slowly: "Just walk slower."

"Why don't you stay a few more days to recuperate?" Qin Dewei felt that Liu Yue's health was still not good.

Liu Yue grabbed Qin Dewei's arm in horror and said, "If I let the slave family stay here alone, I'm afraid they will die!"

Is it necessary to use such excessive force in acting? Qin Dewei was speechless and could only lead Liu Yue out together.

When he reached the front door of Xu's house, Qin Dewei subconsciously stared at the concierge for a few times. When he saw that the concierge was silent, he continued to walk out.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Zeng was seen again at the stone lion outside the gate. It turned out that Mr. Zeng thought there might be a problem, so he followed over to pay attention to the situation.

Qin Dewei saluted and said, "Mr. Zeng! I have to leave the Xu family. I'm afraid I won't be able to hear Mr. Zeng's teachings from now on!"

Mr. Zeng was also surprised and didn't know what happened, but it seemed that it was a fait accompli that Qin Dewei was driven away.

"If you want to leave, what will happen to your mother?" Mr. Zeng couldn't help but ask the question he was most concerned about.

Speaking of his mother Zhou, Qin Dewei could only sigh and expressed his judgment: "I can confirm that it is impossible for Jia Ci to get out of Conductor Xu on his own. There must be someone better than Conductor Xu.

Much greater external force!”

Mr. Zeng had been studying hard in the Xu clan for several years, and had been waiting for personal happiness to come. Hearing Qin Dewei's analysis, he couldn't help but feel a little desperate.

With an external force much greater than that of Conductor Xu, it is not easy for a poor scholar hanging around in Nanjing City, unless he ascends to the Emperor's Hall at dusk.

So Mr. Zeng fell into self-doubt. If he continues to wait here, is there any hope?

Qin Dewei was about to leave the Xu family, so he couldn't help but asked frankly: "Mr. Zeng, what do you really like?"

Mr. Zeng replied with certainty: "If you marry a virtuous wife, someone like Sister Zhou must be an excellent helper at home, able to manage everything in order inside and outside."

Qin Dewei was speechless. He could only say that it was a matter of personal preference. Some of the complaints he secretly made about his mother in his heart might still be good in the eyes of people at the time.

"Take care, Mr. Zeng, see you later!" Qin Dewei bowed his hand and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Mr. Zeng called out to Qin Dewei, but did not continue speaking. He frowned in deep thought, not knowing what he was suddenly thinking about.

Qin Dewei waited for a moment, and then saw Mr. Zeng speak again: "I plan to resign from the Ethnology School and study at the Imperial Academy!"

Qin Dewei was surprised by this, but he did not dissuade him. After all, he knew that Mr. Zeng in history was not an ordinary person after all. How could he be a teacher in the Xu clan for a lifetime.

He didn't ask Mr. Zeng why. It was estimated that on the one hand it was because he was unwilling to seek fame and fame, and on the other hand it was because he was stimulated by his mother.

In the end, he just asked: "Mr. Zeng, have you considered it?"

Mr. Zeng made great determination and said: "Next year is the year of the provincial examination. I will prepare for the examination seriously, avoid foreign things, and go all out!"

This determination is really not a small one, and preparation for the exam also comes at a cost. The provincial exam is in August next year, which is still one year and four months away, and it will be one year and four months to be completely out of work. It is really a huge burden for the poor.

But Qin Dewei was not too worried about Mr. Zeng. He knew that Mr. Zeng had some savings, and he had asked if he could help his mother redeem his life. The money was enough for Mr. Zeng to live for a year and a half.

"After I resigned from the library, I went back to Yangzhou to study behind closed doors." Mr. Zeng added.

Speaking of this, Qin Dewei gave some advice: "Mr. Zeng should prepare for the exam in Nanjing. There is no need to go back to Yangzhou. After all, Nanjing is a gathering place from all over the world. It is the place where the provincial examination venue is located. It is well-informed in all aspects and has many colleagues. There is a lot of time for discussion and discussion."


Mr. Zeng shook his head: "I don't have any money anymore, and I can't live in Nanjing. It's better to go back to Yangzhou, where I can still have relatives and friends to support me."

Qin Dewei asked in surprise: "Didn't Mr. Zeng just say a few days ago that he had saved some money? How come he has no money?"

Mr. Zeng said helplessly: "Just a few days ago, a fellow villager I knew wanted to sell a house. Although the size was small, the price was very favorable. I thought I could keep it as a backup, so I bought it. Who could have bought it at that time?

Think about the changes today?"

What is the spare used for? Qin Dewei didn't want to ask, what else could an older male want to do when buying a house? He just felt sorry for Mr. Zeng.

In the colorful world of Nanjing, the scholars who come to live from other places are not said to be moonlighters, but due to the trend, they are almost all squanderers.

Think about the frequent visits to Shilin and the romantic indulgence in Qinlou and Chuguan. Which of them does not cost money? You can't just go back and forth like Qin Dewei in vain, right?

In this extravagant atmosphere and admiration for the golden powder of the Six Dynasties, Mr. Zeng actually did not be confused by external objects, and concentrated on saving money and bought an affordable house... It must be said that Mr. Zeng is indeed a


Thinking of this, Qin Dewei couldn't help but stand in awe, this is a true gentleman. What a good and affordable man, but it's a pity that his mother doesn't like him, forcing him to try to get lucky and take the examination.

Thinking of this, Qin Dewei was confused again. Should he hope that Mr. Zeng would rise to great heights and become a hero in eighteen years, or would he want to live his life in peace?

Mr. Zeng suddenly thought of a question: "Speaking of which, if I am not in Nanjing, I would ask you to take care of this house."

Qin Dewei, who was interested in starting his own business, was very moved by this proposal, but he declined politely: "Isn't this bad? How can I dare to accept material benefits from you, Mr. Zeng?"

In a recent lawsuit, I accused a former social studies classmate whose name I forgot of of "selling his mother for his son." I must be wary of this reputation for taking advantage.

Mr. Zeng was speechless. You, a little kid, have a lot of worries. "Then I'd better find someone else."

"Wait!" Qin Dewei quickly shouted: "If Mr. Zeng really thinks that I am the most suitable, there is no way to work around it! You can rent this house to me at the market price and wait until I return to Nanjing in a year.

I want rent!”

Mr. Zeng didn’t know whether to laugh or cry: “Do I need to write a rental document?”

Qin Dewei nodded: "Yes! Everything is according to the rules!"

This chapter has been completed!
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